Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1201 I am a car repairman with strong car repair skills

Zhu Suosuo said: "I heard from Nansun about this. They had a chat when she sent her aunt abroad."

"It's pretty nasty to have a data and feedback system that allows owners to monitor the quality of work done on the property. But it's very attractive from the occupiers' point of view."

Greening, space, parking spaces, and housing quality, when these aspects cannot make a leap forward, the service quality of property management has become the selling point of residential communities. In recent years, there has been a saying that buying a house is buying a property. In the housing market with frequent contradictions, establishing a comprehensive management and control system to restrict properties will undoubtedly enhance the sense of security of owners, thereby attracting the attention and trust of home buyers.

The existence of this system will also become an eye-catching brand feature, which is more impressive than the greening, emotional library, and complete supporting facilities. As long as the advertisement is hit, it will form in the minds of the audience. pointing effect.

"I said earlier that Ye Jinyan is just an old fox. Don't look at him turning his face all day long, with a very serious and upright look, but his subordinates are actually undercover. In fact, even if there is no gossip, a discerning person will know this at a glance. The idea is Xie's, not Jingyan's."

Zhu Suosuo nodded, deeply agreeing with this. Yang Ke said that Ye Jinyan likes to play with feelings and some things that look tall, such as self-irrigating green spaces, community libraries, and thermal insulation exterior walls. Zhang Anren's idea of ​​the home furnishing plan, that person thinks from science and technology to improve human comfort experience, humanization, not just a face project.

"Do you know that Zhang Anren has a little assistant beside him?"

Yang Ke said: "That tall girl with a good figure?"

"It seems that you have a deep impression on her."

"Of course, beauty, which man doesn't want to look at her twice."

"I heard that the girl's name is 'Nanfang', and she is Fan Jingang's niece."

"Fan Jingang's niece? No way, how could he have such a beautiful niece?" Yang Ke thought for a while: "A commercial spy?"

Zhu Suosuo said, "That's right."

"Okay, all the beauty tricks have been used, and Ye Jinyan is really a guy with no bottom line."

"You are no worse than him. You poached Teacher Pan, Tang Xin, and Li Ang."

"And you." Having said this, Yang Ke's face changed: "You are also the undercover agent Ye Jinyan sent to me, right?"

"What undercover? Who is undercover?"

A voice from the door interrupted the conversation between the two. Zhu Suosuo turned his face to see that Pan Lingling and Tang Xin walked in, followed by a man in a white casual suit.

"Teacher Pan, Mr. Tang."

Greeting with a smile, she looked at Li Yifan again: "President Li, why are you here?"

She is Jiang Nansun's best friend, and Li Yifan is Jiang Nansun's boyfriend. Of course, the two are no strangers.

Yang Ke met him at Zhu Xie's wedding and chatted for a while. Knowing that he is not only Tang Xin's ex-husband, but also the president of a financial company, he quickly got up from his chair and walked over to shake hands: "President Li Hello, Yang Ke."

"Hello, Mr. Yang." Li Yifan responded politely.

Yang Ke looked at Zhu Suosuo and said, "Your guest is here, hurry up and prepare tea."

She turned her head, gave him a hard look, and was about to go outside.

"Don't be so troublesome." Li Yifan stopped her: "Yesterday Tang Xin told me that Mr. Yang encountered some difficulties in his business, and that the capital chain of the Qingpu No. 18 plot project was at risk of breaking."

Yang Kexin said that Tang Xin really didn't lie to him, this Li Yifan spoke very directly, but he liked this kind of person very much.

"That's right, you should have heard that Dadi Hengxin is having a hard time recently. It just so happens that Qingpu No. 18 is a project jointly developed by us. Currently, the construction party is making an advance payment. If new investment cannot be introduced within a month, There is a very real risk of a shutdown."

The word "suspended work" is very easy to say, but for his company, once it breaches the contract, it is not enough to fill in his and Pan Lingling's net worth. At that time, the only way to go is bankruptcy. That's why seeing Tang Xin invite his ex-husband who is the CEO of a financial company, he was very respectful and attentive.

The man opposite is his God of Wealth.

Li Yifan said: "Actually, Tang Xin told me all about your company's difficulties, and asked me if I could help you through the difficulties. I thought about it last night. If I set up a private equity fund based on the Qingpu No. 18 land project, it should Someone would be interested."

"Mr. Li, is this plan... really feasible?" Yang Ke glanced at Pan Lingling, and his girlfriend gave him a slight nod.

Li Yifan said: "There is no problem with this. Our company has quite a lot of successful experience in dealing with this kind of thing. You can go to the Internet and regulatory authorities to find out about this."

"In that case, thank you very much."

"No thanks, I will charge a management fee during this."

"It should be, it should be."

Yang Ke is very happy. He knows the scale of Li Yifan's company, and its customers are rich people from all over the country. As long as he agrees to help, the matter of alleviating the financial pressure will be half done. It will be settled before the completion of the building: "Mr. Li, let's have a meal together at noon."

"Okay." Li Yifan was not polite to him: "It happens that there are still some details that need to be discussed."


that night.

The back seat of Tang Xin's Mercedes-Benz E series.

Lin Yue handed over a document bag: "Give it to Li Yifan, he knows what to do."

Tang Xin took the document bag, threw it on the co-pilot without even looking at it, put both arms around his neck, and swung over, "See what excuses you have to run away today."

"I made an appointment with Yuan Yuan to have a video chat at ten o'clock in the evening." He pointed to the Breguet watch on his wrist: "You have half an hour."

Tang Xin protested, "No, half an hour is not enough."

"Half an hour isn't enough?"

"Don't you men often say that women at thirty are like wolves and forty tigers?"

Lin Yue laughed dumbfounded: "I now know why you divorced Li Yifan."

Five minutes later, in the shadow of the building, the Mercedes heaved and heaved.

At the same time, in the two rooms and one hall that Zhu Suosuo rented.

Jiang Nansun was putting the washed peaches into the fruit plate. Behind her was Zhu Suosuo who had just returned from overtime and finished eating a bucket of old altar sauerkraut beef noodles.

"You and Xie that the end?"

"Then what else?" Zhu Suosuo turned around holding a tissue, with a relaxed expression as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"It was he who stopped the wedding and the breakup. I said 'yes'. Isn't this just what he wants?"

Jiang Nansun shook her head when she heard the words. She always felt that things should not be like this. Xie Hongzu had done so much for Zhu Suosuo. It should not be said to be scattered.

Xu Shi guessed what he was thinking, Zhu Suosuo said: "Aren't you the same as Wang Yongzheng?"

"It's different..." Jiang Nansun glanced out the window, the wind was blowing the green trees rustling, and it looked like a summer rain was about to come.

Zhu Suosuo walked up to her, picked up a peach and gnawed it, then wrapped his arms around her neck, and put his two faces together: "You should think this way, if I marry someone, how lonely you will be living alone."

"And my mother."

"By the way, where's Auntie?"

"She went to Jing'an Temple to pay respects to the Buddha in the afternoon. She walked a lot and was tired. She went to bed early."

"Oh, that's it."

"Suosuo, I want to find a job." Jiang Nansun said something that surprised her.

"Nan Sun, are you sure you want to do this?"

On behalf of Xie Jiayin, Zhang Anren disturbed Zhu Suosuo and Xie Hongzu's wedding. Afterwards, the heroine was just like a normal person. She should eat, drink and be angry with Ye Jinyan, but it was Jiang Nansun who entangled Wang Yongzheng and was exposed and imprisoned The matter of serving the sentence was a big blow to the whole person, and I adjusted at home for almost a month.

"It's been two or three months since I was released from prison, and I've been staying at home. It's not an option to continue like this, and I feel sorry for letting you pay the rent alone."

"Nan Sun, do we still share this?" Zhu Suosuo shook her shoulder and said, "Even if you don't do anything for the rest of your life, I will support you."

Jiang Nansun patted her arm: "I know, but I really can't go on like this."

She lied again, just like when she said about her mother going to Jing'an Temple, the reason why her mother went to bed early was the same reason as she was in a hurry to work.

Her father's friends got the news of her release from prison somehow, and they came to ask for an account this afternoon.

Last year, she issued IOUs to those people and promised to pay back the money as soon as possible. Later, because of blackmailing Da Luo, these people naturally couldn't go to prison to collect debts. It was useless, so they could only wait patiently. Now that she is out of prison, of course she has to continue to pay off her debts.

Daisy became Zhang Anren's tool wife because of her affairs, and now she resigned from Jingyan Group and returned to Italy with disappointment and a large debt. The wealthy family plan to abort, yes, Yang Ke's salary is not low, but now the company has encountered difficulties in funding, and has to pay rent and daily expenses, and it is impossible to use the spare money to help her repay the loan. As for Li Yifan, she doesn’t want to borrow it unless she has to. Once Zhang Anren jumps out at this time, laughing at her and Wang Yongzheng’s constant talk of being independent when they were in a relationship, saying that her boyfriend has no obligation to help pay back the money, Li Yifan’s face is another face What should I do? What's more, the amount is not too much, and she doesn't want to affect her relationship with Li Yifan, so she has to rely on herself in the end.

Zhu Suosuo didn't know this, and simply thought that she had stayed at home enough: "Then, have you decided where to go to work?"

"Thought it out."

Jiang Nansun reported a name that surprised her.

Thank you for the 3000 starting coins rewarded by Moldy Star, the 1500 starting coins rewarded by Garfield Faner, the 500 starting coins rewarded by Zhang Jian and the book friends with the tail number 8154, and the 700 starting coins rewarded by the book friends with the tail number 3539. Qing He Bo Ming, a book friend with the tail number 6552 rewarded 100 starting coins.

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