Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1205 End of Book - I just accept your words (Part 2)

Well, Ye Jinyan just said to ask the security guard to "please", at least in a literal sense, it is still polite, but Zhang Anren is good, he just pointed at Ye Jinyan's nose and scolded the beast. People's shareholders have seen his arrogance.

"I don't understand, do you?" Lin Yue ignored the small shareholders, didn't care how ugly Ye Jinyan and his iron man looked, and stretched out his two hands to clap.

slap~ slap~ slap~

With loud applause, Nanfang walked in from the outside and put a few folders in his hand in front of Ye Jinyan.

Lin Yue nodded at her, and looked back: "Mr. Ye, how is my female secretary? Who is more beautiful than your Zhu Suosuo?"

Those small shareholders didn't understand why the board of directors all looked complicated, or rather speechless. They more or less knew a little bit of the inside story, and couldn't figure out why the two people who were supposed to be enemies were acting like lovers and concubines?

Ye Jinyan didn't reply, his attention was all on the document in front of him.

"I am here to formally inform you that several shareholders of 'Haiwei' have decided to pay compensation for their shares and shares of Jingyan Group because they still haven't paid the money they owe me, so you signed the agreement with them to act in concert." The agreement has been automatically invalidated due to the change of the subject. In other words, I now hold about 4.6% of the group's shares. Am I not eligible to participate in the shareholders' meeting? Oh, yes, there is still a A proxy voting agreement for H-share retail investors and institutions, combined with the shares in my hand, accounts for about 17.8%.”

These words were addressed to Ye Jinyan, but Lin Yue's eyes swept around the conference table. Everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay. The 4.6% shareholding was enough to sit in the middle of the conference room instead of standing aside. There is also a proxy form for H-share retail investors. How did this guy do it? It can actually concentrate the voting rights of retail investors and institutions in its own hands.

If Ye Jinyan's face was dark just now, it can be described as "faceless".

How did he acquire "Haiwei"? It is not simply a cash acquisition, but a mixed model of shares and cash. One of the shares includes 49% of the shares of the company he controls and 4.6% of the shares of Jingyan Group. This is recognized by the shareholders of "Haiwei". He is also happy to see the success of the acquisition method. In this way, he not only controls "Haiwei", but also chains those people to Jingyan's train, and advances and retreats with him, sharing wealth and wealth. Once the cooperation goes well later, Perhaps it is also possible to take advantage of compliant and legal related party transactions to issue shares to Jingyan as the main body to acquire companies controlled by him, indirectly increasing his shareholding ratio in the group.

It's a pity that his wishful thinking was not right, and Zhang Anren was hit head-on, bleeding profusely.

The shareholder of "Haiwei", his concerted action actually took the stock in his hand to pay off the debt...

Is there such a coincidence in the world? Maybe there was, but he didn't believe it. If not a coincidence, then what is it called? Oolong?

He wanted to make Xie Jiayin one, but it turned out that the other party dug a hole for him to jump into.

To put it simply, he suspected that Zhang Anren and Xie Jiayin's so-called commercial information obtained by the South was intentional, and then played a bitter trick in front of him, breaking his veto power through "Haiwei", and finally today A fatal blow was given at the shareholders meeting.

The members of the board of directors who knew the inside story of the incident looked at each other in blank dismay. For that guy named Zhang Anren, in addition to the 10,000 grass mud horses in his heart, he also had deep fears. This guy is really too insidious.

Ye Jinyan said coldly: "If I'm not wrong, the Xie Group's pursuit of the Taopu land is just a smoke bomb."

"That's right." Lin Yue said, "To deal with an old fox like you, isn't it too unskillful to throw a piece of fat on the ground? How about a chicken that has been raised for a long time?"

Ye Jinyan desperately suppressed the anger in his heart: "What do you want to do?"

"It's very simple. Picking peaches requires eloquence." Lin Yue said with a smile, "Are you very happy to get the Taopu land? I thank you for this matter, Mr. Ye."

Is it just that? No, everyone wants to know that once Ye Jinyan is finished, the Jingyan Group is likely to marry the Xie Group in business in the future. In this way, the Xie Group will have the reputation, qualifications and experience needed to operate real estate. Do you want to help Mr. Zhang put forward the residential Internet of Things --- the business strategy of integrated smart furniture?

Ye Jinyan was busy for a long time, but in the end he made wedding dresses for Zhang Anren and Xie Jiayin. This is really a sad story.

"Are you behind Yang Ke's company?"

"How is it possible? How can a person like me who abides by the law and is willing to defend justice and conscience engage in illegal activities?" Lin Yue narrowed his eyes slightly and smiled like a poisonous snake.

He didn't admit that he had done something, but everyone in the room could hear the gloating inside and outside the words.

Isn't he playing tricks behind his back? No wonder!

Ye Jinyan can't beat him even with tricks, let alone Yang Ke.

"Yes, I admit that I underestimated you, but Zhang Anren, do you think you can bring me down like this?"

One sentence ignited the passion of shareholders big and small. Could it be that Ye Jinyan still has a trump card yet to come out?

Lin Yue rummaged through his pockets and took out a cassette tape: "Ye Jinyan, are you referring to instigating Fan Jingang to mobilize his relatives and friends to illegally increase their holdings of the company's stock? Jingyan's acquisition of the Taopu land is considered good news." However, before the grudge with the Xie Group led to the stagnation of the IPO process in the Mainland, it was bad news. When the unit price of H shares fell by more than 15%, and someone sold a large amount of money, before the company disclosed the news, it encouraged relatives and friends to buy stocks and increase their own equity. You can make a profit at the same time, I don’t think you don’t know that this kind of behavior is insider trading. Of course, this kind of thing happens every day, and it’s a very small probability of being caught, but congratulations, you won the big prize Also, you don’t know yet, there is a problem with the accounts of ‘Haiwei’, you said why you were so careless and didn’t audit for a while, in order to attack Xie, you compressed the acquisition that should have been completed in a month into a week I'm curious, it cost a lot of money to buy 'Hiwei', and it also cost a lot of money to illegally increase the holdings of the group's shares, and was fined a large sum of money for the crime of insider trading, and faced debt recovery and prison. In this case, can your personal assets still be HOLD?"

He paused, and said to faces full of shock: "If you want to hire a professional in debt settlement, I can recommend someone for you. If you don't have a lawyer, you can tell me. Don't worry. Definitely more reliable than that tax evasion lawyer who meddled in Daisy's debt dispute."

Ye Jinyan opened his mouth, but no words came out.

At this time, two policemen opened the door and walked in. The two bars and two flowers in front said, "Who is Ye Jinyan?"

Shareholders present answered his question with their eyes.

"Mr. Ye, the Municipal Bureau has received an investigation assistance notice from the HK police, saying that you are suspected of commercial crimes. Please follow us to the Municipal Bureau for interrogation."

People knew that Ye Jin had finished speaking, and he himself was well aware of this. In this war, he was wronged, and he was not wronged.

The injustice is because this Zhang Anren is completely beyond his cognition, who would have thought that a 30-year-old newcomer who has only been out of school for two years would have such means. The injustice is also because of Zhang Anren's methods, who can force him, who has been in the business world for many years, to slide step by step into the abyss of crime and fall from the top of the pyramid. What else can he say? He has nothing to say.

Ye Jinyan didn't speak, just took a deep look at him, followed the two policemen and left the meeting room, just in time to meet Fan Jingang and Zhu Suosuo as soon as he went out.

The former was anxious to move up, but was frightened by the two bars and two flowers staring at the leader, he hesitated and couldn't speak, while the latter looked at him for a moment, with puzzlement and shock on his face, Maybe it was because the same thing happened not long ago, and it happened again today, or maybe it was because he couldn't cope with this situation at all.

"Boss Ye..."

After a few breaths, she wanted to catch up and ask what was going on, but Fan Jingang stopped her.

At the same time, Lin Yue's voice came from the conference room.

"Now that things have happened, I think everyone should have no objection to Director Han's proposal to dismiss the chairman of Ye Jinyan Group."

Of course there is no opinion, who dares to have an opinion?

Not to mention Han Jinsheng, Li Dajian and others wearing a pair of trousers with him, but just talking about what Ye Jinyan questioned him just now. Yang Ke on the left went in because he offended him, and Ye Jinyan on the right. Look, this situation is more ominous, HK police Sending a letter to the mainland police to jointly handle the case, one can imagine how complicated the matter is. Ye Jinyan said that his former friends would not have the courage to do activities.

"No comment, since there is no comment, let's move on to the next topic."

Originally presiding over the shareholder meeting was the responsibility of Ye Jinyan and the secretary of the board of directors, but now he is taking over and directly replacing him, but no one dares to object, because everyone knows what will happen if he offends Zhang Anren. This kid looks young and takes revenge. Come on... that's called a ruthless person.

Yes, they were afraid that one day they would get him in too.

"Ye Jinyan was investigated, but the group cannot live without a chairman. Someone must be in charge of affairs, right? Director Han, Director Li, do you think so?"

"That's right." Now that there is no need to be modest and polite, Han Jinsheng said: "I propose that Zhang Anren join the board of directors and act as the chairman of the group temporarily."

We all know that he will say that, but there will still be some discussions, but the intensity is very small.

Li Dajian's gaze swept across everyone's faces: "Miss Fan, let's start voting."

The secretary of the board of directors, Fan Changmei, is also a snobbish eye. Seeing that Ye Jinyan's situation is not good, she immediately changed her face and called on shareholders to vote.

There is no need for complicated vote-counting procedures, and it can be done with a raise of your hand. Seriously speaking, it is not all because of fear. For Han Jinsheng, Li Dajian and many small shareholders who have little influence on the company, the A-share listing has unparalleled benefits for them. Attraction, as the old saying goes, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. Those who don't want to make quick money are fools.

Seeing what happened inside, Zhu Suosuo couldn't suppress the anger in his heart at all. He rushed into the conference room with a stride, picked up a chair and threw it at Lin Yue.

She learned how to behave. She didn't slap her face this time and chose to throw things away.

Of course, it didn't help, the chair fell on the conference table, smashed the projection equipment and a laptop, and Lin Yue was fine over there.

As if Zhu Suosuo had predicted that Zhu Suosuo would go berserk, Nanfang brought the security guards up in time and pinned him to the ground.

Lin Yue dialed 110 without hesitation, suing Zhu Suosuo for making a fuss at the Jingyan Group shareholders meeting and damaging the finances.

Fan Jingang angrily reprimanded Nanfang for helping the evildoers, but Lin Yue took advantage of the issue and dismissed him on the grounds that he took Zhu Suosuo upstairs without authorization and was suspected of helping Ye Jinyan in insider trading.

Fifteen minutes later, the police from the police station took Zhu Suosuo away, and another 15 minutes later, Fan Jingang cursed and left Jingyan Group, which he had served for more than ten years, carrying his personal belongings.

The next day, the real estate industry in Shanghai was shaken. Ye Jinyan was defeated in the shareholders meeting. The news that Ye Jinyan was taken away by the police on the grounds of being involved in insider trading spread like wildfire. Zhang Anren, vice president of the group, became the acting chairman and chief executive officer of Jingyan Group's board of directors.

This time, everyone who paid attention to the struggle between Jingyan and the Xie family ate a big melon. Zhang Anren, who had been out of sight for more than a month, turned from Xie Jiayin's abandoned son into Jingyan's master, which completely surprised everyone. expected. Some bright-minded people suddenly realized that the pressure of public opinion caused by the exposure of the DY agreement, and the jealousy of Zhang Nan's fall from favor, were all tricks used to fool people. Ye Jinyan thought he had won, but what? What is the end result? Not only did he drive the car into a ditch, but he plunged into the water and drowned himself.

This is a match for young and old, it's too bad, the kind that is so bad that it is bubbling.

Of course, a shopping mall is like a battlefield. Since it is a battlefield, it is important to respond to the opportunity, and the soldiers are not tired of cheating.

Although outsiders have no way of knowing the details of the game, but analyzing the current situation, it must be very tortuous and bizarre.

Compared with the fact that Zhang Anren became the chairman of Jingyan, Fan Jingang, the secretary of the president, lost his job, which can be described as "not worth it". On the third day after returning home, the police came to ask Ye Jinyan about the details of insider trading. He took the opportunity to inquire about the situation, but he didn't get any valuable information, but judging from the other party's attitude, the situation was not optimistic.

In addition to this, there is another troublesome thing, that is, Zhu Suosuo made a big fuss about Jingyan's reckless behavior of the board of directors. Zhang Anren refused to forgive and asked the people at the police station to deal with it strictly. Fifteen days of detention and compensation for damages.

Because it involved Ye Jinyan's insider trading case, Fan Jingang could no longer take care of his best friend named Zhu. Jiang Nansun could only do things like inquire about news and send daily necessities to stuff money.

The rich man around Zhu Suosuo, Xie Hongzu and her mother severed the mother-child relationship, and the rich second-generation friends who used to play well in the past have drawn a clear line with him one after another, only Xiaohe is still helping him. Yang Ke went in. According to the lawyer, the existing evidence shows that Yang Ke did have illegal matters in the process of raising funds for the company. It is the best result to make a crime of illegally absorbing public deposits. What about Ye Jinyan? The end was even worse, not only facing the disaster of imprisonment, but Jingyan Group, which has been operating hard for more than ten years, has also become someone else's enterprise.

Jiang Nansun's life is also difficult, because the creditors are pressing every step of the way, which makes her and her mother exhausted, and because Li Yifan disappeared.

PS: Although everyone hopes that the old man will get better, but after all, he is old... Alas! My grandma passed away, and I may have to ask for two days of bereavement leave. I hope everyone can understand.

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by the alternative teenagers, the 500 starting coins rewarded by the thirteen elders, the 200 starting coins rewarded by Adaibao, the constellations in the sky, Shengnan Kaiyi, Bibibibabu, there are no dark incidents. A reward of 100 starting coins.

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