Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1221 I'm Really the One Who Stands at the Top of the Chain of Contempt

Isn't this guy going to learn French? How did you become an English major? Buck teeth wrong?

Cheng Dongqing scratched her scalp, looked at this, looked at that, feeling like her brain was not enough.

"Cheng Dongqing? Lin Yue? Are you here?" The person at the door asked again.

Lin Yue raised his hand: "Here we come."

Baoya glanced at him at the door, and ticked two ticks on the letterhead: "I'll go to the dormitory teacher to register in a while."

"Okay, we'll go after we've packed the beds."

After getting an affirmative answer, Senior Brother Baoya nodded and turned to go to the next dormitory.

Cheng Dongqing wiped the sweat from her palms on the canvas bag: "Didn't you say you came to learn French?"

"That's right." Lin Yue said, "I'm here to learn French."

"Then just now... how did he say that you are an English major?"

"It's not contradictory." Lin Yue said with a serious face: "What's wrong with the English major? Who stipulates that English majors can only learn English, and I go to the French teacher's class, and he can't drive me out, yes Bar."

"But..." He made a lot of sense, but Cheng Dongqing couldn't understand this kind of operation at all, or it could be said that the students of this age are so simple that they think that if they apply for a major, they have to devote all their attention to this major .

"That is crazy!" At the critical moment, Wang Yang didn't forget to say something in English.

Meng Xiaojun could see that this kid never told the truth from beginning to end, he was just lying about his family education and his major in French.

"Cheng Dongqing, he's entertaining you."

"No way..."

Cheng Dongqing looked at Lin Yue with very serious, earnest, and sincere eyes. It was hard to imagine that his eyes could be filled with 30% emotion.

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "Relax, this is a university, where you put knowledge in your mind, not a place to draw a circle and put yourself in it."

Cheng Dongqing couldn't understand, neither could Meng Xiaojun, but Wang Yang could understand.

"That is funny! You are more interesting than I thought."

Generally speaking, students from small places will give people a feeling of intimidation or stubbornness when speaking and doing things. Most of them come from the lack of self-confidence brought about by their humble background. Stocks are flattering, without the freedom and confidence of students in big cities.

But the student in woolen blue trousers on the opposite side is completely different from the ordinary rural students. When talking to him, he will get involved if he is a little careless.

Meng Xiaojun frowned. He was the one who instilled ideas and enthusiasm in others since he was a child. When was it a countryman's turn to brainwash him.

"Student Lin, since everyone is an English major, why don't you come to my reading club, and we can exchange and study in our spare time and make progress together."

Lin Yue is very aware of Meng Xiaojun's small thoughts. In the movie, Cheng Dongqing suffered a lot at the reading club. It was also there that Cheng Dongqing was ignited by Meng Xiaojun's enthusiasm, and became his loyal fan, and then had the idea in the second half of the movie. Conflict and emotional confrontation, at least during the period from 1980 to 1999, Cheng Dongqing was humble when facing Meng Xiaojun... No, it may be more rigorous to use the word "weak" to describe it.

Lin Yue didn't know how to evaluate Cheng Dongqing's admiration for Meng Xiaojun. It was up to them to define whether it was good or bad. After all, people were different, but from his standpoint, it was impossible to accept the influence of Meng Xiaojun's thoughts. .

Before he understood the intention of the system, he wanted to act in a low-key manner, but it was a pity that the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind continued, and Meng Xiaojun actually turned his idea on him.

Of course, there is not much malice in this product. This is done out of a psychology similar to the contempt of gamers in later generations. Console players look down on PC players, and PC players look down on mobile players. StarCraft players will ask Warcraft players if you know what APM200 is. Well, when playing DOTA and seeing the icon of LOL, there will always be a word in my heart-plagiarism dog, and web games like Dragon Slaying Sword, 999 level for one knife, are basically at the bottom of the ecology.

If he doesn't take the initiative, it doesn't mean that he is willing to be passive. Since Meng Xiaojun wants to use his insights to crush him, what else is there to say? Just do it.

"Okay." Lin Yue said with a smile: "I like meeting new friends."


A week later, the school has officially started.

After the afternoon classes, those who had eaten their lunch flocked to the dormitories first, and then the hot water supply.

Autumn is here, and the temperature will drop below 20 degrees in the morning and evening. At this time, the importance of hot water is reflected.

Of course, this importance is more for girls and less for boys, but the actual situation is that the ratio of men and women at the hot water supply place is very harmonious. The explanation for this phenomenon, in Wang Yang's words, is that hot water attracts Girls, and girls attract boys.

"Cheng Dongqing, where do you most want to go?"

Cheng Dongqing said without any hesitation, "Tiananmen."

"Tiananmen?" As a Yanjing native, Wang Yang couldn't understand Cheng Dongqing's thoughts at all.

Meng Xiaojun, dressed as an intellectual, pointed to the foreign language students gathered at the hot water supply point and said, "Cheng Dongqing, let me tell you, it seems to you that nine out of ten people who get hot water here want to go to the United States."

Several female students looked sideways when they heard this, and whispered about this handsome and talented student from the foreign language department.

Gaozhi’s family background, fair looks, unique insights, enthusiasm and self-confidence... No matter from which angle you look at it, Meng Xiaojun is synonymous with "excellence".

Lin Yue was right in front of Cheng Dongqing, he didn't say anything, and he didn't bother to say anything.

It is easy to go to the United States in 20 or 30 years. Many families will find ways to send their children there. Although many people still want to work and live on the other side of the ocean, they are no longer the same as in the early 1980s when they regarded the United States as their lifelong destination. Pursue.

For future generations, Meng Xiaojun's ideals are indeed naive and somewhat ridiculous, but he is very clear that this is not a simple "worship of foreigners" but a problem of the times. In 2010, China and the United States had just established diplomatic relations, and many new things gave young people a material and spiritual impact. As the most powerful country in the world, the United States will inevitably become the target pursued by the public.

This is like the growth of a person. You must first learn and accumulate enough knowledge to have a clear positioning of yourself, and then learn to think, and then make changes to make yourself better, more progressive, and more perfect.

Now these students yearn for the United States, just like they are in the learning stage, just like the code of conduct for elementary school students recited in childhood, which says to respect the old and love the young, and stand in the position of children. No one knows why they do this, but outside information tells We are right to do so.

"America..." Cheng Dongqing pushed his glasses, which were as stupid as he was, and his face became brighter. Meng Xiaojun's words opened a door to a new world for him.

As a farmer in the valley, if he can go to the capital for a lifetime and take a group photo in front of Tiananmen Square, that is enough to show off in ten miles and eight villages. When he was admitted to Yenching University, he was only one step away from his childhood aspirations. Now, Meng Xiaojun has given him a new goal, one can imagine how it will affect Cheng Dongqing.

What Cheng Dongqing didn't know was that in the eyes of Meng Xiaojun and others, he was very outdated and uncouth, but in fact, it was not the case for these people in Lin Yue's eyes.

"Hey, by the way, Lin Yue, where do you most want to go?"

Wang Yang knew that Lin Yue had heard their conversation, and he noticed that the person had a calm expression on both "Tiananmen" and "America". This made him very curious, wondering how that person would answer this question.

Where do you most want to go?


He has visited the White House.


Spent more than two months on the International Space Station.

Go to the ground?

Yes, I have never been to the Mariana Trench, but I have taken a lot of sightseeing submarines.

He was stumped by the easy-to-answer questions of the students around him. After thinking about it, he took a long time to hold back an answer that didn't look like an answer.

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 2236 for the 500 starting coins, Liu Zhe, speechless, I am Huhe looking for Dangwu, Wei Xiansen, and Fu News for the 100 starting coins.

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