Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1225 The cook who doesn't want to be a translator is not a good pianist

His hands pressed down on the keys.

Wang Yang's expression changed: "Liangqin will kill you."

I pressed it a few times just now, and Liangqin looked unhappy, but now it's classmate Lin who just made Meng Xiaojun look bad, it's no wonder she doesn't go berserk.

His warning didn't have any effect, Lin Yue pressed it without hesitation.

ding ding ding~dong~

ding ding ~ dong ~

The piano is a bit old, and the sound of the piano is slightly muddy, but this does not change the fact that the melody is beautiful.

Everyone's attention was attracted by Lin Yue, including Meng Xiaojun who was standing on a chair and yelling at Fang Qiu. He suddenly became dumb, looking like a drake whose throat was suddenly pinched by someone, embarrassed and shocked.

Liangqin hated others touching her piano, her expression changed drastically when she heard the sound of the piano, she was about to stand up and scold, her eyes passed over Cheng Dongqing, who was carrying a thermos pot and was about to pour water for Xiaopang, and fell on the side face of the person behind the piano, looking Watching those hands playing on the black and white keys sometimes soothingly and sometimes vigorously, I forgot the dissatisfaction in my heart and became infatuated for a moment.

It was late autumn outside the window, the cold wind was blowing, and the fallen leaves were flying, but the soft light of the setting sun pierced the window lattice and spread on the piano stand, and there was a kind of harmony and sweetness with the musical notes at this moment that could not be described in words or words.

Wang Yang, who was sitting on the same stool with Lin Yue, was completely stupid. Now he finally understood Meng Xiaojun's displeasure, dissatisfaction and confusion. Indeed, this guy is too suspicious. A student from the countryside, who is so good at English Well, it can also be said that he has a good memory ability and a high talent for language. It cannot be explained that he can play the piano.

It's not that it is difficult to learn to play the piano. To learn the piano, one must first have a piano. With the material conditions in the countryside, how can one afford such a luxury?

Ding ding ding ~ dong...


At the end of the song, there was first deathly silence, followed by inappropriate applause and applause.

He made a start here, and the others also applauded. After all, the song just now was really good, no, it should be said to be very good.

Wang Yang tilted his head and said, "How can you play the piano?"

Lin Yue said: "I learned it from my music teacher when I was in high school in the county."

This answer... is obviously not convincing enough. A fool can see that he is of a very high level. For this point, one only needs to observe Liangqin's expression. What's more, she didn't lose her temper. What does this mean? The answer is obvious.

But believe it or not, this is indeed a positive explanation, what if... There is really a pianist with profound attainments living in seclusion in the county over there.

"What's the name of the song you played just now?"

Liangqin started to learn the piano at the age of six, even during the years when it was inconvenient to play, she practiced secretly. She can basically play those well-known and beautiful pieces, but she has no impression of the piece just now. Lin Yue can play the piano very well, and at the same time, he has a strong curiosity about him and his music.

"My Heart Will Go On."

Lin Yue gently closed the dust cover of the piano, and translated it again in Chinese: "My heart is eternal."

"You... where did you learn this song?"

"Is it important?"

For other people, this is not important, as long as it sounds good, they don't care about the origin of the song, but for Liangqin, it is very important, because when the last note hits her heart, there is only one thought in her mind.

She wants to learn.

But she was embarrassed to learn from him...

Finally, Meng Xiaojun couldn't bear it any longer, and he could not hide his irritability: "Don't mess with Liangqin's things."

In fact, he was upset that Lin Yue interrupted his speech with a beautiful piano piece. Cheng Dongqing and the others were still immersed in the beautiful melody and completely forgot about his impassionedness, but they were too embarrassed to go mad directly. The young master has no tolerance, so he used the name of good piano to express his protest.

In addition, although he didn't want to admit it, he was indeed jealous of classmate Lin.

Who in the foreign language department doesn't know Meng Xiaojun's name, not only because of his dazzling grades, superior family background, handsome face, and free and easy personality, but also because he has a childhood sweetheart girlfriend that many people envy——Liangqin, In addition to being good-looking, Liangqin also has a pair of slender and dexterous hands that can kiss musical symbols. This setting adds a touch of artistic color to his title of intellectual.

What now? Lin Yue not only beat him in the professional class, but also played the piano at a very high level. How did that guy do it? !

"Sorry, I haven't played for several months, and I couldn't hold back for a while."

Lin Yue turned his head and looked at Liangqin who apologized very sincerely.

" doesn't matter."

To Meng Xiaojun's surprise, not only did she not blame him, but she smiled at him with a hint of undisguised appreciation.

Five minutes later, Wang Yang pulled Lin Yue out of Meng Xiaojun's house.

"Didn't you say you were going to have dinner at his house tonight?"

"I'm afraid that if I really stay, he won't be able to resist flipping the table over during dinner."

Lin Yue knew why and asked, "Why?"

"Why?" Wang Yang stared at him with scrutiny: "Are you really ignorant or are you just pretending to be stupid?"

Lin Yue said nonsense seriously: "I really don't know."

"It's fine if you win him a book, but do you still want to win his girlfriend away? Meng Xiaojun will kill you."

"I don't understand what you're talking about. Aren't they childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts? And what does this have to do with Liangqin?"

"Then tell me, why did you play that piece of music in front of Liangqin?"

"I think everyone is too excited. This fanaticism and frustration are not helpful for learning. Play a piece of music for them to relax."

"Is that true?"

Wang Yang spoke hesitantly, with a suspicious expression on his face. Lin Yue's earnestness and righteous words made him feel at a loss, wondering whether it is possible that he judged the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain?

"I wanted to have a good meal, to taste the taste of foreign wine, who knew it would end up like this, tell me, what did I do wrong?"

Wang Yang was confused by him. If you want to say classmate Lin is innocent, but think about the things this guy has done since the beginning of school. He was full of guilt, because when Meng Xiaojun asked him to invite someone, he had the idea of ​​"no good feast, no good meeting".

"Haven't you ever drank foreign wine?"

Lin Yue shook his head and said, "I haven't drunk it."

"Go, I'll take you to drink."

Apologizing and wanting to make amends, Wang Yang waved his hand very coolly, and the two got on the bus bound for Longfu Temple.


Longfu Temple has been a prosperous area since ancient times. It used to be called Temple Fair Street and sold everything. However, the commercial center moved southward. With the rise of Wangfujing Street and Dong'an Market, the jade and antique shops of Longfu Temple also followed suit. As a result, only civilian commercial organizations such as snacks, daily necessities, and opera juggling remained. After the reform and opening up, the three major items of "bicycle, sewing machine, and watch" gradually declined, and the new three major items "television, refrigerator, washing machine" have not yet become popular all over the country. If we talk about spiritual pursuit during this period, the most fashionable word is "ballroom dancing". ".

Government agencies and units often hold dances to entertain distinguished guests. Citizens will meet for dances in squares, alleys and other places after work. Even university campuses are not immune. The canteen on holidays has become a playground for teachers and students. Wang Yang is keen to participate in such dances. That kind of prom, even the prom of this school can't satisfy him anymore, and he often goes to the next-door college to look for food, because his dress is very trendy and eye-catching, which always attracts the attention of female students, and those men are naturally not happy.

Just say that when I went to Beiyou, if my legs were not so fast, I might still be lying in a hospital bed now.

The point is, I don't know if it's influenced by the social atmosphere, or this guy just likes to have a mouthful, and he just can't flirt every day.

In addition to the above-mentioned dance venues, there are several commercial dance halls in the city, but the scale is small, and there is one in the middle of Longfu Temple.

With the reform and opening up and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, a large group of foreigners flooded into China with ideas similar to Columbus’s discovery of the New World, especially the journalists of media companies such as CNN and the Washington Post. They often participate in various dances and receptions in the United States. Naturally, coming here will not be pure-hearted, so these dance halls, which are considered new to ordinary people, have become their exclusive meeting places.

Only here can you taste wines from overseas.

"Whiskey, two whiskeys, with ice."

When Wang Yang hummed a ditty, handed the banknotes to the waiter very chicly, and pointed at the black card of Johnnie Walker on the wine rack to wink at the waiter, a woman came towards them.

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