Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1230 I swear I am a good student

"Young man, are you the student who argued with Professor Wang about Bismarck's historical image in German class?"

They are both teachers of the foreign language department. Dong Xinmin wondered if the anecdote that Professor Wang's hot temper almost got into a fight with a student last year was difficult. At his age, he would laugh at students like Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang, but for The person standing at the door had mixed emotions.

Lin Yue looked sideways: "That's right, it's me."

Dong Xinmin said: "I will seriously consider what you said."

Lin Yue smiled and nodded, then turned around and left.

Meng Xiaojun was stunned in the middle of the aisle, neither walking nor staying, not to mention how embarrassing it was, this reminded him of the scene when he was interrupted by the sound of the piano at the book club last year, he thought that guy was a learning machine, but he didn't expect to say Speaking of these ideological things is clear and logical, and... it seems to be more convincing than his sensationalism, even the old-fashioned Dong Xinmin on the podium was subdued.


As early as the first time he met Lin Yue, he felt that this person was very suspicious. What happened at the book club proved his conjecture that "Student Lin is hiding something." Judging from what happened today, he still underestimated that guy . But to let him accept Wang Yang's statement that "there are always some people in this world that you can't reach", he is not reconciled, he is not convinced, he firmly believes that everyone is equal, and no one is better than the other. There are too many miscellaneous books, and my brain has turned twice more than others.


Meng Xiaojun looked back at Liangqin, and found that she was staring at the door in a daze, and there seemed to be a smile on the corner of her mouth, which was both surprise and admiration, so her annoyance grew even stronger.

Cheng Dongqing, a turkey, was only aware of what he was doing. He didn't realize until Lin Yue disappeared, and ran out holding the textbooks on the table.

"Cheng Dongqing."

A shout called him to stop.

Cheng Dongqing turned her head and met Meng Xiaojun's stern gaze.

"What are you doing?"

He pointed to the corridor.

"Come back and listen to the class." Meng Xiaojun sat back in his seat with a full stomach.


Cheng Dongqing looked at Wang Yang, then at Young Master Meng, responded with a muffled voice, and walked back slowly.

"Let's go to self-study for the rest of the time." Dong Xinmin did not continue to talk about the issue of racial discrimination in the United States. He closed the book, looked at the students in the audience, and said, "You can think carefully about what the classmate said just now, because we also have problems. Avoiding regional discrimination and the urban-rural gap.”


two days later.

Lin Yue looked at the small note in his hand and shook his head helplessly. It was just teaching a tune, but it was like doing underground work.

boom boom boom~

He reached out and knocked on the door.

With a bang, the door opened, and a woman in her thirties and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses appeared opposite.

"Hello." Lin Yue greeted with a smile.

"Who are you?"

As soon as the woman finished speaking, a female voice came from the room: "Mr. Su, is my classmate here?"

Accompanied by the sound of brisk footsteps, Liangqin, wearing a pair of red sandals, came out of the back room, saw the person standing outside the door and said, "You are late."

"It's so hard to find here."

Lin Yue didn't expect Liangqin's piano teacher to live in a dilapidated tube building.

"Come in."

She let him into the room, and then introduced them: "This is my music teacher in high school, Su Li, Teacher Su, and this is my college classmate, Lin Yue."

It turned out to be her music teacher in high school, no wonder.

In fact, the profession of teachers also has a chain of contempt. Chinese and mathematics are the absolute main subjects, and they exist at the top of the chain of contempt. I believe that every student who graduated from nine-year compulsory education has the experience of sub-subject courses being crowded out by the main courses. Not to mention the existence of music, fine arts, and ideological and political sub-subjects at the bottom of the list, high school Chinese language plus comprehensive arts and sciences also have to be ranked. For this point, just look at the schedule of the Olympic competition.

As a high school music teacher in 1981, it is very good to have a one-bedroom, one-living room in Tongzilou.

"Hi, Teacher Su."

When Lin Yue was looking at Su Li, Su Li was also looking at him.

Well, not like a bad guy.

If it were a female teacher, she would definitely not think so. Most likely, she would think that although the young man was dressed in shabby clothes, he was very energetic and handsome. The more he looked at him, the more intimate he felt.

The reason why it was an accident with Su Li was not that the effect of [Teacher Killer LV3] was greatly reduced, it was because Su Li had met Meng Xiaojun and knew about the relationship between the two. At home, she was worried that the relationship between the two childhood sweethearts would have problems.

Regardless of Lin Yue's mistress or not, it's enough not to dislike her, but to say she likes her...that's something she rejects from the bottom of her heart.

"I heard you play the piano well?"

Lin Yue said modestly: "I understand a little."

Liangqin giggled and felt that Lin Yue and Meng Xiaojun were two extremes. She played the piece at the book club back then. Xinmin was speechless... In short, this guy is very low-key on ordinary occasions. As for Meng Xiaojun, he wished everyone knew his excellence. Now it seems that he is so confident that he is blind and arrogant.

"Are you from the countryside of Shanxi?" Su Li asked a second question.

Lin Yue knew why she asked this question. It was a bit unreasonable for rural people to be able to play a piece of music that was astounding.

"That's right, I'm from Datong, Shanxi."

"Where did you learn the piano?"

"Taught by a high school music teacher."

"What's his name?"

"Ms. Su, are you checking your household registration?" Liangqin couldn't stand it anymore, and interrupted their conversation.

Su Li said, "I'm responsible for you."

Lin Yue was speechless. He said in his heart that he was just using your piano to teach her to play a piece of music. He said it as if he really wanted to take advantage of her. In this movie, only Su Mei's figure is okay. To be honest , he really didn't expect anything to happen with Liangqin, but this Teacher Su is really in decline, and people's hearts are not old.


Liangqin could hear the ins and outs of the music teacher's words. In fact, the two had communicated about this matter before, and she had already made it very clear that she just wanted to learn the piece and didn't want Meng Xiaojun to see her thinking wildly. Then we made an appointment to meet at Su Li's house.

It's obviously a very serious matter, so how can you talk about it like an affair.

"Come on, the piano is in the back room."

Liangqin cast an apologetic look at Lin Yue, and the two of them entered the back room one after the other.

There is a stale wardrobe directly opposite the door, inside is a double bed, a mosquito net is tied around the wooden sticks, and inside are pillows and a towel that can be washed.

Facing the window stood a piano covered with a white cloth with red embroidery and fringe, and above that were pink music boxes, dolls, and a vase with willow branches.

Liangqin walked over, pointed to the stool in front of the piano and said, "Sit."

Lin Yue took off his satchel, took out the prepared piano score from it, walked over and sat down.

"Try the tone first."

"No, let's get started."

Lin Yue lifted the dust cover and was about to play it first, when he suddenly realized that Liangqin hadn't responded, and looked up to find that she was staring blankly at the hand-painted piano score on the music stand.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"The piano drew it?"

"That's right." Lin Yue said, "I didn't draw it, could it be you who drew it?"

"But...but this is too standard."

The straight staves, the elegant treble and bass clefs, the shape of the rests, the connecting lines and the's just like the printed ones.

"how did you do it?"

Lin Yue knew why she asked such a question, but she shrugged and did not answer the question. Instead, she lightly touched the keys and played the vocal music.

The rare melody rang in his ears, Liangqin suddenly forgot about the score, stared at the ten fingers dancing on the black and white keys, and concentrated on admiring his performance.

Different from the study session last time, this is a time of nature that belongs only to her.

Su Li was washing rice in the shared kitchen. When she heard the sound of the piano in the room, she quickly put the rice in the pot and put it on the coal stove. Wiping her apron with her hand, she walked back to the room quickly and stood between the back room and the living room. Looking at the backs of the two sitting and standing in front of the window at the door, I couldn't help but feel my heart tremble, and I felt some inexplicable feelings, let alone good or bad.

But she woke up quickly, glanced at the dial on her wrist, and realized that it was time to pick up the child.

Originally, I wanted to say something, but when I saw the scene in front of the window, I pressed my thoughts back to my stomach, slowly withdrew, opened the door and left.


When Su Li came back, the sound of the piano had stopped, and Lin Yue was explaining the essentials of playing this piece to Liang Qin.

"The melody of this piece is very soothing and easy to learn, but it takes a lot of work to master."

"But to be honest, it's more suitable for wind instruments than piano for solo."



Su Li coughed lightly and interrupted the conversation between the two in the back room: "Liangqin, come out for a moment, I have a few words to say to you."

"Oh." Liangqin smiled apologetically, followed the music teacher and left the room.

After the two left, Lin Yue got up to sort out the piano score, when there was a soft rustle behind him, he looked back, and saw a red scarf around his neck, wearing a small white dress with ruffled leaves and flat sandals, and there was a scarf between his eyebrows. The little red girl was clasping the door frame with both hands, her lips were pouted, tears were rolling in her eyes.

"Little friend, why are you crying?"

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