Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1232 I'm not going to steal books, I'm going to steal people

Half a month later.

The dormitory building is brightly lit.

There were boys on the balcony whistling towards the female dormitory building opposite, and a few people peeking through binoculars they found somewhere, sticking out their tongues and licking their lips from time to time, making the roommates next to them scratch their hearts and livers, feeling extremely anxious.

Wang Yang lay on Lin Yue's bed with a copy of "Yanjing Daily" and read it over and over again: "Are there any mistakes, and no."

You can see that he is very annoyed, and his words are angry.

Cheng Dongqing heard that she put down the English textbook in her hand, looked back at the buddy who put his feet on the beam of the bed, and wished he could have the words "hanger" engraved on his forehead: "Be careful, his bed will be dirty." .”

This is not Wang Yang's dormitory, of course he would not take off his shoes and lie down on the bed, Cheng Dongqing was worried that his movements would be too large and the dust from the soles of his shoes would be rubbed onto the bedding.

"Didn't you wash it if it got dirty?"

Wang Yang didn't think so, he was getting angry, he looked like an enemy to everyone.

In the movie, Cheng Dongqing is the younger brother of Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang. When they take a bath in the bathroom, he rubs their clothes opposite; My son LUCY is very hot, he is responsible for picking ping pong balls, in a word, in a word, he is a younger brother.

Now, in addition to being Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang's younger brother, he has also become Lin's housekeeper. In his words, Lin Yue has helped him a lot. He really can't find anything to give back. There is no other way. I can only do odd jobs, run errands, and do small things like fetching water, food, and laundry.

At this time, Hai Guofu came in with Jirigrad from the outside holding the booklet with the lines of "Gone with the Wind", turned his face to see the expression on Wang Yang's face, and touched Cheng Dongqing's arm: "What's wrong with him?"

Any fool can see that Wang Yang is not in the right state, and anyone who sees that resentful woman's face has to avoid it.

Cheng Dongqing said angrily: "What else can I do, of course the manuscript was rejected again."

Hai Guofu was rather gloating. A few days ago, he heard that Lin Yue had made money writing articles for the "Los Angeles Times". When the poems were sent out, people didn’t like him at all—not only the Americans didn’t like him, but even the local newspapers and magazines didn’t give him face.

Of course, the heart is beautiful, but the mouth cannot be beautiful.

Hai Guofu patted his arm: "There is a saying that if you don't stay here, you have your own place to stay, just change to another one."

Jizhigrad didn't join their conversation. After entering the house, he picked up a broom to clean up the ash and cigarette butts on the bedside, gathered them together, and was about to collect them in the dustpan when a person came in at the door.

It's Lin Yue.

He just had his hair cut today, and he looks more energetic, but he still looks the same, his clothes are clean, but very dirty. What is popular now? Floral shirt, bell-bottom pants, and a pair of toad glasses from a Hollywood movie. Walking on Dongzhimen Street, the head turns heads.

You said that he spent a lot of money to buy a TV and a video recorder, which is very enviable, but he hasn't watched it at all in the past month, such as "Gone with the Wind", "My Fair Lady", "Blood and Tears of the Lone Star" I'm not interested in "Shanghai Beach", "Red Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple", "Joe's Inauguration of the Factory Director", either holding a book from beginning to end, or lying on the bed to write and draw. It's the same as if he didn't buy it.

The less he cared about it, the more upset his opponent Han Chaojun would be, because Lin Yue himself didn't like it.

In Han Chaojun's words, this is called posturing, and this is called shamelessness.

"Rejected again? That's great."

Lin Yue didn't stop at the door. After entering the room, he went directly to the window, looked at Wang Yang whose eyebrows were almost twisted to the back of his head, and looked at the Yanjing Daily thrown beside him. He didn't know what happened.

"this is for you."

With a snap, Wang Yang straightened up.

It's not that he has good eyesight, and when he saw the host's coming, he took the initiative to give way. It was because the thing just hit a sensitive part, and it hurt!


He wanted to throw it away in a fit of anger, but when he held it in his hand and looked carefully, he couldn't take his eyes off, throw it away? I don't want to lose this thing even if I lose myself.

Hai Guofu noticed this scene and leaned his head over, but he didn't expect him to fall too.

Next is Cheng Dongqing. If the appearance of the video recorder has broadened his horizons, then the magazine in Wang Yang's hand has undoubtedly opened the door to a brave new world for him.

On the top of the cover is a few English characters of "PLAY BOY", and a staggered line at the bottom right records the issue number, 1981-04.

Further down is the point.

The big American girl in a dark purple one-piece swimsuit with lace looks at the camera with charming and wild eyes, and the straps that slip down to the shoulders are visible to the naked eye...


It's so transparent!

It was revealed that Hai Guofu touched his nose and became popular.

Wang Yang flipped through a few pages and hid the magazine behind his back: "Where did it come from?"

"Jenny went back to report on her work last week, and asked her to bring it back, oh, and this, the new movie you want."

Accompanying the sound were two videotapes, the first box labeled "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" and the second box labeled "Apocalypse Now".

Wang Yang is very happy because there is a new movie to watch.

"Wait, don't change the subject." He patted the things behind his butt: "How could Jenny bring you this?"

"How is it impossible?" Lin Yue gave him a meaningful smile: "Lucy hasn't pressed the fast forward button yet."

Others were confused when they heard this, but only Wang Yang knew it well.

"Others thought you were a nerd, but they didn't expect that you were also a womanizer in your bones."

Lin Yue stretched out his hand: "Bring it."

"No." He picked up the magazine behind his butt and wrapped it under the yellow shirt that only he could hold, patted his butt and hurried away.

Hai Guofu chased him to the door, looked at his back and said, "Wang Yang, remember to show it to me after you finish reading."

"no problem."

"Hey Hey."

Hai Guofu didn't smile like a fool, like... no, he's just a wretched man.

Cheng Dongqing said: "Wang Yang sees this... Is there any problem?"

Lin Yue said: "A real man who is sexy but not lewd." He picked up the French novel on the table and patted Tubiecheng on the back: "Do you know what your biggest problem is? It's not dirty, it's holding back." After finishing speaking This sentence goes outside.

Cheng Dongqing didn't understand. Ever since Meng Xiaojun gave him the nickname "Turtle", he never thought of taking it off. Now Lin Yue said that his problem was the turtle, not the soil, but... isn't the soil turtle just used to describe someone who has never seen the world?

After thinking about it, he couldn't figure out what it meant, so he just threw the book on the table and ran away from the dormitory.

Jizhigrad shouted from behind, "The lights will be turned off soon, where are you going so late?" But there was no response.

Someone asked him if he left during the lights-out time, but no one cared about Lin Yue leaving during the lights-out time, because Wang Yang has been crazily hinting at his relationship with the Los Angeles Times female reporter Jenny, so whenever Lin Yue leaves late, people in the dormitory will agree With a smile, all thoughts are in silence.

Cheng Dongqing wanted to catch up with Lin Yue to ask for clarification, but when he got out of the dormitory, he ran a few steps forward and found that something was wrong, because Lin Yue did not go in the direction of the back door, but in the direction of the teaching building.

What is he doing there so late?

Cheng Dongqing thought about it, and decided to follow up to see what happened, so one of them walked ahead, and the other hung far away.

After passing the second gymnasium, turning to the right, Lin Yue went straight to the library.

The surrounding buildings are pitch-black, only the street lights on both sides of the road are on. It is past ten o'clock in the evening, and the library has long been closed. What is he doing?

Cheng Dongqing watched him walk up the steps and into the front hall, then took out a key from his pocket and inserted it into the keyhole, with the next breath, the door opened.

He actually has the key to the library...

Cheng Dongqing chased after him and pushed it. I don't know if it was experience telling him that no one would come over because it was too late, or he was careless. Anyway, the door was not locked, so he went in smoothly.

It was pitch black in the reading room. He took two steps forward, without paying attention to his feet, and bumped into the table next to the door, and the stacked books in the corner scattered to the ground with a clatter.


At this time, I thought of a question with vigilance in the innermost part.

It's Lin Yue.

"I, it's me, Cheng Dongqing."

As the yellow-orange-orange candle lights up, Lin Yue's face is illuminated: "Why are you here?"

Cheng Dongqing smeared and picked up the book on the ground, and explained: "I don't understand what you said just now, and I wanted to catch up with you to ask for clarification. Later, when I saw you walking this way, I followed. How could you have The key to the library?"

Before Lin Yue could speak, an extremely impatient and disgusted voice sounded from the corner on the right: "Is he your friend?"

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