Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1237 Student Union? There are always people who want to harm me!

Why is she here?

The person who came was not Su Mei, nor Liangqin, but Su Li, Liangqin's music teacher.

He went back to the house and thought about it, put the letter in the drawer, put on the sea soul shirt that was left on the bed, walked out of the dormitory quickly, and came to the ginkgo tree downstairs.

"Teacher Su, why are you here?"

Su Li lifted the satchel on her shoulder: "Xiao Lin, you haven't been to my place for two or three months."

"Yes." Lin Yue nodded. Ever since Wang Yang found him and reminded him to keep a distance from Liangqin, he had never been to Su Li's house again, and there was another summer vacation in between. Indeed, he hadn't been there for two or three months.

"It's like this. Yesterday, Xiaoqin had a lot of trouble at home, saying that she missed you. Didn't you promise to teach her to play the piano last time? This child has always been obsessed with it, and asked me many times why you don't talk about it. It can be said that you went home on vacation, but now it is September, I... well, I have no choice but to come to you because I am entangled by her. Xiaolin, do you have time this weekend? Can you come to my house ?"

It can be seen that Su Li's speech has no confidence. After all, she is troubling others. What is teaching Liao Rongqin to play the piano? The words are nice, but she is actually asking him to go over and help look after the children.

"Okay, I'm free on Sunday morning."

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and said with a smile on her face, "Xiao Lin, thank you."

Lin Yue said, "You're welcome, this is what I should do."

That's right. He himself agreed to teach the little guy to play "Kikujiro's Summer" at the beginning, but he didn't want to do it later. In essence, it's called breaking his promise. Although...that's just a child, Although... he has good reasons to release pigeons.

"Okay then, go get busy, I'm leaving." The goal was achieved, Su Li naturally wouldn't greet him here under the sun.

"Go slowly."

Lin Yue said politely, and watched Su Li leave.

When he was walking back, he happened to catch up with Han Chaojun coming downstairs, and asked him if he wanted to join the literature and art department, but he refused without even thinking about it. He sang "my songs know what you did in dark" at the graduation party earlier, He was shocked by the whole school's students. Since then, there have been many small music groups wanting to recruit his young men, and now even the people from the art department are gone? Then why don't people at the level of ministers and deputy ministers go out and send a small soldier to be a lobbyist? Do you really think he covets the honor of being in the student union? Of course, others might think that he would accept it gladly. After all, if he joined the student union, he would be dismissed after a good performance. Moreover, the student union of Yenching University was a springboard for a high starting point, which would give him bonus points if he entered politics in the future.

Han Chaojun hit a snag and felt super upset, because he always felt that this was a big gift package for Lin Yue, and the result? This kid didn't count at all, and his dismissive look made him look like a fool.


Four days later.

When the lights were about to turn off, Cheng Dongqing left the library and walked towards the dormitory building in the dark. When he was about to reach his destination, he saw Su Mei standing under a street light not far from the dormitory building, shaking left twice, shaking right twice Next, a look of hesitation.

He pushed the myopia on the bridge of his nose, and mustered up the courage to walk over.

"Are you looking for Lin Yue?"

Su Mei was startled when she heard the voice behind her, she turned her head and saw Cheng Dongqing's extremely earthy face, and walked away without saying a word.

Cheng Dongqing hit a wall and stretched out her hand to say something, but she didn't know how to express her inner emotions. He liked this woman quite a lot. In early July, Lin Yue left school early. He had a drink with Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang separately, and had a lot of drunken conversations. If he likes her in his heart, because Lin Yue said he likes her in front of Director Nie, he has no chance of winning in this matter, and he doesn't want to compete with Lin Yue.

Wang Yang laughed so hard, and when he told about Su Mei's hot face and cold butt at Lin Yue, Cheng Dongqing thought that his spring had come—it turned out that Lin Yue didn't like her, and when he said that in front of Director Nie, Just trying to minimize losses.

However, according to Meng Xiaojun, if he wanted to chase Su Mei, it would be tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, because that woman is very famous in the law department, and her good figure of 1.79 meters makes many students envious. When the eyes are extinguished, the courage and enthusiasm are all gone. As time goes by, Su Mei has an additional nickname in the law department——Master Miejue.

That was a "high-spirited talk" at the wine table. Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang didn't take it to heart. Cheng Dongqing was different because he was the person involved, and he had a lot of thoughts and emotions in his heart. He wondered if Lin Yue was not interested in her, could it be okay? Try to get in touch? Even if you get rejected, you have nothing to lose.

It was precisely because of this thought that when he saw Su Mei wandering under the streetlight again, he couldn't hold it anymore, so he plucked up the courage and shouted.

As for the result, it is obvious.

Cheng Dongqing wished he could slap both of them. It was not good to choose an opening line, but which pot was not opened and which pot was not mentioned. If Lin Yue's name was not mentioned, maybe Su Mei could exchange a few words with him. Now that Lin Yue's name is mentioned, Just startled people away.

When he was annoyed that Wang Yang would not have made such a mistake because he was really stupid, Su Mei took two steps forward and came back after a circle.

"Where's Lin Yue?"

Cheng Dongqing was very happy at first, but when he heard the phrase "Lin Yue", he wanted to cry without tears.

She really came for classmate Lin.

That's right, in order to meet "Lin Yue" by chance, Su Mei has been feeding mosquitoes downstairs in the boys' dormitory for almost half an hour like a fool. To be honest, she didn't know why she did this at all. Last time, after wandering around for half an hour, she thought this kind of behavior was too shameful, so she turned around and left, returning to the girls' dormitory.

During the summer vacation, she thought of the scene at the graduation party more than once. She always felt that Lin Yue's "goodbye" meant something, and then she thought that he performed on stage for her. If so, why did he behave so badly? Is it hot or cold? Is it because she is too "don't let strangers in"?

Su Mei knows exactly what the law students call her behind her back—Master Miejue.

All in all, she was very entangled, entangled in whether Lin Yue's words in front of Deputy Director Nie were true or false, entangled in the fact that he helped her without asking for anything in return, entangled in whether the relationship between the two was friends or strangers, and entangled in the relationship between Lin Yue and Liangqin. what happened.

She especially wanted to have a direct, open and honest conversation to answer her inner doubts, otherwise these complicated and inexplicable emotions would make her at a loss what to do.

Cheng Dongqing said, "Lin Yue? Lin Yue is in the library."

"Do you think it's funny to joke like that?"

Lin Yue is in the library? Since the start of the new semester, she has been going to the library for self-study every day, and she is also looking for that person while reading, but after ten days in a row, there is no result at all. She even went to the teaching building of the foreign language department to find someone. I have met Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang several times. As for Lin Yue... I have not even met a ghost. Nie Weiming said that he is an English major in the Department of Foreign Languages. In the song, he also said that he was an English major in the foreign language department. As a result, this English major never took English major classes.

He didn't go to class or to the library, where did he go?

Cheng Dongqing was extremely wronged: "He is really in the library, but not in our school's library, but in Tsinghua University's library."

Su Mei's eyes stared straight.

That's okay too? !

This man is really... always able to do unexpected things.

Thanks to an onlooker who did not want to be named, the 1,500 starting coins rewarded by the Camel and Grace Knight, the 1,000 starting coins rewarded by Dongfan Passing Water, the 200 starting coins rewarded by Gujueer, and the browser's ability to use a knife. The 100 starting point coins rewarded by QZ.

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