Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1239 Who said that sex is only for women?

The result of giving up the counterattack was that Meng Xiaojun hugged him and knocked him to the ground.

From the envy of the enemy to the two falling to the ground together, the process is complicated to say the least, but it actually took less than a minute.

Meng Xiaojun complained that when he attacked Liangqin, the people around heard the movement and rushed to this side. You must know that it is after 7 o'clock in the morning, which is the peak time when students leave the dormitory to go to the cafeteria or the teaching building. Gather more.

"No way, Lin Yue from the Department of Foreign Languages ​​has attacked Meng Xiaojun?"

"I've long seen that the two of them don't get along, one sneaks up on someone's girlfriend, and the other hums and pretends to be a gentleman."

"What's this called? It's called one mountain can't accommodate two tigers. I haven't heard a saying that literati look down on each other. Those politeness and magnanimity are all pretended, it's hypocritical to the extreme."

After this guy made the above remarks self-righteously, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. The surrounding audience looked at him with vague hostility, and then realized that what he said was too absolute, which was equivalent to firing a map gun. This is Yenching University. Students who go to school here can generally call themselves literati.

"Bastard, I told you to be a bitch and pretend to be a fool."

Meng Xiaojun was in a fit of anger, and he didn't care about the pointing from the boy behind him. He flipped Lin Yuegong over and punched him, cursing at the same time.

Lin Yue seemed to be in a hurry, but he actually protected himself well. Wing Chun's hand circle pushed and pulled, and Mr. Meng made a lot of troubles, and his arm was so painful that he didn't hit anyone at all.

"Meng Xiaojun, are you crazy?"

With a coquettish shout, a woman squeezed in outside, ran straight to Meng Xiaojun without saying a word, grabbed his shoulders with both hands and shoved him back, directly pushing her to the ground.

Only then did everyone see who was coming. Some students from the foreign language department recognized her identity and whispered to their companions.

That's right, it was Liangqin, the heroine in the jealousy incident between Meng Xiaojun and Lin Yue.

"Liangqin, let go!"

It could be seen that Meng Xiaojun was not surprised that she would come, but he did not expect that she would come so soon.

Liangqin said: "Meng Xiaojun, are you finished? Didn't I tell you that I was innocent with him. He went to teach Liao Rongqin how to play the piano. I was there at that time, so we had a meal at Mr. Su's house together. Afterwards, he stopped by Sending me back to the girls' dormitory is obviously a very simple matter, but you insist on making a big fuss about it, is it fun?"

"Simple, where is the simplicity?"

Meng Xiaojun suddenly became angry, pushed her aside, and wanted to fight Lin Yue. At this time, with a commotion, the crowd near the stairs separated, and Wang Yang hugged his waist from behind.

"Xiaojun, calm down, calm down!"

Cheng Dongqing was also there, but she had absolutely no experience in dealing with such things, so she didn't know what to do when she stayed there.

"Calm down? Wang Yang, don't think I don't know. You have already seen that the two of them have a relationship in private, right? Why didn't you tell me? What kind of friend are you?"

Wang Yang was dumbfounded by his question.

Meng Xiaojun continued: "There's nothing to say, right? From the very beginning, you and he were on the same side."

"Xiaojun, I... I think... Is there... some misunderstanding?" Of course Cheng Dongqing didn't want to see Lin Yue and Meng Xiaojun fight. You must know that the former is his benefactor and the latter is his idol. , From his point of view, it can be described as "the palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh".

"Misunderstanding, what misunderstanding? Do you want to have a misunderstanding? No, you don't want to. You dare to go after Su Mei because the two of them are getting better. As long as the surname Lin doesn't let go, you coward will not have the guts to step out of the essence. sex step."

"Xiaojun...I...I...I really..."

Cheng Dongqing was speechless by him. Among him, Wang Yang, and Meng Xiaojun, he was the one with the dumbest mouth.

The onlookers were hooked, the relationship between these too messy.

Meng Xiaojun and Liangqin are childhood sweethearts; Liangqin seems to be very close to Lin Yue; Lin Yue is good friends with Wang Yang and Cheng Dongqing; Meng Xiaojun is also good friends with Wang Yang and Cheng Dongqing; It’s too unclear; Cheng Dongqing likes Su Mei but dare not say it; and there is a rumor in the male dormitory that Cheng Dongqing, a pervert, likes Lin Yue, because he is always trying to please, such as washing clothes, fetching hot water, helping What's more interesting is that, according to unverified information, both Lin Yue and Wang Yang had an affair with an American female reporter.

"Wang Yang, let go, if you don't let go, I will reveal your secret."

Wang Yang's body trembled when he said this, his hands became much weaker, Meng Xiaojun broke free, and was just about to throw Lin Yue, but he didn't expect a palm shadow from the opposite side to fall.


There was a crisp sound.

The scene was suddenly silent, everyone was watching Liangqin, including Meng Xiaojun.

"You hit me?"

"Meng Xiaojun, are you going to change the world by messing around?"

This sentence is very embarrassing. A person who talks about doctrines and ideals every day, and is determined to go to the United States and change the world from there, is now pissed off in front of a group of people because of such a stupid thing. It is really embarrassing.

"Meng Xiaojun, let me say it again. There is nothing wrong between me and Lin Yue. Believe it if you believe it, or believe it if you don't. I'm done." Leaving this sentence, Liangqin turned around and left.

Wang Yang saw that Meng Xiaojun was energized by the words just now, so he quickly winked at Cheng Dongqing, and dragged Meng Xiaojun out of the dormitory building.

Lin Yue patted the dirt on his body and went upstairs.

Before he did not fight back, he took into account that Liangqin was present. This kind of thing, to beat Meng Xiaojun for a meal, Liangqin is embarrassed in the middle. , simply let Liangqin figure it out.

Sure enough, the people who know each other hurt the most. Liangqin's slap and one sentence got rid of Meng Xiaojun. As for what will happen next...he didn't bother to think about it, because the previous few missions played tricks and tricks, and the strategic layout was tired , This time I will see the tricks, and adapt to the situation.

If you want to say that Meng Xiaojun is exactly the same as in the movie, no, it should be more radical, after all, he is a young man. According to the plot in the movie, Meng Xiaojun first went to the United States and suffered a real beating. In the 1990s, he was almost forty, and he was still fighting with Cheng Dongqing on the company board of directors in front of outsiders. Do you realize how embarrassing it is to be jealous in public?

Not only was he embarrassing himself, but he also caused Liangqin to ruin his reputation, and he almost sold Wang Yang. He is a good-for-nothing guy. This kind of person can make some money with good logical thinking. If you want to change the United States, change the world, Woolen cloth?

Lin Yue left, Liangqin left, Meng Xiaojun, Wang Yang, and Cheng Dongqing also left. The others saw that the protagonists of the story had all left, and it was meaningless to stay any longer, so they went to class, ate, and went back to their rooms. Going back to the room, I went clean for a while.


Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang didn't go to class all day.

Liangqin went, nothing seemed to happen.

Cheng Dongqing returned to the soil with a good heart, thinking that if someone was gossiping behind her back, she must speak for her.

Lin Yue still didn't go to class as usual, and the teachers were used to it. Anyway, he could always hand in a perfect score in the exam, and no one else could make a fuss about it.

In the evening, he went back to the dormitory, mainly for the hearts of An Cheng Dongqing and the others. After all, this incident was very bad, and several roommates were worried that his emotions would be affected.

After doing laundry, sweeping the bed, eating normally, and listening to the radio station for a while, he said goodbye to several people, left the dormitory building and walked towards the north gate.

After passing the Boya Tower and the First Stadium, and passing the entrance of the teaching building of the law department, a person came out from under Guohuai on the side of the road.

"I were beaten up in the boys' dormitory this morning because you snatched someone else's girlfriend?"

Lin Yue turned his face to look at Su Mei, who was not hiding his gloating heart, and said with a bit of displeasure, "It's none of your business."

Su Mei smiled and said, "Of course it's none of my business."

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