Liangqin looked back and was stunned.

I thought it was a major classmate, but I didn't expect it to be Su Mei from the law department.

Ever since Lin Yue was expelled from the school, the two of them hadn't communicated with each other. During the period, they met several times, and she greeted them with a smile. on the head.

Liangqin knew who wrote the report letter and why he wrote the report letter. It would make sense to say that Lin Yue was expelled from school because of her, so when she faced Su Mei, she felt ashamed. Feels sorry.

"Su... Su Mei?"

Su Mei still had the face of seeing everyone as a debtor: "Come with me."

After saying this, without giving Liangqin a chance to ask questions, she turned around and walked towards the north gate.

Liangqin hesitated for a while, and quickly followed.

The two of them left the north gate, boarded the bus from the nearest stop sign, and arrived at Longfu Temple Commercial Street after a while.

It was already night, and the sound of adults calling children to go home for dinner was occasionally heard in the alley.

"Sumei, why did you bring me here?"

"You'll know when you get there."

Su Mei ignored Liangqin's question and continued walking. After walking about 150 meters, she turned left and entered a small shop. There are various tapes on it.

Further inside is a staircase leading to the second floor, and there is a sign at the top of the stairs - the world of singing and dancing.

In the past year, many dance halls in the city have been closed, and even if they are still open, they are very restrained. The guests usually come to drink, listen to music, and chat. It is not like before, where men and women hug and dance together.

Su Mei kept walking up the stairs, Liangqin hesitated for a moment, and followed behind to the second floor.

The hall was dimly lit, and the two found a nearby seat to sit down. A waiter came over and asked them what they wanted to drink. Su Mei replied that they had two bottles of beer.

The waiter wrote down the requirements in the booklet, turned and left, and returned after a short while, putting two bottles of beer and two glasses on the middle table.

Liangqin said, "Su Mei, did you bring me here just to drink?"

Su Mei glanced down at her watch: "It's almost time to arrive."

"What's due?"

Liangqin was puzzled, and a few people came out from behind the small stage facing the hall. When she saw the person in the middle with a saxophone in her arms, her eyes widened.

That's right, that person was the one she had been looking for for more than a year.

Some people say that he has returned to his hometown.

Some say he has gone south.

Some say he has gone abroad.

Others said he hung up.

Facts have proved that he did not go far, and he was on Longfusi Street, which is less than 20 kilometers away from Yanda University.

"Hi everyone, we meet again."

Familiar people, familiar voices, Liangqin covered her mouth excitedly, not knowing what to say, she wanted to get up and go to the front of the stage, but was held back by Su Mei.


At this time, whistles sounded from the audience, and some people raised their glasses to each other below. It seemed that they all knew him or were guests who were waiting for his performance.

"I will not sing today, but I will bring you a saxophone solo titled "My Heart Is Eternal". I still remember telling a friend a few years ago that it is most suitable for playing with wind instruments. Cough, I have said too much, I hope everyone can like."

After speaking with a smile, Lin Yue lifted the saxophone in his hand.

As the thick and clear musical notes floated across the audience, it seemed that time was infected by the melody and slowed down.

Su Mei closed her eyes, tapped her fingers on the table lightly, Liangqin stared blankly at the man holding a saxophone on the stage, the thoughts in her heart can only be described in one word - mixed feelings.


Su Mei opened her eyes: "Why?"

"Why did you bring me here?" Liangqin took a deep breath and drank almost half of the drink with her cup in her mouth: "You obviously don't need to talk about it."

Su Mei knew what she meant by this.

Lin Yue won't go to her, just don't want to disturb her. If there is no news of him after graduation, facing the pressure from her parents, maybe she will compromise and go to the United States with Meng Xiaojun. Now that she has found him, Will you still go? of course not.

Once she left, wouldn't it be logical for Su Mei to have this man to herself.

Su Mei also picked up the glass and took a big sip of wine, and then went down halfway: "I said fair competition means fair competition. I don't like to take advantage of others, and... I don't want to see you and that scumbag Meng Xiaojun go abroad."

Liangqin's hands trembled when she said this: "You know everything?"

Su Mei nodded slightly.

Half a year ago, she went to Chang'an Avenue to do research, and happened to meet Wang Yang's girlfriend Lucy for an interview. When she was eating with Lin Yue in the cafeteria, she met Wang Yang and brought Lucy back to school, so she went up and talked for a while. Where did he know that Lin Yue occasionally came to this unremarkable dance hall to work part-time, and waited for a whole week, and finally caught the target.

Afterwards, under her questioning, Prince Wang Yang, who was half drunk, narrated the incident in detail from beginning to end, confirming her suspicion of Meng Xiaojun. Lin Yue didn't care, Wang Yang didn't need to pursue it, but she couldn't, she wanted Meng Xiaojun to pay for her despicableness, so at the critical moment when she was about to graduate, she found Liangqin and brought her here.

"Sumei... thank you."

About Meng Xiaojun, Liangqin didn't want to say anything more, but about Lin Yue, she had to thank Su Mei.

"Thank you, thank you. I will not show mercy to you when it comes to him, but today... I will give you the leading role." She winked in the direction of the stage: "What are you still doing?"

Only then did Liangqin wake up, the performance was over, and the people in the audience were applauding enthusiastically.

She stood up clutching her chest, took a deep breath, drank the drink in the glass again, and walked towards the stage with a determined face.


a month later.

Miss Chun still has a heel stuck in Houhai, no, she can’t pull it out in Bayi Lake. The energetic young people have already tried to change their T-shirts and shirts. The children’s lips trembled from the cold while sucking on the old popsicles. , Occasionally, a girl in a dress walks by, and the aunt under the bridge will point and say that they are not afraid of catching a cold if they wear clothes indiscriminately.

Sickness and beauty, of course the latter is important.

Lin Yue came out of the Yenching Library with two books in his hand. He raised his head and took a look, which was neither gentle nor hot enough to reach the scorching sun, and walked down the steps.

He walked to the front of the bicycle shed, handed over 20 cents to the manager, found his bicycle according to the number plate, and pushed it out. At this moment, a person blocked the way.

Lin Yue frowned: "Meng Xiaojun?"

"I knew you'd come here."

On Meng Xiaojun's face, he couldn't see the guilt that he and Wang Yang should have dropped out of school because of writing the report letter, but more of a burning resentment.

Sure enough, he knew that the library was a curse that Lin could not escape, or that Liangqin was not as smart as him. She had been looking for this person for a year, but she was not as efficient as him for a month, because she only knew He ran around like a headless chicken, and he... would try to figure out his psychology by consulting the borrowing records of Yenching University Library and Tsinghua University Library.

Where should a person who has almost read French and German books in two universities in three years want to continue to acquire French and German books? The answer is simple --- Yenching Library.

Lin Yue drove the car to a place out of the way, and smiled at the old man looking at the bike, telling him not to worry.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Meng Xiaojun clenched his fists and said, "Did Liangqin come to look for you?"

"That's right."

"Then what did you tell her?"

"Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Of course it has something to do with it." Meng Xiaojun said almost yelling, "Just a month ago, she told me that she was not going to America anymore, and she wanted to stay."

Lin Yue said, "Then what does this have to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you, dare you say it has nothing to do with you."

Meng Xiaojun stepped forward excitedly, and grabbed Lin Yue's collar with his hand. Unfortunately, he was only a foot away from the target when he was held by a hand, followed by pain like a broken bone.

"Meng Xiaojun, don't think that I don't know what you did. If it wasn't for Wang Yang begging me to let you go, now you have taken over Nie Weiming's baton and are in prison for those who speak well and have their own skills. teaching English."

Lin Yue let go of his hand, and Meng Xiaojun quickly retracted his hand, constantly kneading his wrist to try to relieve the pain.

"You forced me to do this. If you hadn't seduced Liangqin, how could she have broken up with me!"

"Joke! I remember saying in my sophomore year that if I tried to seduce her, you would be cuckolded as early as the summer vacation of my freshman year."

"I do not believe!"

"Don't believe me?" Lin Yue said, "Don't you want to know what she told me when we met before?"

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