Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1256 My Children Know How to Make Soy Sauce (Part 1)

"This guy is fine. Consular secretary five years ago, is he now a first-level consular secretary? It's equivalent to the director level in China? Isn't that the same level as the county magistrate?" Wang Yanghuan put his hands on his chest and looked at the TV. The man inside said.

Meng Xiaojun said: "Do you know how many department-level cadres there are in the country? More than 20,000."

Wang Yang glanced at him with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

Cheng Dongqing said: "I don't think the level is the key, the key is what he does."

That is the German Daimler AG, the world's leading automobile manufacturer, and now it has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Daqi, and plans to establish a joint venture to establish an industrial base, not to mention what kind of science and technology the other party will bring, just for The job opportunities and tax revenue created by his hometown are enough to make the mayor treat him as a guest of honor.

Meng Xiaojun stood silently behind the two and did not continue to express his opinion.

Now that "New Dream" has become the largest private school in the country, Cheng Dongqing has also been awarded the title of Godfather of Studying Abroad. As one of the "New Dream" Big Three, his wealth and status are naturally rising. He thought he could stabilize that person. , but now, it's really hard to say.

Qian Linyue definitely didn't earn as much as him, but he was someone who had been on the news broadcast.

Meng Xiaojun didn't think he violated the rules, and sometimes thought the bet was quite interesting.

Lin Yue said that he wanted to stay in China to develop, but he went to Germany to become a diplomat, but his achievements were in China.

When he came here, he thought this way. Although he came back from the United States and established a "new dream" with Cheng Dongqing and others, to measure the success of his career, he had to look at how many foreign students they sent to the United States. In other words, The judging criteria are overseas.

So neither of the two violated the bet.

boom boom boom~

Just when the three of them were thinking about each other, there was a knock on the door, Cheng Dongqing turned his face and called "Come in", and a fat man with a "naive look" walked in: "Principal Cheng, there is a girl looking for you outside."

"Woman? Looking for me?" Cheng Dongqing looked puzzled.

Wang Yang was overjoyed, and said teasingly: "Cheng Dongqing, I didn't expect you to have a day of enlightenment."

Tubiecheng was born in 1962. In 1999 this year, he was 37 years old and still not married.

Yes, he is very vulgar, but an idiot with a smell of copper is a rare commodity, and there are many young and beautiful girls who pounce on him, but what about this guy? Like a stone in a latrine, hard and smelly. Many students couldn't understand and thought he was mentally ill.

Yes, there is something wrong with him.

Wang Yang knew exactly where his fault was - he couldn't forget Su Mei.

Cheng Dongqing didn't respond to Wang Yang's ridicule, and asked the fat man, "Is it a reporter from China Education News? Didn't you tell her to come later?"

The fat man said, "No, she said her name is Su Mei."

As soon as the word "Sumei" came out, it was like throwing a boulder into calm water, and Cheng Dongqing was stunned.

"Su Mei? Why is she here?" Wang Yang quickly realized: "Quick, invite her in."

In the past five years, not only Lin Yue has not contacted them, Su Mei and Liang Qin have not heard from them either. Who would have thought that she could not help talking so much, just because Lin Yue thought of her, she turned her face and came to the door.

The fat man nodded, turned and left the living room, and walked in with a woman in a puff sleeve T-shirt within half a minute.

That's right, it was Su Mei. Although the years inevitably left many marks on her body, Cheng Dongqing would never forget that face.

"Su Mei..."

However, she just called out this name and couldn't speak anymore, because there was a seven or eight-year-old boy on Su Mei's right hand. Split image.

Boys are...?

This is also a question for Wang Yang and Meng Xiaojun, although they have already guessed the answer.

"Cheng Dongqing, Wang Yang."

Su Mei looked at Meng Xiaojun, but didn't call him by name. It seemed that she was still resenting the fact that he wrote a report letter to the Academic Affairs Office, which led to Lin Yue's expulsion.

Wang Yang said: "Su Mei, when will you return to China, why don't you let me know in advance, so we can pick you up at the airport."

Su Mei shook her head: "I came back in a hurry this time, and no one informed me."

At this time, the little boy standing next to him shook her arm and said, "Mom, I'm thirsty."

As soon as he said he was thirsty, Cheng Dongqing hurried to get a cup from his desk, but only after he covered the lid of the white porcelain jar with his hands did he realize that he went to the drawer again, found an unused glass, and took half a cup from the water dispenser. Water was handed to him.

"Thank you uncle." The little guy thanked him very politely, holding the cup and gulping it down.

Cheng Dongqing didn't care about his non-standard Chinese pronunciation, and took the cup after he finished drinking: "Do you still drink?"

The little guy shook his head: "I won't drink."

"what's your name?"

"My name is Lin Yi."

Lin Yi, whose surname is Lin, Cheng Dongqing got up and looked at the woman who had been thinking about it all the time and smiled awkwardly: "Is he the child of you and Lin Yue?"

Su Mei nodded: "Yes."

Cheng Dongqing said, "They look alike."

"People who have met them say so." Su Mei gently stroked the back of Lin Yi's head, her eyes full of doting.

"What about you? Are you married?"

Cheng Dongqing shook her head: "Not yet."

Su Mei stopped talking, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"What are you doing standing up, sit down, sit down quickly." Realizing that this is not going to work, Wang Yang quickly came out to smooth things over, let Su Mei sit on the sofa next to him, and left the office to go downstairs to buy some fruits and snacks for the children. .

Meng Xiaojun didn't leave, even though the woman on the sofa didn't like him very much. Because he was thinking about a question, now that Su Mei and Lin Yue have a child, what about Liangqin? Where did Liangqin go? Does it mean that guy has always abandoned her?

Yes, it must be so.

So where is she now? Do you regret not going to America with him? Whether it's thinking about the old relationship, or wanting to ask her face to face without regretting it, so as to comfort himself for so many years of unwillingness and entanglement, he has a very strong urge to know where Liangqin is.

"Where is Liangqin? Where is she now?"

This is also Cheng Dongqing's problem. After all, the last time Lin Yue returned to China was because the two forced the palace. Yes, Lin Yue's choice of Su Mei made him very sad, but thinking about Liangqin, it is also very pitiful, because she Meng Xiaojun, who gave up his childhood sweetheart, also gave the former the best youth.

All in all, no matter who Lin Yue chooses, the other one will be hurt, but...if Lin Yue chooses Liangqin, if Su Mei agrees, he is willing to be the pick-up hero, Meng Xiaojun will be different, let such a proud person turn his back Grass, maybe?

Su Mei looked up at Meng Xiaojun, but still didn't speak, she pulled Lin Yi into her arms, and asked him if he was hot and if he wanted to eat ice cream.

Children are ignorant, but they can tell that their mother doesn't like the man surnamed Meng.

At this moment, accompanied by the sound of hurried footsteps, the door was pushed open from the outside with a click, and Wang Yang's face appeared in the sight of several people.

He said that he went downstairs to buy fruit and snacks, but they came up quickly, and his hands were empty, without anything.

Just when Cheng Dongqing was about to ask him why he came up so quickly, a figure flashed across and followed him into the office.

"Good... Liangqin..."

Compared with Su Mei's aloofness who hardly changed at all, Liangqin's original gentleness has a touch of extravagance. It seems that she is pampered and pampered on weekdays, and life has not left her with so-called difficult injuries.

When Meng Xiaojun heard the name, he followed Cheng Dongqing's gaze, meeting her gaze in the air, and couldn't help feeling a little lost.

Counting from the time I left in 1984 to 1999, 15 years have passed, and it is inevitable that there is a long time and a feeling of embarrassment.

"Good piano."

After a brief absence, he greeted him, but his voice sounded a little sad. Then, he noticed Cheng Dongqing's eyes, and his eyes moved down, and saw a circle between Wang Yang and Liangqin. Huhu's little face.

The face of a little girl.

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