Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1262 Live forever in my shadow (Part 1)

Wang Yang noticed his reaction and looked back, only to see a news program on the local channel broadcasting a news about a girl in her twenties who climbed up a six-story building on Fuxingmen Street On the edge of the roof, it seems that they are looking for short-sightedness.

The ambulance and fire crews are in place and the police and surrounding residents are doing her job.

Reporters from all walks of life also flocked here, and one camera after another pointed their lenses at the beautiful girl on the rooftop who was troubled by love.

Beautiful women are easy to get preferential treatment when they are engaged in social activities, and the same is true in this kind of thing. There are a circle of people downstairs, trying to persuade her not to do stupid things. The media people with cameras occasionally pull the lens Get close, give her a close-up.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, it happens several times a year, Wang Yang thinks that girl is quite pitiful, so beautiful, will no one love her? Do you have to hang yourself on a tree? She has done such things as committing suicide by jumping off a building, one can imagine how much she loves that man.

I really don't know what that scumbag did to hurt people to such an extent.

But... this is not something he should worry about, the conversation with Meng Xiaojun is more important.

"What? Does it hurt to see a beautiful girl?"

Meng Xiaojun didn't respond to his teasing at all, he frowned and thought for a while: "Don't you think that girl on TV looks familiar?"

"Familiar?" Wang Yang looked at it carefully for a while, and it was indeed familiar.

"Liao Rongqin, yes, it's her."

Meng Xiaojun's words immediately revealed the scene buried in Wang Yang's heart by time. Three days ago, after Lin Yue finished performing at the National Center for the Performing Arts, a girl came to the stage with flowers and gave him a very warm hug. Comparing the facial features, it is indeed true. It is eight or nine points similar to the girl who is about to jump off the building on TV.

"Why would she do such a stupid thing?"

Meng Xiaojun kept a sullen face and said nothing.

Wang Yang came to his senses immediately, and quickly picked up the phone to dial the Motorola mobile phone that was taken by Su Mei.

"Hey, Su Mei, Liao Rongqin is now on Fuxingmen South Street, and it looks like he is about to jump off a building. You..."


"Oh, you know? Are you rushing with Lin Yue?"


"Okay, okay, no matter what she says, you have to agree, lie to her first, and then say it, and never stimulate her emotions."


"Okay, I'm going to pick up her mother now."

Wang Yang hung up the phone, before he had time to explain, he said "Lin Yue told me to pick up Su Li" and left the room quickly.

Meng Xiaojun looked at the door that was slowly closing, and then looked at the TV program that had already changed the next news, with a very ugly expression on his face.

Everyone was busy saving people, and he only had anger in his heart.

He couldn't figure out what was so good about Lin Yue, Su Mei and Liang Qin followed him so wholeheartedly, and now there was a young and beautiful girl who would not marry him unless he wanted to, and she was willing to die to show her ambition.


Why is he so popular with women, Liangqin abandoning him and choosing that merciful guy is the biggest pain in his life.

"This bastard has been against me since I was in college."

Meng Xiaojun slammed his fist on the table, and with a bang, the lid of Cheng Dongqing's white porcelain jar was knocked off.

Now it seems that the only thing that can win the game is a 20-year gamble. From 1984 to 1999, 16 years have passed, and there are still 4 years to the deadline. However, purely from the perspective of achievements and fame, Lin Yue is stronger than him.

How can I instantly kill that guy?

Meng Xiaojun thought of a way. He still remembers the process of going to the United States in the spring of this year to talk to relevant personnel about the collection of test questions. Not to mention the cold reception he received, the news of Sina’s listing on NASDAQ gave him a great shock. .

Yes, what better way to prove your success than "New Dream" listing on Nasdaq?

Money, fame, influence... As long as he can achieve this step, then he will win the 20-year bet. This is why after hearing Wang Yang's proposal to open a Telford training course, even if it is Lin Yue's suggestion, he is happy The reason for the promise is that there is nothing wrong with poor short-term returns. For things like listing, the comparison is the prospect and layout. In other words, on a logical basis, the louder the bullshit, the more optimistic the capital will be.

He turned and walked to the window, watching the students coming in and out of the school gate, his dignified expression began to soften over time.

Yes, the listing of "New Dream" is enough to distance Lin Yue from him, but before that, he needs to do something to cause some troubles for Lin Yue and make life difficult for him in the past four years. Of course, he won.

"Soldiers never tire of cheating, this is the knife you handed over yourself."


Two hours later, the TV station reported a piece of news. With the efforts of all parties, the firefighters successfully rescued the girl who was trying to commit suicide on Fuxingmen South Street. After her mood stabilized, the police criticized and educated her. She realizes her mistake and promises not to do something stupid again.

Many people are curious about the identity of the man who caused the girl to seek life and death, and their stories. However, because the Internet is not yet developed, ordinary people lack the channels to dig deeper into the information behind the incident.

A month later, the German local website issued a circular, which said that Lin Yue, the first-level consular secretary, had submitted a letter of resignation due to personal reasons. After the handover of the affairs at hand was completed, he would go through the resignation procedures.

This announcement did not cause heated discussions among the people, but for some organizations and companies in Germany, it can be described as a major concern.

Relevant people called the relevant departments to ask for details, but unfortunately they could not get a detailed explanation. The reception staff just repeated that the resignation was due to their personal reasons.

It was another month before gossip came out that Lin Yue resigned because of a girl from the Central Conservatory of Music who jumped off a building on Fuxingmen South Street.

Although love between men and women is a matter of course and feelings are very personal, but as a government employee, image is very important, and sometimes you have to make some sacrifices. He is unwilling to change the status quo, so the best choice is to resign voluntarily. Anyway, for a person like him, he can't starve to death anywhere, and his life will be better if he is not a civil servant.

After that, Lin Yue didn't hear from Lin Yue. When his friends in Germany went to find him, they found that the building was empty. Friends in China also couldn't contact him. Su Mei and Liangqin also seemed to disappear, and disappeared together with him.


Three years passed in the blink of an eye.

The third floor of "New Dream" English School.

Meng Xiaojun looked at Cheng Dongqing, with a puzzled expression on his face, "Why?"

Since returning to China in 1994, this is the first time Tubiecheng has said "NO" to his plan.

"Xiaojun, I think you are too impatient, this matter needs to be slowed down."

Cheng Dongqing pushed the listing plan back to Meng Xiaojun, and he agreed to commercialize "New Dream". He agreed to reform the shareholding system. The shareholding ratios of the three people were 36%, 34%, and 30%, respectively. But now, he wants to say that he disagrees, because if it is not listed, "New Dream" belongs to the three of them, and they can play whatever they want. Once it is listed, although more funds can be raised to expand, "New Dream" will not Now that he has become the owner of all shareholders, he will be constrained from making any big decisions. For him who likes stability, he will feel like his career has been robbed.

Meng Xiaojun slapped his hands on the table, and said angrily, "Cheng Dongqing, you're a bitch."

Cheng Dongqing didn't speak.

Meng Xiaojun walked around the table, propped the table with both hands, and looked down at the person opposite: "Let me ask you, do you still have dreams? Educational companies all over China are now working hard to go public. If we can be the first The education industry stocks listed on Nasdaq, we will be the No. 1 in this industry in the future. If you disagree, I will talk to Wang Yang. We both hold more shares than you. When the time comes, you will not agree. Agree and agree."

Cheng Dongqing still didn't speak.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open.

"You have a dream, and your dream is to do whatever it takes for that twenty-year bet, right?"

Following Wang Yang's appearance, there was another fist that slammed Meng Xiaojun's face.

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