Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1265 I am your eternal father

"You ask me what is the original intention of translating those papers? It's actually very simple, because I have been thinking about a problem. Everyone knows that Russia's national strength is declining, but its achievements in military industry can still impress Western countries. This is Why? If you look through history, you will know that a large number of masters in physics, chemistry, and mathematics emerged in Russia in the 18th century, and the background of these figures was the extensive exchanges and integration of academic circles in European countries. I It is believed that it is precisely because of these masters of basic disciplines that Russia has created the soil for the growth of science and technology, thereby establishing its status as a military power. In contrast to us, the saying that everyone often talks about is that the foundation is weak. It is necessary to try to build a solid foundation. There is no shortcut on the road of scientific development. It is also not advisable to force the growth of seedlings. I think the only way out is to loosen the soil, fertilize and weed carefully step by step. Only by laying the foundation well can we go forward. Steady, go far, and walk steadily.”

Lin Yue talked eloquently on the podium, some students below nodded in agreement, some looked pensive, and some were communicating with their classmates.

The student who asked the question just now said: "So after you resigned from the consulate in Munich, you have been running around in European and American countries, unremittingly collecting academic papers written in different languages, translating them into Chinese, and providing them to domestic universities as reference materials. ?"

"That's right." Lin Yue said: "I have always believed that learning without communication and interaction is not advisable. Only when ideas collide can there be a source of thinking and a burst of inspiration."


There was a burst of warm applause below.

After the applause subsided, a female student stood up: "Mr. Lin, I heard that your resignation as a diplomat was related to the girl who jumped off the building on Fuxingmen Street. Is this true?"

As soon as this gossip question came out, all the students who were communicating in low voices below shut up, and almost everyone focused their eyes on his face waiting for an answer.

"Your question is more lethal than my girlfriend asking me if I have a small coffer."


There was a burst of laughter from below.

"That's why I resigned when President Huang wanted to give me the title of visiting professor. My colleagues who used to work in Germany also called me to persuade me to go back and offered me a position as a consultant. I thought about it seriously. Thinking about it, it’s better to refuse, just translating papers and small series of books in various countries can also help the domestic education industry, right?”

He didn't answer the female student's question directly, but everyone here is smart, and anyone can hear the implication. The man on the podium doesn't care about those false names at all, because the things that a false name needs to carry are too restrictive. Do some practical things for the education industry in a down-to-earth manner.


There was another burst of warm applause.

Cheng Dongqing and Wang Yang also smiled and gave applause.

Meng Xiaojun looked at the person on the podium who was regarded as a lifelong rival, and suddenly felt very boring, not because the gambling game was boring, but because he himself was boring.

"New Dream" has been sending people out, but Lin Yue is trying his best to keep them, so that they can get access to information that is at the forefront of the times without going abroad.

new dream? His dream is money, career, and twenty years of gambling.

What about that person? From becoming a diplomat to being a translator now, I have done one thing in the past 20 years, which is to continuously pour various resources from abroad into the country to help reform and serve the country and the people.

Did Lin Yue pay attention to their gamble? No.

Only he, like a paranoid, kept pushing himself, taking defeating that person as his life creed.

Now that "New Oriental" is successfully listed, is he the winning party?


Half an hour later, outside the yet-to-be-built Wang Yang Teaching Building of the School of Foreign Languages.

Lin Yue looked at the introduction about Wang Yang in the information column, and said with a smile: "If the principal knows that the student who was expelled that year will donate a teaching building to the school 20 years later in order to vent his anger, I am afraid that I will wake up from my dream. "

Wang Yang glared at him unhappily: "It's funny, isn't it?"

Lin Yue said: "It's not funny, it's fun."

"Why?" Meng Xiaojun interrupted their conversation.

"what why?"

"Why do I work so hard, why do I ruin your career time and time again, but in the end I'm still not as good as you?"

Lin Yue raised his head and glanced at the sky where the clouds were like thousands of galloping horses: "A wise man said that learning is to improve life, not to enjoy life. Pursue excellence, and success will catch up with you inadvertently."

Meng Xiaojun looked at his feet when he heard the words. When the three of them were thinking, a person came out from the corner. The slightly protruding belly indicated that she was pregnant.

"I searched around in the office building, but I didn't expect you to come here. Mom and Sister Liangqin are anxiously waiting at home."

Cheng Dongqing looked at Liao Rongqin, who was fourteen or fifteen years younger than him, and felt that the wise man had missed two words, love.

On the road of pursuing excellence, there will be not only success, but also love, just like the old saying - there is a house of gold in the book, and Yan Ruyu in the book.


Lin Yueren let Liao Rongqin hold his hand and walked forward, but he came back after turning a corner, and stuffed a black business card with only a phone into Cheng Dongqing's hand: "If one day you are tired and don't want to play, Make this call, and he will help you cash out."

Cheng Dongqing looked at the card several times, and was sure that there was no valuable information on it except a phone number.

"This business card doesn't even have a should I call him?"

Lin Yue didn't look back, but walked forward and said, "Soros."

"Soros? How did you know him?"

Of course Wang Yang knew who Soros was.

Lin Yue turned around and smiled at him: "He made a bet with me and lost."

Soros, the capital tycoon who once set off a storm in the Asian financial market, also had a bet with him, and lost the bet?

Meng Xiaojun's face was ashen. He knew that he had lost, but he never thought that he would lose so badly. He thought that "New Dream" would be listed on the US stock market and be recognized by Wall Street investors. At least he could stand upright and speak in front of Lin Yue, but It never occurred to me that the top Wall Street investors would be defeated by that guy.

What kind of feeling is this?

To use a vivid analogy, you are still playing with mud, while others are already building houses with cement.

The two sides are not at the same level at all. Will the giant be furious because the dwarf kicked him? It's ridiculous that he still thinks that the game is a game, as long as he works a little harder, he can become the winner.

"Do you remember what I said when I was in school?" Wang Yang looked at Meng Xiaojun who was on the verge of collapse, and sighed heavily.

"There are always some people in this world who are beyond your reach."


When the three people looked at his back and didn't know what to say, Liao Rongqin grabbed his waist secretly.

"Steal other people's girlfriends and pretend that I am a good person, keep helping them, but step on them from beginning to end. Is there anyone worse than you in this world?"

Lin Yue was very wronged: "Why do you always think of people so badly? The conscience of heaven and earth, there are buddies like me, but they are the blessings of eight lifetimes of cultivation."

"It's strange to believe you." Liao Rongqin made a grimace at him: "Say, when you threw me to Sister Liangqin, did you expect her to be soft-hearted? Then share the guilt that caused me to commit suicide by jumping off the building. Half, force them to submit, you are really bad."

Lin Yue said solemnly: "No way, nonsense, how could a person like me who has a sense of justice, gentleness and kindness do such a despicable thing."

Liao Rongqin glared at him viciously, and stroked her swollen belly: "Son, when it comes to picking up girls, if you are half as good as your father in the future, mother will be at ease."

"Look at what you said, my son, of course he will be better than blue."

"If you say you're fat, you're still panting."

"Hey, don't hit, don't hit, be careful if you move your tire."


"What's wrong? Talk to me."

"I lied to you, your face turned pale from fright."

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