Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1267 Ate a Super Big Melon

Yuan Wei seemed to be dreaming about his mother, and kept saying "sorry" and "unfilial" or something.

This is human nature, nothing surprising, but the next sentence suddenly overturned Lin Yue's views on everything about the Yuan family.

I don't know what the old mother in Yuan Wei's dream told him, but his answer was that he couldn't accept it, and he still couldn't forgive him until now, and he didn't know how to face Yuan Shanshan, the child his ex-wife gave birth to by another man.

Isn't Yuan Shanshan his daughter?

Was it his ex-wife and another man?

That woman threw the child she had with someone else to Yuan Wei and the old lady, and then ran away with another man?

This this?

Lin Yue really ate a super big melon, no wonder Yuan Wei has fallen to this point, no wonder everyone in the community is saying that he is an unfilial son who cannot be supported by mud, but the old lady and Yuan Shanshan have been trying to excuse him. reason.

Let a man raise other people's children, can he not be entangled? Can he not be angry? Can he not resent? Can he not twist?

But what can be done? My ex-wife went to MO, but I can't find her again. Where's the child? It must not be lost.

He still loves his ex-wife, whether he loves the house or Wu, whether he can't bear to look at the child who has just entered elementary school, or thinks that the family ugliness should not be publicized. In short, the mother and son who have no parenting obligations have raised the girl for seventeen years.

Lin Yue looked at the man opposite with a painful face, and sighed heavily. Faced with this situation, even if he really owed a huge amount of foreign debt because of gambling money, as the neighbors in the neighborhood said, he would be more than a man. Less is also understandable.

Lin Yue's sigh awakened Yuan Wei, who was struggling in his dream, and he quickly pretended to be asleep, turning his sigh into a snoring.




Yuan Wei glanced at him twice, turned around and continued to sleep.

As for whether he fell asleep or not, Lin Yue didn't know. Anyway, he didn't snore until dawn.


After getting up the next day, Lin Yue took him to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast, then took a taxi to the West Railway Station, and took the high-speed train to Jianghai City.

Yuan Wei seemed to feel that Lin Yue's attitude had changed a lot compared to last night. He made tea for him, took him to the dining car for dinner, and drank a small bottle of Erguotou with him. I asked why, but every time the words came to my lips, I swallowed them back.

Lin Yue was so happy, because the Yuan family's affairs were many times more complicated than he imagined. He just had to stand in Yuan Shanshan's position and do what a friend should do, and it was really not appropriate to get too involved.

It took about five hours to take the high-speed rail, and at around 12:00 noon, Lin Yue drove Yuan Wei to the funeral home.

The farewell ceremony for the body was basically over, and the neighborhood neighbors and the old lady's former workers had almost left. When the two entered, Yuan Shanshan was still holding the portrait and kneeling in front of a row of wreaths.

Tan Xiaoguang was standing at the door, and when he saw Lin Yue's figure, he hurried up to meet him.

"What did you do? You came back so late?"

Yes, he is a mature and stable person, but he doesn't have much experience in this kind of thing. Lin Yue let him take care of it. A few small details were wrong, and there was a little embarrassment. Fortunately, the general direction is okay. The ceremony is coming to an end. Afterwards, the old lady's body will be cremated, and the storage procedures will be completed tomorrow, and the matter will be over.

Lin Yue didn't say anything, and pouted forward. Tan Xiaoguang looked back and saw Yuan Shanshan standing up, calling "Dad" to the man behind Lin Yue with red eyes.

This unattractive man, who he thought was a belated guest, was Yuan Shanshan's father?

Yuan Wei didn't respond, and rushed over with a wow, threw himself on the ice coffin and cried, but fortunately, Grandma Liu's son was quick to help him, so that the surrounding flowers were not crushed.

Tan Xiaoguang finally came to his senses, looked at Lin Yue and said, "Have you gone to find her father?"

Lin Yue nodded.

"Yuan Shanshan doesn't even know the whereabouts of his father. Where did you find out?"

"The old lady told me when she was alive."

"old lady?"


From Lin Yue's point of view, the old lady has passed away anyway, so there is no way to verify whether this statement is true or not.

At this time, Tan Xiaoguang noticed that something was wrong with Yuan Wei: "Don't everyone in the community say that he is an unfilial gambler? Why..."

Lin Yue turned his head, looked at the crying man and said, "Maybe I feel ashamed."

Tan Xiaoguang and the uncle on the first floor might think that Yuan Wei's performance today is a discovery of conscience, but Lin Yue is very clear that the reason why Yuan Wei ran away from home may be different from everyone's understanding, but he didn't say, like this It's better to keep the secrets of other people's families in your heart.

The next thing is much simpler. After all, the old lady's own son is back, and he is responsible for everything. The pressure on Yuan Shanshan is much less, and she can be relied on. Some important decisions are made by her son, and no one else will. Say more.

Su Han and Zhou Lin also came when the ashes were deposited at the funeral parlor on the third day. After all, they had dinner together before, and with Lin Yue's relationship in between, the pet hospital was fine, so they should be rewarded for coming here to cheer for others.

Afterwards, Lin Yue secretly stuffed five hundred dollars into the girl. The money was not much, mainly because she was afraid that the amount would be too large and she would not accept it.

After sending Zhou Lin and Su Han back to Furong Street, they had a meal together and talked about what happened in the past two days. Lin Yue didn't stay long, and returned to the community with Ba Dun and Xia Hou, whom he hadn't seen in days.

When I got home, I found that Tan Xiaoguang had gone to bed early, snoring so loudly that he could hear it standing in the living room.

Thinking about how tired he was after running for the past two days, if it wasn't for his own relationship, there would be no need to do these unlucky things in the eyes of others.

Find a time to treat him to a good meal...

Thinking of this, he walked into the bedroom and fell asleep on the bed.

It’s strange to say that I usually don’t need sleep at all, but today I felt sleepy and fell asleep very quickly. The old lady who usually rides a tricycle to pick up junk said thank you face to face, and hoped that he would help take care of Yuan Shanshan and Yuan Wei, and tell them They are all miserable people.

Lin Yue agreed and told her to rest assured that he would help if he could.

The old lady left, and he woke up too.

Gathering his mind, he walked to the balcony, looked at the sun jumping out of the horizon in the east, shook his head and smiled wryly, this old lady has a lot of skills, it's really interesting to think about dreaming about a person like him who crawled over a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

woof woof~

woof woof~

Hearing the dog barking from the living room, Lin Yue knew that Tan Xiaoguang was awake, and Ba Dun was greeting him, so he opened the door and came to the living room, just in time to see him going to the bathroom.

"woke up?"


"How did you sleep?"

Tan Xiaoguang came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush, brushed it twice and stopped, with an expression as if he was struggling with what to say.

But finally said it.

"You say it's strange, but yesterday I dreamed of Yuan Shanshan's grandma. She thanked me and left."

Thinking of what happened last night, Lin Yue gave him an inscrutable smile, but he didn't speak, because if he told the dream he had, Tan Xiaoguang might doubt the ideological education he had received for so many years.

"What to eat? I'll go shopping today."

Tan Xiaoguang didn't realize that Lin Yue was changing the subject: "I've helped you so much, you have to treat me to a good meal. Two days ago, I noticed that there was a shop selling crab roe soup dumplings in Xijiekou, and I want to eat that. "

"No problem." Lin Yue said hello, opened the door and walked outside.

The dog rushed out with a whoosh, and the way it climbed the stairs with four legs was very funny. Tan Xiaoguang felt that Lin Yue's licking skills were brought to the extreme by Lin Yue. You must know that Lin Yue was rarely interested in taking it out for a walk. It was all because of him. I'm doing it, what's the result? What an uncooked licking dog.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Yue came back with the steamed stuffed bun. After the two of them had breakfast, Tan Xiaoguang went to work in a hurry and asked for three days off. Look good.

Lin Yue stayed at home for a while, digested food, changed into a sweater and was about to go to Furong Street, when there was a knock on the door in the living room.

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