Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1275 Cut off one Hu first

Lin Yue was not surprised by her arrival.

"What are you doing?"

"I just... I just..."

"I just" for a long time, she didn't say why, and waved her hand: "I don't care anyway, you have to explain it to me, why are you doing this to a lunatic?"

Lin Yue said, "Isn't it okay to eliminate harm for the people? Like this kind of rubbish, everyone gets it and punishes it."

Lin Xia said: "Say it again, you tell me again."

Lin Yue glared at her: "Get out of the car."

"I told you to get out of the car."

Lin Xia looked puzzled, how could this guy turn his face faster than turning a book, he just said he liked her, but now he looks fierce.

Just as she was about to leave here in a fit of anger, Lin Yue's cell phone dropped on the center console moved, and there was a familiar ringtone.

"I don't answer the phone because I'm sick, what's wrong with me, I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm crazy..."

Lin Yue frowned, and only now noticed that the system had preset such a mobile phone ringtone for him, which was exactly the same as the one used by the TV series Mileage Peak.

Lin Xia wanted to leave in a fit of anger, but refused to leave when she heard the phone ring.

He ignored this carefree guy, picked up his phone and looked at it, and couldn't help frowning.

It's Wu Ying calling.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Her clamor came from the loudspeaker: "My parents already know about this, Lin Yue, you are limited to go home within 20 minutes, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

"It's none of my business." Lin Yue said, "Bring your household registration book and marriage certificate, and I'll meet you at the Civil Affairs Bureau the day after tomorrow."

When you're done, press the end button.

Lin Xia has been observing his facial expression, and tentatively asked: "Are you divorced?"


"Oh." Now she stopped arguing and was not angry: "I think this kind of thing, it's not easy to get together, if you can't leave, you can't leave. Is there anything that can't be resolved through communication?"

"Can you make Cheng Feng fall in love with you through communication?"

She raised her face and smiled, then shook her head: "But I will try my best."

Lin Yue said: "You are lowly."

Lin Xia pouted, and gave him a hard look: "For the sake of your husband and wife's discord, I don't know as much as you, so I won't bully lunatics again."

After leaving this sentence, she opened the car door and left.

Lin Yue frowned, ignored her, threw the phone into the center console, put it in reverse gear, and stepped on the accelerator to leave the berth.

The headlights of the car swept across the door of the restaurant, and it happened to shine on Wu Di's face. The two people's eyes met in mid-air. Lin Yue curled his lips, and decided to fight for 100,000 yuan, but also to make your head green.

But even so, Mr. Wu will choose to forgive, right? yes...

After leaving the western restaurant, he found a hotel to stay.

I didn't rest at night, and I have been using [All-Seeing Eyes] to search the information of Wu Wei and Shao Huayang's securities companies, collecting information on related accounts and various sensitive operation records in the past ten years.

The accumulation process of original capital has never been clean, especially when playing with money.

In the TV series, Shao Huayang said that he realized the rapid increase of wealth by grasping the market conditions and future development direction. This kind of words are like "hard work and getting rich", and it is easy to deceive children.

And Wu Wei came back to start a company to benefit the society because of his patriotism. No matter how you look at it, his company will not create value. The biggest role of banks and securities companies is to promote capital circulation and help companies raise money, but in TV dramas, does Wu Wei help those companies with potential go public, issue bonds, and control risks? No, what he did was speculate in the stock market.

So where did the money he earned over the years come from?

The answer is simple, cut leeks.

Cutting leeks equals patriotism? Is it equal to fighting for the rise of China?

Lin Yue really wanted to say hello to the screenwriter, your fucking head was kicked by a donkey?


The next day, he first drove to Shao Huayang's company. He left the Type II Blackfly drone and tracking stickers on the grounds of consulting business, and went to the computer city to buy a laptop. The car drove downstairs to the Dade Group.

Beating Cheng Feng up like that had another purpose besides Lu Jian's idea of ​​kicking the scumbag, and that was to prevent him from getting close to Lu Manjia.

This girl is only six-and-a-half years old, but she has a good figure, and more importantly, she has an identity-the future financial director of Daedeok Group.

After listening to music in the car for a while, seeing more and more people coming down from above, Lin Yue knew that it was time to get off work, so he focused on the entrance of the office building.

Sure enough, it took only three to five minutes to reach today's goal.

Lu Manjia was carrying a large satchel, wearing a woolen coat, leggings and flat shoes underneath.

After she came out, she slowed down, looked around and continued walking.

In the TV series, Cheng Feng made a bet with Wu Di and Shi Xiaomeng that he would take Lu Manjia down in three days. If he couldn’t do it, he would take refuge in the future and stop harming women. If he did, the two of them would worship him as their teacher. .

If Lin Yue hadn't intervened, Cheng Feng would have carried a large bag of roses in a red sports car and stood in the office building waiting for her to go downstairs. Now that his face is beaten like that, even if the medicine is applied, the wound on the corner of his mouth will have to rest for two or three days to heal. See people, it is naturally impossible to appear here under such circumstances.

It seemed that Lu Manjia was ready to reprimand Cheng Feng for disrespecting others by betting on his feelings, but to her surprise, no one came.

When Lin Yue rushed to the western restaurant last night, she had already left, so she didn't know that Cheng Feng, Shi Xiaomeng, and Wu Di had been beaten up, and her thoughts were still on the fact that Shi Xiaomeng and Wu Di secretly told her that Cheng Feng was going to chase her. superior.

Lin Yue activated the [Women's Friend] skill, and took out the [Sea King Rubik's Cube], which had been useless for a long time, pointed it at Lu Manjia's back lightly, then started the car engine, slightly accelerated the accelerator, and slowly approached the woman. Lower the window when it is almost level.

"Hey, Lu Manjia."

She turned her head and looked at the man's face in the cockpit. For some reason, she blushed and her heart beat for no reason. She felt that the call just now was more provocative than the sweet words that the man in the previous spring dream said close to her ear.

"Who are you……"

Stunning is amazing, but she didn't lose her mind, and she searched her mind but couldn't find any information about the man opposite.

Lin Yue said, "Are you wondering why Cheng Feng didn't show up downstairs?"

Lu Manjia's expression was a little cramped when he told him what was on his mind.

"Are you more curious about why I know what's on your mind?" Lin Yue pushed open the co-pilot's door: "Get in the car."

"where to?"

"I think it's better to find a restaurant that is as warm as spring to eat and chat while standing on the street and blowing the northwest wind."

Lu Manjia thought for a while, and got into the co-pilot of the Mercedes-Benz.

"I don't know your name yet."

"Lin Yue, a columnist for NetEase's Emotional Channel." Lin Yue answered her question while driving the car into the main road, heading towards the restaurant he had chosen earlier in the morning.


Chongwen District.

Maxim's restaurant.

Lu Manjia looked at the bordeaux wine foie gras served with green onions and colorful flounder on the table, then looked at the chandelier in the shape of a maple chestnut tree above his head, the gilded rattan patterns on the wall, and the murals copied from the Louvre, and couldn't help but feel distracted. , a little flustered.

Until now, she can still feel the heat on her face, asking herself what's wrong today, why she always thinks about those things that make people blush, while trying her best to suppress this inhumane emotion, and let herself see it as much as possible. Get up and calm down.

"Why did you take me so far away for dinner?"

Lin Yue said, "I am a member here."

"Oh, that's it."

"These two dishes are their signature dishes here. I don't know if they suit your taste."

"Well, it's delicious."

"That's good."

Lu Manjia took a sip of the warm water in the cup, adjusted his mood and said, "You haven't said why you can guess what's on my mind."

Lin Yue said: "Because I beat Cheng Feng last night."

"You? Beat him up?" Lu Manjia was taken aback. Who is Cheng Feng? The prince of the Dade Group can be said to be her immediate boss, but Lin Yue actually beat him up?


"Why did you beat him?"

"Have you forgotten my identity? NetEase Emotional Channel columnist."

"I don't understand, what does your beating him have to do with your profession?"

"Did you hear that a girl jumped off a building near the International Trade Center yesterday?"

"I know."

"Then do you know who she went to the roof because of, and wanted to commit suicide?"

"Cheng Feng?"

"That's right, I went to interview that girl last night. After listening to her story, I decided to help her and went to find Cheng Feng with her. Guess what happened?"

"What's the matter?"

"I happened to meet him talking about the gambling game with two friends. One girl almost jumped off the building because of him. Instead of feeling guilty at all, she was eyeing another girl and was going to take her feelings as a bet. Shouldn't this kind of person be hit? "

"It should be hit." Lu Manjia said, "I didn't expect him to be this kind of person."

Lin Yue said, "They made a bet, how about we make a bet too?"

Lu Manjia was stunned for a moment: "Bet? What are you betting on?"

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