Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1277 I am an all-around musician

"How did you come?"

Three minutes later, Lin Xia pulled him aside.

Lin Yue said: "I'm about to divorce Wu Ying, and her brother's company can't accommodate me, so I have to find something to make a living."

This is reasonable, but Lin Xia always feels that it is not the case.

"You wouldn't be..."

"Could it be what? Could it be because he likes you and deliberately approached you?" Lin Yue glanced at Fat Si. This kid seemed to be playing drums, but his eyes were erratic, and he glanced at the two whispering people from time to time. Vice was curious to know what the content of the conversation looked like.

"Miss Lin, you are overthinking."

"Okay, just pretend I'm thinking too much." Lin Xia turned her head to look at the stage: "Are you really going up to sing?"

"Are you worried that I can't sing well?"

"That's not true."

Lin Xia hesitated to speak, she believed in the eyes of the proprietress, since he was said to be good, then he must be good, but the crux of the problem was not whether he could sing well, but whether Fat Si would secretly trip her up, she didn't know The guy was pulling the bass player and the guitar player and chatting about something, and it was pretty sure nothing good would happen.

"Okay, it's my turn to play."

Lin Yue smiled at her, stepped onto the stage, held the microphone and said, "Hi everyone, it's a great honor to be here. Today is my first performance in the blues bar. If you sing well, please give more applause. If you sing If it’s not good, please forgive me.”

The three young ladies in the audience applauded at the right time, and some people raised beer bottles to respect each other.

Lin Yue looked back at the band members: "Let's start with Huang Jiaju's "Glory Days"."

The guitarist and bassist didn't speak, Fat Si shook his head: "No."

"Glory Days won't? Then come to Zhang Jie's "Why We Must Be Together."


No, this is sincerely asking him a problem, Lin Yue sneered: "Then what will you do?"

Fei Si said: "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, can you sing?"

"I knew things were not that simple." Lin Xia, who had been paying attention to the movement on the stage, whispered while holding the iron pillars on the edge of the stage: "Fatty man, aren't you embarrassing him? Believe it or not, the proprietress knows and deducts your salary."

Fat Si turned a deaf ear to it, with an expression of a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"Isn't it the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau? Well, then the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau."

Lin Yue's answer surprised Lin Xia: "Are you crazy?"

This song is a high-pitched Divine Comedy with a difficulty of B5. At present, few female cafes in the music industry can hold it, let alone sing it to a man. Even a fool can see that Fat Si is embarrassing others.

Lin Yue said, "Are you concerned about me?"

"Who cares about you anymore, I just don't think it's fair."

Not to mention, she has a sense of justice.

"Change it, hurry up and change it." After speaking, he threatened Fat Si: "Fatty, did you hear that?"

"Lin Xia, he beat the lunatic like that, and you still talk to him, what are you thinking? Are you out of your mind?"


Now she has nothing to say, because the bass player and the guitarist looked at her strangely, as if they were wondering what caused Miss Lin to turn her elbow outward, the person who loved the dead was beaten like that, and the guy who did it was Standing on the stage, instead of thinking about revenge, she even spoke for him.

"Okay, let's sing about the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau." Lin Yue said in an unquestionable tone.

Fat Si winks at the guitarist and bassist, and the two prepare for the prelude.

Lin Yue went back to the microphone and announced the title of the song he was going to sing. There was an uproar below the stage, and the guests who were whispering and laughing with their friends in the corner also raised their heads and looked at the stage with surprised faces, not understanding what this kid said. Crazy, on the first day of the station, I have to pretend to be a big guy.

The key is that there are many songs that can be pretended, such as Jay Chou's "Wu Shuang", which is also a B5 difficult song. As long as you practice the dolphin sound well, you can still challenge it, but he chose a song that is easy to pretend to be a fool. Qinghai-Tibet Plateau".

Even the proprietress who was carrying the drinks at the back was startled, and walked around to the front of the stage, frowning at the few people on the stage.

Lin Yue didn't pay attention to these things, touched the position of the super voice changer hanging around his neck, sank to his dantian with the melody, and sang loudly.

Who brought the ancient call.

Who left the thousand years of hope.

Could it be that there are still speechless songs?

It's still the long-lasting nostalgia that can't be forgotten.

Oh, I see mountains and rivers.

Mountains and rivers are connected.

Ya la so.

That is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.


When the last sentence "That's the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau" exited, everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay. Lin Xia even noticed that the passers-by who were walking outside were attracted to the bar entrance, and frowned at the one on the stage who closed his eyes and raised his voice to the clouds The man points and points.

Up, really up.

Moreover, the upper air is calm and easy to handle, and the explosive power and penetrating power of the treble are constantly hitting the eardrum like a tide. This song is sung by a male voice. Compared with the original female voice, it has a majestic thickness and historical vicissitudes that match the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. feel.

The expression on the face of the proprietress is very exciting. With this singing skill and talent, even professional singers can't play it. The level of powerful star singers is also at this level.

During the interview, she knew that she had found a treasure, but she didn't expect that this treasure singer was much better than she expected.

Fat Si doesn't know what to say anymore, his only thought is to be annoyed, originally he wanted to make Lin Yue a big ugly, shameless to stay in the blues, don't fight with him for Lin Xia, and give the lunatic and Wu Di a shot In the end, he didn't get angry, but instead gave him a chance to express himself.


It wasn't until this time that there was a round of applause from the audience, some people shouted "Hello", and some whistled, asking him to do another one.

"Why are you here? If you sing this song too much, you will die."

Lin Xia rushed to the stage, staring at the booing regulars in the corner, her face full of threats.

"You can sing this well, how did you practice?"

Lin Yue said: "It's nothing, Dimash's song is fine."

"Dimash? Who is that?"

Lin Xia had no idea about the name, and searched his mind but couldn't find any relevant advice: "What is the famous work of this person you mentioned?"

Lin Yue didn't answer this question, because he walked into the bar alone and sat down at the table facing the stage.

He came to the blues bar not just to show his presence in front of Lin Xia, but for a small goal - first sacrifice Wu Di's brother to the flag.

"Isn't it time for you to sing Tick Tock?"

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he slapped the microphone in her hand, ignored the puzzlement in the girl's eyes, and walked down the stage.

"Hey, how did you know this song?"

Lin Yue didn't look back, let alone tell her the answer, but Fat Si curled his lips and said in a strange way: "Why are you pretending? Why don't you go to an entertainment show if you sing so well?"

"Fatty, you can die if you don't say a word."

Lin Xia was very displeased with Fat Si's villainous tricks.

At the same time, Lin Yue sat on the chair opposite Shao Huayang, and looked at the old man who had a crush on Lin Xia with great interest.

"Sings well."

Shao Huayang was so stared at that his spine was shaking, so he could only use praise to resolve the embarrassment.

"Alcohol is not acceptable." Lin Yue smiled, looked at the 12-year-old Glenfiddich on the table and said, "How can this kind of wine be worthy of your status as the general manager of Haidong Securities?"

Shao Huayang's expression changed upon hearing this.

Lin Yue turned around and snapped his fingers at the waiter at the bar who was wiping the glass with a white towel: "A bottle of Balvenie."

The waiter looked back at the wine cabinet, took a bottle of wine from the highest place, put it on a plate, and brought it to Lin Yue: "Use it slowly."

He always felt that this new resident singer was very weird, completely different from the musicians who used to expect to sing for a living.

Lin Yue poured half a glass for Shao Huayang, poured another half for himself, and raised the glass: "Come on, Mr. Shao, let's have a drink for Tick Tick."

Shao Huayang's face was even uglier. The other party knew that he was the general manager of Haidong Securities, and also knew the purpose of his coming here, but his understanding of the person in front of him only stopped at the level of "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau".

After pondering for a while, he raised his glass and took a sip, pretending to be calm and said: "I want to know why you invited me to drink."

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