Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1281 Take away the old father-in-law's family

Lin Xia looked at the opposite person with a puzzled face, his face changed drastically after thinking about it a few times, and he wondered if Fat Si and his gang sued him?

This fat man, still thinks that the incident is not big enough, and he has to fight to lose both?

Lin Yue looked calmly, looked at the two policemen and said, "That's right, it's me."

The leading policeman said, "We want to ask you a few questions about what happened at Maxim's Restaurant in Chongwen District yesterday."

Maxim's restaurant?

Nothing to do with the blues bar brawl?

When two policemen came out, Lin Xia noticed that there was another person in the car. Because of his short stature, he didn't notice it just now.

At this moment, the door of the back room opened, and Wu Ying, Wu Qiangsheng, and Bai Xiaolan walked out, looking at them coldly.

Lin Yue looked at Wu Yinghao, who still had some bruises in the corner of his eyes, and said coldly, "It really is you, that's great."

Lin Xia said, "You know him?"

"That's right, Wu Yinghao, my uncle, I beat him when he was eating at Maxim's restaurant yesterday."

Lin Xia was very speechless, thinking what was going on with this guy, he fought three times in two days, he is doing well now, he overturned...

"Comrade policeman, he was the one who beat me yesterday. The waiter at Maxim's Restaurant can testify." Wu Yinghao looked at Lin Yue with a look of resentment. How can you endure being beaten like that in front of your wife and children? Second, Lin Yue is both his subordinate and his brother-in-law, the one who is trampled under his feet on weekdays, he can't accept this anyway.

To be honest, the two policemen are quite speechless. They usually deal with fights and fights a lot, but in all fairness, the most difficult thing to deal with is the physical conflict caused by family conflicts. The best countermeasure is to persuade, scare, and educate.

"Lin Yue, if it wasn't for Dad saying that you should come out after courtesy first?" Wu Yinghao said bitterly.

Lin Yue turned his head to look at Wu Qiangsheng, and said to himself that he called this a courtesy before a soldier? Sure enough, this person, if he is too kind to others, he will be regarded as weak and easy to bully.

"Okay, if you give me the salute first and then the soldiers, then I will also give you a salute first and then the soldiers."

After he finished speaking, he took out a double-folded document from his pocket and handed it to the policeman closest to him: "Mr. Police Officer, this is my report letter, which contains evidence of tax evasion by Wu Yinghao's import and export trading company." , and evidence that Wu Qiangsheng, as a cadre of a state-owned enterprise, helped his son Wu Yinghao operate in a black box during the bidding process."




The Wu family was dumbfounded, they didn't expect Lin Yue to do such a great job.

Wu Qiangsheng's "before the soldiers" and his "before the soldiers" are completely two concepts.

The fight in the Maxillon restaurant was because Wu Yinghao swears first, so the fixed-frame punishment was detention for 15 days and a fine of 500 yuan. What Lin Yue submitted was a report letter, maybe Wu Qiangsheng and Wu Yinghao would have to go to jail.

The two policemen were also dumbfounded. This was the first time they encountered such a thing. The father-in-law and the uncle wanted to put their son-in-law in a cell for two days to vent their anger. The son-in-law did even worse and went too far. There is a lot of people coming.

"Lin Yue, you bastard who eats inside and outside, I will fight you."

Wu Yinghao couldn't control the resentment in his heart, and came up to tear his enemies, Lin Yue dragged Lin Xia to hide behind the two policemen: "Officer, did you see that, he wants to retaliate, you have to take care of this matter, protecting the lives and property of citizens is the most important thing." Your duty."

Wu Qiangsheng looked at the chickens and dogs jumping in front of him, his old face was pale, and he was trembling all over. He will retire next year. Based on the idea that his power will not expire, he has helped Wu Yinghao make profits in the process of corporate procurement more than once. How can this be done? Lin Yue learned that he didn't know, but it was foreseeable that once he was found out by the procuratorate, what awaited him would be a fate that could not be guaranteed at the end of the year, and everything owned by the Wu family... would become a thing of the past.

Courtesy before soldiers? I wanted to give my daughter a bad breath, but the end of the matter was "Is the clown actually me?"




Over there, Bai Xiaolan's eyes turned white, her body kept leaning back, as if she couldn't bear this cruel fact, showing signs of developing a stroke.

"This psychological quality is too fragile." Lin Yue said sarcastic remarks in the back, without any gentlemanly demeanor.

"You... did it on purpose?"

While the police were calling for an ambulance, Lin Xia looked up at Lin Yue.

"I'm just preparing a backup. I've always been like this. Whoever doesn't make me happy, I let him despair. It's them, not me, who don't make me happy." Lin Yue sighed, showing regret: "Divorce, it's good If you have to make a fuss about the matter, you can't end it, you can only say that if you don't do it, you won't die."

Is divorce a good thing?

Lin Xiaxin said who is this, but she has also seen Lin Yue's ruthlessness.

Of course, it is understandable to do so, after all, it was the Wu family who tried to get him into the club first.


The farce ended with Lin Yue being detained for seven days for violating the regulations on public security punishment for beating someone at Maxim's Restaurant.

Bai Xiaolan was admitted to the hospital because of cerebral infarction, Wu Qiangsheng and Wu Yinghao were targeted by the procuratorate, and the staff launched an investigation based on the reported content. The import and export trading company was shut down, and the employees were panicked. Some were afraid of being involved in the case, and some were afraid of losing their jobs. No money to pay the mortgage.

Fei Si was very happy to hear from Lin Xia that Lin Yue had been squatting. But Sister Hong is not happy, Sister Hong is not happy, and the staff of the blues bar will not be happy either, because she would turn a blind eye to stealing a leisurely way, and now no one wants to deal with it As a result, even Lin Xia and Lin Xia complained endlessly, complaining about Sister Hong's upset mood and venting their anger on them.

The story lines of Shi Xiaomeng, Cheng Feng, and Wu Di didn't have any big fluctuations.

Shi Xiaomeng was kicked by Lin Yue, and hit the back of his head on the ground. He was neither disfigured nor internally injured. How should he live his life? The next day, because he saved a little boy, he lost the overnight project. Big embarrassment.

As for Wu Di, he took two days off to recuperate from his injuries. A person like him who pays attention to his image would certainly not go to work with bruises and redness.

Cheng Feng didn't forget the bet with Shi Xiaomeng and Wu Di, and after two days of drinking medicinal wine for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, he went to hook up with Lu Manjia after his injury improved, but it turned out that his nose was ashamed, and Lu Manjia also knew that Lin Xia had done it for him. The thing about jumping off a building.

A normal person would definitely give up here, but he is not an ordinary person. He bought Lu Manjia's best friend, used aggressive tactics, and launched a wave of romantic offensive. Lu Manjia was really tempted.

It's not that she is stupid, but she was defeated by the experience of a veteran in love.

A woman, who doesn't want to be favored by men, like Cheng Feng, the prince of a listed group, wants money and money, and looks decent, obviously there is a beautiful girl who loves him so much that he can jump off a building, but he doesn't like it, but he does everything possible To please yourself, for a girl like Lu Manjia who came from the countryside to work hard in a big city, wants to be strong and yearns for true love, is there anything that can make her feel successful and different than this?

So she clearly remembered the bet with Lin Yue, but she still embarked on the road of compromise and admit defeat.

On the other side, Cheng Feng, who won the bet, taught Wu Di and Shi Xiaomeng his experience in picking up girls, and encouraged Wu Di to go hunting for girls. At this moment, Shi Xiaomeng told them that his girlfriend Shen Bing was coming, and arranged for Cheng Feng I have a task --- since the prince is very free, it is better to go to the airport to pick him up early.

When the heroine of the TV series met the heroine at the airport and fell in love at first sight, in the general manager's office of Haidong Securities, the secretary Xiaohui put a document on Shao Huayang's desk, turned and left.

He picked it up and flipped through it, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

The vice president Lao Liu who was sitting on the sofa next to him walked over by chance: "What's wrong?"

Shao Huayang handed him the documents brought in by the secretary.

Old Liu picked it up in his hand and turned it over, his brows were also furrowed tighter and tighter.

Shao Huayang said, "What do you think of this matter?"

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