
"Is he awake?"

Yang Zixi shook her head, looked at her boyfriend with a puzzled expression, wondering why he stopped her from calling the police.

"Zixi, don't call the police, this is too embarrassing."

"Should I just let him... let him put me to sleep? No!"

Yang Zixi was about to struggle, but Andy snatched the phone and grabbed her arms: "Zixi, listen to me, what happened yesterday... I know."

"you know?"

These words were like a sap, hitting her chest hard.

Yang Zixi looked at him in horror: "Do you know why you didn't stop it?"

Andy said: "Two days ago, I should have mentioned to you that the stock of Dad's company was shorted by an institution. Why did you call Lin Yue over so late yesterday? It's because he is the benefactor of Shao Huayang, the general manager of Haidong Securities. I want to let you He made a match to help the company stabilize the stock price. But he refused, saying that it was illegal to do so, and I... I had no choice but to think of the day he called Cheng Feng and told me that he liked you, so I got him drunk... "

"You just got him into the bedroom?"

Yang Zixi looked at him coldly: "Andy, you are a bastard."

She struggled to hit him, but her hands were tightly grasped: "Zixi, listen to me, if my dad's company can't get through this difficulty, your flower shop, the house in Sanyuanqiao, the BMW car , LV bags, Carrot Ding shoes, Chanel clothes...these are all gone."

Upon hearing this, Yang Zixi calmed down. The flower shop was her dream since she was a child. It is impossible to expect Wu Di to help her realize it in this life. It seems that only Andy can help her achieve it. In other words, Yajia's company encountered a serious crisis, and without Lin Yue's help, it would have gone bankrupt. Then, after a long time of tossing, wouldn't she return to the original point?

She didn't want to go back to a life where Wu Di couldn't even afford three thousand yuan for her shoes.

"So he can help you solve the problem?"

"No, not yet." Andy whispered a few words in her ear.

Yang Zixi thought for a moment, then nodded slightly: "Okay."

A minute later, Andy kicked open the bedroom door, took Yang Zixi's hand and walked in, and then shouted angrily: "Lin Yue, you bastard, I treat you as a good buddy, you actually Sneak in to play with my wife, if I don't kill you today, I won't be called sub-health."


In all kinds of works of gods and demons in ancient and modern times, one of the things that the devil likes to do most is to make deals with humans. In fact, this is very fair. If you want to get something, you have to pay the cost, just like there is no such thing as something for nothing in the world. The grease is taken out of the intestines, washed and dried. Life itself is the biggest devil in the world. As long as people live, they will make deals with it all the time, and do multiple-choice questions under its control all the time, just like some people are willing to sacrifice their health for money. Marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting the old mother, some people gain power and abandon their conscience.

So Lin Yue succumbed and compromised under the coercion and lure of Yang Zixi and Andy, and dialed Shao Huayang's number in front of the two.

Turning to the afternoon, the stock code 600712 directly rose by the limit.

When the crisis of the Ya family was resolved, Andy and Yang Zixi breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and chose to forget what happened last night.

As for whether Yang Zixi knows the smell by eating the marrow, and thinks that the man smells good, lasts longer, and his kung fu is so good that he can send her to heaven, then only she knows.

At the same time, Wu Wei, the general manager of Boli Financial Investment Co., Ltd., stared at the market with a puzzled expression, while Hua Yong... also had a puzzled expression.

"What is Haidong doing?"

They couldn't understand that the people in the company had been staring at Haidong for almost a week, and continuously suppressed several stocks in Haidong's heavy positions, but Shao Huayang was unmoved, with a look of "he is crazy, let him be crazy, and the breeze blows the hills" Contemptuous attitude, after this operation, for their company, it can be said that it will hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.

The key is that when the few people came back and smelled the smell of blood and started buying 600712 in large quantities, Haidong lost a little money and retreated, which means he was tricked.

To use an analogy, Haidong smashed 600712 two times in a row, and then bought a large amount of the stock after it was done. They lost a total of 500,000 in handling fees, taxes, and price differences. They thought that Shao Huayang was rushing to make a profit. If they go there, they will pull up the shipment, but who knows that they will withdraw suddenly, and Boli will invest a large amount of money to take over the order at a high position. After careful calculation, it will pay a loss of 1 million.

Yes, harming others is not beneficial to oneself.

Wu Wei was completely dumbfounded. He didn't know what Shao Huayang was doing, because according to the information he had, that old fox who had been up and down in the stock market for many years shouldn't have this kind of personality.

Hua Yong shook his head: "Boss, didn't you say that Shao Huayang never fought uncertain battles?"

"That's right." Wu Wei frowned tightly, feeling a dull pain in his head: "Who knows what he thinks."

Hua Yong said: "This is a good move. We not only took over the offer from a high position, but also exposed our own existence. I believe that after this incident, Haidong will definitely notice us. It will be difficult to do anything to them in the future."

Wu Wei closed his eyes and pondered, and finally did not answer the question, but just waved his hands: "You go down first, let me think about it."

Hua Yong nodded and turned to leave.

"Oh, by the way, do you still want to make a reservation for the restaurant tonight?"

"Order, why not? I don't want to break the appointment with Wu Mei." Wu Wei said: "Remember to send the address to Wu Di."


Hua Yong agreed, opened the door and walked out.

On the other hand, Shi Xiaomeng did not wait for Cheng Feng to call to inform him that Dade Group had won the annual advertising order, and was forced to take a vacation by Hu Rongqiang, and the account manager of the sales office said, "If the balance cannot be paid by the time, the deposit will not be refunded." What he said stimulated the whole person, and the whole person was under great pressure. Later, he found that the things had been left in the company. When he went back to get them, he heard Hu Rongqiang and his secretary Nana discussing his affairs in the office. "Brother" cheated and forced him to ask Cheng Feng to help get the annual advertisement of Dade Group, because Hu Rongqiang saw that Cheng Feng liked Shen Bing.

This incident hit Shi Xiaomeng very hard. He called Cheng Feng immediately and made an appointment to go to the basketball hall of the University of Finance and Economics to question him. What was Cheng Feng's answer? Loving someone is uncontrollable, and Shi Xiaomeng has to give up. Shen Bing gave it to him in exchange for any amount of money.

Shi Xiaomeng left angrily, and at night was run over by the landlord. The rent of the house was paid by Shen Bing in advance. As a man, his self-esteem was almost squeezed into the dirt. Fortunately, Shen Bing comforted him, and his emotions recovered. Little, decided not to work in Hu's advertising, looking for a job, as a result, bumped into walls everywhere.

While he was eating bread and looking at the recruitment advertisement, a BMW car stopped at the entrance of the shopping mall in front, because the backs of the two people coming down from it looked like Cheng Feng and Shen Bing, he rushed up excitedly and pulled them away Only then did I realize that I had made a mistake, and I was scolded when I was done.

He slowly walked back to the flower pond and sat down, when a person called him from behind: "Shi Xiaomeng."

"It's you?"

He looked back and saw a person walking by the side of the road, he could be said to be an acquaintance, or he could be said to be not, because the other party had beaten him not long ago.

Lin Yue didn't say those digressions: "Being used by the boss who is regarded as a benefactor, being stabbed by a brother... Oh no, I haven't won love yet, what it feels like to be looked down upon by the locals, and not being able to settle down here, giving Shen Bing a sense of security Have a bad day."

Shi Xiaomeng stared at him blankly, wondering why he knew what happened to him.

Lin Yue walked over and patted him on the shoulder. It took him a while to react, and he raised his head upwards, making a gesture of "we are enemies, not friends, so don't get close to us".

"History is written by the victors. Having money can not only exchange things, but also buy people's hearts, and money... is the face of a man. As long as you have no money, you can't control the face or the face." Lin Yue smiled at him. Smile: "These sufferings are just the beginning for you..."

Leaving this sentence, he turned and left.

Shi Xiaomeng looked at Lin Yue's back, showing a puzzled face, wondering what he meant, and came here for a while, just to tell himself this?

Two hours later, Shen Bing, who came to the blues bar to participate in the anniversary celebration, apologized to Lin Xia because she didn't want to talk to Cheng Feng, got up and went into the bathroom, and when she came out, she was blocked by a person. It was the person who once went to the kindergarten and said those inexplicable things to her.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Yue said, "Why can't I be here? Didn't anyone tell you that I'm the resident singer here?"

Shen Bing replied "Oh" and turned to leave, when Lin Yue said something unexpected to her.

"Do you know why you can't contact Shi Xiaomeng?"

Originally, Lin Xia asked the couple to come together, but she couldn't get through on the phone no matter what, so she had to come alone in desperation.


"He looked for a job for a day, and no unit would take him, and then went to the construction site where the house that couldn't pay the down payment was, and stayed there until dark, and didn't even notice that the battery of the mobile phone ran out, and you... ...to hang out with friends here."

As soon as Shen Bing's face changed, he was going to look for Shi Xiaomeng.

Lin Yue suddenly pulled her back: "Can you solve his current predicament if you go? Life is very realistic, and the sweetness of love can only irrigate the soul, not fill the stomach. If I were you, I would choose to let him be alone for a while .”

Shen Bing's body trembled slightly, and she felt that what she said was right, and she couldn't help even if she went, what should be comforted was already comforted last night.

"You said so much, what exactly do you want to express?"

Lin Yue said: "What I want is very simple. It is the same as what I told you last time. Stay with me for three days. I will not only help you and him through the current difficulties, but also give you a future where you don't have to look at other people's faces. .”

Thanks to Jingyesiyu, Fuxin for the 500 starting coins, and Feiyanren for the 100 starting coins.

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