Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1309 Because You Are Not Good For Me

The bedroom was dark and no one was there.

When she turned her head, she saw Lin Yue coming out of the bathroom with a mouthwash cup.

"Ask you something."

Lin Yue said: "Isn't what I said clear enough? I don't want to end this marriage."

Ye Xiaolang said angrily: "You say you won't tie it if you don't?"

"Marriage is independent, this is clearly written in the Marriage Law."

"Don't mention the marriage law to me. Just because I didn't tell you about the letter of commitment, you will regret the marriage. Qiao Yicheng, did you do such a thing? Why didn't I know you were such a person before."

"Haven't seen it before? Then I have seen it now. Didn't know it before? Then I know it now."

When Ye Xiaolang saw that he was so tough, he was completely different from the very gentle and talkative Qiao Yicheng before. The anger on his face surged a few times and then slowly disappeared.

"Well, it's my fault. I forgot about it too. Who knew that my parents would come to you with a letter of commitment. If I knew they had such thoughts, how could I inform them to come and join us?" What about your wedding, I know what you said were angry words, I will apologize to you, don't be angry, okay?"


Lin Yue didn't think that Ye Xiaolang would forget the original promise. Such a big event, let alone a college student, even an illiterate countryman would not be able to forget it.

She just didn't expect her parents to do such a terrific thing, and would use it to force Qiao Yicheng when the two got married.

"Ye Xiaolang, do you think I will believe these nonsense?"

Who is Qiao Yicheng in the TV series? After marrying Ye Xiaolang, the two had some conflicts and it was the one who took the initiative to give in. What was the result of doing so? She didn't get Ye Xiaolang's understanding and gratitude, but she developed an increasingly domineering attitude without consideration for others.

It was well said before marriage, envious of the loving state of the brothers and sisters of the Qiao family, what about after marriage? Trying every means to make Qiao Yicheng only care about his little family.

As far as fooling men, Ye Xiaolang is the most powerful in the whole play.

"Qiao Yicheng, I really know that I was wrong. Why don't you hit me a few times to vent your anger? You have seen the situation in my family. I don't love my mother or my father. I only have you. If Even you don't want me anymore..."

Talking and crying.

The hard ones are soft, and the soft ones are pitiful. It is undeniable that Qiao Yicheng has this set, or most men lack immunity to women crying.

Obviously, Lin Yue was not among them.

"Do you think I will soften my heart?" Lin Yue sneered coldly: "When you stole my press release, you swore that you would never lie to me again. Did you do it? Don't say I don't want you anymore What will happen? Didn't your roommate Liu Xiaomeng say that I'm not the first man to spend the night in your dormitory? So if my husband is gone, just change to another one."

"" Ye Xiaolang became furious, because what Qiao Yicheng said was right, all of this was her black history.

"I don't think you will be a good wife in the future. You can't cook, can you? Wash clothes? You save too much, and you will only do it if you can't see it or you don't have anything to wear? Are you diligent and thrifty in housekeeping? Unity and friendship? Like It doesn't have much to do with you, and you have a bad temper, you don't get enough sleep and you blame others when you come to your aunt, the most important thing is, I love my family, you just ask for your own relief."

Every time Lin Yue said a word, her complexion became ugly, because she hit all the hits.

"So the two of us have very different life concepts. I don't want to take care of you like having an extra sister after marriage. You can go."

Ye Xiaolang didn't understand that with the conditions of Qiao's family, if something went wrong with Qiao Yicheng's wedding, she would definitely be gossiped about. As for her, an outsider, she didn't have so many scruples, so what gave Qiao Yicheng the chance to say No courage?

"Can I change what you said?"

"No." Lin Yue said, "I don't want to bet my life on you."

"Joe Yicheng..."

Ye Xiaolang pointed at Lin Yue and said, "You are an asshole."

"Have you finished speaking? Please leave immediately after you finish speaking."

Lin Yue walked to the door, pushed the door out, and made a gesture of "please come outside".

Ye Xiaolang glared at him angrily, walked into the bedroom and opened the closet, packed all her clothes, jewelry, cosmetics, etc., stuffed them into a large suitcase, and walked out of the living room with both hands.

Not to mention seeing her off, Lin Yue ignored her, closed the door directly, went back to smooth the wrinkles on the bed sheet, lay down on it, and stretched comfortably.

Thinking about Qiao Yicheng's personal conditions, he doesn't look ugly. He has a postgraduate degree, a TV reporter in a provincial capital city, and a local registered permanent residence. There is nothing wrong with young talents. If he wants to find a wife, he has to choose carefully, doesn't he? But how do people do it? I found a small place to come here. Ye Xiaolang is not good at cooking or doing housework.

This guy's life is really useless, just like what Qi Weimin described him in the later stage of the TV series, he looks glamorous, but in fact he is the poorest of the five brothers and sisters in the Qiao family.

Perhaps it was because of the strength of the wine, or maybe it was because of the relief from getting rid of Ye Xiaolang, anyway, he soon fell asleep.


Marriage is a major event in life, so it is natural to ask for leave, and the leader granted three days off.

According to Lin Yue's idea, let's sleep comfortably for a whole day before talking. After all, the task of this world is to be a different Qiao Yicheng, not to be a villain or a devil. The degree of freedom is relatively high.

But he wants to be clean, others don't think so.

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~


Sanli's voice.


Four beautiful voices.

Get him out of bed early in the morning.

Without washing his face and brushing his teeth, he scratched his slightly itchy scalp, opened the door with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, and looked at the three people opposite with sleepy eyes.

Qiao Erqiang, Qiao Sanli, and Qiao Simi all came.

"Don't you need to sleep?"

Lin Yue swept to the east, and the sun appeared on half of his forehead. It was around six o'clock, even if it was a weekday, and he had never woken up so early before.

"Brother, we also want to sleep, but dad won't let us." Qiao Simei yawned and said, "I was knocking in the yard early in the morning, and said... and said..."

Qiao Sanli glared at her, scaring her back at what she said later.

Lin Yue asked: "What else?"

Qiao Sanli stopped Qiao Simei, ignoring Qiao Erqiang standing behind her.

"He said you've humiliated Qiao's family."

"Second brother!"

Qiao Sanli's baby-fat face added a touch of impatience, and she stomped her feet in anger. Can you tell the truth about this? Isn't that adding fuel to the fire? It's okay that Qiao Simei has no brains, but Qiao Erqiang has learned to talk too much.

"It turns out that you are here as lobbyists." Lin Yue was not surprised by Qiao Zuwang's reaction. He thought that when Qiao Erqiang fell in love with Ma Suqin, a car maker who was eight years older than him, Qiao Zuwang almost scolded his mother. Now he is making such a fuss again. Well, the whole Shamao Alley knew that the eldest son of the Qiao family was going to get married, but the groom turned over the old man's table at the wedding banquet. If this matter came out of Aunt Wu's mouth, it might change into something.

Qiao Erqiang and Qiao Simei walked in behind him, and Qiao Sanli closed the door and went to the living room.

"The pears I bought on the way back last night are very sweet."

Hearing what he said, Qiao Simei picked it up, took a bite, and nodded repeatedly: "Mmm, um, it's really sweet."

"That's right." Lin Yue said: "I bought several catties, and I'm going to make some rock sugar pear cream, and I'll get a can for each of you when the time comes."

Qiao Simei said: "Brother, you still do this?"

"I learned it from books."


Qiao Sanli had no choice but to interrupt the conversation between the two of them with a cough: "Brother, the matter between you and sister-in-law..."

Lin Yue didn't let her finish her sentence: "Don't worry about this matter, I have a sense of what to do."

Qiao Simei put down the pear and stared at Lin Yue: "Brother, you don't love her anymore, do you?"

Well, this is very beautiful.

"Qiao Simei, don't make any more trouble?" Qiao Sanli picked up the pear she had just put down, and stuffed it into her mouth: "Eat your pear, don't talk."

"If you don't say it, don't say it."

Qiao Simei pouted and gave her a supercilious look.

Qiao Sanli ignored her, looked at Lin Yue and said seriously: "Brother, do you know why Dad asked us to persuade you?"

"Why else? I'm afraid of losing face, he's Manager Qiao now."

He remembered that before the wedding with Ye Xiaolang, there was a story about Qiao Zuwang being tricked by Xu Funian into raising funds.

"No." Qiao Sanli said, "It's because of Ye Xiaolang's parents."

Lin Yue frowned: "Because of Ye Xiaolang's parents?"

Qiao Erqiang interjected, "Brother, Ye Xiaolang's parents have gone to live with us."

Thanks to Garfield Faner for the 5,000 starting coins and Chen Mo for the 2,000 starting coins.

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