Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1326 My sister can't be so cute


Lin Yue replied casually, walked to the single chair opposite the coffee table and sat down: "Sanli, come here, I have a few words to ask you."

"What's the matter, brother?" Qiao Sanli sat down curiously.

Lin Yue said, "What's going on with you and Wang Yiding?"

"Did you meet him?"

Calculating the time when Wang Yiding left and the time when her elder brother entered the hospital, there was no reason why she couldn't figure it out.

"Yes, I met him at the entrance of the alley." Lin Yue nodded: "He said you won't let him come to you again, is there such a thing?"

Qiao Sanli looked back at her feet, pondered for a moment and then nodded slightly: "Yes."

Speaking of Wang Yiding, it was nothing compared to the excitement when she saw him enter the room just now, maybe she also felt that it was not good for him.

Whose heart is not made of flesh.

"Or because of Li... because of that person?"

He swallowed the name "Li Heman" in the middle of saying it, because it was Qiao Sanli's nightmare all her life. As long as she was present, Qiao's family would choose to avoid this name.

Speaking of this, we have to start from Qiao Sanli's childhood.

Like Xu Funian, Li Heman was a mahjong player with Qiao Zuwang. Once he saw that Qiao Zuwang was not at home, and there were only two little girls in the room, so he sent Qiao Simei away and wanted to violate Qiao Sanli. Fortunately, Qiao Yi Cheng arrived in time and scared Li Heman away.

After Qiao Zuwang found out about this, he went to Li Heman to settle the score, but he was paid hundreds of dollars. He turned his head and took his daughter to eat a meal of steamed buns, intending to let the matter go. Qiao became angry and went to the police station to report Li Heman, who was finally sentenced.

Qiao Sanli is fine, but her spirit will inevitably leave a shadow. She and Wang Yiding got along very well before. The reason why they broke up was because Wang Yiding couldn't control his love and wanted to hug her.

The Qiao family has been persuading her to reconcile with Wang Yiding. Even Qiao Zuwang, who is not a father, can understand this matter. But no matter how Wang Yiding pleases her, Qiao Sanli keeps standing still. No matter who asked, her answer was that the problem was her own, and it had nothing to do with Wang Yiding.

"Brother, can we not talk about this matter? I want to make my own decisions about feelings." Qiao Sanli said with her head down.

I don't know why, when Qiao's family mentioned that incident before, she would feel fear for a moment, but sitting next to her elder brother at this moment, she felt that she was very safe. It may be because he was the pillar of the family since childhood, or it may be because The neighbors in the neighborhood say that he is everyone's hero, and she is also infected by Aunt Wu and those people. She feels that no matter what difficulties she encounters, she doesn't have to be afraid with her big brother around.

"Sanli, it's not that I want to force you. You can't keep avoiding this kind of thing. People with such a good personality like Wang Yiding are rare."

"What about you, big brother?"

Qiao Sanli stopped him.

"Me? I don't have a good personality." Lin Yue shook his head, thinking how many people call me a villain and a devil, but you think I have a good personality?

"Anyway, this is my own business, and I can handle it well."


"Brother, Simei has chased after Qi Chenggang to Tibet, didn't you say nothing? Why do you always force your ideas on me when you come to me?" Qiao Sanli suddenly became very excited, and no longer looked at her. Instead of looking at the bottom of her feet, she looked at him with a stubborn face.

"I don't care about Simei because it's not time yet."

"Then I'm not there yet." Qiao Sanli stood up and said, "Brother, you always talk about us, what about you? You're not even married yet, why should we worry?"

"Me? My situation is different from yours."

"Don't say it anymore, Wang Yiding, I will think about it, but not now."

After leaving this sentence, she walked towards the east room.

Lin Yue said: "Then there must be a rough time, so I can tell Wang Yiding."

"Don't you always care about me? When you get married, I'll think about getting married again." Qiao Sanli's words revealed a strong resentment.

Lin Yue felt baffled, he had been discussing with her all the time, why did he get angry while talking? Is it wrong to hope that she will marry a reliable man? Why are you still playing with yourself?

To be honest, he is very good at being a father, but when he thinks about it, it is the first time for him to be an older brother, especially as a big brother with several younger siblings.

You can't beat or scold, and you have to help out when something goes wrong, Qiao's really not easy.

The main task of the system is to be a different Qiao Yicheng. In fact, he can completely ignore the life and death of the children of the Qiao family. The main task can be easily completed, but Qiao Sanli is different from Qiao Simei and Qiao Erqiang. Shampoo, drying and cleaning are all done with her help, and she tells you to bring an umbrella when it rains, and reminds you to change clothes when the seasons change... He simply can't bear to ignore it.

"Hey, brother, you are at home."

When Lin Yue was puzzled, the door opened, and Qiao Simei walked in with a bag of melon seeds and a letter.

"You came back early today."

"Well, the substitute arrived at the hotel earlier today, so I'll be back first." Qiao Simei put the letter in her trouser pocket, walked to the chair next to him and sat down, pushing the melon seeds in front of him: "Brother, you Eat melon seeds."

"Don't eat." Lin Yue pointed to her trouser pocket: "Whose letter is it?"

"Hey." Qiao Simei smiled, but didn't answer the question: "Where is the third sister? I remember that she is on the morning shift today, and she has come back now."

Lin Yue pointed to the east room.

Qiao Simei smiled at him, got up, opened the door and walked in.

Not long after, she cried out in surprise: "Sister, sister? Why are you crying? Well, whoever bullied you, tell me, and I will avenge you."

Lin Yue was speechless when he heard this.

Isn't it just to let her think about it and make up with Wang Yiding? Why are you crying? She is too hypocritical.

At this moment, there was only a sound of footsteps coming from outside the door, and the door was pushed open from the outside with a bang.

It was Qiao Erqiang.

After entering the room, he closed the door, walked to the dining table where the tea bowl and teapot were placed, picked up the thermos, poured a glass of water, and poured it into his mouth.

Gulp, gulp, gulp...

After drinking the whole glass of water, he regained his energy. At this moment, he noticed something and turned his face to the left: "Brother?"

"Why panic?"

From the moment Qiao Erqiang entered the door, Lin Yue noticed the panic on his face that he couldn't hide. Now that he had finished drinking the water, the emotion still didn't dissipate.

"No...don't panic."

Qiao Erqiang smiled at him: "Just the dog at Butcher Liu's house in Tsing Yi Lane, who has gone crazy for some reason and has been chasing me."

One moment he said he was not panicking, another moment he said he was chased by a dog, which one is true?

Qiao Simei has been a liar since she was a child, and Qiao Erqiang has always been dull. If he tells a lie, let alone the boss of the Qiao family, Qiao Zuwang can tell the truth from the fake.


Lin Yue asked with a sullen face.

"Yes, it's Liu Butcher's dog chasing me." Qiao Erqiang put down the cup, saw the sauced beef on the table, and picked it up casually: "Dad is coming back soon, I'm going to cook."

After speaking, he bravely opened the door and entered the courtyard, then plunged into the kitchen and never came out again.

"It turns out that the flowers are blooming everywhere, but they are all ruined like this."

"Whose house is it to enjoy the beautiful scenery on a good day?"

"Flying in the morning and rolling in the evening, Yunxia Cuixuan."

"Rain and wind, smoke and waves draw boats."

"People in Jinping look at this time so cheap!"

In stark contrast to Qiao Erqiang was Qiao Zuwang, who walked into the front yard with an oiled paper bag in his hand, humming a plausible Kunqu opera tune.

"Er Qiang, here is the No. 1 Scholar Bean I bought, I will make it for me later, hey, who bought the sauced beef?"

"Your elder brother is here? This little bastard asked him to leave me the bacon sent by the second grandson Xiaonian next door, and he actually sent it to your second aunt's house. Hmph, he turned his elbow outward."


Qiao Zuwang knew that he had nothing else to do when he came to the old house, so he must chatter a few words and put on airs like his own father.

Lin Yue was too lazy to talk to him, still thinking about Qiao Erqiang's performance just now.

This guy doesn't even know how to lie, the dog of Butcher Liu's house in Tsing Yi Lane chases and bites? Then why didn't he hear the dog barking.

Did something happen to Ma Suqin?

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