Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1331 First Open a Branch and Scatter a Leaf

Lin Yue said, "You regret it, don't you?"

Sun Xiaomo said: "You didn't tell me that this kind of thing would happen before."

Lin Yue said: "You can resist, but you didn't..."


She sighed heavily: "Can't you lie to me once?"

"I don't think it's necessary."

"Then... After today, shouldn't this scene be over?"

"I think you can wait, but if you don't want to, you can leave at any time."

Sun Xiaomo stopped talking, and pulled up the quilt Wei Shufang made for Qiao Yicheng's wedding, covering her shoulders.

She doesn't know what's wrong with her, and she doesn't know whether to use the word "cheap" to describe it. It seems that the more she can't get something, the more she can't let go. This is the case for Chen Junliang, and for this one who just uses her as a tool The same goes for men.


After Qiao Sanli left this time, she didn't go to Lin Yue's room for more than a month.

Similarly, although Lin Yue still visits the old house, most of the time it is when Qiao Sanli is working. Qiao Simei is keenly aware of the relationship between the third sister and the eldest should I put it. It's a little embarrassing.

No, the word "embarrassment" is not very strict, anyway, it's just that kind of awkward feeling, which cannot be described, and I wonder if it's possible that they quarreled again because of Wang Yiding's matter?

She couldn't figure out what happened between them, so she told her second brother about it, but it turned out as if she hadn't said anything. She didn't know what he was busy with, and he was busy lately, so he didn't know where to put his energy.

There is a small change in the Qi family, that is, Qi Weimin's girlfriend Chang Xingyu was admitted to Nanjing TV Station, and she will be a colleague with her elder brother in the future. She was very happy and told Qiao Sanli about this problem, but there was no response , when the elder sister just responded to her in a coping manner, when it came to Qiao Erqiang, there was only a simple "oh".

She went to her elder brother to complain, but found that there was no one at home for two or three days. She went to work to find Song Qingyuan and asked him. He said that he was on a business trip and was going to Shanghai to attend an important meeting. Passed as a representative.

It was the first time she heard that Qiao Yicheng could speak Japanese and Thai, but she didn't have much idea about it, and she wasn't interested in it, so she came here after thinking about it, so she just went to see Sister Xingyu, and then got a piece of news—— ——Qi Weimin went to the countryside, Qiao Qiqi moved out of the Qi family's old house, and rented a house near the computer school he was studying in, and Chang Xingyu asked her to visit Qiao Qiqi next Tuesday, which Qi Weimin told her task.

What happened next was similar to what happened in the TV series, the two of them went there carrying fruit, and happened to bump into a scene where Qiao Qiqi and Yang Lingzi were walking together, and the boy was forced to kiss him.

Half a month later, Lin Yue came back from a business trip. Without any accident, Taili sent Song Qingyuan to pick him up.

"Great hero, how does it feel to go to Shanghai this time?"


"I heard that there are a few beautiful girls in the Japanese inspection team this time, so you didn't think about marrying a foreign daughter-in-law to the Qiao family, and you can count it as a glory for the country."

Lin Yue was delighted when he heard this: "You are very well informed, any girl in the inspection team knows how beautiful she is."

Song Qingyuan said: "That is, who is my buddy, there are still some connections."

"Let's leave this glorious and arduous task to you." Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "I'm still waiting for you to introduce me to a reliable girlfriend."

"I haven't written my horoscope yet, so what can I introduce to you?"

"Okay, don't gossip, what happened to what I asked you to do?"

Song Qingyuan opened the car door, took out a video tape from the glove box in the middle of the driver's cab and threw it to him: "Don't you think we are suspected of using public equipment for private use?"

Lin Yue said, "Are you serious?"

Song Qingyuan told him that he was confused: "Why am I not serious? Taking a TV camera to shoot this is not for public use. What is that?"

Lin Yue patted his partner on the shoulder: "Okay, serious, you are very serious in what you say and do."


While complaining, Song Qingyuan started the engine of the Toyota and drove towards the city.

"By the way, what happened to the other thing I asked you to do?" Lin Yue asked casually while playing with the video tape in his hand.

"It will take a while."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

"Don't keep talking politely, can you be more practical?"

"What's the matter, are you eating?"

"Ten meals of KFC."

"Lion, open your mouth, ten meals? Are you afraid of vomiting?"

"Don't be afraid, I have a good appetite."

"Okay, you can help me with this matter, and I will treat you to ten meals of KFC."

"A deal?"

"It's a deal."


three days later.

Nanjing Middle * Road Primary School.

In 1991, the traffic flow in Nanjing City was not dense, and many students did not need their parents to pick them up from school. Every four or five o’clock in the afternoon, students with colorful schoolbags could be seen walking on the sidewalk in groups of three and five. Occasionally attracted by the toys and snacks on the roadside stalls, occasionally squatting on the ground to play card games.

Today's guards are busier than before, surrounded by people, not only the students returning home from school, but also a few parents who came to pick up their children.

"I'm his dad, why don't you let me pick up the child? Zhiyong, come here, dad won't hit you, dad will take you to eat steamed buns, okay?" Xiao Xianming said in a soft voice, trying to let himself His smile looks kind and friendly.

Ma Zhiyong hesitated.

Although Ma Suqin has repeatedly warned her that she must not listen to this man's words, but no matter what, he is also his own father.

"I don't care if you are his father or any other relationship. If the child doesn't want to go with you, you should stop pestering him. If you continue pestering him, I will call the police."

The doorman was quite competent. When he heard the student report the situation to him, he immediately rushed to the scene of the incident, protecting the child behind him.

Xiao Xianming said: "Zhiyong, tell him that I am your father, hurry up... I know, this is all your mother's idea, she told you to deny me, and said I would be bad for you, then It’s because Dad didn’t have money before, but now Dad has money. Dad will take you to eat KFC, which is the burger and French fries that children like. Dad will take you to the playground, ride the merry-go-round and the Ferris wheel, and then we will play games machine."

When Ma Zhiyong heard that, he was really moved.

Yes, his father has always been idle and spends money like water, but because he is used to being extravagant, he is never stingy when it comes to taking him to play and eat. After all, it is either money from gambling or money from Ma Suqin. What you want to come is not what you have earned through hard work, so of course you will not cherish it.

"Zhiyong, Zhiyong." At this moment, a woman emerged from the crowd, ran up to Ma Zhiyong and protected him behind her.

"Xiao Xianming, didn't I tell you not to disturb Zhiyong?" Ma Suqin asked in a breathless tone.

She came in a hurry, the apron around her waist was not removed, and there were still many tofu residues on it.

When the gatekeeper saw the child's mother coming, he breathed a sigh of relief, and told her to go to the gatekeeper to find him if she needed to call the police, and then turned and went back to the house. He knows very well that such family disputes, not to mention ordinary people, even friends, are not easy to intervene.

In fact, not only Ma Suqin came, but also Qiao Erqiang. After paying the fare, he got off the taxi and ran to Xiao Xianming: "Didn't I give you money two days ago."

In the past month, Xiao Xianming went to Suxin Tofu Shop and blocked the door three times. He and Ma Suqin gave him almost 1,000 yuan, and 80% of the money from opening the shop was given to this person.

Now the two of them are worried as soon as the shop opens, afraid that the business will not be good, and even more afraid that Xiao Xianming will ask for money after he loses all his gambling.

"Money is money, and children are children. I'll come and see my son. I don't care about your business." Xiao Xianming pointed at Qiao Erqiang and said, "Boy, let me tell you, this is a matter between Ma Suqin and me. If you don't mind Nosy, believe it or not, I will beat you?"

"Xiao Xianming, I've already asked my elder brother, what you call extortion, you will be sentenced."

"Sue me? You still want to sue me? Isn't it natural for you to spend money to play with my wife?"

When Ma Suqin saw him say this in front of the children, she became anxious: "Xiao Xianming, we are divorced!"

"Divorce? Leave as soon as you say, Ma Suqin, let me tell you, you don't even want to live a good life with him in this life."

The more Xiao Xianming talked, the more excited he became. Qiao Erqiang was a dull guy. Seeing that he wanted to get close to the mother and son, he foolishly went up to stop him, punched him in the face and fell to the ground.

"Beat someone, beat someone."

The people watching the excitement all around exclaimed in unison.

"I'll kill you bastard."

The more Xiao Xianming thought about it, the more angry he was, and he punched Qiao Erqiang. The honest man on the ground had his nose broken, his face turned blue, and he hugged his chest and wailed endlessly, as if his ribs had been broken.


At this time, there was a shout outside the crowd, and a person walked in.

"Xiao Xianming, what are you doing?"

"What are you doing? I beat and killed this young man who destroyed the family."

As he spoke, he raised his fist again, but this time it didn't land on Qiao Erqiang, and he grabbed his wrist with one hand.

That figure looked very thin, but his hands were weak.

"Boss Qiao, you are looking for a fight."

Xiao Xianming punched him, but he didn't expect that the oncoming punch was much faster than his punch, and his face was suffocated all of a sudden.



Without stopping, Lin Yue knocked his elbow forward and hit Xiao Xianming's chin with another pop.

The violent drinking just now turned into bragging, the salty taste rushed in his mouth, he opened his mouth and spit out a bloody tooth.

Even after being beaten like this, he still struggled to get up.

Lin Yue kicked him, kicked him into a gourd, walked over and grabbed his collar, lifted him from the ground, raised his hand, punched, punched twice, punched three times... It was just like Lu Tixia beating the town of Kansai. , turned Xiao Xianming's face into a dye shop, blue, purple, red, all burst out.

The people around were stunned, seeing that a gentle and gentle person actually beat the big and three thick guys so hard that they couldn't fight back.

Thank you for the 1500 starting coins rewarded by the moldy star, let the sun shine into the memories, and the 100 starting coins rewarded by book friends with the tail number 1679.

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