Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1333 Silly Zhu is smarter than you

Joe Erqiang!

Qiao Sanli called him "Qiao Erqiang", not "Second Brother", which shows how angry she is.

In fact, what she calls Qiao Erqiang is not the key, the key is the content behind.

Qiao Zuwang was only angry with Qiao Erqiang just now, but now he is also brewing angry with Qiao Sanli.

"Sanli, what did you say? You told Er Qiang the address of that old woman's store? He is a fool, why are you so confused?"

The current Qiao Sanli didn't have the heart to answer his question, so she pushed Qiao Erqiang and went out: "Go out, go out, don't come back if you don't bring eldest brother back."

Why did she tell Qiao Erqiang the address of Suxin Tofu shop? It's not that they want their lovers to get married, but I feel that the eldest brother is very attentive to her and Wang Yiding's affairs, and wants to find a new focus for him, so don't keep staring at yourself. Now it's good, he does have She took care of Qiao Erqiang and Ma Suqin's affairs, but she was both regretful and angry because she took care of it and took care of it.

"Sanli, I...I..."

"I don't want to listen to your explanation. I want my elder brother to come back. If he is sentenced, you don't want to enter this house."

Qiao Sanli pushed him out of the yard, turned around and closed the door, and inserted the latch, no matter how Qiao Erqiang slapped him, he ignored him.

"Third Sister's a bit too much."

"Yes? He deserves it!"

Qiao Zu glared at his little daughter, then took another look at the cold food, and didn't feel like eating, so he walked into his room with his hands behind his back, and went to sleep.

"Sister, I think the second brother is also very uncomfortable, you..."

She didn't finish her sentence here, Qiao Sanli gave her a hard look: "The point is not whether he is uncomfortable or not, it is that the eldest brother is locked up in the police station, and he is still thinking about Ma Suqin, worrying whether his actions will hurt her son. It will bring bad influence. Qiao Simei, you can’t be like this. I heard people say that some people forget their old mother when they marry a wife. What if the two are married? What kind of outrageous things will they do?"

Qiao Simi was left speechless by her question, not knowing what to say.


Lin Yue knew what was going on in Qiao's old house, and was very pleased with Qiao Sanli's performance, thinking that she didn't hurt her for nothing, but this child was thin-skinned, and he was a little embarrassed after breaking the incident between him and Sun Xiaomo, and couldn't get along as naturally as before , he had to find a chance to have a good talk.

As for Qiao Erqiang... He has lost his thoughts. Thinking about it too, during the period when he lost contact with Ma Suqin in the TV series, his sister used the tape recorder Ma Suqin gave him to learn English, and his sister reacted so much, let alone Ma Suqin. A multiple-choice question for the son's future life.

It doesn't matter if the elder brother stays there for a few days, and it doesn't matter if he is wronged, because the elder brother is an adult, while Zhiyong is still young, needs love and care, and more importantly, he is Ma Suqin's darling.

For this kind of person, Lin Yue really wanted to say that he was cuckolded and sent to the hospital in the TV series, and he deserved it.

"Joe Yicheng, Qiao Yicheng."

Someone knocked on the iron fence outside.

Lin Yue looked up and saw that it was a policeman on night shift.

"you can go now."

While speaking, he unlocked the lock and let Lin Yue out of the classroom.

After leaving the main entrance and walking onto the street, Song Qingyuan had already leaned over and threw him a can of beer.

"Hahaha, Qiao Yicheng, you are really destined to be in the class. First you send your father-in-law and mother-in-law in, then you send your father in, then Sun Xiaomo's mother, and finally you let yourself in. Come on, the next goal is who?"

"Aren't you asking knowingly?"

Click, he opened the tab of the can, took a sip of beer, looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, and the smile on his lips slowly disappeared.

Xiao Xianming, heh...we'll settle the bill after you leave the hospital.

"Don't be sad, my buddy will take you to have fun." Song Qingyuan patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the Toyota car.

Lin Yue arranged for him to go to Qiao's old house to deliver a message, and then asked him to deal with Xiao Xianming according to the plan. What does that mean? It means that he already knew which Qiao Erqiang would choose between Ma Suqin and his elder brother.

Taking care of my younger brother since I was a child, and sacrificing my elder brother for the woman I love, who would not be sad to let this happen?

"Have fun? How can you be happy?"

If this happened to Qiao Yicheng, that person would be very sad, but after the sadness, he would still help his younger siblings, but he was different. After this incident, Qiao Erqiang was basically was sentenced to death.

"There is a new KTV on Taiping Road. I heard that the environment inside is good. How about it? Go and play for a while."


Lin Yue waved his hand, and the four characters "I'm not interested" were clearly written on his face.

Song Qingyuan said: "Hey, it's hard for me to bleed, you still haven't given the chance."

Lin Yue said, "I don't want to cause trouble for my ears just to satisfy your desire for bloodletting."

This guy likes to sing very much, but he has a broken voice, and 99% of the songs are out of tune. When we go to KTV with him, the only adjective is "disappointing myself".

"Well, I admit, I like to hear you sing."

"Compliment me? It's useless to compliment me, my buddy won't give you a chance to rape my ears."

"Qiao Yicheng, you are not enough friends."

Lin Yueniao ignored him, opened the co-pilot's door and got in, pointing to the way home: "Drive, go home."

"Really not going?"

"I really don't want to go."

"That's fine, what you asked me to inquire about..."

"You found him?"

"I'll ask you if you want to go."

"Go, go, it's over." Lin Yue gave him a middle finger.

Song Qingyuan didn't know what this gesture meant, and it was definitely not kind, but he didn't care at all. He gave Lin Yue a successful smile, started the car engine, and drove towards Taiping Road.

after an hour.

"There is a rush in my heart."

"Leave that reality aside and have no qualms."

"It's as if you have everything around you."

"It seems to build a gap with others."

"Severely fill the empty glass with spirits."

"Wash away sorrow by that wine."

"When will the old bosom friend meet again."


"Okay!" Song Qingyuan applauded continuously from behind: "You say I don't understand, how do you practice Cantonese, teach me."

He likes the BEYOND band the most, and he often orders their songs when he goes to KTV. However, with his distinctive Cantonese, it sounds awkward no matter how you listen to it, but when it comes to Qiao Yicheng, the authentic Hong Kong flavor is as good as how many years he has lived in the south. .

"This is a talent, you can't learn it." Lin Yue put down the microphone, went to sit next to him: "Tell me, where is he?"

"No. 60, Youfang Lane."

"Youfang Lane? Why did you go there?"

Song Qingyuan didn't answer this question: "You said you spent so much effort to find him, what does this person have to do with you?"

"Can you manage it?"

"Okay, okay, I don't care, don't ask me to find someone for you next time."

Lin Yue pretended not to hear what he said, and sent a movement command to the Type III blackfly drone monitoring Suxin Tofu Square to No. 60 Youfang Lane.


Turn around the next day.

Lin Yue came to Youfang Alley in the spring light divided by the camphor trees, and walked deep into the alley, meeting the scrutinizing eyes of the old man sitting on a small horse in the sun at the intersection.

It rained a little at night, but the road surface was slippery, and there was a faint smell of mud floating in the air.

As an old street in the old city, it has not been developed, nor has it been protected as a historical and cultural heritage. In the ever-changing city of Nanjing, it seems to be thrown into a corner of history and entangled with the lives of those elderly people.

Speaking of which, the terrain here is even more complicated than that of Shamao Lane, and some alleys can only accommodate one person to pass through. If it weren't for the Type III Blackfly drone sent in advance last night to survey and map the map, even if you know the address, you have to live in this shanty town. Finding number 60 in the district was not an easy task either.

boom boom boom~

boom boom boom~

"Is anyone home?"

He knocked twice on the door with a strong smell of rotten wood, and called inside.

The dusty window glass was blocked by a blue cloth curtain, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

"Is anyone home?"

After finding that there was still no one answering, Lin Yue went to the crack of the door and sniffed. He couldn't help but frown slightly, and grabbed the doorknob and pulled it out. Before he could make any effort, the door opened.

The room was dark and poorly lit, and there was a smell of alcohol mixed with moldy and stinky food.

There was a person lying on the innermost single bed, with his arms hanging down, and an empty wine bottle not far from his fingertips. Judging from the little wine left in it, it should have been drunk last night.

Lin Yue suppressed the discomfort in his heart, walked to the single bed, and pushed the drunk man who was emitting a strange smell.

"Uncle He, Uncle He..."

The drunk man just shook the hand that was hanging down, but didn't answer.

"Uncle He, it's me. I'm Qiao Yicheng. I visited you with Wen Ju'an five years ago."

Yes, the person lying on the bed is Wen Ju'an's father, He Jiangsheng.

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