Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1341 Set a small goal and drive the aircraft carrier home

a month later.


"Big Brother, Big Brother, I'm here."

As soon as Lin Yue and Qiao Qiqi came out of the passage, they saw Qiao Simei dancing and screaming in the crowd.

"Fourth sister."

"Qiqi, eh..."

As for the relationship with Qiao Qiqi, among the four brothers and sisters in the old house, Qiao Simei is the closest relative to him, because she often goes to Wei Shufen's house and sees more.

Comparing the Qiao Qiqi in front of me with the Qiao Qiqi a month ago, apart from being a little tanned and looking a little tired, there is another big difference, but what is the difference, she searched and searched, It can only be described by the change of the light in the eyes.

Lin Yue asked, "Are you here alone?"

Qiao Simei looked down and swept over her toes: "That's right, Brother Min and Sister Xingyu are both busy, so I'm the only one free."

Lin Yue didn't ask any more questions, and threw the canvas bag in her arms into her arms: "Let's go."

"What is it loaded with, so heavy? Is it a gift for me?"

Qiao Simi pressed it with her hand and found that it was quite hard.

"Well... that's right."

"What do you mean?"

Qiao Simei pouted and stopped a taxi, put her luggage away and sat in the co-pilot, and said to the driver, "Baibupo Community."

"Huh." Lin Yue was puzzled, "Didn't you go to the old house?"


It could be heard that her voice was full of resentment.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?" Even Qiao Qiqi felt something wrong inside,

"Go back and talk about it."

After Qiao Simei finished speaking, she realized that it was Qiao Qiqi who asked the question: "Qiqi, I found that you... have become different from before?"

"What's the meaning?"

"You have learned how to read words and expressions, and you dare to speak up. You didn't care about the affairs of the old house before."

Lin Yue was very satisfied with the reaction of the youngest brother.

This is the state that a normal man should have, not the "brother boy" described by the female author who is so motherly that he can be described as useless.

It now appears that all three goals have been achieved.

"Brother, before you took Qiqi away, you said you were going to the north. Where did you go? The three eastern provinces? Inner Mongolia? Or Shaanxi and Gansu?"

After Lin Yue took them away, Qiao Simei heard from Chang Xingyu that they had gone to the north. This era is not like twenty or thirty years later, when every household has a mobile phone and the Internet. If you want to get in touch, you can only travel far away. The two of them made long-distance calls home. For more than a month, the two parties hadn't spoken a few words. They usually hung up after reporting that they were safe. They didn't have a chance to ask many questions.

"Ah? Going abroad? North, north, this is really north..."

Hearing these two words, not only Qiao Simi was surprised, but the taxi driver couldn't help but glanced at the rearview mirror.

"Brother, I still can't figure it out, why did you take Qiqi to run so far?"

Qiao Simei is a lively person, but also a person who is afraid of being left alone. Even if she knows that the two of them are tired from the journey, she can't control her mouth and give the two behind her a little rest.

"Reading thousands of books is worse than traveling thousands of miles."

"don't know."

"Just don't understand." Lin Yue said, "Do you know what most women lack the most?"



"What is the pattern?"

"You can't see that I don't want to talk, you can't see that Qi Qi needs to rest, this is called no pattern."

Qiao Simei's expression was displeased: "Hmph, I wouldn't have come to pick you up if I had known earlier."


half an hour later.

The taxi stopped at the downstairs of the Baibupo Residential Unit and watched the driver drive away. Qiao Simei said to Lin Yue, "Brother, you must promise me one thing before you go upstairs."

Lin Yue was puzzled: "Why did I do this? Did you cause trouble again?"

"Oh, you promise me first, promise me first..."

"Okay, tell me, what's the matter."

"No matter what you see for a while, you can't be angry."

"Okay, I promise you."

Hearing this sentence, Qiao Simei breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up the canvas bag, turned and walked into the corridor of the unit building.

Lin Yue and Qiao Qiqi followed to the second floor, she took out the key to open the anti-theft door, once they entered the room, Lin Yue understood why Qiao Simei said those things to him.

"Yo, the boss is back."

The one who said this was none other than that cheap old man, Qiao Zuwang.

Qiao Qiqi was slightly stunned, and subconsciously called out "Dad".

He heard from Lin Yue that last year the old man hired a group of gamblers to gamble every day and every night in the old house, which seriously affected the daily life of Qiao Sanli and Qiao Simei, so he took the newly bought gamblers in Baibupo I gave them the keys to the house, and I didn't expect to meet Qiao Zuwang here, could it be... He knew that the two of them were coming back today, so he came here specially to attend the welcome banquet?

Not to mention, there are five dishes on the table, some meat and some vegetables, some fish and some duck, it really looks like that.

Lin Yue frowned: "Why are you here?"

He thought more than Qiao Qiqi, because if Qiao Zuwang was only here to attend the welcome banquet, Qiao Simei didn't need to say those things downstairs, and asked her why she did so, but still kept her secret.

"You are my son, and I am your father. I want to see your face when I come to my son's house?"

This is very hopeful to Qiao Zu, and even shameless things can give him some unreasonable reasoning.

Just as Lin Yue was about to speak, the door of the master bedroom opened. Qiao Sanli came out wearing a goose yellow dress. It looked like it was newly bought, and she had never worn it before.


She greeted him standing near the sofa in the living room.

Lin Yue nodded and called out "Sanli".

Qiao Qiqi also called out obediently: "Third Sister", speaking of it, what should he say to the brothers and sisters of the Qiao family... There is always a little distance.

Qiao Sanli nodded and agreed: "Qiqi is here too."

Qiao Zuwang said: "Wang Yiding will be here soon, this appearance is plausible. Look at you before, what attitude did you have towards him? Let's look at him again. For more than a year, he has been giving away things and helping with work every holiday. It's so good." There are not many men left."

If you want to say that Qiao Zuwang is a fool, but it is undeniable that he can say a few decent words from time to time.

At this time, Qiao Simei came out of the kitchen with a plate of fried peanuts, looked at Qiao Sanli and said, "Sister, you look so beautiful today."

Lin Yue glanced at the sound, and suddenly saw Qiao Erqiang busy in the kitchen.

He let Qiao Qiqi sit on the sofa first, and told his younger brother to bring Qiao Sanli a small gift from abroad, and then he took Qiao Simei's hand into the third bedroom.

"Qiao Simei, tell me clearly, what's going on?"

"Brother, you said you wouldn't be angry."

"I'm angry if you don't make it clear."

"It's like this. Didn't my third sister and I move out of the old house? Dad stayed in the old house for more than half a year and saw that we really wouldn't go back and didn't pay him the rent. He threw the old house out of anger. After renting it out, I also moved here.”

After Lin Yue listened to her explanation, he turned around and realized that Qiao Zuwang saw that his two daughters did not take care of his daily life, nor did he pay the rent, and ended up losing money and life. After that, I heard that he took Qiqi to the north, so why don't he move here with the cheek, you must know that the house here is a three-bedroom house, with a living room, kitchen and bathroom. It is more comfortable to live in than Qiao's old house, and has a daughter to take care of , You can also rent out the old house to make money.

This little abacus is well done, as expected of Qiao Zuwang.

"What happened to the top two? Why is he here?"

"Second brother has already owed Dad three months of living expenses. Dad knew you were coming back today, so he called him to come over and cook, saying he was helping you."

"So that's how it is."

Lin Yue suddenly realized that the old saying goes that cannibals are short-mouthed and soft-handed when taking others. Qiao Zuwang also knew that renting out the old house and going to his son's house to occupy the magpie's nest was a bit unreasonable, so he took the opportunity of his return from the north to make up for it.

When this kind of thing happens, the son can't drive Lao Tzu out.

"He's too calculating."

Qiao Simei nodded: "But I don't understand why the third sister has no opinion at all. She seems to be very happy for Dad to move here."

Lin Yue ignored this, and brought the topic back to Qiao Erqiang: "Didn't Qiao Erqiang finish his culinary school courses a few years ago and find a hotel to work in the back kitchen? How could he have no money to pay living expenses?"

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