Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1364 Hey, just for fun

Qiao Zuwang said: "As for the tenants, I have already asked them to move out, and Qiao Simei can move back the day after tomorrow, but we have to make an agreement in three chapters, and the living expenses will increase by 100 from the original basis."

Wei Shufang said: "It's good that she agreed to move back, but you still want to increase her living expenses?"

"What? She shouldn't? I live in a good house in Yicheng. There is a bus stop when I go out. I have refrigerators, TVs, washing machines, water heaters and water heaters. I use flush toilets to go to the toilet. Now I am moving back to the old house. The conditions here can Is it compared with that there?"

Wei Shufang was speechless, it was obvious that he was the one occupying the magpie's nest, it seemed that Qiao Yicheng invited him over, and moving back now seemed like he had suffered a lot of grievances.

Qi Weimin said, "Okay, I'll talk to Simei about this."

Qiao Zuwang continued: "The second one is that she will not go to Qi's house in the future; and the third one is that she must admit her mistake to me."

Wei Shufang said: "The second thing is fine, the third thing... brother-in-law, is it necessary? The child agrees to come back. The result is already very good. It is too much to force her to admit her mistake."

"As soon as he is his second aunt, I am not afraid to say this in front of sister Wu. I am her own father. She can go to Qi's house, lick her face and be a daughter-in-law for others, and let her come back and recognize me." What's wrong?"

"Then...then let me help you find out what she has to say."

Wei Shufang was quite helpless. A few months ago, Qiao Simei moved to Qi's house and threatened to help Qi Chenggang take care of her parents. Qiao Zuwang went to the hospital in a fit of anger and stayed there for more than a week before coming out. Not only the neighbors in Shamao Lane knew about this matter, but it was also spread in the Baibupo community, with gossip about Qiao's family openly and secretly.

Qiao Simei has always said in front of Qi Weimin that Qi Chenggang's parents treated her very well, but last month Chang Xingyu went to Qi's house to look for her, and was going to walk Jianning Road to choose her and Qi Weimin's wedding supplies, only to find out when he entered Qi's house , things are not as good as Qiao Simei said at all. Qi Chenggang's parents not only let her live in a side room, but also leave all the housework to her. Cynical and sarcastic, I don't know how Qiao Simei got here for more than half a year.

Qi Weimin pampered Qiao Simei, went to the door angrily, reasoned with the Qi family, and understood why things turned out like this.

From the perspective of Qi Chenggang's parents, if the Qiao family hadn't taken Qi Chenggang in, if Qiao Simei hadn't forced their son to marry, and if Qiao Yicheng hadn't helped introduce a job, their son would not have been sentenced to 13 years in prison. To be the daughter-in-law of the Qi family? Are a hundred daughters-in-law worth one biological son?

In the end, the two parties broke up unhappy, and the news spread like wildfire.

Shamao Lane and Baibupo have heated discussions again.

Everyone in a radius of ten miles knew that the fourth son of the Qiao family was a self-inflicted bastard.

It was against this background that Wei Shufang and Ma Yulin came forward to talk about reconciliation, trying to ease the relationship between Qiao Zuwang and Qiao Simi. After all, they are father and daughter, and the bones are connected.

Qiao Erqiang ran away with Ma Suqin's mother and son, Qiao Yicheng went to Beijing to develop, Qiao Zuwang was left with only Qiao Sanli, she recently found a job in a law firm, and she couldn't take care of it when she was busy, why? Maybe taking care of him, after eating cold meals and cold dishes for a few days, he lost his mind and compromised.

Since it is a deal, the two parties will naturally have to negotiate terms.

Qiao Simei's condition is that she can move back, but she won't live in Baibupo, that's the boss's house, and she wants to go back to Qiao's old house, because half of Wei Shuying lives here, and no one can control her mother's house. And Qiao Zuwang couldn't tell her what happened with Qi Chenggang.

As for Qiao Zuwang's conditions, it is the three chapters above.

"Oh, Brother Qiao, this is... a photo taken by Sanli when she traveled to Beijing. This is... Mrs. Zhao? This is... the host of the news network? It's called... what is it called..."

Seeing that the matter was settled, Aunt Wu quickly changed the subject to resolve the embarrassment.

"How is it? Is my son promising? Old Qiao's family is also talented." Speaking of these photos, Qiao Zu was very proud, wishing he could take them with him wherever he went, even though the protagonist in front of the camera was Qiao Sanli , But for him, it's all thanks to his son. If Qiao Yicheng hadn't been transferred to CCTV, would these big names take photos with Qiao Sanli?

"Promising, promising, we people in Shamao Lane say your family is '10%', who doesn't give a thumbs up and say 'good'."

Not to mention the status of CCTV in the eyes of the public, but only to say that Qiao Yicheng revealed the truth about fundraising and helped the neighbors keep their property, and few people would speak ill of him.

Wei Shufang was a little unhappy when she heard this.

First of all, Qiao Yicheng and Qi Weimin have been competing since they were young. Because of her relationship with Wei Shuying, she wants to see the jokes of the Qiao family, but also feels guilty. If she has to find an adjective, then her psychology is the Qiao family. It's better than the average person's life, but worse than her family's, which is the best.

Secondly, she can't understand Qiao Zuwang's airy look in front of her. This guy didn't care about beating the children when he was young. Qiao Yicheng's achievements today are all earned by himself. Fuck him, Qiao Zuwang Shit.

"Brother-in-law, you should really persuade Yicheng, I think he should change departments."

"Her second aunt, what do you mean by that?"

"I heard that this "Hot Spot Interview" is all about offending people. It's not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If something happens someday... what should we do? You see, we are only for the people, this Civil servants, although they are not as well-informed as CCTV reporters, they are more stable and secure in droughts and floods, and I just got promoted to office director two days ago, and I got married with Xingyu, so I don’t have to worry about my future life at all.”

What he said was reasonable, but Qiao Zuwang always felt something was wrong.

"What do you mean, your son is better than mine?"

"Old Ma, look, look at what he said. I was obviously worried about Yicheng, but when he said it, he became competitive."

"Hmph, you woman, you always talk in a strange way, pointing at Sang and scolding Huai."

"Qiao Zuwang!"

Wei Shufang was just about to talk to Qiao Zuwang with serious words, when there was a sound of hurried footsteps in the yard, a figure flashed at the door of the main room, and Qiao Sanli came in with a small green bag on her back.

"Sanli, why are you back?"

Qiao Zuwang looked puzzled, because his daughter said before going out in the morning that the office is very busy and she can't get away, and she will not attend today's family meeting, and he can do whatever he wants.

"Dad..." Qiao Sanli's brows were full of impatience. She looked at Wei Shufang, Qi Weimin, and Aunt Wu who was smiling in front of the photo frame. has resigned."

Qiao Yicheng resigned? Stop being a CCTV reporter?

One sentence made everyone in the hall look different.

Just now Qiao Zuwang was exaggerating that his son was promising and became a big CCTV reporter. He didn't even pass a single cigarette, but Qiao Sanli sent him the news of his resignation. The slap in the face was painful and quick.

"Sanli, where did you hear this news? Did you get tricked?"

Qiao Sanli said: "Wen Ju'an told me. It sounds like she is very sad. It seems that she broke up with her brother not long ago."

Others are frustrated in love and proud in the workplace, but when it comes to Qiao Yicheng, both love and career suffer setbacks.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

The smile on Aunt Wu's face seemed to be dry.

Wei Shufang was still complaining about Qiao Yicheng's CCTV reporter status just now, and she lost her job when she turned her face.

"Sanli, do you know why he left?"

"Wen Ju'an didn't say anything."

"This prodigal son is mad at me, really mad at me."

To be honest, Wei Shufang was very happy, so Qiao Zuwang would not be able to show her that his son was promising.

Of course, this concern will not show on the surface.

"Hello, Uncle Qiao. Hey, Aunt Wu is here too."

The people in the room were shocked by the news of Qiao Yicheng's resignation, so they didn't notice the movement outside until Wei Shufang and the others came into the room.

The person who greeted Qiao Zuwang was a girl, everyone was familiar with it--Qi Weimin's fiancée Chang Xingyu, everyone was not surprised, because it was agreed that she would come to Qiao's old house to pick them up after get off work.

There was another person who entered the room with Chang Xingyu, everyone was no stranger to him, but his expression was quite shocked.

The reason is very simple. He is Qiao Yicheng, the eldest son of Qiao Zuwang, who was the subject of everyone's discussion just now.

As the old saying goes, when Cao Cao arrives, you can either talk about this person, and you can’t help but mutter, no, the person arrived just after talking about him.

Thanks to Garfield Faner, Lonely Moon alone tipped me 1500 starting coins, the dean let me come out, the book friend with tail number 3187 gave me 100 starting coins.

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