Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1368 You Can Be the Richest Man by Playing Games


Xiang Beibei thought he heard it wrong. Ever since he married a good wife and became the leader of a state-owned enterprise, his father had never reprimanded him in such a harsh tone. ……unacceptable.

Father Xiang glared: "Go back to your own home, don't let me see you again today."

This time he heard clearly. Seeing that his father was really angry, he dared not hang around in the study, so he hurriedly wiped the soles of his feet and slipped away. You must know that he was beaten a lot when he was a child. Said deep into the bone marrow.

After Xiang Beibei left, Xiang's father changed his attitude and said with a smile, "Little Qiao, I'm making you laugh. This child from Beibei has been spoiled by her mother since she was a child."

"it's okay no problem."

Lin Yue knew this kind of thing would happen a long time ago, and sure enough, that guy jumped up and down and pissed off his father.

In the TV series, the director didn’t show Xiang Beifang much, but it’s obvious that Qiao Yicheng and his uncle’s relationship is not very friendly. Qiao's family still look down on her and don't want to see her, but it's just because of the embarrassment of her sister and parents.

Xiang Nan said, "Dad, let me just say that 10% of the characters are well written."

In fact, she only knew that he wrote beautifully with a pen. As for why he was so confident in his sweetheart, it was because Song Qingyuan said that even his father praised Qiao Yicheng's handwriting. Not to mention whether Song Qingyuan's father's calligraphy skills are high or low. He must have good eyesight in the small Beijing circle for so long. Since the old man said yes, Qiao Yicheng must have two brushes.

Father Xiang said, "Okay, that's great."

I don't know if he said that his handwriting is good, or that his son-in-law is good, or both.

As far as these unsigned paintings are concerned, there are quite a few in ancient times, such as religious paintings and court paintings, especially in the Song and Yuan Dynasties. In Xiang's father's impression, there is another kind of painting that does not have a signature, and that is the work that is attached to the calligraphy work. In simple terms, it is equivalent to the illustrations and covers of modern books.

Qiao Yicheng said that he gave a piece of calligraphy to the elders of Central America, the content of which was Liu Yuxi's "Huashan Song". Let's not talk about the good and bad of the words. A message is itself a blessing and admiration.

Real artists make friends not by whether they have money or power, but more by whether they have resonance in the spiritual world.

Qiao Yicheng sent a letter, and the other party replied with a painting, and it was a picture of Nanfeng closely related to "Huashan Song". What's the meaning? This painting is the fulfillment of that word.

Qiao Yicheng expressed his ardent blessings in words, and the other party expressed his gratitude with this painting.

What is this called, the friendship of gentlemen.

Xiang Beibei has been smirking and chattering nonstop. He is not throwing himself at himself, but slapping him in the face of his father.

"Calligraphy and painting have a price, but friendship is priceless. This painting..."

Lin Yue knew what he wanted to say, and waved his hand: "Uncle, we will be a family soon, it is no different from keeping it here with me, as you said, calligraphy and painting are valuable, friendship is priceless, as long as people are there , the friendship is there, there is no need to care about those red tapes."

"Hahahaha, well said, well said."

Father Xiang felt an indescribable sense of frustration in addition to being happy, because he always wanted to maintain the attitude of an elder, but from the moment Qiao Yicheng entered the house until now, this son-in-law, whether in terms of cultural accomplishment, manners, conversation, or personal charm, has made him all the better. He has a feeling that I am not as good as a young man after living for so many years.

"Nanfang, no wonder you went to ask for a lottery when you were a child, and the husband said that your life is good."

Xiang's mother smiled from ear to ear, and her eyes fully explained what it means for a mother-in-law to look at her son-in-law, and the more she looks at her, the more she likes her.

"Mom, why do I think you're happier than me?"

The nanny looked at the two of them and giggled.


After the trip to Xiang's family was over, the marriage between Lin Yue and Xiang Nannan could be said to be a certainty, and there was no suspense anymore.

After the Spring Festival, Qiao's family and Xiang's family had a meal together and made an appointment for the marriage.

According to Xiang's father, Labor Day is a good day, but Lin Yue did not agree, the reason is that Taili had just promoted him to be the director of the news center, and he had a lot of things to deal with, and when everything was on track, the people below would be convinced by him It's not too late to hold a wedding at that time.

In the words of Xiang's mother, as a man, career is the most important thing, and it should be, and the south has just been transferred to the municipal party committee, responsible for the work of the surrounding four counties and eight townships, and it also needs a process of adaptation. Getting married too soon can easily mess up the family and career .

So the day was pushed back half a year, either National Day or New Year's Day.

After June, Qiao Qiqi turned 20. Because he had studied computers intermittently for several years, Qi Weimin found him a job as a typist in the office. He usually used computers to type, enter data, and send and receive emails. Work is not tiring at all.

In the summer season, the singing of cicadas along the Qinhuai River became one piece, and more and more foreign tourists visited the Confucius Temple, adding fire to the already hot weather.

"Brother, where are you taking me?"

Qiao Qiqi was a little impatient, because Qiao Yicheng took him away from the office, and if Qi Weimin couldn't see him later, he would be upset. Ever since Wei Shufang went to help Qiao Simi and Qiao Zuwang to negotiate a deal last time, and was disturbed by Qiao Yicheng, Qi Weimin is still angry when talking about it.

"You'll know in a while."

"Isn't it going to go abroad again?"

When the red light ahead came on, Lin Yue stopped the car, looked at Qiao Qiqi's profile and said, "What? Miss the days when I went north to Russia and Ukraine?"

Qiao Qiqi nodded lightly.

It has been three years since Qiao Yicheng took him abroad. Because of the fight with his classmates before, Qi Weimin took him very seriously. He either picked him up to and from school by himself, or asked Chang Xingyu to pick him up and down from school, and educated him every now and then. Be honest, don't be impulsive when things happen, impulsiveness is the devil.

In the past three years, he has lived a two-point and one-line life of school-home/work unit-home. When he opens his eyes every day, he can predict what he will do next.

No accidents, no ups and downs, no surprises... and Qi Weimin described this kind of life as stable.

Yes, for those who are married, have wives, and plan to have children, stability is great, but for a twenty-year-old young man who works under the eyes of his elder brother every day, what clothes to wear, what to eat, and even Control everything you say, it's worse than being in prison.

If he hadn't gone abroad to see the world, it would be nice to be a frog watching the sky from a well. The problem now is that he has seen the sky and the sea outside, and then he can go back to live a life of a prisoner. It's been like this for several years, and it's almost suffocating.

"As long as you follow what I say in the next two years, not to mention going north to Russia, Ukraine, the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, even if you want to go to Antarctica to see penguins, it will not be a problem."


Qiao Qiqi's eyes lit up.

Lin Yue thought to himself that he was a young man after all. The reason why Qiao Qiqi was dull, cowardly, and useless on TV was largely influenced by Qi Weimin and his living environment from childhood to adulthood. People's drive.

"Don't rush to be happy." Lin Yue said: "The first thing I want you to do is to go against Qi Weimin's wishes."

Qiao Qiqi couldn't laugh anymore, she looked down at the corner of her clothes, pursed her mouth from time to time, wondering what she was thinking.

Without asking, Lin Yue drove the car outside an old-fashioned tube building not far from the downtown area, led him into the corridor, and stopped in front of a door far away from the corridor.

"This is the staff dormitory of the electric wire factory. Because it is very close to the police station, the security is good. Not far to the north is the vegetable market, and to the west is the commercial street."

After he opened the door, he threw the key into Qiao Qiqi's arms.

"The outside is the living room, and there is a bedroom inside. There are beds and basic furniture. It is similar to the house you rented when you were in school. If you want to live here, you just need to bring your personal belongings. If you don't want live, there is a bus directly to the community where Ma Yulin's family lives, which is very convenient."

Qiao Qiqi took a few glances at the interior of the room, and her gaze was fixed on the desk in the living room.

There is a computer there.

The mainframe is vertical, which looks much more upscale than the 386,486 he had in the computer school.

"Starting today, it's yours."

Lin Yue patted the computer case, pressed the power button, and the screen quickly transitioned to the WINDOWS95 startup screen.

"Is this... for me?"

He knows how much it costs to buy one of these things. When he graduated last year, Ma Yulin offered to buy him a computer. Wei Shufang thought it was too expensive and refused to let him buy it. This year, Qi Weimin also said that he would save enough money to buy it for him. There has been no movement until today. .

"Yes, for you."

Lin Yue said: "Starting tomorrow, don't work as a typist."

Qiao Qiqi looked hesitant: "Will brother agree?"

"That depends on how strong you are."

Lin Yue pointed to the computer and said, "This is your job from now on."

Qiao Qiqi looked puzzled: "Use it? What do you use it for?"

Lin Yue said, "Playing games."

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