Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1371 Do you see, it is your Xiang family who climbed up to me (two in one)

"No one asked me to come, I came by myself."

Just as Sun Liyun finished answering this question, she heard a woman arguing with the staff at the door.

"Let me in, I'm Sun Liyun's daughter, the child's mother."

Everyone turned their heads to look, and saw a woman in her twenties and eighteen years old rushing into the venue with a cold face.

Sun Liyun's daughter? The child's mother? A woman who wants to give Qiao Yicheng a baby after breaking up?

Seeing that the old man was frustrated, he had no choice but to go out in person, right?

To everyone's surprise, she did not argue with Qiao Yicheng or the Xiang family, but walked up to her mother, grabbed the child and hugged her in her arms.

"Who asked you to come here? How many times have I said that I will not marry him, and you don't have to worry about it. "

"Xiaomo, I'm doing this for your own good."


The answer to the phrase "for your own good" was a resounding slap across the face.

Sun Liyun was dumbfounded.

Everyone present was dumbfounded.

Daughter beat mother?

This... what kind of family is this?

"For my own good? Why didn't you dissuade me when you knew that Chen Jun and I were on good terms? Instead, you made a plan and wanted me to snatch him away from his wife. Now Qiao Yicheng is going to marry someone else, and you hold the child Come here to make trouble, don’t I know better than you what his character is? Even if the marriage between the Qiao family and the Xiang family fails, he can turn around and marry me? Don’t think I don’t know, you did it for Chen Junliang’s money .”

Discussions started again.

Sun Xiaomo was a mistress?

Sun Liyun came to the wedding for Chen Junliang's money, and the child was just a weight for her to negotiate terms?

Such a mother and daughter... No wonder Qiao Yicheng said nothing about marrying her, which man would not shy away from him.

Sun Liyun slapped her backhand. Facing her daughter who didn't understand her, she was both wronged and sad and filled with righteous indignation: "Yes, I did it for money, but I did this to ensure that you two have a good life? Last year When I was in the hospital, you should know the story of the old lady in the next bed. If one day I die, who will take care of you and the child, him? Even if he is willing to take care of it, will his wife agree? Money in hand It’s the most authentic and the most secure.”

The daughter slapped her mother, and the mother slapped her daughter back.

For the uninvolved staff, this scene was a bit comical, but no one laughed.

"Old Xiang, this...what's going on?"

An old voice came from the door, breaking the complex and delicate atmosphere. Everyone turned their heads and saw a middle-aged man in a plain tunic suit walking in with the support of a girl.

"Old Song, why are you here?"

Father Xiang hurriedly left his seat to face the front, during which he glanced at Song Qingyuan, and saw that the boy was whispering to Qiao Yi, not knowing what he was talking about.

Xiang Mu and Xiang Beibei each had their own expressions.

Director Zuo, who was the witness of the wedding, also walked over with a flattering smile.

Most of the guests didn't know who it was, but judging by Xiang's father's performance, I'm afraid it's not a small person.

"I'm here to attend Xiao Qiao's wedding."

Song Lian's words made Xiang's father's face change slightly. Many people know that Qiao Yicheng and Song Qingyuan are good friends. It is normal for the former to get married and the latter to participate, but now the father also came from Beijing. It's very surprising. You must know that when Xiang Beibei got married, his old buddy was not there, but someone prepared a generous gift for him.

"Look at your surprised face. Nanfang is my niece. Reporter Qiao is my half-teacher. He taught me calligraphy for two years in Beijing without asking for a penny. He is also a good buddy in Qingyuan. Now the two of them I'm married, shouldn't I come?"

Father Xiang said, "It's time to come, it's time to come."

"Then what is your expression? Not happy that I came to the wedding?"

"Happy, happy, of course happy."

Can Father Xiang say he's unhappy? Dare he say he's unhappy?

"By the way, come on, let me introduce you. This is the son of Mr. Pan, a master of traditional Chinese painting. We also met on the train by chance. After chatting, we realized that we were all here for Xiao Qiao's wedding, so we came here together." Song Lian smiled and introduced a man behind him who was about fifty years old and had a mole under his eyebrow to Father Xiang.

The son of the master of Chinese painting, Mr. Pan?

Xiang's father remembered the painting Qiao Yicheng gave him when he first visited the door, and suddenly realized.

"Hello, hello, I have heard Mr. Pan's name for a long time."

Xiang's father hurriedly greeted him with a smile and shook hands with Mr. Painter.

"Where's Xiao Qiao? Where did Xiao Qiao go?"

After seeing old friends, Song Lian brought the topic to the leading actor of the wedding.

"Dad, here it is, here it is."

Song Qingyuan raised his right hand to signal, and pulled Lin Yue over.

"Uncle, I told you not to come, just wait until Nan Nan and I find time to go to Beijing to see you. It's a long way, the journey is tiring, and you are not in good health. What if..."

"Just in case, what's in case, don't say bad words on the big day, if you are really sorry, after the wedding is over, cook me two dishes, let me have a few drinks, and give me some calligraphy and paintings before I leave gone."

"Emotions, are you taking the opportunity to rip me off?"

"My southern niece is so good. Everyone is married to your Qiao family. I want you to cook two dishes for me and write a few words. How can I wrong you?"

"I can't say no to you, please do it, and when the ceremony is over, I will give you a small treat."

"Okay, there are a lot of guests today, so I won't waste your time." Song Lian looked back at Xiang's father and said, "Old Xiang, where is your table? Let's sit closer. We haven't seen each other for three years. I miss you so much."

"Uncle Song, here, here..." Xiang Beibei gave way to the dining table where the Xiang family was sitting with a flattering expression.

Lin Yue met Father Xiang's eyes and walked up to Professor Pan, held his hand and said, "Uncle Pan, why don't you say anything before you come, so I can get someone to pick you up."

"Didn't I want to give you a surprise, and I'm not here alone." As he spoke, he turned to the back: "This is my student Jin Tong, who is also from Nanjing."

"Where is Xiao Jin's house?"

Lin Yue greeted Jin Tong warmly while shaking hands.

"My family is on the side of the horses."

"I was there on Mr. Sun's birthday a few days ago..."

Lin Yue chatted casually, and let the two sit next to Song Lian.

Sun Liyun was left hanging in the middle of the venue, seemingly forgotten by everyone.

Father Xiang gave Lin Yue a complicated look, and was about to talk to Mother Xiang when Song Qingyuan, who was standing at the door of the banquet hall looking out, walked quickly to Xiang Nannan: "Here we come, we come."

"Who's here?"

"The person you've always wanted to see."

Before the words were finished, the hotel attendant led five or six people in from the outside.

"Wow, it's them... they really came..."

The venue suddenly boiled, because many of the three people walking in front knew everyone.

Zhao **, the host of "Man and Nature", Ju *, the mainstay of Children's Channel, and Xiao Cui, the host of "The Truth".

In terms of status, they can't compare with people like Song Lian, Xiang Fu, and Professor Pan, but in terms of recognition, they can be called household names, known to all women and children.

People like Aunt Wu, Qi Weiyi, Qi Xiaoya and the others came here not only to attend Qiao Yicheng's wedding, but also to get close to the celebrities on CCTV.

Qiao Yicheng has worked in Beijing for three years, and it is said that he is very popular. Although he is now working in Nanjing, he still makes a living in the media system. Now that he is married to Xiang Nanfang, there must be some people over there to talk about it, right?

Facts proved that they guessed right. Even though they were busy people from CCTV and had to rush from Beijing to Nanjing, there were still six or seven people who came. Listening to what Qiao Yicheng called them, even the director of the news center came. Enough of the face of the two newcomers.

Seeing Qiao Zuwang, Aunt Wu, Qi Weiyi and others running to take a photo with their favorite host, even Xiang Nan was left with Mr. Zhao, and another Mr. Zhao worked hard, and forgot to explain to his parents what happened just now. He asked his wife with a cold face: "What do you think should be done about this?"

Xiang's mother hesitated for a moment, and replied to him, "Girls are not allowed to stay."

The reason why they feel ashamed is mainly because the Xiang family is much stronger than the Qiao family. As for the daughter, she actually found a husband with an illegitimate child. It's not good to say it, but now, Song Lian is here again, and she is promoted to half a teacher. Level, the son of a master of Chinese painting made a special trip south, and now the CCTV celebrities are also here. Regardless of the relationship with the older generation, how many young people can have the achievements of Qiao Yicheng?

The Xiang family is stronger than the Qiao family, but their son is not a little bit taller than their daughter.

"Excuse me, is this the place where Qiao Yicheng, reporter Qiao held his wedding ceremony?"

When Xiang's father and Xiang's mother were speechless and helpless, a weak question sounded at the door.

The eyes of the guests, friends and staff were all attracted by the CCTV host, and they didn't notice the three extra people at the door, but Xiang's father and Xiang's mother saw it.

The person who asked the question was an old man about 65 years old. He was wearing a cotton-padded jacket with wrinkled cotton clothes on the outside, but it was still clean. It seemed that he had just been washed. His skin was rough and dark, and his face was covered with The pleats look like farmers from villages or suburbs.

There are two other people behind them, they look much younger, about thirty or forty years old, and they are also not particular about their clothes.

"Yes, that's right." Xiang's father walked over: "Are you also here to attend Qiao Yicheng's wedding?"

He heard from Xiang Nan that Qiao Zuwang's ancestral home was in northern Jiangsu, and there was a cousin in his hometown. After she married Qiao Yicheng, she had to find time to add to the ancestral grave and burn some paper money. Now seeing the three people opposite, he took it for granted that they were relatives of Qiao Zuwang's hometown.

Who knew that the man in the Chinese tunic suit nodded, then shook his head, and told the two juniors to put the cloth bag behind them where it would not be in the way.

"Are you the elder of Reporter Qiao?"

Father Xiang hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

"Wang Qiang, you have studied, so you can tell me about it." Seeing Xiang's father dressed as a cultured person, the old man felt a little bit speechless, so he handed over the task of explaining his purpose to the youngest of the two behind him. .

"That's right. We are representatives of the villagers in Xiaozhuang Village. Four years ago, reporters Qiao and Song went to our place to interview the incident of excessive discharge of sewage from the paper mill in the upper reaches of the Xiaoji River. Later, after a period of treatment, the Xiaoji River returned to its former clarity. Villagers no longer need to drink well water, but can also use it to water the ground and do laundry. A few days ago, the staff of "Hot Spot Interview" visited us There was a return visit there, and when I talked about reporter Qiao, everyone knew that he was no longer at CCTV and was about to get married. Afterwards, the village head called the heads of households together for a meeting. Knowing about this, we have to do something for reporter Qiao, so each family pooled up some money, bought some wild goods and gifts and sent us to bring them over, it’s everyone’s kindness.”

Xiang's father and Xiang's mother looked at each other with complicated expressions.

What could be better than this scene to show that he is a good reporter who pleads for the people.

The villagers in Xiaozhuang Village got the news that Qiao Yicheng was going to get married by chance. How many groups and individuals don't know the news?

"Come in, you guys come in, sit down and drink some water, take a rest, I'll call Xiao Qiao for you." Mother Xiang greeted the three of them to enter the door with a smile on her face.

"No, no." The old man in the tunic suit waved his hands again and again: "The things have been delivered, we should go too."

It is not difficult to see from the eyes of the three people that they have been standing outside the door and refused to enter the banquet hall because they did not want their arrival to cause trouble to the people inside.

Father Xiang stepped forward and took the old man's hand: "To tell you the truth, I am the woman's parent. You have come from a long way and left like this. Don't tell me I feel sorry, and Xiao Qiao will be upset if she finds out. I said, the guests in this room are not as honorable as you."

"I dare not say that, I dare not say that." The old man was a little panicked: "There must be many leaders in it."

Xiang's father and Xiang's mother looked at each other and smiled, and were about to explain a few words to him when they came out with Xiang Nan's and Xiang Bei's half-brother's eldest daughter.

"Dad, Mom, go in and have a look."

"What's wrong?" Mother Xiang was puzzled.

"You'll know when you go over there and take a look."

Mother Xiang gave Father Xiang a wink, and followed her eldest daughter into the banquet hall.

She had thought that Qiao Yicheng would chat with CCTV colleagues for a while, but she didn't expect that her attitude towards Sun Liyun's bringing the child to the door to recognize relatives was very straightforward, and she went back to the reception desk to bring up the old matter again, which magnified the stain again.

"As for me, I think I have a bit of backbone and a bit of a temper. I think my son, if Uncle Xiang and Aunt Xiang can't accept it, and the south will also have concerns, this marriage will not be concluded today."

Song Lian and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and hurriedly asked the insider what happened.

"Now, let's put aside the question of whether to tie or not. Song Qingyuan knows that as a reporter, I have a bad habit of asking why. Sun Liyun said that he came to the wedding scene to make trouble for Chen Junliang's money. As far as I know, Chen Junliang was fired by Xinhua Bookstore three years ago for accepting kickbacks from suppliers, and he was fined a lot of money, and he has not been doing well in the past two years, so how could he use money to buy Sun Liyun?"

He clapped his hands when he posed the question.

The door leading to the dressing room opened, and Song Qing pushed a somewhat wretched man to Lin Yue's side.

"Tell me, Chen Junliang, where did you get that money?"


"Don't say yes, well, you can go to the police station to talk about this issue. The police must be interested in the fact that you don't have the money to pay the fine, but you have the money to bribe Sun Liyun to come to the wedding venue to disrupt the wedding."

When he heard that Lin Yue wanted to call the police, Chen Junliang faltered: "I...I said, I said..."

His eyes scanned the audience, and finally fixed on Xiang Beibei who was shrinking back.

"He ordered me to do it, and he gave me the money."

All the guests followed his direction and looked over. After seeing the panicked face, everyone was dumbfounded.

Item North?

All these things were done by the groom's uncle?

His brain burned out? To embarrass my sister.

Xiang Bei was still backing away until he stepped on someone's foot, turned around and found that it was his mother.

The younger sister standing not far away looked at him in disbelief: "Brother, did you really do this?"

"No, not me, he lied, he lied..."

Xiang Beibei kept denying it, but anyone could see how guilty his heart was and how timid he was.

Long before Qiao Yicheng went to Xiang's house to meet the elders, Xiang Beifang had often introduced Xiang Nanfang to powerful young masters, but no one could fall in her eyes until Song Qingyuan made a bridge out of them and brought the two of them together.

She knew that Xiang Beibei was dissatisfied with Qiao Yicheng, but no matter what, she never thought that her brother would do such a despicable thing in order to break up the two of them and avenge the self-humiliation.

"Northern, tell me the truth, did you do this?"

Mother Xiang was so ashamed and annoyed that her face turned red.


Xiang Beibei hesitated and couldn't say a complete sentence.


A loud slap hit that big face.


It was Xiang's father who did it, and behind him stood three rural people who came from afar.

"How did I raise such a thing as you, the face of the Xiang family has been completely humiliated by you."

Xiang Beibei covered his face and didn't dare to look up. Just now he said that his sister had embarrassed the Xiang family, but he didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly.

Not to mention that all the guests were whispering below, and Song Qingyuan was also making sarcastic remarks with Lin Yue.

"Anyway, he is also your uncle, isn't it too much?"

"Have you been?" Lin Yue said, "I think you are quite happy."

"Who told him to show off in front of me every day since he got married."

"Then it's over."

"What I mean is that I'm not his brother-in-law, so naturally there's no need to care about his feelings. You're different. If the fight is too stiff, Nanfang and her parents will feel uncomfortable in the middle."

Lin Yue said: "Don't worry, I will treat him to the point of obedience."

Song Qingyuan said: "How to cure it?"

He smiled slightly, walked towards the audience without explaining in detail.

As far as Xiang Beibei is concerned, he is not too stupid. He was able to find out the relationship between Sun Xiaomo and himself, and then remotely control Chen Junsheng to bribe Sun Liyun to make trouble at the wedding scene.

Ordinary people know this situation, and most of them choose to tell their parents and let their parents pressure their daughters to repent of their marriage. After all, family ugliness should not be publicized. Xiang Beibei didn't do this. Why?

Because of the special situation of the Xiang family, he and Xiang Nanfang are brothers and sisters with the same father and mother, but there is also a half-sister above, and the relationship between the three is very good.

After a year of observation, he was convinced that his father liked his sister's boyfriend very much. Even if Qiao Yicheng had an illegitimate child, as long as Xiang Nanfang insisted, his parents would compromise in all likelihood.

Not to mention that the illegitimate child was brought by the mother, even if he followed Qiao Yicheng, so what?

Aren't Xiang Nan's three brothers and sisters also very good?

So you can't tell your parents in advance, you can only make a big move at the wedding to shame the Xiang family, and that face-saving father will reject the marriage.

Xiang Beibei seemed careless, but his mind...wasn't so thoughtful.

But unfortunately, he was very unlucky and offended people who shouldn't be offended.

Seeing Lin Yue coming down, Xiang's father snorted coldly, "Apologize to your brother-in-law."

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