Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1374 My child is enough to play mahjong at a table

After a long silence.

Lin Yue sighed and said, "This silly girl, how can she get married like this?"

He Jiangsheng said: "She said she never thought of getting married because she didn't want herself and Wen Xue to be a burden to others. Yes, this is one reason, but more importantly..."

He raised his head and glanced at Lin Yue, but he didn't say anything after that, and needless to say.

Lin Yue lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth, and took two puffs: "Does Wen Xue know that the child is mine?"

"I don't know." He Jiangsheng said, "I paid someone to pretend to be Ju An's husband, and deceived Wen Xue. I heard from Ju An that Wen Xue's condition was greatly relieved by the existence of the child, compared to when she just moved there. It was much better."

"You can pay someone to pretend to be your husband?"

"I have no choice. Wen Xue is sometimes sober and sometimes confused. What if she asks who the father of the child is and Ju An can't answer?"

Lin Yue said: "How much she cared about you back then, how much she cares about Wen Xue now, this is really..."

He Jiangsheng said: "She has been trying to mend this broken family, but some things... can't go back."

"Since she threatened you with death and asked you to keep your mouth shut, why did you tell me about it?"


"Oh, I see." Lin Yue shook his head and smiled wryly: "You heard about what happened at my wedding with Xiang Nanfang from others, and you came here to put pressure on me. I can recognize Sun Xiaomo's child, let alone Is it Ju An's child? In fact, you just want a guarantee, right?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you." He Jiangsheng said: "I'm getting married, and I'm sure I won't be able to pay attention to Wen Xue and Ju An as much as before. As a father, this is the best I can do for her. will make you uncomfortable."

"That's not true. Since I recognize Sun Xiaomo's child, I can't favor one over the other. How about this? I will transfer 50% of the Sino-Ocean shares under my name to Yaya's name. You should be satisfied now."

The current shareholding structure of the shipping company is that Lin Yue accounts for 80%, He Jiangsheng accounts for 15%, and the remaining 5% belongs to dry shares given to others. Now he has agreed to transfer 50% of the shares to Yaya. Leaping to become the company's largest shareholder, Wen Ju'an can say that mothers are more valuable than daughters. The major shareholder is his own daughter, and Qiao Yicheng still owns 30% of the shares. Under such a background, it is impossible for him to let go of the company's affairs.

He Jiangsheng nodded, very satisfied with the result.

Lin Yue said, "By the way, who do you want to marry?"


"The female secretary in your office?"


The old man is in his fifties, marrying a girl in her twenties, Wen Ju'an will definitely feel uncomfortable, the relationship between father and daughter will never be the same as before, and this is why He Jiangsheng made up his mind to find him reason.

"I can't tell, you're quite fashionable."

He Jiangsheng: "..."

"Okay, I wish you a happy wedding, and I will prepare a generous gift for you." Lin Yue stood up and straightened his suit: "The TV station has something to do, I'm leaving first."

"I send you."

He Jiangsheng got up and sent him downstairs to the hotel.


half year later.

Xiang Nan was pregnant, and Xiang's father and Xiang's mother were very happy. They insisted on taking their daughter back to live on Jiangsu Road. They said that there was a nanny there. Whether it was stewing chicken, making soup, steaming ribs, making beds, or serving fruits, it was very convenient.

Qiao Zuwang complained about this, saying that Qiao's family would treat their daughter badly, and Qiao Sanli was annoying him with nagging, saying that you are not willing to take care of her, and her father was speechless, scolding her for being unfilial.

Half a year later, in 1998, Xiang Nanfang seldom went to work at the Municipal Party Committee due to his increasingly clumsy body. He occasionally went to see his colleagues and take care of his recent work.

During this period, Lin Yue went to Beijing on a business trip, and stopped by to visit Wen Ju'an.

Of course, he was observing in secret, and did not appear in front of the mother and daughter. First, he was afraid of being discovered by Wen Xue and causing trouble for Wen Ju'an. Second, he didn't want to betray He Jiangsheng. What about his father? It's useless to create emotional problems for her, it's better not to bother, and help secretly when encountering difficulties.

In March 1998, Xiang Nan gave birth to a pair of twin boys. Xiang's father and mother were so happy that they ran to the hospital every day.

The same goes for Qiao Zuwang and Qiao Sanli.

In the words he told Aunt Wu, the boss of the Qiao family is a star descending from the sky, successful in his career and career, and a good harvest in love and love. This child is different from ordinary people. It was rumored outside that Qiao Zu wanted people to be lazy, so he named his children Cai Yicheng, Erqiang, Sanli, and Simei, which was completely wrong. Qiao Yicheng, Qiao Yicheng, what is Yicheng? If you ride a thousand horses, you will succeed.

A group of neighbors said behind his back that he put green onions in his pig's nose and pretended to be a fool.

After Xiang Nanfang was discharged from the hospital, he continued to confine himself to Xiang's family. If Xiang's family was an ordinary family, Qiao Zuwang would have come to ask for an explanation, because the neighbors spread gossip behind his back, saying that Qiao Yicheng is better than a son-in-law than a son-in-law. He is obviously the seed of the Qiao family, and stays at the Xiang family every day.

Qi Weimin was still sulking, but Chang Xingyu was fine, he bought some diapers and small clothes for the children and sent them to Xiang's house.

Lin Yue was indifferent to these parents' idiosyncrasies and trivial matters in life. One day in May, he walked into the TV station building under the light rain. As soon as he put away his umbrella, Song Qingyuan greeted him from the duty room.

"Okay, you Song Qingyuan, I won't even be your deputy director. Are you pretending to be aloof with the director, or do you have an opinion on me and feel ashamed to be my deputy?"

"Really not, don't you know who I am? It's really not the material to be a leader."

Song Qingyuan grabbed Lin Yue's arm and walked towards the elevator.

"Why are you walking so fast? Don't drag me?"

He didn't let Lin Yue go until the elevator door closed.

"Last night, Liu Xiaomeng asked me to go out for a drink in the middle of the night, and cried a lot."

"What's wrong?"

"Ye Xiaolang broke up with her."

"What should I do? The two of them are not in the same way."

"Liu Xiaomeng said it was all because of you. At the beginning, they provoked the relationship between the two of them, but now they can't even be friends anymore."

Lin Yue remembered what he said to Ye Xiaolang when he married Xiang Nannan.

"Ye Xiaolang is a suspicious and sensitive person. I thought they would fall out on the spot. I didn't expect it to take more than a year to break up. It's quite rare."

"Look at your sarcastic remarks."

"Hey, Song Qingyuan, what's the matter with you today? You feel sorry for Liu Xiaomeng, don't you?"

"Do you know how hard it was for me to get out last night? It's scary to think about it."

"According to what you mean, it seems that you are almost lost at the end of the festival."


While the two were talking, the car door opened.

Lin Yue came out with the briefcase in hand, when he heard a shout from the opposite side: "Qiao Yicheng!"

He looked up and saw Qi Weimin approaching furiously, without saying a word, just raised his hand and punched him.

Song Qingyuan was startled and was in a daze when Lin Yue stretched out his arm and grabbed Qi Weimin's hand with a snap: "Qi Weimin, are you sick?"

"I'm not sick, it's you who is sick."

Qi Weimin staggered for him, stabilized his figure and wanted to make a move, but Song Qingyuan hugged him: "Brother, you have something to say, don't do it."

"Have something to say? If it works, I won't do it."

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