Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1382 End of Book - Others (Part 2)

Aunt Wu is very gossip, and she also likes to listen to the walls. She can hear the movement of Qiao's old house clearly in front of her.

Besides, there were two groups of policemen. After knowing Qiao Yicheng's identity, it was inevitable that they would use it as a drink talk and spread gossip about Qiao's family behind his back.

As a result, half of the Xuanwu District became a sensation, because what happened to the Qiao family was so bizarre and wonderful.

In order to seize the property of the employer, the nanny got married and took her son to kill together; the youngest daughter was widowed by a rapist for 10 years, and she was given to her adoptive parents. Knowing that her husband indirectly killed her father, she is also devoted to the outside world; there is also Qiao Sanli, who has never married because of the shadow of her childhood.

In this family, except for the eldest and the youngest, there is no one to worry about.

Qiao Qiqi was so angry at Qiao Simei, she went back to see Wei Shufang after the funeral, went to Baibupo for dinner, and returned to Shanghai the next day.

Qiao Sanli was very depressed, Lin Yue wanted her to calm down, and only on the third day did she ask Chang Xingyu to visit her and say something comforting, but Chang Xingyu told him that the door of the old house was locked, and they knocked for a long time without success. No one answered, no one answered the phone.

Lin Yue felt that the situation was not good, so he called the law firm where Qiao Sanli worked, but the boss replied that Qiao Sanli had resigned yesterday.

He called Qiao Sanli's friend again, but he couldn't get the information he wanted. In the end, he had to use hacking methods to find out that she bought a train ticket to Xi'an yesterday morning and had already left Nanjing.

Maybe it's to relax, that's fine.

After all, her father is gone, her second brother's whereabouts are unknown, and her younger sister is being plotted to death, Qiao Sanli must be very sad.

Lin Yue stopped looking for her and continued with his own life.

Three months later, Qi Chenggang was sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance. Qiao Simi made a big fuss in court. After being driven away by the police, he was sent to a detention center for seven days because of a physical confrontation with the guard.

Another month passed, and Lin Yue got the news that Qi Chenggang's father fell ill after returning from the court, and died within half a month.

Qi Chenggang's mother also had a heart attack and was admitted to the hospital.

He couldn't help but sigh, Qi Chenggang's becoming like this is inseparable from those two old things, it would be better if they both died.

Two months later, the court of second instance rejected Qi Chenggang's appeal and upheld the original judgment.

Qi Chenggang's mother heard the nurse's discussion, but she didn't come up in one breath, and died in the hospital just like that.

As a result, Qiao Simi inherited the Qi family's old house, and lived with Qi Qiaoqiao in difficulty.

As for Chen Fang and her son Chen Shuyun, because of their bad influence, the former was sentenced to death and later sentenced to life imprisonment.

And Qiao Sanli... She hasn't returned to Nanjing for almost half a year. In fact, if Lin Yue really wants to find her, it's not a problem, but what if he finds her? She is the most emotional out of the five children of Qiao's family. As a result, her love and family relationship are in a mess. Nanjing is a sad place for her. Forcing her to come back will only increase her troubles.


In the summer of 2005, the rain in Nanjing seemed to be much more frequent than in previous years. The wind blew small water droplets, which wet the quaint small western-style buildings on Jiangsu Road, while the tall phoenix trees covered the road, leaving spots that were drier than the surrounding areas. .

A cloud suddenly floated from the sky, the rain was sudden, and the rapidly expanding water droplets slapped the banana leaves under the balcony, crackling non-stop.

In Xiang's living room, Lin Yue pushed a red cannon: "General."

Father Xiang was stunned for a moment, looked at his own Nine Palaces, then at the "Pao" on the opposite side, smacked his lips twice, and threw the red rook in his hand onto the chessboard: "No more, no more."

As he spoke, he took off his glasses, and angrily walked towards the opposite French window.

Mother Xiang, who was pruning flower branches, turned her head and glanced at him: "Lost again?"


Father Xiang nodded. In the past, he played chess with Qiao Yicheng, and both sides won and lost. Today is good, and his son-in-law gave him a pentakill.

Xiang Nan came out of the kitchen with a fruit plate in his hand, which contained lychees soaked in salt water.

"You don't know how to let him order."

She put the plate on the coffee table and gave Lin Yue a hard look.


Lin Yue smiled helplessly.

"Dad, I'm eating lychees." Xiang Nannan took a few from the plate and was about to help the old man peel them off. At this moment, Lin Yue's cell phone rang. When he picked it up, he found that it was Han Qian from the cultural center. .

Ever since Sun Liyun made a big fuss at their wedding, Sun Xiaomo was afraid that her mother, who was too thoughtful, would cause trouble again, so she quit her job at the cultural center and took her child to Suzhou to join her second aunt. Lin Yue hadn't paid attention to her affairs since then, only knowing that Qiao Sanli would call Sun Xiaomo from time to time, and as for the tool man Han Qian...Lin Yue almost forgot about her.

Now that she is calling, she is in trouble. Do you want to ask him for help?

Lin Yue pressed the connect button with doubts, and put the phone to his ear. Within half a minute, his expression changed.

Xiang Nanfang noticed this detail, and he didn't bother to help the old man peel the lychees. He asked immediately after he hung up the phone, "You look bad, what happened?"

"Sun Xiaomo...the gone."

"how come?"

Xiang Nan was also shocked by the news.

"Han Qian said she drowned because of a seizure when the company organized a tour."

"When did this happen?"

"Four days ago."

"Why are you notified at this time about what happened four days ago?"

As she said, she went to get his coat from the hanger: "Come on, I'll take you to the train station."

Lin Yue gave her a grateful look,

He knew what Xiang Nannan meant. First, for such a big matter, he should go there if it was reasonable. Second, Sun Xiaomo is gone, what about the child? As a father, he has the responsibility to negotiate a solution with the Sun family.

He took the clothes and put them on, and was about to go out when the old man who was still sulking just now turned around and said, "If you want to raise the child over there, bring him back. Usually, your mother and I can do the same." Help take care of it."

The mother over there nodded slightly.

"Hey." Lin Yue didn't flirt with them, agreed, and walked out the door with the umbrella that Aunt Sun handed over to him and Xiang Nannan.


Three days later, Lin Yue returned to Nanjing from Suzhou. As soon as he got out of the train station, he saw Xiang Nan who was waiting by the side of the road.

"I'm afraid you will be upset, so I haven't called to ask, what's the matter?"

Lin Yue said: "Sun Xiaomo's funeral was over when I went, so I can only go to her grave to offer a bouquet of flowers..."

Having said that, he sighed heavily.

"What about the child?"

"According to her second aunt, the child was brought up by a relative of Sun Xiaomo. Sun Liyun made the decision. I asked to see the child, but they didn't agree. Sun Xiaomo died unexpectedly. Sun Liyun couldn't stand the shock and got sick. I went At that time, I was receiving treatment at the Suzhou Municipal Hospital, and I couldn't reason with her at this time, so I came back first."

Xiang Nan nodded, understanding him quite well.

"Don't worry, Sun Cheng is the only son of the deceased daughter, and Sun Liyun will not treat him badly."

"It's because of this that I came back, otherwise I must settle an account with her properly."

"Okay, okay, don't be sullen, go home, my mother made your favorite crab noodle tofu."

Lin Yue nodded and followed her into the Audi car.


Three months later, the autumn air is crisp and the clouds are flying white.

The two little guys are already in the second grade, and their grades are naturally very good, but in the teacher's words... very noisy.

Lin Yue and Xiang Nanfang also knew that the teacher said "noisy", which is definitely not the word "noisy". In order to save themselves, and not always be communicated and talked to by other children's parents, the two unanimously decided to put the twin brothers together. The two are split up, one is in the class at the other end of the corridor, and the other is in the class at the other end of the corridor.

Today is Xiang Nan's birthday. Lin Yue didn't let Auntie Sun, the nanny, pick up the child from school. He gave himself a holiday, got off work half an hour earlier, drove to the municipal party committee to pick up his wife, and then went to Zhong* Road Elementary School to pick up the child from school. The restaurant has a good meal.

The two waited at the door for a while, and as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the children swarmed out. Under the watchful eyes of the team leader teacher and school security guards, they lined up holding small flags, went outside the door to find their mothers, and went back to their homes.

"Qiao Ping, Qiao Ping..."

Xiang Nanfang's eyes were good, and he watched from a distance Qiaoping's kid walking with a blue backpack on his back, his unlovable expression made the two of them suspicious. They didn't know what happened to this kid in school. What, how did it become like this.

"Qiao Ping, what's wrong with you? Have you been bullied? Why do you look listless?"

Xiang Nanfang felt sorry for his son, and quickly walked forward, holding the eldest son who was born a few minutes earlier in his arms, and asked worriedly.

Qiao Ping looked at her, then at Lin Yue, the more he thought about it, the more wronged he became, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, his mouth curled up and down as if he was about to cry.

Thanks to Garfield Faner, the 1500 starting coin that the flower grower would like to reward, the fireworks back then, the 500 starting coin that the old man wanted to return to the vulgar, Mo Haixuan, the angry spoon, knowing the truth, the book friend with the tail number 9895 played 100 starting coins rewarded.

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