Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1386 Unfortunately, You Are Not My Girlfriend

The call was from Zheng Fang, the girl she met in Jiang University's self-study room on the eve of the postgraduate exam.

"Hey, Zheng Fang, why are you calling me?"


"Oh, I'm free, I haven't eaten yet."


"Well, okay, tell me a place."


"The half-day demon grilled fish on Longnan Road? Okay, I get it."

Lin Yue hung up the phone, drove to Longnan Road, found the location that Zheng Fang had mentioned, fixed the car with every stitch, walked into the restaurant, and came to the window seat on the second floor.

Seeing him coming up, the two girls waved their hands excitedly.

He walked across from the two of them, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"It's so good. If you want to invite me to dinner, don't you cry poor?"

Zheng Fang made a face at him: "Stingy."

The last time we had dinner together, her name was Lin Yue, the mine boy, and Lin Yue called her Qiufu, until he sent them back to school, and he didn't forget to argue with him when he got off the bus.

Zhao Nannan said, "Isn't it going to be a holiday? I want to have a meal with you before going home."


Lin Yue smiled and said, "It seems that you guys really like grilled fish."

Zhao Nannan was very honest, and said with a little apology: "We can't afford the expensive one, that's all... Two days ago, my roommate gave me a discount coupon."

"So that's the case." Lin Yue said: "Speaking of it, I should practice it for you."

"Since the mine man wants to treat guests, let's change to a high-end restaurant?"

Zheng Fang didn't care so much. When Lin Yue said this, she naturally wanted to hit the snake with the stick.

"Zheng Fang." Zhao Nannan poked her on the shoulder: "Can you be more serious?"

Zheng Fang stuck out her tongue at her with a playful expression.

At this time, the waiter came over, put a rectangular plate on the induction cooker, served two plates of refreshing side dishes, and asked them what to drink.

Lin Yue ordered a dozen beers.

"It's a pity that Tan Xiaoguang is on a business trip."

"Did you call him?"

Zhao Nannan nodded: "Yes, he said he won't be back for a week."

"When's the train?"

"I am tomorrow morning, Zheng Fang the day after tomorrow evening."

Lin Yue remembered that Zhao Nannan was from a nearby province, and it was only an hour's journey by high-speed rail, while Zheng Fang was far away, and the train with the prefix T would take more than 20 hours.

"Is there a lot of luggage? Do you want me to see you off?"

Zhao Nannan shook her head: "No need."

Zheng Fang pushed her: "Why are you being polite with him, there are free drivers who don't need it, are you stupid?"

Lin Yue couldn't help but smile.

"After a while, you can send me the time of leaving school on WeChat, and I will pick you up when the time comes."

He picked up the beer on the corner of the table, opened it with a screwdriver, and poured each of them a glass of wine: "Just to remind you, you must make it clear to your boyfriend, I don't want to be misunderstood."

Zheng Fang said: "You are the one, remember to report to your girlfriend in advance, I don't want to be treated as a third party." Wanshi gave him a look: "I hate people like you the most, show affection, let's break up quickly! "

"Miss Zheng, do you know that you look like those grieving girls who can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour."

Zheng Fang curled her lips: "My suitors can line up from Jiangda South Gate to North Gate and add two more Yannan Hutongs."

"Yes, yes, all the men in the world are waiting for you to pick them?"

Lin Yue raised his glass: "Zheng Meiren, just for your confidence, let's do one."

"Just do it, whoever is afraid of whom."

She picked up the glass very simply, raised her face and raised her head, gurgling, and really drank the wine in the glass.

"Heroine, drink well."

Lin Yue quickly filled her and himself, and raised the cup again: "Come on, let's take another one. I wish you to find a boyfriend you like soon."

Without saying a word, Zheng Fang picked up the cup and poured it again.

Lin Yue still wanted to drink with her, but Zhao Nannan couldn't stand it: "Okay, don't tease her, let's drink this glass of wine."

Doesn't she understand what's going on with her best friend? She never admits defeat, but her drinking capacity can only be described as "not flattering". As for Lin Yue, she could see clearly the last five meals Tan Xiaoguang had. Misunderstood, he couldn't speak at all, he was fine, and in the words of a substitute driver, he didn't look like a drunk person at all.

Isn't Zheng Fang looking for death if he fights with him for wine?

"Success, let's drink."

Lin Yue touched her with his cup and drank another cup.

"Eat vegetables, what are you doing just drinking?" Zheng Fang greeted the two of them, picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth: "Well, it's okay, I didn't cut corners."

Lin Yue picked up a peanut, took another sip of tea, and turned to look out the window.

Zhao Nannan said that they were on vacation, and he realized that the Chinese New Year was coming soon. He came to Jianghai City after a quarrel with his family during the Spring Festival last year.

Jiang drift~

In addition to the body that has no place to rest, there is also a heart that cannot be understood, just like Shi Xiaomeng in "Beijing Love Story", a metropolis that cannot be integrated, a small hometown that cannot be returned...

Of course, he has no troubles in this area at all. After all, he bought a house, and his mentality is not comparable to those of young people. The crux of the problem is, how will he tell his parents about his situation when he returns home this year, and Su Han... Don't take her home with you?

"What are you thinking? So preoccupied?"

He was awakened by Zhao Nannan's question, shook his head, shook some chaotic thoughts in his mind, and raised his glass: "It's nothing, come... let's have a drink together."

Zheng Fang booed, "Cheers to parting."

Lin Yue didn't pay attention to it at first, and drank a few more drinks with the two of them. As soon as the conversation started, he felt something was wrong.

"Tell me, you two... what happened today?"

Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, Zhao Nannan sighed heavily: "Leaving Jianghai this time, I don't know if I can come back again. My mother asked someone to find a good relationship, and said that if I didn't get into the graduate school, I would go back to the small town to work as a career editor. It's close to home, there's a lot of work, and I can live in peace and stability for the rest of my life, but I don't want to be like them, I want to stay...stay here."

As he spoke, his eyes were still red.

Zheng Fang hurriedly picked up food for her, while distracting her attention, said that she would definitely pass the exam.

Lin Yue thought to himself that this was the case, no wonder the two girls would treat themselves to dinner before the holiday.

Postgraduate exam results are generally announced from mid-February to early March. If you fail the initial exam, there will naturally be no re-examination. Generally speaking, girls from civil servant families and middle-class families in small cities rarely have parental support. When they travel abroad, they always find a stable job in a place close to home, preferably an iron rice bowl, an errand on the royal salary, and get married, have children, and mix seniority step by step.

This is the case with Zhao Nannan. According to her character, even if she feels unwilling, she will never resist her parents' decision.

"What about you? Are you the same?"

What he asked was Zheng Fang.

The girl didn't speak, and after a short pause, she raised her glass: "Why do you ask so many questions, I invite you to drink, not to see our jokes."

Lin Yue said: "Unfortunately, you are not my girlfriend. If so, I, a mine man, still have the ability to help you stay."


Zheng Fang stared angrily.

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Don't worry, you two will pass the exam."

This is not consolation, it is fact.

The notebook in his hand can check what happened in the future. He used it to check whether Tan Xiaoguang was admitted to graduate school. After the exam was over that day, he checked the grades of Zheng Fang and Zhao Nannan on a whim, and found that they both passed Jiang Great admissions score.

"I hope what you said is right." Zhao Nannan was still a little depressed.

This Lin Yue has no choice but to tell them that he can predict the future.

The two parties drank a few more rounds, did they drink the beer placed at their feet? Seeing that they were already 70% drunk, Lin Yue stopped Zheng Fang's idea of ​​calling the waiter to serve the wine, paid the bill, and dragged the two of them out of the restaurant. come out.

"You said you, you agreed to treat us, and you paid the money first. What do you mean? Are you looking down on us?"

Lin Yue ignored Zheng Fang's complaints, and his eyes stopped in front of the window of a wedding photo studio next to Ban Tian Yao Grilled Fish.

"What's wrong?" Zhao Nannan looked over.

Lin Yue said, "I seem to see someone I know."

Thanks to Yue Thirty, Dream Bubble, book friends with tail number 9895 for the 100 starting coins.

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