Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1388 Detective of the Criminal Intelligence Division

Apostle walker.

Lin Yue froze for a moment when he saw these four words, Hong Kong film? Is it not a mainland film and television drama?

Chasing the dragon, eavesdropping on the situation, and Infernal Affairs.

Thinking about it, it has been a long time since I received a task about Hong Kong films.

The system thinks that he has been in the inland cities for too long, should he change his taste?

He continued to browse.

"Brothers Fighting on the Wall": The complaint of the lucky user with the number 850 was detected. As expected, there is no need to look forward to the film directed by Wang. The decline of Hong Kong films is not unreasonable. Turns out, if you just look at the actor's pretentiousness, it's still quite exciting, but after the story is over, let's think about it, what the hell is this? A cornucopia of shit? Not to mention the splicing and loose feeling of the whole film, the director does not even have the ability to tell a complete story, the plot is full of loopholes, but what about the various motives supporting the characters, EXCUSE ME? All kinds of inconsistencies, all kinds of meaningless progress, and even some characters are completely unnecessary. I really doubt whether the director has seriously examined his work after finishing the film.

Main task: (Enter the film and television drama world to activate).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Failure Penalty: None.

Task time frame: 2015-2016.

Whether to accept: (Y/N).

There is only one main mission.

This is a shootout movie, which is actually on the same level as urban dramas. What is the system doing? At least it must be difficult.

Could it be that the difficulty of the task has been reduced due to equipment problems?

Compared with when he accepted the "Chasing the Dragon" mission, he now has [Gemini], [Obsidian], [All-seeing Eye] and other equipment, and the threat of light weapons such as pistols to him is indeed getting lower and lower.

While complaining about the system settings in his mind, after the computer started up, he did the same thing, opened the browser, logged in to his member account on the film and television website, and searched for "Apostle Walker" to play.

"Apostle Walker" tells the story of the undercover Ah Ding (Ding Xiaojia) who received a mysterious text message, which traces back to the criminal group of the mysterious man Guo Ming. The undercover agent who lost contact with the team. In the process of smashing the criminal group, one of them exposed his identity, which also put the brothers who were sympathetic brothers into a crisis of trust and life. The undercover contact person Q Sir and the undercover Ah Ding are also facing multiple dangers. In the mist, a fierce battle is gaining momentum.

The movie lasted a little over an hour and a half, and when the end credits were played, Lin Yue took a sip of coffee from his mug and closed his eyes to think about the content of the movie. Sure enough, just like the lucky viewer complained, the main story is quite weak, so it can be said that Fragmented, the whole film is supported by the charm and acting skills of the actors.

But if it is positioned as a popcorn movie, it should be above the pass line.

After watching the feature film, he went to the Internet to read movie reviews. Seeing that it was getting dark, Lin Yue adjusted his condition and was ready to accept the task.

At this moment, I heard a cat meowing outside, and a black shadow landed on the balcony. Badun raised his head and took a look, and continued to lie down to sleep. It seemed that he hadn't come out of 15 years of autism.

"Xiahou, Xiahou, come here."

Lin Yue yelled twice towards the balcony, but this guy was indifferent, so he blinked his one-eyed eyes and scratched the hair under his neck with his front paws.

It's also angry.

But thinking about it, he would feel wronged if he was misunderstood as a thief stealing women's underwear.

"Well, the parrot stole it. I blamed you before." Lin Yue took out a pack of grilled fish fillets from the refrigerator that Tan Xiaoguang repeatedly ordered not to feed the cats, tore off the outer package and threw it on the ground: "I can Here are the steps for you, almost done."

When the cat heard about it, it just jumped off the balcony, raised its tail high, moved its legs, and ran over to eat up the grilled fish fillets on the ground in two or three bites.

During the period, Ba Dun looked at its position with his nose cowardly, and was frightened back by a whining threat.

After it finished eating, Lin Yue picked up the black cat: "Have you finished eating? Come with me after eating."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Xiahou to react, he put his consciousness into the system space, pulled down the system menu to the task bar, and pressed the accept hotkey.

There was a soft whoosh.

A white light flashed in the bedroom, and one person and one cat disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Ba Dun on the balcony straightened up, took two steps forward, looked at the place where the white light flashed, and there was a gleam of pity in the dog's eyes, presumably sympathizing with Xia Hou's experience.

That crazy man shut it down for 15 years. Is this a human thing? !

After cheating the dog, this time I'm going to cheat the cat.


Ah Choo~

Ah Choo~

Lin Yue sneezed twice.

Who is he thinking, such a bastard, he just came to the world of "Apostle Walker", and he cursed himself behind his back before his butt was seated, don't be caught by him, or he will definitely beat him up.

"I didn't tell you. If you have a cold, you should rest at home. If you come, someone else will take care of you."

A somewhat crisp female voice came from behind, but anyone could hear the disgust inside and outside the words.

Accompanied by the fragrance of Chanel No. 19 perfume, there was a woman's hand and a box of happiness cold essence on the table.

"Two tablets at a time, four times a day, remember to eat on time."

Lin Yue turned his head to look, and saw the woman's side face with a bit of baby fat, and was slightly taken aback.

He remembered that this face should be a female inspector of the Criminal Intelligence Division.

So here is...

He glanced at the surrounding environment, and couldn't help frowning slightly, why did he come here in clothes?

That's right, he is currently in the monitoring room of the Criminal Intelligence Division. Right in front of him is a row of monitors, and above that is a 100-inch large screen, which contains various monitoring images and topographic maps divided by police areas.

At this time, a stream of information poured into his mind, as before, it was his character setting in the new world.

Lin Yue, 26 years old this year, is an investigator of the Criminal Intelligence Division and lives in Tin Shui Wai.

Well, I changed departments again.

Counting the mission of playing Hong Kong movies, he stayed in the Anti-Corruption Bureau, then the Commercial Crime Investigation Division, then Huang Zhicheng's Serious Crime Unit, and now he is in the Criminal Intelligence Division.


As the front door opened, Q SIR walked inside while buttoning it.

"Brothers, there is an urgent operation now. We are looking for a person named BLACKJACK. I don't know the age, gender, weight, height, place of origin, and skin color. There is only one time and one coordinate. The time is seven o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow. Where are the coordinates?" ..."

He motioned to Lin Yue.

"Ah, oh...the location is..."

Lin Yue entered a set of numbers in the positioning software, and the thumbnails on the big screen began to enlarge, and finally fixed on a building.

“Harbor Skyline Hotel.”

Zhu Xuan, who brought him medicine just now, returned to his seat, looked at the computer screen and said, "At seven o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, the Financial Investment Department established by Dongyou Group will hold a large reception there."

"That's right, this is it." Q SIR looked around the room and looked at his watch: "There will be a meeting in the conference room in fifteen minutes, everyone get ready."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Yue recalled the storyline. Ding Xiaojia, Q SIR's girlfriend and undercover agent, received a text message written in Kang's password. The other party told her that he was the undercover agent BLACKJACK, who was placed by the late Chief Inspector Kang SIR into the criminal group. It was agreed to meet at the coordinates just now at 7:00 the night after tomorrow.

Before Kang SIR was murdered, in order not to expose the identity of the undercover agent, the data in the computer was deleted. Later, the police used technical means to restore it. Only the data of BLACKJACK could not be recovered due to serious damage, so Q SIR attaches great importance to it.

The background of the story is like this, so why did the system ask him to come to this movie world with a fragmented storyline?

ps: I wanted to write a myth, but I found out that an author is writing it. I found out that I haven’t written a Hong Kong film for a long time. Let’s make a Hong Kong film.

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