Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1391 Lan Bosheng, do you really want to pretend to be X in front of me?

Lin Yue took two steps forward.

"Tell me what happened to you last night."

A Teng said: "I don't know what you are talking about. I am a guest invited to the Harbor Skyline Hotel to attend the opening ceremony of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd."

Lin Yue smiled coldly, and hooked the black helmet thrown on the ground in front of A Teng.

"After wearing it for so long, I think it should be able to extract your DNA. If I hand you over to the police, do you think you can get away with it?"

A Teng licked his lips, a look of panic flashed in his eyes.

Facing the scar-faced man, he was lucky. After all, regarding what happened last night, after being punched, he didn't know about his personnel. Now that he heard the other party's questions and threats, he can be sure that this guy had been following him early in the morning. him.

"I'm not interested in the conflict between Demao and Dongyou, nor the conflict between the police and you. I'm only interested in Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang. As the boss's personal bodyguard, I think you must know a lot. "


Demao, Dongyou, Lan Bowen and Shao Zhilang...

A Teng became more and more flustered as he listened, never expecting that the guy standing in front of him knew so much.

Lin Yue squatted down and tilted his head towards the west: "Did you hear that?"


A Teng was stunned for a moment before he realized it. He listened carefully and caught the sound of rushing water. It should be the waves hitting the beach.

"If I tie a rock on your back, get it on a boat in the middle of the night, and throw it down in an empty sea, do you think the police can find you? Also, the police will arrive right after Lan Bowen finished his work. Xiaoying and others returned to the company smoothly, but you disappeared, what would he think? Would he feel that someone betrayed him, otherwise how could the police arrive in such a timely manner? Gangsters should hate traitors the most, what do you think Guo Ming will do? What about your family?"

Pat, clack.

Cold sweat fell drop by drop on the ground, and there was no trace of blood on A Teng's face.

"Tell me the details of your actions last night, and I will let you live. What do you think?"

"I...why should I trust you."

Lin Yue pulled a chair and sat opposite him: "You have no choice in this matter."

A Teng pondered for a moment, and finally compromised.

"Okay, I'll tell you."

Half an hour later, the door of the container opened, and Lin Yue walked out holding the [obsidian] against the back of A Teng's head.


Xu was afraid that his words would mean nothing, so A Teng took three steps to look back, and almost tripped over a rock protruding from the ground halfway, until he was sure that Lin Yue really had no intention of killing him, then turned around and fled to urban area.

As the night fell, there was a melodious siren sound from the horizon.

"Sure enough."

He lit a cigarette and walked towards where the car was parked.

A Teng explained the details of last night's actions. Yes, Lan Bowen temporarily changed his plan and gave Lin Dongyou a heavy hammer. However, even if he didn't change his plan, Shao Zhilang's task was to meet the people who went to kidnap Lin Dongyou's wife and children. In other words In other words, he had no chance to meet Ding Xiaojia at all.

So what is the significance of using Kang's password to attract Q SIR and others to pay attention to the opening ceremony of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd.?

Lin Yue thought for a while and understood.

Shao Zhilang is mainly responsible for the online gambling business in Demao Group. He is a capable hacker. Before he hacked into the computer of Superintendent Kang Daoxing, he found an undercover file code-named BLACKJACK in it, but unfortunately, the data has been destroyed. It was beyond repair, which gave Shao Zhilang the idea of ​​pretending to be an undercover agent to obtain information from the police.

But... will things really go so smoothly?

In the movie, Q SIR describes Shao Zhilang as a gambler. When people talk about "gambler", adjectives like "out of control", "sickness" and "crazy" will come to mind. However, a real gambler, To be precise, the vast majority of people who gamble for a living are very smart, with faster reaction, memory, emotional control and adaptability than ordinary people.

As the person in charge of a casino, Shao Zhilang could never bet all his chips on a whim. What happened at the opening reception of Dongyou Financial Co., Ltd. was that he was testing the police to determine Q SIR's attitude towards the undercover agent BLACKJACK.

After all, he only knew that the undercover file was damaged, and he didn't know if BLACKJACK was online again.

It turned out that the police who were rushing to meet with the undercover were caught off guard by Lan Bowen and others. It can be seen that Q SIR has a certain degree of trust in BLACKJACK, which shows that the operation of pretending to be an undercover agent is feasible. In addition, there are two effects of doing so. First, Lan Bowen will be blamed by the executives of the board of directors because of this incident. Second, it will further gain the trust of Q SIR. After all, the Harbor Skyline Hotel did have an accident. The failure of the police to catch the criminal is due to the incompetence of the police, and he is qualified as an undercover agent.


It seems that Shao Zhilang in reality is more thoughtful than the one shown in the movie...

Thinking of this, he turned his attention to the main task. There is only one truth? What exactly do you mean? What exactly did the system want him to look for?

In order to solve this mystery, he can only grasp the information that is not shown in the movie through careful investigation, and then splicing the loose plots together, presumably he should be able to find something.

Opening the car door and sitting in the cab, he glanced at the scale on his watch.

The serious crime team should have invited the executives of the German Trade Group over, it's time to meet Lan Bowen.


When I got back to the police station, the lobby was full of people, all of them were executives from the Demao Group, chattering about how rude the police were and how they were brought from their homes or entertainment venues to the headquarters for questioning. He has a very bad temper, and he yells at Pujiezi and Hanjiashovel.

Zhu Xuan saw him coming in and complained, "What did you do?"

"MADAM, I have to fill my stomach to be able to work." He lifted up the plastic bag in his hand: "When I passed by Lanfang Garden, I suddenly remembered that you like their milk tea, so I bought a few cups for everyone to drink. .”

Zhu Xuan's complexion improved a bit, took the plastic bag, took out his own, and handed the rest to Lu Tsai.

"Lin Yue, please drink milk tea, just three cups, first come, first served."

Lu Zai roared, and several detectives from the Criminal Intelligence Division rushed forward and cleaned up the milk tea on the table.

Coincidentally, Zeng Min came out from the interrogation room next to him. He was too slow to grab it, and he was very unhappy, pouting.

Zhu Xuan had no choice but to give her the milk tea that he hadn't had time to drink yet.

The female detective left happily.

Lin Yue shrugged his shoulders: "Madam is really hard work."

"You, stop making sarcastic remarks."

Zhu Xuan picked up the statement on the table and turned to the monitoring room next to the interrogation room.

At this time, Lin Yue called her to stop: "Where is Q SIR?"


"Whose turn is it now?"

He was referring to the questioning of German trade executives.

Zhu Xuan said, "It should be Lan Bowen."

Hearing this, Lin Yue walked over and whispered a few words in her ear.

"you sure?"

Zhu Xuan looked suspicious. She didn't think Lin Yue could handle things that all the detectives in the Criminal Intelligence Division couldn't handle.


"Since you are so confident." Zhu Xuan nodded, "Okay then."

After saying this, she pushed open the door of the monitoring room and walked in.

Lin Yue looked at the executives of the German Trade Group sitting on the bench behind him, and knocked on the door of the interrogation room.

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