Chen Guo looked in the direction of the sound, only to find a person came down from the second floor. He was wearing a baseball cap and a black mask, revealing a pair of eyes, sharp and attentive.

She remembered that this was the guest with the burn scar on his face.

It turned out that he hadn't left yet.

"Yes, it is a diskless system."

Of course there is no need to hide this matter.

Lin Yue said: "The diskless system is more convenient to manage. You only need to maintain the server. The client is not a hardware problem, and generally it will not affect the operation. But once the server has a problem, all the clients in the entire Internet bar will be unable to operate. Looking at the situation now, I think there is a problem with the server."

Chen Guo was stunned for a moment: "You're right, I also think it's a server problem, but..."

"But you can't fix it, right?"

Chen Guo nodded. She took over the Internet cafe from his father. His father knew a little about software and hardware, but she was nothing.

"According to what you say, you know how to repair?"

"That's right, I used to be an apprentice to a master in a network engineering company, and I did business in Internet cafes."

When Chen Guo heard this, her eyes rolled several times, she came out from behind the bar, and said with a flattering smile, "Then... can you help me check the server?"

"That's fine, but..."

"But what?"

"What is the cost?"

"Ah, there is still a fee?"

Xiao Chu next to him muttered in a low voice: "Is this considered taking advantage of the fire?"

Ye Xiu said, "That's right."

Xiao Chu said: "Tell her to ask Master Zhang to maintain the system with a monthly subscription. If she thinks it's too expensive, she won't do it. It's all right now."

Lin Yue ignored the two people's complaints, looked at Chen Guo and said, "It's fine if you don't charge."


"Don't be so busy being happy, I have one condition."

When Chen Guo heard it, her smiling face froze: "What conditions."

"In the future, as long as I come here to surf the Internet, you can't charge a penny."

Ye Xiu said, "Brother, you are cheating."

Take the machine downstairs as an example, the Internet fee is 15 yuan per hour, 150 yuan for ten hours, 10 hours a day for playing, 5000 yuan a month, not to mention that you can’t make money, plus electricity, equipment depreciation, broadband fees, etc. You have to put money in it.


Lin Yue smiled coldly: "That's the price, whether you like it or not."

He stepped downstairs and walked directly to the outside door.

Chen Guo's expression changed several times, and she called Lin Yue to stop just as he was about to leave the Internet cafe.

"Okay, I promise you."

Ye Xiu said, "Boss..."

He couldn't figure it out, anyone with a discerning eye could see that this guy who hides his head and shows his tail is trying to cheat, why Chen Guo still foolishly boarded the pirate ship?

"I don't understand, do you? I don't understand, so I'll tell you." Lin Yue said, "Have you heard the story of the police and the thief? If the system of your Internet cafe doesn't break down every now and then, how can you reflect the importance of these maintenance masters? How can you feel that the money is worth it? How can you recommend paid software and replacement hardware, and then get a vote from it? There is a saying in the e-sports world that the heart of playing tactics is dirty, but those so-called tactical masters It's dirty, compared with businessmen and politicians, hehe... It's as simple as a white lotus. Go and see the attendance rate of your Internet cafes. How many days have you been full of people in the past six months? As for me, I only need free Internet access. Is there a cheaper employment relationship than promising to help your boss with all your software problems?"

Ye Xiu's first reaction after he finished speaking was not that I was bullied, but that this logic, this style, sounded so familiar.

Xiao Chu said: " have too dark thoughts."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lin Yue said, "This shows that the evil I have seen is more salty than what you have eaten."

"Oh, stop talking, let's fix the computer quickly."

Chen Guo didn't want the three of them to quarrel any longer, so she hurriedly dragged Lin Yue upstairs. With her, time is not only money, but also the future.

If an Internet cafe cannot operate for a long time, it will not make money. The loss of old members is even more unbearable.

Lin Yue followed her to the third floor and entered the room where the network equipment and server were placed. After some operation, the downstairs machine was ready, the WINDOWS interface came back, and the game could be played.

"I can't see that this person really has two brushes."

Although I don't want to admit it, the facts speak louder than words.

thump thump thump~

Lin Yue and Chen Guo walked downstairs.

"Sure enough, they all recovered, thank you so much, if not today..."

"Pretty words are fine, I just want you to abide by the agreement."

Lin Yue dropped these words and left very simply.

Xiao Chu said: "This man has a really bad temper."

"Okay, okay, hurry up and go to work." Chen Guo sent the two of them away, took out the account book, and compared the details on the toll machine to calculate the losses caused by the server failure.

11:59 that night.

Lin Yue woke up from his sleep.

"No, are you playing with me?"

Just now, the system woke him up from his sleep, and then it was the countdown to leave the dungeon.

The white light invaded inward from the edge of his field of vision, quickly devouring everything, he felt his body lighten up, and his whole body rose upwards.

Until the hard touch came from under the buttocks, and the five senses began to return, he sighed long, but did not open his eyes immediately, but pulled down the system menu, looked at the prompt on the task bar and remained silent.

Main task: Destroy Glory by non-hacking and commercial means (failure).

The task has been suspended, you can pay 1 million RMB to restart the task.


He thought about it seriously, and most likely it was due to his operation of hacking away knights, assassins, and sharpshooters successively when he teamed up with Sleeping Moon to take on the task of Green Forest. Although the glory server was not paralyzed, strictly speaking In other words, this can be regarded as hacking into the server.

This is not the first time a mission has failed. The dungeons of "Saving Private Ryan" and "Band of Brothers" have also failed. Although it has been so many years, I still clearly remember the bomber flying overhead, and the shock wave that exploded when the bomb landed at his feet knocked him down. The feeling of flying.

one million.

Another million.

He can't afford a million now.

I can only put this matter aside for the time being.

Anyway, the mission can be restarted. If the real world does not lie flat, one million is not too much of a problem for him, so he doesn't take the failure of the mission to heart. However, there is a saying that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

Just as he was about to exit the system menu and take a good rest, he heard a soft ding, and the system prompted: "The new mission has been issued, please check with the host."

new task? So fast? Could it be... This is compensation for the failure of the "Full-time Master" mission?

Lin Yue froze for a moment, then quickly switched back to the task list.

This time is the movie "Youth"?

[Changgou Liuyue goes silent]: The complaint of the lucky user whose ID is 1933 in "Fang Hua" was detected: This film is Feng Xiaogang's rare high-quality goods in recent years. The ups and downs of the world, suddenly looking back at the lateness of old friends, recalling the past, there is always an indescribable feeling of heartache, even if the word "ordinary" is beautified in the end, it still makes people feel a little bit aggrieved. The first group of people who were abandoned by the times, because they have a pure heart, perseverance and enthusiasm for their beliefs, often make them slow to respond to changes in the outside world and do not know how to adapt. The stories of such people can touch the soul the most, but Things shouldn't be like this, people shouldn't be like this.

Main task: (Enter the film and television drama world to activate).

Side tasks: (Enter the world of film and television dramas to activate).

Mission Difficulty: Normal.

Task time frame: 70s-90s.

Whether to accept: (Y/N).

He has seen this movie, and he still went to the cinema to watch it. Although he held the movie ticket and said "It's worth the price" when the show was over, he was actually quite upset. He didn't expect the system to give him a movie ticket this time. The opportunity to enter the world of "Youth" and change the fate of the protagonist, this time I have to do it well.

Although I saw it in a movie theater, it was already two or three years ago. Lin Yue planned to watch it again to grasp the details of the film.

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes and turned his attention to reality. Just as he turned his chair around, a black figure sprang out from the half-open door.

The moment when human eyes and dog eyes meet.

He was stunned, and Gouzi was also stunned.

What's going on? Look at Baton's appearance, he's very happy, no, he shouldn't say he's very happy, he should be super happy, so happy that he wonders if he added stimulants to the dog food he gave him, and he's so energetic that he fills the room with joy.

But at Badun, the dog's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of horror.

Damn it, how did this guy come back? What about the HAPPY TIME for a person...not a dog? Don't play with dogs like this.

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