Lin Yue pushed back the liqueur chocolate in his hand: "Keep this for yourself."

In the movie, there is a scene in the self-defense counterattack where He Xiaoping took care of the seriously injured Shi Linfeng. It was 1979, and the recruits from the countryside didn’t know what fruit danpi was. This shows how precious this wine chocolate is.

Lin Yue in this world has never eaten bonbon chocolate, but as a visitor from the future 50 years later, he has experienced countless world travellers, lobster, king crab, top foie gras, black truffle... what kind of food he has not eaten Pass.

It's not that Lin Yue looked down on these liqueur chocolates, it's because he thought highly of them that he refused to accept them. This rascal* usually helps the members of the regiment to do this and that. The rest is spent on the comrades in the regiment and those who need help outside. The military uniform I wear is so washed that the political commissar can't see it. I ordered him to throw it away before he went to get a new one. In terms of food, it can make do Just make do, isn't there a scene in the movie where other people eat dumplings and he eats the dumpling wrappers.

"Hey, what are you two doing?"

At this time, Han Dazhi came out of the kitchen and saw the liqueur chocolate in Liu Feng's hand at a glance.

The plastic paper is very bright, and it looks like it is used to wrap candies.

"Liu Feng, you are not authentic. How can you enjoy delicious food for yourself? Whoever sees it has a share, and what he sees has a share."

Not only did he lean over with a smile, he also deliberately raised his voice.

When Liu Feng saw that Han Dazhi noticed the things in his hands, regret flashed in his eyes: "Oh, these are the snacks I brought back from Beijing, and I was thinking of giving them to..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yue snatched the things from his hand and stuffed them into his trouser pocket.

Han Dazhi's face suddenly pulled down.

"Lin Yue, what are you doing? I didn't hear Liu Feng say that this is to let everyone in the cooking class try something new..."


Han Dazhi was dumbfounded by the word "scroll", because this has never happened before, he was not like this before, why does he seem to be a different person today?

If Liu Feng worked hard in the art troupe, then Lin Yue was a soft persimmon, anyone who wanted to squeeze it could squeeze it, but now he suddenly became hardened, wouldn't he be surprised?

Han Dazhi said angrily, "What did you say? Tell me again."

Lin Yue ignored Liu Feng's gaze and looked at him coldly: "Don't you have ears? I'll let you go."

At the same time, the people in the kitchen stopped what they were doing and came out when they heard the dispute outside.

"You disobeyed the deputy squad leader's order first, and now you privately swallowed the gift Liu Feng gave us, and you dare to curse at others, brothers, come help and hold him down."

What is Han Dazhi's position in the cooking class? The deputy squad leader is from the same township, half of the support staff, Lin Yue is just a gang, and he doesn't get along, the band doesn't want it, and the dance team has no acquaintances. The only one who treats him well is Liu Feng, but Liu Feng treats everyone well. Now he and Han Dazhi had a conflict, who should he help, which side should he stand on, do you even need to ask?

The three of them rushed forward, twisting their arms, pinching their necks, pressing their heads.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes. This is an inevitable thing. The first time He Xiaoping was besieged by the people in the dormitory in the movie, it was her fault first, but the woman behind Was it her fault when the soldiers found the sponge stuck in the bra on the clothesline and suspected and attacked her?

In this day and age, it doesn't mean that you can serve as a soldier if you have the will to serve the country. You have to fight for places. Most of the actors in the art troupe come from good families.

In units like the art troupe, frictions between recruits frequently occurred, and similar situations may have occurred in other companies.

Lin Yue in this world was unlucky to be dismissed by the band, but he was lucky compared to those in his hometown who couldn't even get a spot in the army.

"Hey, what are you doing? Han Dazhi, isn't it just a few pieces of chocolate? As for this?"

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he said to Lin Yue: "You give them one piece each, and I will buy it for you if they have the opportunity to go to Beijing."

Is it a matter of chocolate? Only Huo Lei* simply thought that this was a conflict caused by a piece of liqueur chocolate.

How could Lin Yue be bullied like this? Even if he knew that he would be punished if it was spread to the political commissar's ears, he didn't care about it, he beat him first.

He twisted his body, letting go of the person who twisted his arm, and pushed his head forward again, hitting the nose of the guy who was about to strangle him, bleeding profusely. Han Dazhi grabbed his collar with his hand At the same time, Lin Yue punched his head in the face.

The one just now had a broken nose, and Han Dazhi's injury was even worse, with one of his teeth knocked out, and his mouth was full of bloody froth.

Liu Feng was a little dazed. He didn't expect that the guy Chen Can and the others described as "can't make a loud fart with three kicks" dared to fight back against Han Dazhi and the others, let alone that this guy was ruthless, heavy and black.

Sun Tao, the cook who twisted his arm, saw that Han Dazhi and Fu Zhuoran were popular, and the anger in his heart couldn't be suppressed, so he raised his foot and kicked Lin Yue's chest.

Liu Feng suddenly came to his senses, and hurried forward to persuade them to fight.

"Don't hit, don't hit."

Unexpectedly, Lin Yue grabbed his arm and pulled it to the side. At the same time, he turned sideways to give him a flying kick, and hooked his left foot underneath. Sun Tao lost his balance and leaned back.

Lin Yue raised his right leg and kicked Sun Tao's ribs. The 160-jin short man flew out and smashed the pickle jars piled up in the corner.

The female soldiers from the dance team came at the right time. Hao Shuwen and Lin Dingding witnessed with their own eyes the scene where people from the cooking class beat up three times and were beaten to the ground.

"This Lin Yue is too ruthless."

"How much hatred, beat people like this?"

Fu Zhuoran's broken nose was relatively minor. Han Dazhi had a tooth knocked out and his face was swollen like a pig's head. Sun Tao was even worse. Look at how he fell on the ground moaning, maybe his ribs were broken.

How much hatred?

How many people are there in total? There are about a hundred people in the band, dance team, cooking class, props group, and costume group, and more than half of them know how he lived in the cooking class.

Usually, when he cooks for others, he will be discouraged when others stare at him, and he will either put a few more pieces of meat, or give him an extra egg or something. Yes, the cooking team guards the stove, but the daily amount is fixed and standard, and the people in other teams are always full, and only the cooking team starts to eat. Everyone sees that the leftover food is not enough. If there are too many, they will sarcasm and complain to him, and those who are squeezed can only eat leftovers, which are better than the leftovers of rice and vegetables used to feed pigs and chickens, and the degree is also very limited.

Only Liu Feng, that rascal, would secretly stuff him with some delicious food, and would help carry him when he was doing heavy work.

Things have developed like this, which can only be described as "the honest man is driven into a hurry".

"Zhu Ke, quickly, go and call the hygienist." Zhuoma from the dance team shouted.

The figure behind shook, and the two ran away.

It was only at this moment that Liu Feng came to his senses, and pulled Lin Yue hard, angrily and urgently: "How did you beat people like this?"

"They deserve it."

This is often the case, the more honest and obedient he is, the more bullied he is. In the past, Lin Yue had a big problem with his personality. After being dismissed from the band and transferred to the cooking class, he became the laughing stock of the entire art troupe. Thinking that I am a loser, in this state, it is strange to be able to handle the people and things around me well.

"Lin Yue!"

At this time, there was a loud shout from behind the crowd, Lin Dingding pulled Hao Shuwen aside, and Wu Tonghan, the deputy head of the cooking class, walked in with a grimace.

"You started fighting as soon as I left, what do you call it, disorganized and undisciplined!"

When Han Dazhi saw the savior coming, he covered the place where he was beaten and said, "Boss, look...see how he beat us....".

Because of the air leakage, my speech was a little slurred.

"Get out of the way."

Lin Yue didn't have the consciousness of being a wrongdoer at all, so he said to Wu Tong with no expression on his face.

"What's your attitude? I'm your monitor."

"Get out!"

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