Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1417 The system's dogs can act

Lin Yue said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, are you okay?"

That's what the guy who pitched to him just said.

Now the man is still panting behind him. As for Chen Can, he has something to do, even if he covers his nose with his hands, blood still overflows from his fingers.

"Lin Yue, you are going too far!"

A loud shout came from behind, and he turned his head to see Xiao Suizi walking over with the washbasin in his arms, with worry for Chen Can and anger for him in his eyes.

"Chen Can, Chen Can, are you okay? Show me."

"I...I'm fine..."

It was fine for Chen Can not to speak, but when he spoke, more blood flowed from his fingers, and Xiao Suizi's face turned livid with anxiety.

"Head up, head up, don't talk, whoever has cotton balls, paper is fine too."

One of the female soldiers watching outside the basketball court took out a small notebook from his pocket, tore off a piece of paper and handed it to Xiao Suizi.

She said "thank you", tore the paper from the middle, crumpled it into two thin strips, stuffed them into Chen Can's nostrils, and said with concern when she was done, "Is it better?"

"Be passionate."

Lin Yue glanced at her, then turned and walked outside the basketball court.

When I watched "Fang Hua" in the cinema, I felt that Chen Can and Xiao Suizi were just a couple. , Xiao Suizi, and Hao Shuwen have a new understanding of the relationship between the three.

Every time Chen Can took the initiative to be intimate with Xiao Suizixiu, Hao Shuwen was there. Men and women in that era liked each other, but they would not be as straightforward as people who would be 40 or 50 years later. Besides, they were only eighteen or nineteen years old. Chen Can He has a good family background, good looks, and good business. He is a well-deserved favorite of heaven. Let him bow his head to Hao Shuwen and say that he likes and loves. How is it possible? Singing against the situation, and then using Xiao Suizi to create a close relationship.

As for Xiao Suizi, it's her business if she is willing to treat herself well, as long as she doesn't reveal the relationship, she doesn't have to be responsible.

From joining the art troupe, to his attitude after knowing the news that the art troupe was about to disband, to doing real estate business later, and buying land in Sanya, it can be seen that Chen Can is an opportunist, and he likes this kind of person... Ha ha.

"You... what did you say!"

Of course Xiao Suizi knew what he said. On the one hand, she was ashamed and annoyed by humanity, but on the other hand, she wanted him to speak clearly.

Lin Yue said: "I said, he hit the ball hard by himself. What does it have to do with me?"

Xiao Suizi dared to swear to the sky, he never said that just now.

The onlookers were speechless. They all knew that there must be a reason why the basketball smashed into Chen Can's nose, but there was no proof, so they could only scold him for playing dirty and shameless in their hearts.

He Dachao was very happy to see Lin Yue walking over unscathed, and secretly gave him a thumbs up. He dribbled the ball through the interceptions of two teams and dunked successfully, which is not something ordinary people can do, even though he has never played basketball It's incomprehensible that a person in the school suddenly behaved like this, but it is undeniable that Lin Yue has won honor for the cooking class. Now, seeing Chen Can and Zhu Ke, they still dare to laugh at them for being able to cook and cook, but not for their sports performance.

"Let's go."

Lin Yue greeted him, and was about to get in the car and push forward when he suddenly paused.

He Dachao almost bumped into his back, turned to look curiously, and saw Lin Yue looking at a girl walking over with a washbasin in both hands with a strange expression on his face.

Twin ponytails, thin body, clear eyes, unable to let go when walking, head slightly lowered...

This was He Dachao's first impression of her.

"What's the matter? Do you know each other?"

"No." Lin Yue shook his head, sat on the back seat, and continued to move forward on the scooter.

Of course he knew that girl, and knew her name was He Xiaoping, and even knew about her family background, character, and future, but there was no need to tell He Dachao about it.

The people in the cooking class just left, leaving behind a group of men and women with different moods.

He Xiaoping walked to Lin Dingding's side, looked at the cart going further and further away, and said, "Who is that man? Why do everyone look at him like this?"

When she came out late, she didn't see the scene of Lin Yue dribbling through the defense of Zhu Ke and others for a three-step layup, so she couldn't understand the scene in front of her.

"From the cooking class, Lin Yue."

"Ah, is that Lin Yue who splashed water all over the head of the house last night?"


After Lin Dingding finished speaking, she turned around and left. She didn't expect that man to play basketball so well... But she is not Xiao Suizi, and she will not fall in love with someone because of talent, athletic ability, handsome sunshine, etc. Regarding today's matter, Just be sure that your youthful beauty will attract that person.

He Xiaoping looked back at the figure on the scooter, turned around and left with the washbasin in her arms.


Lin Yue and He Dachao came to the back kitchen, and as soon as they got off the cart, they heard someone yelling and scolding from inside.

"what happened?"

"It sounds like Han Dazhi's voice."

woof, woof woof~

woof woof~

Next came the barking of the dog.

"Baton, it's the sound of Baton." He Dachao's expression changed, and he quickly put down the net bag containing potatoes, and followed Lin Yue to the warehouse where the grain was stored.

The door was open, facing the cook with a stick, and through the gap, Baton could be seen whimpering softly to warn them not to approach.

Lin Yue dashed into the room, looked at Fu Zhuoran and said, "Fu Zhuoran, do you think Sun Tao is lonely in the hospital alone and want to go in to accompany him?"

Fu Zhuoran heard that, thinking of yesterday's painful lesson, the palm of the hand holding the wooden stick was a little hot and humid, and his nose was sore and numb.

"This dog, bit Han Dazhi."

Lin Yue turned his face to see that Han Dazhi was huddled in the corner of the wall, covering his neck with his hands, and looked at the grinning Akita dog with a look of fear on his face.

Eight bites?

He walked over and broke off Han Dazhi's hand, and found that there was no wound at all, and he hadn't been bitten by a dog at all.

Fu Zhuoran lied? Or is Han Dazhi acting? Look at this expression, the face is pale and pale, it was not the same as it is now when it lost a front tooth yesterday.

"Fu Zhuoran, let me ask you, was he ever bitten by a dog when he was a child?"

Fu Zhuoran said: "How do I know this, he was like this when I heard the voice rushing over."

"what happened?"

A serious question came, and several people turned their heads to see that it was the chief secretary and Wu Tong who came in from the outside.

Lin Yue shrugged: "I don't know, it's like this just after I went out to buy vegetables."

The Chief Secretary nodded. He was the one who asked Lin Yue to go shopping for vegetables. First, he wanted to take Wu Tong out to do some errands, and second, he wanted to train this extremely capable cooking soldier. Speaking of this guy's working speed, cooking skills, and understanding of cooking work, the level is surprisingly high. If he were to be placed in other companies, he would definitely be like a living treasure, but well, he just has a bad temper. He and the political commissar are very respectful, and the others are staring at each other, showing no CARE.

Wu Tong's brains turned quickly. He looked at Han Dazhi who was frightened in the corner, then at Fu Zhuoran who was holding a dog-beating stick, and then at the big yellow dog who was grinning on the opposite side. Well, it must be the dog on the opposite side that bit Han Dazhi. When they brought him back yesterday, the squad leader told him to take care of the dog so as not to cause trouble. Unexpectedly, such a nasty thing happened just one day later. Incident, let me say, this kind of mad dog has to be thrown out even if it is not killed."

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