"Is such that……"

Lin Yue told the story of the rich woman bringing the caracal cat for treatment from beginning to end.

Fang Wei's expression changed after hearing this: "How could she do this!"

Su Han frowned: "What's wrong?"

"She said you were...was... Anyway, what she meant was that you gave the rabbit an injection, and then it went crazy."

Su Han understood, obviously, that person called her a quack in the pet group.

Fang Wei said, "I'll explain it to them right now."

She picked up her mobile phone, ready to explain what happened that day to the people in the group.

Lin Yue pressed her hand: "Don't worry, your group are all rich people, right? Our shop is small and we can't afford to serve you."


"It's nothing." Lin Yue said, "To be honest, I never thought of earning a lot of money from this pet hospital. I just don't want Su Han to be angry at the previous unit. As long as she is happy and happy here, that's enough. Yes. Another key point is that I don’t want to see Zhou Lin being bullied by those who think they can disrespect people because they have money. There are many people who are willing to be their grandchildren to beg for money, but that doesn’t include me and me friend."

"..." Fang Wei was at a loss for words. If it was an ordinary young man, she would find it ridiculous and naive to say such words, but when placed on Lin Yue, there was an aura that could not be refuted and questioned.

"Oh, by the way, there is one thing I want to ask you to do."

Fang Wei hurriedly said, "What's the matter, tell me."

Lin Yue signaled her to wait a moment, stood up and walked to the back. When passing by Zhou Lin's room, he noticed that the door that had been opened a crack was gently closed.

He didn't think much of it, and continued walking into the backyard.

On the other side, Zhou Lin heard the sound of the back door opening and closing, looked at the SK-II trial kit above the dressing table and sighed heavily.

When Lin Yue came back from the back with the caracal in his arms, she had already collected her emotions and walked to the front hall, greeting Fang Wei with a smile.

"It...why is it here?" Zhou Lin was taken aback. After all, she had been scratched by this guy before. Even though she knew that Lin Yue was good at dealing with pets, the shadow in her heart still couldn't be easily overcome.

"I went to the back to feed Xiahou just now, and saw him curled up in the yard, as if he was very hungry, and ate all the cat food in the basin."

Su Han said: "It's not enough for a caracal cat to eat only cat food, it needs to be fed some raw meat."

Lin Yue said, "I know, that's why I asked Fang Wei for help."

"Is this the caracal?" Fang Wei looked at the docile big man like a domestic cat in his arms. It was hard to imagine that it was a caracal known for its irascibility and shyness, but the little oranges in its arms kept pouring into it. Gong, this uneasiness shows that the caracal cat is indeed not a good stubble.

"That's right." Lin Yue gently stroked the hair on its neck: "That friend in your group was caught by it and damaged more than 100,000 bags and clothes, so he probably won't want it anymore. You know a rich man There are many friends, please help me to ask if anyone is willing to adopt it."


The caracal seemed to understand what he said, raised its head and let out a cry, looking pitiful.

Fang Wei said: "I think it is very sticky to you. Why is such a rare pet cat raised by others? Can't you raise it yourself?"

"First, this kind of cat has to go to the Forestry Bureau to apply for a certificate. The process is cumbersome. Second, I have already raised a dog, a cat, and a parrot. If I take it in again, my family will become a zoo."

Are caracals rare? Lin Beastmaster has [Animal Friends LV3], what kind of pets can't be obtained? Not to mention a caracal cat, even if it gets a lion or a tiger, it should still be scolded, beaten, and kicked if it gets annoyed. After all, he just thinks it is too troublesome to keep this thing.

As if to prove what he said was true, Ba Dun, who was dozing in the corner, wagged his tail and barked at Fang Wei twice.

"What a beautiful Akita dog."

If the little tangerine in her arms was not too timid, she would definitely go over and rub a couple of them. You must know that when I watched "The Story of the Faithful Dog Hachiko", I used up half a pack of tissues alone.

When the dog heard the beautiful woman complimenting it on its beauty, the dog suddenly regained its energy. It kicked its legs and got up from the ground, circled the sofa twice to the left and twice to the right, and turned its tail into a big windmill.

Fang Wei stretched out her hand tentatively, and Ba Dun leaned over to sniff, and even licked the palm of his hand with her tongue.

Watching this scene, Zhou Lin muttered, no wonder Lin Yue didn't want to see it so much, this guy has no bottom line and principles, super funny.

"Okay, let me ask and see who is interested in adopting it." After Fang Wei finished speaking, she suddenly thought of something, and a worried look appeared on her face.

Lin Yue seemed to know what worries she had: "Don't worry, it was frightened before, and it suffered from gastroenteritis, and its mood was unstable. Now these problems have been solved, as long as it is fed carefully, it will definitely not happen again. Case."

After listening to his explanation, Fang Wei nodded slightly.

At this moment, Lin Yue's cell phone rang in his trouser pocket.

He picked it up and took a look, and found that it was Tan Xiaoguang calling, so he pressed the connect button and put it to his ear.

After a few words, the two hung up the phone.

"Tan Xiaoguang is back. He just got off the plane. Let's chat first. I'll pick him up at the airport."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Su Han agreed, sent the man outside the door, watched him start the car and leave, then turned and returned to the clinic.

When Lin Yue arrived at the airport, Tan Xiaoguang was waiting at the exit with a bunch of things. It turned out that he was on a business trip this time to plan for a company that produced keyboards. Because the event was very successful, the person in charge of the company gave him several sets of self Let him present the ergonomic keyboard produced by him to his friends and colleagues in the unit.

There is nothing to say about the next thing. After Lin Yue sent the man to the company, he drove back to the pet clinic. When he opened the door and walked into the front hall, he was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him.

I saw Fang Wei, Su Han, and Zhou Lin gathered together, and they didn't know what they were studying, and they didn't even respond to him coming in from the outside.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing his question, the three of them woke up suddenly.

Su Han said: "You came just in time, come on, Zhou Lin, show him quickly."

Zhou Lin straightened up and brought her face closer to him.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yue pretended to be puzzled.

"The pimples are gone." She pointed to the place where the pimples were.

"Hey, it's true, it's all gone, you get what you pay for, and there's a reason why it's expensive."

"But it's not right."

"What's wrong?"

"Fang Wei said that SK-II's fairy water can indeed improve the skin quality, make it hydrated and moisturized, and become more crystal clear every day, but it does not have the effect of removing acne. Repair the damaged skin without leaving any traces, as if it had never grown."

bad dish!

Like Su Han and Zhou Lin, they have never used this brand of skin care products, the effect is not what he said, how can they believe it, but Fang Wei is different, she must have tried this brand of products at the age of 30, understand Its efficacy, presumably after she left, Zhou Lin found that all the pimples on her face were gone, and showed off to the two of them excitedly, the topic naturally turned to the trial outfit she gave her, and then there was the scene in front of her.

It's just that the effect of this thing is too fast and the effect is too good.

It seems like perfume, in order to avoid attracting attention, it has to be diluted before use.

"Lin Yue, your friend really gave you this set of samples? When you got it, the sealing stickers are okay, right?" Fang Wei shook the fairy water in her hand: "This taste is not right."

She wouldn't say these things if she was with ordinary friends, but when it happened to Lin Yue, she hesitated for a while, and finally chose to speak out.

"I really didn't pay attention to this." Lin Yue said: "He probably wouldn't lie to me...and the effect is pretty good, isn't it?"

Fang Wei said: "What I'm worried about is that it contains hormone ingredients. Generally, products containing hormones take effect quickly, and the same is true for skin care products." After she finished speaking, she looked at Zhou Lin: "Zhou Lin, otherwise, don't use it first. In this way , I will take it to friends in related majors to identify it and see if it is true or false."

"Okay." Zhou Lin pressed cowardly, she didn't understand the principle of drinking poison to quench thirst, and she was really afraid that continuing to use it would ruin this face.

Su Han walked up to Lin Yue, held his hand and said, "Even if it's fake, it must be a problem with the manufacturer or distributor."

Obviously, she was comforting herself.

Or it is hard to find such a girlfriend with a lantern.


Lin Yue nodded and held her hand tightly.

Fang Wei also had good intentions, and was worried that Zhou Lin would harm her body with fake products, but this thing is his sweat, so it's strange that it can detect harmful substances, so let her go if you don't mind the trouble, anyway, the effect has been confirmed.

The next few people chatted again. Fang Wei took the vaccinated fold-eared cat and the bottle of fairy water that was suspected to be fake and left. Lin Yue didn't stay for dinner, using the excuse of picking up Tan Xiaoguang for a drink after get off work. drive away.

That being said, the actual situation is not the case. The reason why he was in a hurry to leave was because the black heart system sent him a new task.

PS: "Youth" is very uncomfortable because of its sensitive subject matter. This time, I will change to a youth drama to find my feeling.

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