"Why are you?" Jiang Xiaoguo looked at him puzzled.

Lin Yue said: "You're asking this. Could it be that I have to report to you in advance when I come to the cafeteria to eat?"

"No, I mean..."

"I eavesdropped on your conversation? Please, you are so excited, your voice is as high as wearing a humanoid self-propelled amplifier, it is difficult for others not to hear it."

"I...I..." Jiang Xiaoguo was robbed by him for a while, her face flushed red: "I...I have already put the matter of buying MAX on the agenda, and I will use my own money."


Throwing an "oh", he took the dinner plate and left, looking completely indifferent.

"He... he... Hey, tell me, how could he do this?"

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at Lin Yue, and then at the puzzled best friend, feeling as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly.

"Who is this person?" Luo Yan asked.

"He is the Lin Yue I just mentioned."

"That's him." Luo Yan curled her lips and said, "It's not a good person at first sight."

Duan Jiabao leaned back, looked at the profile of Lin Yue who had just found an empty seat and said, "He's pretty handsome, hey, Xiaoguo, didn't you say he's from the Northeast? Why doesn't he have an accent?"

"Duan Jiabao, is this the point? The point is that I was bullied by your sister."

"But..." Duan Jiabao said weakly, "But what he said is right, your voice is quite loud, and you didn't buy MAX either."

"Duan Jiabao!" Jiang Xiaoguo patted the table and said, "There is a problem with your position."

Lin Yue turned a deaf ear to the conversation of the three women in dormitory 419, frowned, finished eating the unflattering Mushu meat and stewed eggplant, and left directly from Ximen to the boys' dormitory.

It is September now, and the kapoks on the roadside are in full bloom. The boys are still wearing short-sleeves, while the girls who are afraid of the cold have changed into long-sleeves and sweaters. Dressed neatly and speaking politely, this is a freshman, wearing flip flops, stroking his stubble and plunging into the cafeteria, this is an old student, when the surroundings are suddenly silent and even the air freezes, needless to say, there must be beautiful women in front of them.

The long-lost college life...

But it's a pity that I am now a senior, and I have only one year left to graduate.

The male dormitory building of Huanan Finance and Economics and the female dormitory building are separated by a road. He entered the lobby with ease, took the elevator with two boys carrying a plastic bag of fruit to the sixth floor, and was greeted by someone as soon as he went out.

"Hey, Lin Yue, how are you doing today?"

"It's hard to say."

"Rejected again?"


"what reason?"

"No work experience."

"Application for an intern requires experience in the industry? Did you deliberately block you?"

"Maybe it's because I'm more handsome than the interviewer."

"Baby, keep working hard."


Lin Yue was joking with the students in the corridor.

The owner of this body likes to play basketball, and his skills are not bad. Not to mention the leader of the School of Economics, that is also the top three aptitude, and the popularity inside and outside the department is not bad.

All the way to the 615 dormitory at the end of the corridor, he pushed the door and yelled habitually.

"Brothers, I'm back."

No one paid him any attention.

Behind the two desks near the door, Tang Yuzhe and Feng Xianghong were playing LOL in black and white.

"Push the tower, push the tower, hurry up."

"Middle Road Swordsman, here we come, there are people coming from the opposite side, disperse, disperse quickly."


"Fuck, vote for your paralysis, and also vote with a tailwind, mentally handicapped."

Lin Yue glanced at the two guys with displeased faces, walked to Tan Sifei's bed in the auditing department, raised the curtain to look inside, and saw that it was empty.

"His father came to Shenzhen on business today, and the two of them went to have a big meal."

He looked back, Tang Yuzhe took off the earphones: "How about the interview in the afternoon?"

Lin Yue truthfully replied: "No."

Opposite Feng Xianghong pushed back the computer chair and looked at him sadly: "Failed again? Is it so difficult to find a job now?"

Lin Yue said with a smile: "Finding a job is not difficult, but finding a suitable job is difficult."

"Why aren't you sad at all?"

"What's so sad about it? I'm born to be useful. Finding a job depends not only on ability, but also on luck at the right time and place."

"It's really like that. I've seen too much Douyin Poison Chicken Soup."

This Feng Xianghong, the food he hates the most is leeks, and the app he hates the most is Douyin. Rhythm, or the gold-worshiping girl GO DIE, and occasionally she will burst out a sentence that is not rebellious, and the chrysanthemum sets the electric drill.

"Don't talk about me, aren't you two preparing to take the postgraduate entrance examination? It's been more than three months since you've played all the games, why are you still playing games?"

Tang Yuzhe said: "We went to the study room in the afternoon, and we didn't occupy a seat."

"So that's why you played games all afternoon?"

Feng Xianghong blinked at the buddy at the opposite shop: "No way, we played a total of one... oh no, two rounds."

"Yes, two rounds, just two rounds, and lost."

At any rate, Lin Yue still holds the title of head of the house, and the two of them are the one with a guilty conscience, so naturally they don't want to be tough.

Even if he hasn't experienced so many worlds, he can still see that the two of them are lying, but for this kind of thing, just stop it.

Lin Yue walked to his desk, sat down on a chair, opened the five or six-year-old Lenovo G series notebook, clicked on a DOC file marked "Resume", and deleted and modified the contents inside .

Don't look at Tang Yuzhe wearing a pair of myopia glasses, his eyes are really good.

"Lin Yue, what are you doing?"

"Get your resume."

"This is your resume?"

"if not?"

"Undergraduate at Tsinghua University, exchange student at MIT? Are you kidding me?"

Feng Xianghong just poked the socket of Shuhua milk with a straw, and heard the conversation between the two people, walked over with a straw in his mouth, saw the resume information on the computer, and then coughed violently, it took a while to relieve his chest The rushing air.

Lin Yueming is a student of the School of Economics of South China University of Finance and Economics. He has neither received a full scholarship nor participated in any cultural exchange activities. Even the certificates, in terms of gold content, the highest are English Level 4 and Computer Level 3 .

But what did he write on his resume?

Bachelor degree, studying at Tsinghua University.

The column of educational experience is more... not so much exaggerated as it is inexplicable.

Double majored in economics and international finance, with several years of experience in stock and futures investment.

When I was a sophomore, I went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an exchange student. I was selected for the basketball team of the department and participated in the American College Basketball Championship. I performed a windmill dunk in front of a black man with a height of 1.92 meters.

While visiting the White House, he successfully infected a staff member named Lisa Shaw with a cold.

Returning to China in my junior year, I successfully passed the examinations of Financial Planner, Chartered Financial Analyst, International Financial Consultant, and Business English.

Oh, and got into a fight with the student body president and vice president.


"Are you crazy?"

Feng Xianghong understood why Tang Yuzhe looked at him like a fool.

Where the hell is this?

Lin Yue said: "I'm telling the truth."

Tang Yuzhe touched his forehead: "I don't have a fever."

"That's the merciless blow of reality, and I'm stunned." Feng Xianghong pulled out the straw and handed over the half-drinked Shuhua milk: "Brother, drink some milk, it will help relieve anxiety."

The kindness is hard to give up, so Lin Yue could only take it, and took two sips towards the jack.

Tang Yuzhe leaned on the closet next to the desk, and said earnestly: "Lin Yue, we understand your desire to find a job as soon as possible, but you can't follow other ways. Look at what you wrote. We are South China University of Finance and Economics, aren't we? Tsinghua University, this... isn't this a lie."

Lin Yue said: "This matter, if you are not capable, it is called lying, and if you are capable, it is called packaging. The HRs of these well-known companies now focus on graduates from famous universities. If you don't write like this, I won't even get an interview opportunity. arrive."

Feng Xianghong said: "Well, even if you are packaging yourself, it is understandable to perform a windmill dunk in front of a black man with a height of 1.92 meters in the column of educational experience, to spread colds to the staff of the White House and to fight with the president of the student union. has no meaning?"

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