Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1453 Good Brother Helps You

next morning.

Feng Xianghong returned to the dormitory from the self-study room, opened the door and saw that Tang Yuzhe was sitting in front of the desk, holding a bag of yam slices in his hand, laughing while watching Dragon TV's "Happy Comedian" while eating.

"You idiot, told me to go to the study room to wait for you first, but then ran back to watch variety shows by myself?"

Feng Xianghong is so angry. Last night, he made an appointment to get up early to occupy a seat. He worked hard for the postgraduate entrance examination. In the end, he went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Tang Yuzhe suddenly said that his stomach was uncomfortable and wanted to go back to the dormitory to go to the toilet. He asked him to wait in the study room first and help to occupy a seat .

He went there very cooperatively, he couldn't come when he was waiting, he couldn't come when he was waiting, and no one answered his phone call. He finally made it to 11 o'clock and went back to the dormitory to have a look. Well, this guy's life is so miserable comfortable.

"You're back?" Tang Yuzhe saw that his partner had come back, and quickly put down his two feet on the edge of the table, and said flatteringly, "Isn't there an emergency?"

"What emergency?"

Tang Yuzhe quickly unlocked his phone, opened the Netease News app, found an article he saw while squatting in the toilet, and shared it with him.

"South China University of Finance and Economics issued a post on Weibo, sincerely apologizing for the brutal punishment of enthusiastic students by the Academic Affairs Office, and promised to deal with such problems more flexibly in the future. The faculty and staff involved have been forgiven by the parties involved, and the incident has been resolved satisfactorily."

The school posted an apology on Weibo?

He really did it?

Feng Xianghong was a little confused. The school apologized to the students. This kind of situation is very rare. The key point is that our classmate Lin is like a normal person from the beginning to the end. He should eat, work, and sleep. It is inevitable to be anxious and irritable when placed on others , put him here calm and breezy.

Tang Yuzhe said: "I wanted to wait for him to come back to ask for details, who knew he said to send a courier, but in the blink of an eye he still hasn't returned for more than three hours."

"Then you've been waiting here for more than three months?"

"No, don't I watch variety shows for entertainment?"

"Then why didn't you answer my call?"

"I really didn't see it the first time, but the second time... I don't want to disturb your self-study mood."

Feng Xianghong thought that this guy was just making excuses for not going to study in the study room.


At this time, the door slammed lightly, accompanied by a gust of drafts, Tan Sifei walked in from the outside, holding a palm-sized express box in his hand.

"A Fei, look at your frowning face, the interview is not going well?"


Tan Sifei responded vaguely, walked to his desk, pierced the tape sealing the express box with a pen refill, and poured out the contents.


The silver-gray metal surface also comes with a keychain, with the words "KINGSTON 32GB" in the middle.

A USB drive?

He didn't buy digital products online, who sent them to him?

Tan Sifei glanced behind him, maybe because he didn't want to disturb him when he was upset, those two people didn't invite him to discuss the matter of the Academic Affairs Office's confession to Lin Yue.

Could it be...they?

Fear suddenly surrounded him, and the hand holding the USB flash drive was shaking.

Now he doesn't regret it much, but it's useless to regret it any more, and to be afraid any more. Once this matter gets out, everything will be over.

After hesitating for a long time and struggling for a long time, he still inserted the U disk into the USB port of the laptop, and chose to open the storage device in the pop-up dialog box.

When he saw the name of the folder, he froze for a moment.


Double-click to enter the folder, there is only one wallet.dat file inside.

What's the situation?

Completely different from what you imagined?

Sent to the wrong person?

"Old Tang, come here."

He called Tang Yuzhe to his side, pointed to the things in the USB flash drive and said, "Do you know what this is?"

"Huh, Dogecoin? Ah Fei, have you been playing virtual currency recently?" After saying this, he realized that he was stupid. If Tan Sifei was playing virtual currency, he would still ask himself what kind of question it is?

As he thought, Tan Sifei said with a puzzled face: "Be clear."

"Do you know Bitcoin and Ethereum? Dogecoin is the same as it, but the price is very different. Where did this thing come from?"

"I don't know, maybe someone got the recipient's information wrong."

Tan Sifei turned over the courier box, and the sender's information was not recorded on the label. He called the courier company again, and the other party gave him a mobile phone number to call to indicate the empty number.

This is weird...

The three of them researched for a long time and didn't figure out the origin of the USB flash drive, but they finally reached a consensus that no matter whether the sender sent it by mistake or not, it doesn't matter whether it is based on the idea of ​​returning it to the original owner or saving it for appreciation. Anyway, just keep it carefully.


two days later.

Financial scene rest area.

Jiang Xiaoguo greeted Lin Yue who was carrying coffee upstairs in anxiety.

"how's it going?"

Lin Yue made an OK gesture.

"Don't forget to say hello to brother when things are done."

"Lin Yue!"

She glared at him viciously, threateningly.

"When I passed Longxiang Avenue the day before yesterday, I saw Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan sneaking out of a KTV, walking like thieves, what happened?"

"Oh, the two of them, they put Xiaobing together."

Jiang Xiaoguo looked proud when she thought of this, the day before yesterday Xiaobing invited Duan Jiabao to karaoke, and ended up bringing a group of fake Lili fans there, coincidentally Luo Yan heard the conversation of those people on the way to the bathroom, and took them to Duan Jiabao When the conversation at the cash machine was recorded, Duan Jiabao encouraged them to order a bunch of food and drink after knowing it, and found an excuse to sneak away halfway. Well done.

"Hey, that's not right. I didn't introduce them to you. How did you know their names? Tell me, do you have any evil intentions?"

Lin Yue intentionally teased her: "If I want to have an evil intention, that person should also be Liang Shuang in your dormitory, Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan, a fat double-door refrigerator can't fit in it, and the other is as thin as a bamboo pole. There are bones and no flesh in my arms."

"Liang Shuang? Hahahaha, is she the one you like? I advise you not to think about it. Her boyfriend is in the N suite in Shenzhen. Not to mention super rich, he looks good too. The key is that the wedding ring is bought for her. See what that means... just wait for her to graduate and get a marriage certificate. You? No, no, no hope, absolutely no hope."

At this point, she paused, and then added: "And with her bad temper, only her rich boyfriend can bear it. Like you... straight male cancer, I think let's forget it."

"Really?" Lin Yue smiled at her, making Jiang Xiaoguo get goosebumps all over his body.

"If I can't be a boyfriend, I can be her brother."

"Okay you..."

She was just about to say that he was out of tune when Guo Zhen turned in from the work area. He originally wanted to reprimand him, but when he saw Lin Yue on the opposite chair, he swallowed back the words that rushed to his lips.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, it's a meeting."

Jiang Xiaoguo looked back, quickly packed up the documents on the table, and followed Guo Zhen to the conference room.

As for Lin Yue, he drank the coffee in the cup unhurriedly, then stood up, pushed the chair under the table, and turned into the work area with his mobile phone.

When he entered, Vice President Leng and the backbone responsible for the content had already arrived, and Jiang Xiaoguo was sitting next to Guo Zhen. She was a little restrained when she attended the meeting for the first time.

"Xiaolin, how is it? Are you still used to staying in the company?"

As the last person present, his identity was still an intern. Vice President Leng's questioning in such a tone made people have to sigh that people are more popular than others. This person who has been an exchange student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States is treated differently.

Lin Yue pulled a chair and sat down: "Thank you for your concern, I feel pretty good."

"That's good. If you don't understand or are uncertain at work, you can ask Lao Guo and Xiao Han for advice. If they can't solve it, you can come to me."

"Okay, I know."

The conversation between these two people made Han Ju and Li Xiangnian very uncomfortable. They didn't see the vice president take care of them like this when they joined the company.

What's wrong with a good resume, no matter how beautiful you are, you are still a baby in the society, no one teaches you, and you still have to take detours.

Vice President Leng clapped his hands: "Okay, let's have a meeting."

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