Vice President Leng stood up, looked at the two policemen at the door and said, "Comrade policemen, what do you want?"

The short policeman with a briefcase in front of him said, "Is there a guy named Guo Zhen here?"

Everyone looked at Guo Zhen in unison.

It's over, what are you afraid of?

Guo Zhen stood up and said weakly: "Comrade policeman, I am Guo Zhen."

The policeman asked, "Is your nickname on called Peerless Nuannan?"

How dare Guo Zhen lie at this moment: "Yes, it's me."

"In this way, we are now investigating a transnational fraud case. I hope you can cooperate with us and help us provide some clues."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the conference room.

The person who was extorted on the big screen just now is called Peerless Nuannan, and Guo Zhen’s nickname is Peerless Nuannan. Now the case that the police ask him to cooperate is about a transnational fraud case. Is this a coincidence?

Thinking about it carefully, the man's voice in the recording is really similar to Guo Zhen's voice.

No wonder his face changed when he heard the content of the recording. He thought he was robbed by Lin Yue and turned into annoyed by what he said, but now it seems that he is not.

Now that the police are at your door, the fun is... great.

It's too awesome, too exciting, and too bizarre, even novels dare not write like this.

Others thought it was super interesting and curious, so Han Ju and Li Xiangnian looked at each other for a while, with blankness and fear in their eyes.

We all know that Lin Yue and Guo Zhen quarreled a few days ago, and this happened when they turned around. Although Guo Zhen's behavior did not violate the law, it was just unacceptable, immoral, and a victim, but this reputation Well, it's over.

Others may think this is a coincidence, but the two of them are more inclined to think that this is Lin Yue's revenge, or they can use it as an excuse.

This guy himself has completely suppressed them in terms of education, vision, and knowledge. What is even more exaggerated and unacceptable is that he is even more powerful when he plays dirty. Dare to challenge him?

Is this really an intern? Isn't it a thousand-year-old monster?

Guo Zhen walked away with a face of embarrassment.

The policeman in the back looked at the things on the big screen with curiosity, muttered in a low voice, "How did they get these materials", turned around and left behind Guo Zhen, and planned to add this question after the questioning was over.

Vice President Leng is not stupid, he took a deep look at Lin Yue, stood up and said: "Xiaoguo's proposal is good, should I do it, how should I do it, let me think about it before making a decision, today's meeting will be held first Here, the meeting is over."

After leaving this sentence, he took the folder and walked outside, and said "Lin Yue, come to my office later" as he passed by Lin Yue.

"no problem."


When Lin Yue came out of the vice president's office, it was close to the end of get off work time.

He walked to his workstation, sorted out the messy documents, and was about to put them in the file folder, when Jiang Xiaoguo walked over from the HR department with a pot of money grass.

This scene... is very similar to the scene in the TV series where Jiang Xiaoguo resigned in anger.

He quickly packed up his things and chased after him.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, what's the matter with you?"

She took off her badge and handed it to Xiaomeng, while she said dejectedly: "Resign."

"Resign?" Lin Yue followed her to the elevator: "Why did you resign?"

Jiang Xiaoguo said, "Don't you know why I resigned?"

Lin Yue was confused by her, and asked tentatively, "Are you... mad at me?"

The elevator door opened, she glared at him, stepped into the car, Lin Yue followed in, at this moment, "Wait" came from behind, Zheng Zhencheng, who had a meeting with him in the meeting room just now, ran over, ready to hitch a ride, but Lin Yue glared at him, made him laugh dryly in fright, and retreated out of the line again.

"Please, I'll wait for the next one."

Now the people in the company have a consensus - don't mess with Lin Yue.

Don't you see that Director Guo has become the laughing stock of the entire floor, maybe tomorrow all the people in the office will listen to his experience as a curious story.

The elevator doors are closed and the car descends.

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at him angrily: "I thought you were really kind to help me, but you were using me as a weapon."

Lin Yue laughed dumbfounded, and said to herself that she thought so.

You must know that Jiang Xiaoguo's character in the TV series is a woman who is five points glib and smart. The scene is more complicated during the meeting, so maybe she won't think too much about it, but she will definitely think about it when she is free.

This pondering will inevitably lead to a result that conforms to the conspiracy theory.

That is, all of this was planned by him, in order to use her to kill Guo Zhen, so as to give the employees at the financial site a blow, and let them show their tricks more clearly, so as not to block his way.

"What happened to Director Jia, what happened to Director Guo, don't tell me it's all a coincidence."

Lin Yue shrugged: "Well, I admit that I am a little smarter than ordinary people, but being smart is not the original sin."

At this time, the elevator stopped on the 6th floor, and a flirtatiously dressed woman wanted to come in. Lin Yue gave Lin Yue a hard stare, and she was as cowardly as Zheng Zhencheng.

The elevator continues down.

Coming to the lobby on the first floor, Jiang Xiaoguo walked forward quickly: "First, I hate that you use me as a gunman. Second, I hate cheating scumbags the most in my life. Guo Zhen did that kind of thing, and the company didn't punish him." Thirdly, you have seen what happened in the conference room. If you are hated by those old people before you become a regular, what is the point of staying? I don’t want to be squeezed out and put on little shoes in my future work.”

In the TV series, Jiang Xiaoguo resigned from her regular job just because Guo Zhen was a scumbag cheating on her marriage. Here are two more reasons for her sadness and loss. It is reasonable to say that she resigned in anger.

In fact, when watching this passage, Lin Yue felt rather awkward.

Jiang Xiaoguo would rather lose her job in order to mess with the scumbag man. It can be considered that her previous encounters made her a little paranoid. The script writer arranged for Guo Zhen's wife to report the man's cheating immediately after knowing that the plot is a bit ridiculous. In this situation, who is not a husband and wife? Solve it behind closed doors? 100% of the trouble to the point of reporting the man was due to the subsequent conflict of interest, because the requirements could not be met and they simply fought to the death.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, Jiang Xiaoguo..."

Jiang Xiaoguo ignored him and continued walking forward.

Lin Yue quickened his pace to follow, twisted her arm and pulled her aside.

"Oh, what are you doing, you hurt me."

At this time, he pointed to a Maserati Levante parked across the road: "Don't you think that car looks familiar?"

Jiang Xiaoguo followed his direction and found that not only the car looked familiar, but also the person.

Isn't that man in a white shirt and myopia glasses Liang Shuang's boyfriend Chen Zhuo?

The timing of her look is also critical, Chen Zhuo is kissing a woman with her back to them.

"Hey, it's Liang Shuang?"

After saying this, she realized a problem. Lin Yue said before that even if he was interested in the people in their dormitory, the object would not be Luo Yan and Duan Jiabao, but Liang Shuang was about the same.

Isn't it too cruel to him to see her making out with her boyfriend now?

What a poor man.

No, it should be said that this is his retribution for using her.

"Well, I know it's hard to take, but you've seen..."

"Jiang Xiaoguo, what are you talking about." Lin Yue glanced at her contemptuously: "Open your mung bean eyes and take a good look, is the person he kissed Liang Shuang?"

Jiang Xiaoguo heard that she turned her body sideways, squinted her eyes and looked carefully, and then was dumbfounded.

That's not Liang Shuang at all.

Another scumbag?

Hey, why did she use three "again"?

But this is not important, Jiang Xiaoguo quickly raised his mobile phone and took a picture of Chen Zhuo kissing a strange woman.

This Liang Shuang, who showed affection in the dormitory every day, degraded the three single dogs to nothing, now? If she saw this picture, what face would she have to hold her head high in front of them in the future?


Jiang Xiaoguo realized another problem.

Will Liang Shuang break up after finding out her boyfriend cheated, if so...

She looked at Lin Yue: "Lin Yue, let me ask you, isn't what happened earlier part of your plan?"

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