Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1467 I, half angel and half devil

that day.

Room 419 in the female dormitory building.

Liang Shuang sat in front of the desk, looking at the arrears notice sent by China CITIC Bank, feeling as if a wall was blocked in his heart.

After the video of the bus catching obscene men became popular, she accepted an advertisement for a skin care company, but because the manager spoke ill of Luo Yan in front of her, her guilt continued to deepen, so she left in a fit of anger For this, she must face a liquidated damages of 10,000 yuan.

Since she left Chen Zhuo, how can she have extra money to fill the shortfall? She can only use credit cards. In addition to the debts of borrowing and Huabei, the current total debt is more than 20,000. The monthly living expenses of the family are only 2,000. The monthly salary Jiali Finance gave her during the internship period was 3,200 yuan. Even if she didn’t eat or drink, it would take more than four months to pay back the money. She had no choice but to find a part-time job in order to pay back the money. She sold cosmetics in a shopping mall on weekends. But because her face is too stinky, things don't sell well, and she can only get a basic salary of 70 yuan if she stands for 12 hours a day. Compared with her debts, it can be said to be a drop in the bucket.


Because netizens turned their attention to Luo Yan, her popularity has dropped sharply in the past two days, and her previous breach of contract also led to a credit crisis. No company contacted her to shoot an advertisement.

There is no money to buy new bags, no money to buy good-looking clothes, and even two or three hundred yuan of lipstick can only be looked at, how can you live like this?

When she was reflecting on her life here, she only heard a rush of footsteps in the corridor, and the door opened with a click.

"Dabao, Dabao." Jiang Xiaoguo shouted loudly.

"Huh? Hmm..."

Duan Jiabao, who was taking a lunch break on the upper bunk, opened the curtain and looked sleepily at the door: "Xiao Guo, why are you back?"

Jiang Xiaoguo said: "It's not important, you get up, get up."

Duan Jiabao was puzzled, but he sat down according to her words, and got down from the upper bunk with the help of the iron rod at the head of the bed: "What's wrong?"

Jiang Xiaoguo handed her the phone in front of her: "Look."

Duan Jiabao squinted his eyes and looked at the screen, mumbling words: "The Shenzhen bus incident was reversed, the victim girl pushed and pushed the brave girl to get rid of the attack of the wretched man..."

Jiang Xiaoguo clicked on the video below again.

The picture with a wider perspective than the video uploaded by Liang Shuang is presented in front of you. Although the definition is not very high, it is enough for people to understand exactly what happened at that time.

"This was reposted by a big V? Did he really do it?"

Duan Jiabao looked at the blogger's data and found that the number of fans was as high as 30 million: "Isn't this the big V who criticized Luo Yan the most ruthlessly?"

Jiang Xiaoguo nodded: "Let me just say that Lin Yue can handle this matter. It seems that the surveillance video of the bus was retrieved. Why didn't we think of it at the time, but even if it can be done, let those big Vs Slapping yourself in the face is not an easy task."

Looking at this from their point of view, it is not difficult to obtain the surveillance video of the bus, but I didn't expect it for a while. It would be difficult for the big V who attacked Luo Yanen to avenge his revenge before to make a statement to admit his mistakes. He can do it.

Anyway, with the development of the matter to this point, the cyberbullying against Luo Yan is believed to dissipate soon.

Liang Shuang turned his back to the two of them, tangling back and forth, and finally summoned up his courage and said, "Jiang Xiaoguo, please send me a copy of this video."

Duan Jiabao said, "What do you want to do?"

If Liang Shuang hadn't posted the video on the Internet to attract people, Luo Yan would not have become the target of public criticism. After the cyberbullying, Jiang Xiaoguo went to Youjia Financial Management to find her and asked her to post Weibo to clarify the facts, but she didn't do that. He also arbitrarily said that the video has been spread all over the Internet, people only believe what they see, and it is useless to clarify. This will undoubtedly make the two feel dissatisfied.

Liang Shuang said, "I want to forward it to clarify."

Duan Jiabao said: "When the situation was the most difficult, you were asked to clarify if you didn't clarify. Now that the public opinion has started to reverse, you have to forward the video again. Liang Shuang, you really have no bottom line to maintain your popularity."

Liang Shuang said expressionlessly, "I can't help you if you think so."

Jiang Xiaoguo squeezed Duan Jiabao's face, and said in a low voice, "What time is it, you are still angry, whether she really wants to help, or to maintain the popularity, if you retweet it once more, the pressure on the stone will be less."

"Okay... well, we'll send you the video."

Duan Jiabao really wanted to show a contemptuous attitude in order to fight back against Liang Shuang's arrogance, but it was a pity that she fell in love with Liang Shuang's eyes, and there was no scum left in the second.

Jiang Xiaoguo shook the phone.

"The video has been sent to you."

Liang Shuang didn't speak, picked up his phone and walked outside.

First, she didn't want to post a post to clarify the facts under the eyes of the two of them, which would make her uncomfortable. Second, she wanted to find a quiet place to think about a question that just occurred to her——When Jiang Xiaoguo asked Wang Wei to collect debts, Lin By jumping three times, five times and two times, the public opinion on the Internet has been reversed. Now Luo Yan is misunderstood as a vicious woman who will avenge her kindness, and he is the one who helped get rid of those big Vs and Internet celebrities on Weibo and Douyin. What did he do? arrived? If you can tell her the secret, or give her a hand, find a relevant big V to push her, it will not be difficult to gain some fans, right?

But... I used to have a bit of trouble when I was eating hot pot, and she also reported his work in the financial field as pornographic. In this case, will he help?

Liang Shuang sighed heavily as he watched the number of likes of the beauty video shared on Weibo keep dropping.

I don't know if Jiang Xiaoguo said that he likes her, is it true? If it is true, then his merciless sarcasm is hoping to attract his attention? It's like... just like how she treated Chen Zhuo before - being angry, playing petty temper, and making various promises, all because she cared about him.

the other side.

Jiang Xiaoguo took the unfinished pistachios yesterday, and took one bite at a time. They were crunchy and tasted like chicken.

Duan Jiabao said: "So, you took half a day off for this matter?"

Jiang Xiaoguo said: "That's right, I think we should celebrate."

"Does the stone know about this?"

"I thought she was in the dormitory, so I came back excitedly."

"No, Aunt Wei's assistant came to pick her up."

"Ah? What if she doesn't come back? Dabao, call her quickly."

"Okay, I'll call her right now."

Duan Jiabao walked to his desk, picked up his mobile phone and was about to call Luo Yan, at this moment, the door of the dormitory opened, and the person in question came in from the outside with a sullen face.


When Jiang Xiaoguo heard Duan Jiabao's address, she looked back anxiously, her small eyes suddenly opened wide.

Luo Yan is still the same Luo Yan, but the original black hair has become bright red, which is more eye-catching than a 200W big light bulb from a distance.

"This... stone... what's your situation?"

Without saying a word, Luo Yan walked to her desk to pack her things.

Duan Jiabao leaned close to Jiang Xiaoguo, pointed at her and whispered, "Did she get stimulated by something?"

If there is anything that can stimulate Luo Yan, it is naturally the misunderstanding of her by netizens.

"Stone, did you know that Lin Yue found the surveillance video of the bus and asked the big V who misunderstood you to share and forward it. Now the public opinion on the Internet has reversed."

Jiang Xiaoguo remembered that when he asked Lin Yue for help, he asked her why she didn't explain in front of her roommate, and said good things for him, so that the two sides misunderstood the deepening matter, so he specifically emphasized that it was Lin Yue's help that solved the problem of cyber violence.

Who would have thought it would be fine if she didn't mention the name, but the mention made the red-haired girl go crazy.

"Don't mention that name in front of me! Ah..."

With a loud roar, she pulled down the computer monitor, and when it fell to the ground, the screen went black immediately. Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao smelled a smell of burnt rubber.

This was just the beginning, and then she threw the IPAD and 3DS placed on the bedside heavily to the ground, and made a mess of those postgraduate entrance examination books, game disks, animation magazines, and smashed the computer host.

Both Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao were shocked by her. Every time an object fell to the ground, they both trembled and took a step back.

"Shi...Shitou, you...what...what's wrong with you? What's the me, don't...don't throw things."

No matter what, the two of them couldn't figure out why she did this. Computers, IPADs, 3DS...these things were her lifeblood, how could they just drop them now?

Luo Yan was panting heavily, and cast her fierce eyes on the two of them.

"That bastard... he actually... actually knows Wei Yunjie, and he's still a good friend, a good friend!"

Jiang Xiaoguo found that she couldn't understand what she was saying: "Who?"

"I said, that Lin Yue, he is very close to Wei Yunjie."

This time Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao understood, but it took a while for their brains to react like a computer crash.

Thank you Fatty for not adding the 5,000 starting coins for the reward, and the 500 starting coins for paying the news.

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