Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1480 Brothers Fighting Tigers

How did Lu Ran and Luo Yan break up in the TV series? Isn't it because Lu's father and Lu's mother want face and are unwilling to accept the fact that Wei Yunjie and Zhao Changming have an affair, and want Lu Ran to break up with Luo Yan, and Luo Yan keeps forcing Lu Ran to have a showdown with his parents. He feels uncomfortable being caught in the middle, You can only lie on both sides, and Luo Yan found out after the incident, and put the blame on him and then broke up?

What is Luo Yan's psychology?

I can be my mother's master, and when I got angry, Wei Yunjie honestly broke up with Zhao Changming. What about you, can't you learn from me? See if the parents beat the only child, or the only child beat the parents.

To put it bluntly, it’s still the same sentence, if you love me, you should regard me as the only one, conflict with your parents, and be an enemy of the world should be your due.

Here Lu Ran wrote a letter of guarantee, what does it mean, yes, betrayal!

And Jiang Xiaoguo, a best friend, just betrayed her.

From Luo Yan's point of view, of course she was right, Wei Yunjie betrayed her, Jiang Xiaoguo betrayed, and now Lu Ran betrayed her too, paranoid like her, since he is stronger than Tiansha Lone Star, he can still listen to others explain? Can you still try to empathize and feel from the perspective of others? The final result is... a breakup.

Hitting mandarin ducks with a good brother's stick? No, it should say "My sister is so bad, so don't harm other boys."


Jiang Xiaoguo didn't go back to the dormitory immediately, and wandered outside for several hours. In the evening, she casually ate some sauerkraut fish and rice noodles across from the west gate of the school. Let's go, on the way, Zhuganmei, Yaya and others greeted them and didn't care about them.

When he came to the fourth floor and opened the door of the dormitory, he was greeted by the smell of snail noodles. Liang Shuang sat in front of his desk with a cold face, and it seemed that he had just lost his temper.

This is normal, because Liang Shuang never eats it, and hates others to eat it. The taste of the bamboo shoots in it... can only be described by the word "sour and refreshing".

She walked into the room and put her bag on her desk. At this moment, the door of the bathroom opened, and Duan Jiabao came out, wearing a towel around her body, her hair had just been washed, and there was the aroma of Adolf's shampoo.

"Xiaoguo, Shitou said that you are in the self-study room of the 8th teacher in the afternoon..."

She didn't say anything later, and it doesn't need to be said.


At this time, the sliding door opened, and Luo Yan walked in from the balcony, her face smelled like a melon in Plants vs. Zombies.


Jiang Xiaoguo yelled, but Luo Yan ignored her, took off her coat and threw it on the desk, and climbed onto her bed while leaning on the pole.


She tried calling again.

Heck, the curtain was pulled back, Luo Yan poked her head out, and looked at her expressionlessly: "I don't have a friend like you."

Before she could speak, scoff, the curtain was drawn again.

Duan Jiabao said: "Xiao Guo, you have gone too far this time."

"Dabao..." Jiang Xiaoguo glanced at Liang Shuang who was sitting upright watching the play, and hesitated to speak.

In fact, even without the traitor Liang Shuang, she didn't have the guts to tell the reason for what she did.

She was obviously helping Duan Jiabao and fulfilling her duty as a sister, but in the end she was misunderstood as a traitor. This is what Lin Yue wanted.

That's right, the second condition he gave her was not to tell Duan Jiabao and Luo Yan the truth. The consequences of doing so are obvious...

"Dabao, do you also think I did something wrong?"

Duan Jiabao nodded.

"However, Lawyer Wei did nothing wrong."

Although she didn't want to admit it, she resumed her relationship with Lin Yue and called him a good brother. Not only was she not embarrassed, but her relationship was even closer than before. It makes sense, as soon as something about Lin Yue comes up, it's like lighting a firecracker.

Duan Jiabao said: "Xiaoguo, we are good sisters with Shitou, so of course we have to speak for her."

She must have thought that Duan Jiabao was right in what she said before, but after being taught a lesson by Lin Yue, she had to think deeply. If both sides of the conflict are friends, what should she do? Pick a side? Don't care about anything, when you don't know? Or do you support justice and morality?

"Dabao, why are you being unreasonable?"

Jiang Xiaoguo suddenly remembered the situation when she was looking for Wang Wei to collect debts. She was reasoning, and Luo Yan felt ashamed, so she let her forget it. She forgot it, only Lin Yue stood firmly behind her, without fear of cyber violence, and argued hard.

From this point of view, she is more in agreement with him.

If you think about it carefully, the subsequent operation of breaking off friendship with him was more because he encouraged Lawyer Wei to sever ties with his daughter, ruining his good impression in her mind, and wanting to fight for his sister Luo Yan.

"Xiaoguo, you've changed." Duan Jiabao made a disappointed face: "Back then, Shitou was bullied by the Internet because Liang Shuang uploaded a video of catching a wretched man on the bus. You were so anxious and enthusiastic, but now you are betraying someone surnamed Lin. Stone."

Jiang Xiaoguo was so angry, but he couldn't tell the truth.

Before for Luo Yan, she ran around, begging Internet celebrities, begging Liang Shuang, begging Lin Yue, now she is betraying Luo Yan to submit a certificate to Lin Yue for the business of the Duan family, and also recognizing a peer to do a good job. Brother, you have to keep the truth in your heart.

Is there anyone wronged than me in the fucking 419 dormitory?

She really wanted to swear.

"I haven't changed, believe it or not." Leaving behind the angry words, she opened the bathroom door and walked in.

When she came out with a towel on after brushing her teeth and washing her face, Liang Shuang happened to pass by.

"Jiang Xiaoguo, you are so pitiful."

She thought that Liang Shuang once said something similar to "Believe it or not". Could it be that... the night I went to TOP NIGHT, it wasn't Liang Shuang who told her the secret, but she was wronged by the third son of the Red Chamber?

After thinking about it, Lin Yue could really do it.


A week later, the old local restaurant.

"Duan Zhenyu, here, here."

The chubby hands shook with the sound.

Duan Zhenyu walked to the chair opposite Duan Jiabao and sat down: "Sister, what did you ask me to do?"

"Eat, don't you know? Dad has reached a settlement with Mr. Ai of Huada, and the other party has agreed to withdraw the lawsuit. Although the impact of the video will not disappear for a while, things have finally improved. Mom said let's not Worry, what Aoma needs most now is time, and time will solve all problems."

"Sometimes I really wonder if I am their real son. I never tell me about this kind of thing in detail, and it's useless to ask."

Duan Zhenyu was very happy, and even the sorrow accumulated for many days between his brows was relieved a lot.

"By the way, how is your injury?"

"It's much better. The doctor said that as long as you don't do strenuous exercise, you'll be fine in another month."

"The fencing..."

"I'm trying to practice with my left hand now."

"Hey, I remember that you were so angry that you didn't want to practice."

"It's all thanks to Jiang Xiaoguo."

"Little fruit?"

"Yes, when she went to see me before, she played me a song by Zheng Zhihua's Sailor, and said that even a person suffering from polio can have such achievements and mentality. I'm just a kid with tennis elbow. The problem is half dead, and he is angry with the doctor. He is even worse than some girls. It is really embarrassing to a man. Who am your brother, can I let her compare?" He patted his left hand: "The right hand is injured. , but I still have my left hand."

Duan Jiabao: "..."

Duan Zhenyu didn't notice the unnaturalness on her face: "Zheng Zhihua, "Sailor", what era is the song from? This Jiang Xiaoguo is really old-fashioned. Hey, by the way, where is Jiang Xiaoguo? Why didn't you call her?"

In the past, when Duan Jiabao invited guests to dinner, Jiang Xiaoguo was bound to be invited, but today it was only her and Luo Yan, and the latter had been stern since he entered the door, as if someone else owed her a lot, but it was understandable, after all, her mother was kidnapped. She fell asleep, or fell asleep by someone she hated very much.

Duan Jiabao didn't want to continue the topic about Jiang Xiaoguo, so he yelled at the kitchen.

"Big Bear, is the food still ready?"

"I'm coming."

With a flattering voice, Xiong Zhi came over with a tray and put down three dishes.

Mapo tofu, chicken feet with pickled peppers, boiled pork slices.

"Hey, Big Bear, why are they all Sichuan dishes?"

"That's right." Xiong Zhi said, "These are three dishes I made with new seasonings. Try them and see if they are any different from before?"


Duan Jiabao naturally wouldn't be polite to him, he picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it into his mouth: "Well, it's delicious, fragrant, smooth and tender, the key is not greasy, big bear, your cooking skills have improved again."

"Heh, this is all taught well by Master."

"Master? Bear, have you been apprenticed? You are so good at cooking, do you still need to be apprenticed?"

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