Lin Yue said, "Zhang Lixian took them to the suburban camp."

Meng asked in annoyance, "How many people are there?"

"Including the wounded, there are about 400 people."

"You just gave Zhang Lixian the people of a battalion? Why did such a smart person do such a stupid thing? Those people arranged for Yu Xiaoqing, so it's not like the meat bun beats the dog and never comes back?"

Who did Lin Yue bring back?

He was not killed by the Japanese army in Burma, and he fought at Nantianmen for a whole day and night. It can be said that he has become a veteran. Veterans of a battalion, who wouldn't be envious? Maybe Yu Xiaoqing will be incorporated into the main team tonight.

"Meat buns beating dogs? It's not certain who is meat buns."

What did Yu Xiaoqing say yesterday? Neither reinforcements nor combat supplies were provided, and the round of artillery was cheated by Long Wenwen. He pulled more than one battalion of troops back to the west bank by himself. To put it bluntly, as long as he is still alive, Yu Xiaoqing will never die. He wanted to turn that group of people into the Yu family army.

He wished that Zhang Lixian would serve them with food and drink, because that would be raising soldiers for himself.

Meng Fan looked at him with his head tilted: "My lord, do you have a fever? Why are you talking nonsense."

Lin Yue smiled and didn't bother him with this question.

"Tell me about Long Wenwen."

"He has nothing to say. He pretended to be the head of the regiment, passed on false military orders, and was charged with fleeing. Ten shots are enough."

"Did he say anything else in front of Yu Xiaoqing?"

Meng Fan shook his head: "I didn't say anything."


Lin Yue lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth, then tossed the rest to Li Wula and Yao Ma who were staring at him, followed by a rush of snatching, those who were quick to get one, those who were slow could only watch He sighed with a cigarette case.

Long Wenwen was very interesting this time, he took all the charges on himself, and did not mention Yu Xiaoqing's private transfer of first-class and second-class soldiers in front of Yu Xiaoqing.

"My lord, I finally did something worthy of a man."

Meng Fanlai always made a fuss about Long Wenwen's bragging in front of Bingyouzi. Now that he defied the military order and returned to the east bank, he has taken all the charges with integrity. Not bad, don't look at the usual hippie smiling face and glib tongue, he is not greedy for life and afraid of death at critical moments, he is a responsible man.

"Are you going to see Yu Xiaoqing tomorrow?"


"Deadly, deadly things..."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "I will speak well for him."

From Meng Fanle's point of view, these people in the courtyard are only Lin Yue who can see Yu Xiaoqing's eyes. Now that Zhang Lixian has taken away the people who came back from the east bank, Master Shizuo will definitely feel a little guilty when he sees him. At this time, Lin Yue Just a few good words may help that pseudo-teamer win a lenient sentence.


the next day.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

On the west bank of the Nujiang River, the frontline command post of the Henglan Mountain position.

Yu Xiaoqing stood on the high platform where the telescope was placed, bowed to observe the situation on the other side, Zhang Lixian and He Shuguang stood behind, Tang Ji sat in front of the map table, and Li Bing followed closely behind.

"I heard that you blew up Takeuchi's headquarters with Japanese artillery the night before yesterday?"

Lin Yue said: "The devil's cannon doesn't work well, it should be shot crookedly, otherwise the Japanese army would have been in chaos."

Yu Xiaoqing stepped back from the table, tapped the binoculars with a horsewhip: "Let's have a look."

Lin Yue glanced at him, then walked over to observe the other side.

At the highest peak of Nantianmen, a group of Japanese military officers wearing white shirts and green army trousers with sabers saluted the grave. The middle-aged man next to him with a bandaged right hand looked at the east bank in silence, and there was a black panther at his feet. Like a dog.

Yu Xiaoqing said: "The Japanese Army's Takeuchi Regiment, Regiment Leader Takeuchi Lianshan, Deputy Regiment Captain Tachibana Qixiong. Have you seen the man with the dog? He is Takeuchi Lianshan, with an arm injury. The person lying in the grave... should be It's Tachibana Qixiong. One shot wounded the captain and killed the deputy captain, well, he is indeed the one I like."


Lin Yuexin said that it was no wonder that when the Japanese army released tear gas to attack the hilltop position, they didn't see Qixiong Tachibana.

Ah, ah, ah, I'm really sorry to take the credit for Long Wenwen.

"Young man, you did a good job, you did a good job." Tang Ji said in a Baoding accent.

Lin Yue stepped back from the stage: "The teacher seat is absurd."

"I, Yu, have always been rewarded and punished, and there is no such thing as false praise." Yu Xiaoqing looked at Lianshan on the other side of the observation hole: "Takeuchi built a grave for the deputy captain on the Nantianmen, I know what that means , He wants Tachibana Qixiong to watch the Japanese army attack the Nujiang River with his own eyes, and plant the sun flag on our Henglan Mountain position."

"You're not bad." He walked up to Lin Yue: "I heard that when you evacuated from Myanmar, that fake regiment commander made you battalion commander?"


"Come to my main team, Shen Qing still has a vacancy for the deputy head of the team."

One sentence stirred up thousands of waves.

He Shuguang and Li Bing looked at each other.

Who is Shenqing? Yu Xiaoqing's younger brother, being Shen Qing's deputy is a recognition and a reward, and the deputy head must be at least the rank of major.

Major of twenty-two!

He was still a lieutenant platoon leader when he went to the shelter, and he will be the deputy commander in less than a year. It would be a lie to say that he is not jealous.

But what good is jealousy? Bombarding the headquarters of the Takeuchi Regiment, single-handedly slowing the pace of the Japanese pursuit, and pulling more than one battalion back to the east bank, this credit is not to mention the promotion of the captain to a major. If there are people in the court, the lieutenant colonel will be fine.

Zhang Lixian looked at Lin Yue expressionlessly. Apart from a trace of sourness, there was also a lot of jealousy in his heart. Last night, it was the soldiers who withdrew from the West Bank that he arranged for. , and a lot to be grateful for.

He is the deputy battalion commander of the Secret Service Battalion, but the attitude of his subordinates towards Lin Yue is obviously different from that of those people towards Lin Yue. In less than half a year, even Yu Xiaoqing, the person who once gave wild boar to curry favor with him, condescended to recruit him. , which is really unacceptable.

Lin Yue neither agreed nor refused, but asked a question that made Yu Xiaoqing frown.

"Master, what are you going to do with that fake regiment leader Long Wenwen?"

Yu Xiaoqing said coldly, "This is not something you need to worry about."

He loves and respects talents, but he doesn't want to be led by the nose in military affairs. This can be seen from the fact that he went to the shelter to recruit stragglers to form the Sichuan Army, and he didn't want to strengthen the regiment given by Shangfeng.

He is so upright with his superiors, and when he treats his subordinates, once he has made a decision in his heart, it is naturally irrefutable.

"Come, come, come, young man, let me say a few words to you." Tang Ji walked over with a smile: "Oh, you and Major Lin performed very well in Nantianmen, and you are the pillars of our army Ah, when I had a meeting with you Master Yu last night, I had already decided to apply to Shangfeng to ask for merit for you. I think you are only in your early twenties. As long as you work hard, you might be able to become a general in the future. It's nothing to do with Long Wenwen, so you don't want to join in."

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