Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1508 Luo Yan, do you regret it?

At the other end of the line of sight, Luo Yan ran towards the curb, constantly waving to the back, shouting "TAXI", and calling a person's name.

About five or six meters away from her, a yellow taxi was driving ahead.

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't know what happened. She was very worried about Luo Yan's situation, but she also had self-knowledge. Although her English was good, it didn't mean that she could be at home in this land.

"Do you know what happened?" she asked a man traveling with her.

"Run away, someone ran away, I it Chang Sun Rong?"

Another tourist nodded: "Yes, that's the name."

"Run away? Why did you run?" Jiang Xiaoguo looked puzzled.

"Who knows whether they are going to work illegally or join relatives. I heard that jumping from a group will happen several times a year."

"Then he ran away, didn't all the deposit go in vain?"

"Hey, if there is a way, even if it is an illegal job, you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, and the tens of thousands of dollars you handed to the travel agency as a deposit will be gone, and if it is those masters who just come here and don't go back , I really don’t feel sorry for the tens of thousands of dollars.”

"You said this little girl is also the same. Since the other party doesn't want the deposit, why are you chasing after her?"

"This kind of thing happens a lot. The travel agency will be blacklisted by the embassy. Before the tour, every leader and tour guide is required to look after the tourists. If something goes wrong, they must be held accountable."

"Oh, I see."

The more Jiang Xiaoguo listened, the more anxious she became, and the more she listened, the more worried she became, but she was not familiar with the place in New York, so she couldn't help at all.

By the way, let's find Lin Yue. Didn't he say that he is a good friend with the founder of PAYPAL?

Thinking of this, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed Lin Yue's number.


Luo Yan is a serious person. This can be seen from her refusal to cooperate with her partners in selling tourist souvenirs when she leads a domestic group. She is very responsible for taking a group abroad. It is her duty to look after tourists. Now some people run a group. The first reaction is naturally to chase back.

After chasing him in a taxi for a while, she saw Chang Sunrong getting into the subway station, she also told the driver to stop, paid the money in a hurry and jumped in.

When she came to the platform, she happened to see Chang Sunrong getting into the carriage. Now that the subway was about to leave, she didn't have time to think about it. She followed a Caucasian woman into the carriage in front of her, and then began to look for the target.

Although this is New York, the world's financial center, the subway environment is not comparable to that of Shenzhen. Not only are the facilities aging, but the smell in the carriages is also unflattering. There are also people with yellow hair, white skin and black hair As a foreigner, her expression is neither amiable nor friendly.

Luo Yan has already led a group experience several times, but the number of rides on the New York subway is really not that many.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is to find people, even if Wang Hong specifically told her when she brought her, when encountering this kind of thing, stop it if you can, and forget it if you can’t. After all, many people who want to hack in the United States are Wuqian A guy who has nothing to do and is very obsessed with immigrants, if she is forced to resort to force, she, a little girl, will only suffer.

It's a pity that she is so serious, the persistence of running a group? She is more persistent.

She kept scanning and walking towards the front compartment, because it was rush hour and the crowds were dense, so the speed was not fast.

When she came to a carriage in the middle section, she saw Chang Sunrong, and the other party also spotted her, and turned around quickly.

"Stop, Chang Sunrong, stop..."

She yelled twice in Chinese and then in English, but unfortunately the other party not only didn't listen, but walked faster, and the passengers in the car were just hiding, not enthusiastic enough to help her catch people.

When approaching the second carriage, the train stopped, Chang Sunrong ran out the moment the door opened, Luo Yan couldn't follow up immediately because of her position, and was hit twice by people who came in, when she chased her Outside the subway station, Chang Sunrong had already left her by hundreds of meters. Seeing that she hadn't given up, he gritted his teeth and turned into the alley next to him.


Luo Yan continued to chase without saying a word.

After running with the panicked man for a while, I gradually realized that something was wrong.

Before, she was thinking of catching up and taking people back, but she didn't pay attention to the surrounding environment. Now she was far away from the main road and entered a complex and dilapidated neighborhood. Only then did she realize that something was wrong. The night had swallowed the world, and if she was not mistaken, , this should be Brooklyn, an administrative area with poor security.

No wonder I came out of the subway station just now, the proportion of pedestrians on the street is particularly high among blacks, the sanitation before and after the building is not good, and there are some graffiti walls full of swear words.

She started to back off and didn't want to chase anymore.

However, when she made up her mind to turn around, a few black people who had gathered under the isolation net of the old basketball court walked towards her.

"Hey, yellow pig, do you want to bring back some Brooklyn specialties?"

Luo Yan didn't speak, and walked forward with her head down.

"Hey, didn't you hear me talking to you? Didn't your mother teach you how to communicate politely?"


Luo Yan's path was blocked by a pair of feet.

"Please get out of the way."

She deliberately acted less nervous, but in fact she was terrified, and had already begun to regret why she chased the runners.

Seeing that the other party didn't respond, she could only put on a tough posture: "If you don't get out of the way, I will call the police."

"Are you threatening me? We just want to sell you something."

The black man in a baseball cap opposite said while pulling Luo Yan's hand.

"Stay away from me." She swung it hard and shouted loudly in English.

The black man was furious and pushed forward with both hands.

"Damn bitch."

Luo Yan lost her footing and fell to the ground. At this moment, the only thing she could do was to shout for help.


It’s okay if she doesn’t yell, but when she yelled, a black man with jagged teeth next to her blocked her mouth and kept “shushing” in her ear, telling her not to yell loudly, and the baseball cap was taken out of her pocket He took out a pocket knife and flicked it around in his hand.

A black man wearing a hoodie with a skull pattern on his chest walked over and took a puff of smoke into her frightened eyes.

There was a fourth black man. He walked around to the back and started to dig out Luo Yan's pocket, taking away his cell phone and wallet.

Having grown up so big, she has never been so scared like she is now. Let alone four black people on the opposite side, even if there is only one, she can easily subdue her.

Luo Yan hopes that the other party will let her go after robbing her of money and goods, but it is obvious that the other party does not intend to do so.

She struggled hard and kicked the black man in the skull sweater, and then the baseball cap punched her, her eyes were filled with gold stars, her ears were stuffy, and the voice of the other party calling her a scum seemed as far away as centuries.

She knew she was doomed, and prayed that someone with good intentions would pass by and save her, but was it possible? Superheroes only exist in movies, but the reality is that Chinese people are chased and scolded by black people and dare not gnaw their voices.

"It's wonderful, do you need help?"

I don't know if her prayer touched the god of this land, or if she was lucky, but the voice from across the street interrupted the movement of four black people dragging her to the dilapidated tube building to the east.

The fourth said, "Go away, it's none of your business."

"That's a good suggestion, but that's not my style." The voice got closer, and Luo Yan also seized the opportunity to break free from Huang Fang's shackles, and shouted, "Please, help me."

"Save you? Give me a reason first." This time, what was transmitted to the pinna was no longer English, but Chinese, and it sounded very familiar.

She raised her head with all her strength and saw the face of the person coming.

It's him?

" me, you save me."

"Save you? Do you need me to save you? Reason with these black friends, I believe you can persuade them to let you go." Lin Yue said in English, "Don't get me wrong, I just want to see if she's still so... uh, brave? Stubborn? Or rebellious?"

The four black people looked dumbfounded, this guy was talking a lot, what on earth is he doing?

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