Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1514 The Second Sister (Two in One)

Seeing Luo Yan's wink, Jiang Xiaoguo knew that she didn't want Duan Jiabao to know that Wei Yunjie had done someone else's mistress, so she coughed lightly and said, "Looks good, looks good."


Duan Jiabao proudly took out a brand new unopened set: "Come on, this is yours, this one is made of stone."

Jiang Xiaoguo took it in his hand and took a look: "Wow, Dabao, these are... three pieces?"

I didn't pay attention to it just now, but now I hold the plastic bag in my hand and realize that there are three same T-shirts inside, all of which are white T-shirts with the face inside printed on them.

"Yes, look, if the clothes on your body are dirty and washed, you can still have a replacement. If there is an accident again and the second one is also dirty, then there is a third one."

In order not to be seen by Duan Jiabao, Luo Yan forced a smile: "Dabao, there's no need to do this, right?"

Just a few days ago, Duan Jiabao said that she resigned, and she will start a business with the money from her father. The business content is to help promote the promotion where the publicity resources have been cut, such as buying hot searches and hyping from the media. Yes, it's human marketing.

She hasn't terminated the contract with "One Heart", and she uses love to generate electricity, rushing to help maintain the heat, which is a bit crazy to be true.

Both Luo Yan and Jiang Xiaoguo advised her to be more careful and not to do stupid things, but the fat man didn't listen, and said that in this life, it is not easy to find something you love. Starting a business, one-time success is rare, such as ByteDance Didn’t the founder succeed after several failed attempts? So, even if you can’t help Lili maintain its popularity, you can still learn lessons and accumulate experience. What’s more, if you are moved by Lili, wait and “One” "Heart" contract with her as soon as the contract expires. In fact, the most regrettable thing is that she can't inherit the family business now. If it is possible, as long as Lili is willing to cooperate with her, she will have no problem paying the liquidated damages for the forced termination of the contract.

Well, last year the cost of living was reduced to 1000. Duan Jiabao, who was thinking about how to raise money every day, is gone forever. When he returned home during the Chinese New Year, he poured a few bowls of ecstasy soup for her parents. In order to support her in starting a business, the couple gave it away Several million start-up funds were lost all of a sudden, and they turned back to that lavish Duan Jiabao.

There is no way, who knows that people have mines at home, not ordinary people, the cost of trial and error is very low, for people like Duan Jiabao, failure is really the mother of success, for people like Jiang Xiaoguo, failure means bankruptcy.

Jiang Xiaoguo threw the T-shirt on the bed and patted the fat man on the shoulder—oh no, it is no longer possible to call him "fat man". Since meeting with Lili, Duan Jiabao has lost more than a dozen catties in order to attract the attention of the idol. Even Liang Shuang was surprised and amazed that the round face had the appearance of a goose egg. It can only be said that the power of idols is infinite.

"Dabao, I think Shitou is right. It's good to have a star you like, but you can't lose your mind for idols."

"Oh, Xiaoguo, I have a sense of proportion."

Luo Yan shook her head, her face full of helplessness.

Jiang Xiaoguo pondered for a moment and said, "Does Brother Xiong know that you want to invest in Lili?"

"Big Bear." Duan Jiabao's lips twitched slightly at the mention of this name: "He should have no objection, I think he will support me."

Jiang Xiaoguo said: "Dabao, have you noticed that since you met Lili, you have mentioned Brother Xiong less and less often?"

"Is there? Hehe, it may be that I have been too busy with work recently and have a lot of worries."

Jiang Xiaoguo was still waiting to persuade her, when the door opened from the outside, and Liang Shuang, who was wearing a fleece sweater, walked into the room. He didn't know what happened, his face was very smelly.

"Liang Shuang, I also prepared a set of T-shirts for you."

Recently, Duan Jiabao often consulted Liang Shuang about food choices in order to lose weight. Don't look at Gao Leng's daily cynicism towards Jiang Xiaoguo, but Duan Jiabao, a guy who has no competitiveness in front of Lin Yue, is quite pleasant... Well, yes In comparison.

"Duan Jiabao, that's your idol, not mine."

Luo Yan pulled Duan Jiabao's sleeve from behind, reminding her not to touch Gao Leng's bad luck, but unfortunately, Duan Jiabao didn't understand her meaning.

"Lin Yue... he... made you angry?"

Hearing Duan Jiabao's question, Jiang Xiaoguo's ears perked up.

Liang Shuang said, "It's not Lin Yue."

"Who is that?"

"Huang Xiaosan."

"Huang Xiaosan? Who is Huang Xiaosan?"

"An internet blogger used to post videos often, saying some eccentric things about the beauty makeup combinations I recommended. Today at the Electronics Show, the local agent of Asus invited me to give them an offline promotion, and I actually met her on the spot. You see, stained my new pants."

She flipped her proud long legs, and the three of them found a stain near the bottom of the trousers.

"Could this... be accidental?"

"She did it on purpose. If she can't compete, she just wants to get people's mentality, what the hell."

The three people over there looked at each other in blank dismay. They were not at the scene and didn't know the details of the incident, so they didn't have much to say. Since Sister Shuang was not in a good mood, Duan Jiabao was very discerning and didn't forcefully push the T-shirt with Lili's head on it.

Liang Shuang beat it for a while, probably tired from running all day, so he climbed into bed, pulled the curtain, and fell asleep.

The three of them also went back to bed to sleep.

Jiang Xiaoguo and Duan Jiabao soon fell asleep, Luo Yan couldn't sleep, thinking about the game between herself and him, tossing and turning.


three days later.

Lin Yue walked from the east gate of South China University of Finance and Economics to the boys' dormitory building. It was already April, and the flowers stretched his delicate body, attracting bees and butterflies. Start learning to manage your image in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Comparing the spring recruits with the autumn recruits, the popularity has dropped a bit. The entrance of the auditorium is a little deserted. There are a few people standing under the banners.

Yesterday Zhao Changming had a quarrel with Qu Wan, and the latter took her son back to live in the old house.

Because Zhao Changming cared about the relationship between Lin Yue and Wei Yunjie, he sent someone to collect his information. It can be seen that he is a very suspicious man. His yin and yang aura two days ago will inevitably become a stick in Zhao Changming's heart. Thorn, if Qu Wan tells her husband that she and him are innocent, she really met because of Huahua, and the relationship is very pure, will Zhao Changming believe it? Nine out of ten times they won't, and they will definitely cause trouble for their wives.

As for Qu Wan, she actually knew that Zhao Changming had an affair with Wei Yunjie before, but she kept pretending not to notice it for the sake of her child's studies, and lived a life of humiliation. Of course not.

Although Zhao Changming would not be exposed on the spot for the sake of the child, it is inevitable to run away from home after a quarrel.

"Lin Yue."

A call from under the iron fence on the west side of the playground interrupted his contemplation. He turned around and found that it was Luo Yan.

He waved his hand to indicate that he heard it, and walked over unhurriedly: "Didn't you make an appointment to have dinner together on the weekend? Why, can't wait?"

"I didn't come to you to talk about dinner."

Jiang Xiaoguo made an appointment for dinner on the weekend, because her relationship with Lin Yue has improved, and the mother and daughter have reconciled. Jiang Xiaoguo thinks it is necessary to ask Lin Yue to go to the old place for a meal. Thank him for this, and it is okay Eliminate Duan Jiabao's misunderstanding of him.

"Then why did you invite me back to school to meet?"

"I heard... Zhao Changming went to Puring Capital to make trouble?"

Lin Yue pretended to be surprised, frowned and said, "Did Jiang Xiaoguo tell you?"

Luo Yan nodded: "Don't blame her."

"So, she told you what I'm going to do? You asked me to meet this time because of Zhao Changming and your mother?"

"Hmm." She stammered, "I think... I wonder if you can..."

Of course Lin Yue knew what she wanted to ask: "Can you let Zhao Changming go?"

After all, Luo Yan didn't dare to look up at him, she lowered her head and said, "That's right."

Lin Yue asked, "Why?"

"elder brother!"


Lin Yue caught her off guard. He never expected Luo Yan to compromise like this. You must know that Jiang Xiaoguo recognized him as a good brother only under her constant coercion and inducement, and Luo Yan... in the TV series, he was so stubborn that he almost Paranoid people.

"You're right. I regret it. I would rather have you as my mother's close friend than to be someone else's mistress." She was very honest: "And as long as I call you brother, as a younger sister, you will have my own love." The reason for asking you to do me this favor is not it?"

"You really..."

Reality? Utilitarian? reason?

Lin Yue shook his head, not knowing what words to use to describe her.

"I don't want to lose my mother again."

This is the truth. After going through what happened last time, she was really afraid that Wei Yunjie would choose the latter between her and someone who could talk to her. Facing the current situation, the only person who could help her was Lin Yue.

Facing him, she felt ashamed, and if it wasn't for him, it was unknown whether she would be able to return to the country alive. Now the situation is even more compelling. If you recognize a brother, you should recognize a brother. Although it is shameful to say it, there is A reason that can easily convince myself to suppress the shame in my heart. The most important thing to be a human being is to be honest. When I was in New York, I was willing to admit defeat. Since I decided to bet at the beginning, I must be prepared to accept the consequences.

"Since you've said that, then as a brother... I can only agree, can't I?" He stretched out his hand and rubbed Luo Yan's head.

She wanted to hide at first, but she stopped after only a slight movement, letting him do what he did.

"Okay, let's go back, I have a measure of this matter."

Lin Yue turned around and walked to the boys' dormitory building. If he did the math, he hadn't come back for more than half a month, and he didn't know how the two guys were preparing for the retest.

"Wait." Luo Yan called to stop him.

"Any thing else?"

"You and my mother... really can't go back to the past?"

In the past, she thought it was very irritating for him to be with Wei Yunjie, but now she hopes that Wei Yunjie and him will get back together again, because if he persuades them to break up, her mother will definitely listen.

Lin Yue thought it was quite funny.

"I have a way to get the best of both worlds, do you want to hear it?"

Luo Yan begged him not to expose the relationship between Wei Yunjie and Zhao Changming. The purpose was to avoid embarrassment, but it would not help change the status quo. If it was for long-term interests, she would prefer that the two break up.

"any solution?"

Lin Yue beckoned, and whispered a few words in his ear after she walked in.

Luo Yan's eyes widened suddenly: "This... this..."

"Think about it carefully and give me an answer at the weekend."

Lin Yue waved goodbye and continued walking forward.

Luo Yan rubbed her face with her hands, looked up at the blue sky, thinking that there was no one around, so that she would be able to vent her anger by yelling.


Old place restaurant on weekends.

Jiang Xiaoguo waved at the door: "Dabao, here."

Duan Jiabao glanced at the kitchen, walked to the chair opposite Jiang Xiaoguo and Luo Yan and sat down.

"Dabao, what's the matter with you? We're just having dinner together. Lin Yue hasn't come yet. Why are you so nervous?" Jiang Xiaoguo picked up the phone and found that there were still 20 minutes before the appointment.

Luo Yan said: "Dabao, you haven't come to the old place for dinner these days, have you?"

Duan Jiabao smiled embarrassedly.

Jiang Xiaoguo asked: "Dabao, are you... hiding from Brother Xiong?"

"No, I just don't know how to tell him, look...he kindly cooks for me, I can't say no, but I'm in the weight loss period now, if I eat it, I will gain weight, if I don't eat it, I have to throw it away Yes, but that was also his painstaking effort,"

Well, Luo Yan and Jiang Xiaoguo understand, who is Xiong Zhi, since he worshiped Lin Yue as his teacher, his cooking skills have steadily improved, and now he is a chef in the old place. If you want to ask how the grades are, they used to sit at the middle table, but now The fact that he was squeezed into a corner before it was time for dinner is a clear proof. In this case, he still wanted to cook delicious food for Duan Jiabao. As a boyfriend, it was good enough, but what about Duan Jiabao? If you eat, you will gain weight, and you will be hated by your idols. If you don't eat, you will be sorry for Xiong Zhi's efforts. She can only choose to hide from sandwich biscuits.

In the final analysis, between making idols look pleasing to the eye and feeding chef boyfriends, she prefers the former.

"Dabao, you're like this..."

Jiang Xiaoguo wanted to tell her that hiding was not an option, and that she had to have a good talk with Xiong Zhi, but Luo Yan touched her foot below and stopped her.

"Dabao, you don't know yet, the old place is about to be sold."


Luo Yan pointed to the red paper printed with "Wangpu Transfer" and a string of phone numbers pasted on the window and said: "I heard from Brother Xiong that Aunt Qing has earned enough money for the child to buy a house and is going to live abroad. "

Duan Jiabao was unhappy.

They ate here for four years, and now they are about to graduate in more than two months, and the old place will disappear...

"Hi, Lin Yue, here."

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoguo saw someone walking in, raised his arm and waved.

Lin Yue pointed in the direction of the kitchen, meaning they should be safe and calm, and he went to see Xiong Zhi first.

"Hey, Shitou, about your mother... why don't you take this opportunity to have a good talk with him."

Jiang Xiaoguo didn't know about Luo Yan's recognition of his brother, thinking that this was a good opportunity to solve the problem.

"Yes, yes, yes." Duan Jiabao said, "We'll drink him together later, and when he's seven or eight percent drunk... Hehe, are you afraid that he won't agree?"

Jiang Xiaoguo looked at Duan Jiabao with a pitiful look, and poured him wine? Even Sister Juan, who was able to drink the old factory manager to the ground, fell, with the drinking capacity of the three of them? Hehe, stuffing his teeth is not enough.

"Xiaoguo, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Dabao, I think..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yue came over from the kitchen.

"I wanted to help him, but was kicked out."

Jiang Xiaoguo hurriedly pulled the chair for him: "Boss Lin, sit down."

"Jiang Xiaoguo, your tone is wrong, do you have something to ask me?"

"Hehe, can I, you think too much, I just feel that I should learn more from you."

"Learn what from me?"

"Ugh, confident, optimistic, positive, friendly, helpful..."

"Create, continue to compose."

"I'm telling the truth."


While the two were bickering, the waiter came out of the kitchen with a tray, first served two dishes, and put two packs of RIO at Jiang Xiaoguo's feet.

"Come on, come on, Brother Xiong is still busy, let's have a drink first." Luo Yan took a bottle of RIO, snapped the tab, and slammed the can into the middle of the table.



To Lin Yue, this thing is little sweet water, but if you want to drink with the girls, just let it go.

Gulp, gulp, gulp~

He drank half the can in one gulp.

Naturally, Jiang Xiaoguo would not be polite in front of him, grabbed the chopsticks and probed into the plate: "Try the sweet and sour pork tenderloin made by Brother Xiong."

She picked up a piece and put it in her mouth.

"Delicious, crunchy and sweet, with firm flesh."

After eating the sweet and sour pork, she picked up another chopsticks of cold seaweed: "Well, this one is also good. It's sour and sweet. It's much more delicious than the seaweed sold in Three Squirrels and Liangpin Store."

"It's spicy, and don't you think it's low compared to main dishes and snacks?" Luo Yan winked at her while speaking.

"Oh, right."

Fortunately, she didn't forget the important thing: "Before, Shitou didn't know that you did it with good intentions. Usually, what you say or do is offensive, and I am too. I shouldn't complain about you in front of them every day, so that Dabao followed the two of us to treat you..."

Lin Yue didn't let her finish her sentence: "You don't need to say anything, I know what you want to do, whether Duan Jiabao thinks of me well, that's her business, since everyone got together today, as Xiong Zhi's master, There are some things I can’t vomit quickly.”

"What words?"

Jiang Xiaoguo said it badly, Xiong Zhi appointed to tell Lin Yue that Duan Jiabao had been hiding from him these days, the master couldn't sit still, and wanted to fight the injustice for the apprentice.

"Xiong Zhi, come here."

Lin Yue yelled into the kitchen, and it took more than ten seconds before Xiong Zhi came out.

He looked at the silent man, and then at the embarrassed woman: "Duan Jiabao, I'll give you a choice now."

Thanks to the book friends with the tail number 8699 for the 2,000 starting coins, I am the 500 starting coins rewarded by your grandfather, the 300 starting coins rewarded by Ruihai, and the 200 starting coins rewarded by Aowu is not a crime. Cowardly, social you 100 starting coins rewarded by Brother Z.

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