Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1538 No. 7 Middle School

"Come on, eat it, and go back to sleep after eating." The old man glanced at the quartz clock on the wall that had just replaced the battery, and removed the plastic basket on the coffee table. Underneath was a plate with half a handful of mutton skewers in it.

"Uncle Wang, who works at the power supply bureau, invited your father to dinner and brought it back."

The old lady said while pouring him a glass of water: "I wanted to bake it for you tomorrow for breakfast, but your father said it won't taste good overnight."

"I'm not hungry, you can eat with Dad."

"Aren't you hungry after running all the way back?" The old lady knew what he was thinking: "Hurry up and eat and go to bed."


In fact, for Lin Yue, the most difficult thing to bear is not the kindness of beauties, but the kindness of parents.

"All right."

He picked up two strings, kept one for himself, and handed the other to his wife.

The old man over there washed his face, put the cattail fan on the TV cabinet and entered the east room. After a while, there was the sound of the pedestal fan's blades humming and spinning.

He took two bites and found that the old lady had put the skewers back.

"Why don't you eat?"

"You can eat. Mom is already overweight. If you eat at night, you will gain weight."

The old lady is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 49 kilograms. She is already a thin type, and she is in her forties. She is not a big beauty. Would she care about the fattening effect of a few bites of meat?

It's not that I want to leave the delicious food to him.

In 1997, mutton skewers cost 50 cents a piece, and 14 sticks were on the table, which was 7 yuan, which was equivalent to the living expenses of three people for a day. The father drove three rounds, and the mother swept the market. When the monthly income was good, it was 600 yuan. As the end of the year approaches, more will be added. On average, it will be more than 500 per month, and he will have to save his tuition fees. It is generally not considered when there are customers in restaurants or other non-holidays. Buying a piece of meat has to be counted as the last time. when.

In the movie, Charlotte is a single-parent family who could afford a guitar in 1997, saved up a shelf of genuine tapes, and had two bedrooms and one living room. This family condition must be only available to employees of state-owned enterprises.


Lin Yue sighed, not being hypocritical in this matter, and started eating alone with the plate in his arms.

With a monthly income of 500, my mother dare not eat meat, but with a monthly income of 1,000, the efficiency of filial piety is too low for him. It is the right way to make more money to subsidize the family. However, the side task is to let him go to school, and he cannot go to society. He is doing business, and maybe he will make his parents angry, saying that he is ignorant and wastes his time.

Originally, my mother was an elderly mother when she gave birth to him, and she didn't take good care of her body during confinement, and her vitality was damaged, so that she looked sick. If he got angry by his unconventional way, it would be really serious It's not easy.

Therefore, he would have such an idea,

"I'm stuffed."

The mutton skewers on the plate were wiped out like wind and clouds, Lin Yue got up and walked to the West Room.

"Mom, you should go to bed too."

The old lady smiled and said, "That's it."

Lin Yue sighed. People without children will never realize how happy parents are when they watch their children gobble up food.

He pushed open the door, found the pull wire against the wall and pulled it, the light turned on, and the light flooded the room.

On the north side is a single bed. Because one of the legs of the bed was broken, a few red bricks were stuffed under it to prop up the bed board. There were a few rummaging comic books on the bedside. They were saved money on my birthday last year. The can was smashed, and the money in it was used to secretly buy it. It was called "Super Gable". There is a cabinet in the left corner, but it is not a vertical modern wardrobe, but a nearly square flip wardrobe in the old age. Shirts and coats cannot be hung up, but can only be folded and put in neatly. Has a little deodorizing effect.

There are several posters on the north wall, including portraits of Ronaldo and Zidane, a photo of the BEYOND band, and a photo of Noriko Sakai.

Under the window facing the single bed is a desk, because it is an unwanted item from the vegetable market management office, and there are a few keys in the drawer.

Lin Yue didn't go to bed, went to the desk and sat down, opened the bottom drawer, and took out a stamp album from it.

This era is not like twenty years later, some people collect figurines, some cameras, some locomotives, some famous watches...Anyway, there are all kinds of collections. The most popular collections in this era are ancient copper coins, one There are various commemorative medals after liberation, and then there are stamps. The most popular ones belong to the Chinese zodiac. It is said that monkey stamps are the most precious, and they can sell for 1,000 yuan if they are in good condition. There are also those issued this year to commemorate the return of HK. Stamps have also been fired up.

Turning to the first page, the first thing that catches the eye is the least valuable residential stamps. From Inner Mongolia residential to Jiangsu residential to Tibetan residential, the face value ranges from 1 cent to 1 yuan. There are used and unused ones. , There are missing corners and less meat, all of which were too violently damaged when they were torn from the envelope.

Looking back, there is a set of grotto art stamps, a few stamps of the scenery of the motherland, and half a set of commemorative stamps for the Asian Games...

These are all the belongings I saved when I was in junior high school. I lost interest in high school because the pit was too deep, and because a classmate whose parents worked at the post office attacked him for dimensionality reduction, so... What kind of postage collection? , Is it exciting to play arcade machines, is it exciting to read martial arts novels? Forty cents can make you happy all day.

He took out the manuscript he wrote in the self-study class from his portable space, stuffed it into two envelopes, took out two 20-cent+ stamps from the postal album, pasted them on, and sealed the mouth. With a sigh of relief, he walked to the side of the single bed and undressed to sleep.


The next day, he got up earlier than usual, first took the bus to the post office, sent the letter, and then went to Xihong No. 7 Middle School.

Morning reading plus three courses of mathematics and mathematics, followed by a big break.

When the loudspeaker sounded the passionate music, students in school uniforms walked out of the classroom one by one, in groups of three, and in groups of five, they walked towards the square in front of the teaching building.

For students to have a good physique, exercise between classes is an essential part of every school.

However, when everyone lined up and stood in the square, the music suddenly stopped. At this time, someone tapped the microphone, papapa~

A group of people were startled, frowning and looking at the radio station.

"I won't do exercises between classes today. We have an emergency regular meeting. Just yesterday, there was an appalling incident of a student attacking a teacher in the second class of the third grade. The main culprit was Charlotte, who committed a heinous crime and deserved to be expelled. However, he recognized his mistake in time. He repented by jumping off a building, and after researching with several teachers, I decided to make Charlotte a major demerit, and let him review his mistakes in front of the teachers and students of the whole school."

"In addition, there is Lin Yue in the second class of the third grade. He took advantage of the chaos to touch the sensitive parts of the female students. For the classmate who jumped off the building, the school decided to lenient the net and make a major demerit once, and let him review his mistakes in front of the teachers and students of the whole school."

A heinous crime.

A scumbag.

Well, these two are quite famous.

Monte patted Zhang Yang on the shoulder: "Zhang Yang, where is the sensitive part the principal mentioned?"

"Stop thinking about it, you don't have that stuff."

Qiu Ya, who stood at the front, pursed her lips tightly, and her whole body was tense. Is there any way to help her vent her anger like this? For a girl, the face is a sensitive part, the ears are a sensitive part, the chest is a sensitive part, the hands are a sensitive part, the legs are a sensitive part, the buttocks are a sensitive part, and... In short, there is no insensitive part in the whole body, the principal desperately Forget about Yue, can you not pull her in too? How can she meet people in the future?

At this time, the sound of carrying a cup to drink water came from the loudspeaker. It seemed that the headmaster really treated it as a regular meeting.

"Which of you two will come first?"

"I'll come first." Charlotte in the crowd raised her right hand, glanced at Lin Yue, and walked towards the high platform in front of her step by step.

This is good, from the first grade to the third grade, from the male classmates to the female classmates, and then to fake girls like Monte, they all know him.

Over there, Wang Yu spread her fan and looked up at the sky at 45 degrees like a winner, waiting for Charlotte to apologize.

However, there was no expression of remorse on the face of the person involved. He blinked at this one, mouthed at that Nunu, walked behind the desk with the microphone with a smile on his face, took a long breath, and stretched again. waist.

Ever since he realized yesterday that he had crossed over and was about to develop, he still hasn't recovered from the state of emotional agitation after a whole night today. Red flags, green trees, blue sky, sunrise...everything looks cute.

"Hurry up, there is another person behind you, don't waste everyone's time."

Charlotte was startled by the sound of the loudspeaker, so she quickly cleared her throat and aimed at the microphone: "Hey, you can hear it, right...cough, after thinking about it all night, I, Charlotte, understand the meaning of a human being. The ultimate truth is that an inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time. Looking back on the past, the first half of my life was a waste of time, so I want to thank God, thank you..."

"You have to thank the school and the teacher." The principal interrupted his pretentiousness again: "Thank you for the quality of the trousers, your classmates are very skilled in martial arts."

Charlotte rolled her eyes and said: "I want to say sorry to everyone today, Mr. Wang, from now on, the grievances between the two of us will be wiped out, and finally, I have to say sorry to Qiuya, who didn't meet yesterday You, but don't worry, I will continue to work hard."

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