Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1575 After stealing the house, you have to show off your face (two in one)

The students in the square looked confused, and the reporters who hadn't left in time looked at each other.

Wang Yu held the thermos in a daze for about three seconds, and sprayed the water on the head of the English teacher who was seated opposite. Petal, the high school office was full of chaos for a while, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

The big star's confession was rejected? Or in front of all the teachers and students of No. 7 Middle School?

You must know that Charlotte did this kind of thing a lot in the past, and I didn’t see Qiuya go to showdown with him. Fortunately, it’s just a year later, and it was the year when Charlotte was on the Spring Festival Gala. On the first day of school, he was violently hit.

What the hell happened during this... winter vacation?

"You have someone you like? Qiuya, you lied to me, right? This is not a place for joking."

Many people guessed that it was Lin Yue, because she went to the radio station to admit her mistakes before. In the eyes of outsiders, this is evidence of falling in love and killing each other, but Charlotte was rehearsing at the time, and she didn't know what happened in school. Taking a step back, even if he knew, he would not retreat in spite of difficulties, otherwise I won't run to the back row of those two people as light bulbs.

"Haha, hahaha...Charlotte, you have today too?"

A rough... no, it should be said that a bold voice exploded in the loudspeaker.

"Dongmei? Why are you here?"

Accompanied by Qiu Ya's voice, the people in Class 3 and 2 of Senior High School turned their faces and found that Ma Dongmei had really disappeared.

"Let me see how big stars are disliked, Charlotte, do you know what kind of animal sticks its head in the sand and refuses to face the truth?"

"Ma Dongmei, are vicious, are ugly and more than a monster, let me tell you, even if Qiu Ya never married me in this life, I can't possibly like you."

The sound of debris turning;

the sound of chairs falling;

Then there was Charlotte's scream of "ahhh".

So Qiuya became the one to persuade the fight: "Dongmei, don't hit him, don't hit him, you will kill him if you do this."

The TV reporter put the camera on the ground, looked at his partner and said, " it still filming?"

"Stop filming, I think broadcasting it will affect the appearance of the city."


five minutes later.

In the principal's office, the old guy looked angrily at Ma Dongmei with a pair of goldfish eyes. Next to her were Charlotte with a colorful forehead and Qiuya who looked down at her obedient and silent toes.

"Ma Dongmei, let me ask you, how many times is this the first time? Your mother sent you to school to let you use your strengths as a sports student to fight with your classmates?"

Ma Dongmei said, "I'm not fighting with him..."

"It's not called a fight, what is that?"

"Domestic violence."

Qiuya couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

"Domestic violence?" The principal told her confused.

Ma Dongmei said: "Anyway, you have nothing to do here."

"" Charlotte recalled the scene at Qiu Ya's wedding where she was chased by Ma Dongmei and jumped up and down to hide in the bathroom: "Ma Dongmei, let me tell you, if I, Charlotte, marry you again in this life, I will be out of my mind. It's water."

"Marry me again? Charlotte, what are you talking about, who married you, stinky rascal!"

Ma Dongmei covered her face with her hands, and ran away with devilish steps.

Why did she slip up again? Charlotte stomped her feet and said angrily, "Hey, she was taken to the ditch again."

The principal looked at this and that, and couldn't figure out what the relationship between these people was, it was a bit messy anyway.

"Principal, if there is nothing else, I'll leave first." Qiu Ya turned and left the principal's office without waiting for the old man's response.

"Hey, Wang..."

How did you want to reprimand her just now?

The headmaster realized that everything was messed up, so he interrupted Ma Dongmei, and completely forgot the speech he had prepared.

"Qiuya, don't go, wait for me."

Over there, when Charlotte saw Qiuya leaving, she didn't even bother the headmaster, and chased her out like a fart.

"You... you... are mad at me."

The old guy sat down panting, a pair of goldfish eyes seemed to burst.

At this time, the teaching director walked in from the outside and was about to speak.

"Get out! Get out for me!"

Knowing that the headmaster was in a bad mood, he didn't dare to stay, so he hurried away with his tail between his legs.


"Qiuya, Qiuya, stop, stop..."

Charlotte hurried and hurried, and finally blocked the people at the stairs.

"Charlotte, can you leave me alone, I have made it very clear on the radio station."

"Then tell me, who is the person you like?"

"Need to say?"

"Of course, I want you to tell me yourself."

"It's Lin Yue."

"Lin Yue? How is that possible! He either forces you to copy your homework every day or treats you like a servant. How can you like him?"

Qiu Ya sighed, she really didn't expect that classmate Charlotte was the kind of person who hit the south wall and didn't look back.

"Qiuya, I know you like him because he can write novels and make money. I am popular now, and I can make money. I am more talented than him. You don't know how many record companies want to sign with me now. , The stars who ask me to make an appointment can line up from here to the school gate, what Lin Yue has, I, Charlotte, will give you more."

"You do not understand."

He wasn't the person in the Santana 2000 car on New Year's Eve, of course he didn't understand.

First love, first kiss, first night, when they belong to the same man, basically nothing else matters in school days.

"Tell me, and I'll understand."

say what? On New Year's Eve, when you and that sister sang "Meeting in 1998" together, Lin Yue fucked her? How to say this kind of thing.

"You... you get out of the way..."

"I won't let it. Anyway, as long as you are not married to him, it means I still have a chance."

"Charlotte, can you stop being so... Director."

Seeing Qiuya looking behind her and calling out "Director", Charlotte hurriedly turned her head, only to find that the backside was empty and there was no one there at all. After finishing the work, Wang Banhua took the opportunity to bypass him and went downstairs quickly .

Charlotte chased after her with a playful smile: "Qiuya, I haven't seen you in the winter vacation, you've learned a lot."


The two came to the class one after the other, and the noisy classroom was suddenly silent. Everyone looked at them. After all, the scene at the radio station just now was too funny. Things were fine before, but now they are big stars. Hua refused, this matter would drive anyone crazy.

Qiuya lowered her head, returned to her seat with a calm face, sat down, and began to read the history textbook, previewing the content of the next lesson.

Lin Yue didn't seem to notice her coming, and he wrote the manuscript step by step. He had a habit of annoying others to watch when he was writing a novel. This helped Qiuya a lot, at least no one came to ask her to trouble her.

Charlotte also returned to her seat and sat down, staring at Lin Yue's back without saying a word.

Zhang Yang felt that if he could beat that person, he would definitely be punching now.


When the class bell rang, those bad elements who were expecting Xia Luo and Lin Yue to do something could only disperse with regret, and sat down in their respective seats, waiting for the teacher to enter.

Next is the history class. In all likelihood, Liu Dazi will explain the test questions of the final exam, and by the way, hurt the students with poor grades.

However, to everyone's surprise, the class representative came to the classroom alone.

"Ms. Liu's glasses are broken, so I can't take this class. Let everyone review by themselves."

As she spoke, she gave Chang Mingxia a part of the final test paper in her hand, and the two began to distribute the test papers.

Charlotte didn't take the final exam, and he didn't have his share of the test paper. When Chang Mingxia handed it to Qiu Ya, he glanced at it, 136 points, and then Lin Yue's 118 points.

He was particularly surprised by this, how did a guy who always forced others to copy homework pass the exam.

At this moment, Lin Yue looked back at him and smiled slightly.

"Charlotte, remember our conversation years ago?"

Years ago? conversation?

Charlotte was dumbfounded by his question.

"I said I would write a book just for you."

Charlotte immediately understood that he had just finished rehearsing with that sister, and gave each of his classmates a CD with that sister's signature. Lin Yue said that he would write a book for him. He thought the other party just said that he I just heard it, but I didn't take it to heart. I didn't expect to bring up the old thing again today. What does this guy want to do?

"Here, this is for you."

While talking, Lin Yue took out a notebook from his backpack and threw it to him.

With doubts, Charlotte turned to the first page, and what came into view was printed Chinese characters one by one. Not to mention, just like Wang Yu praised many times, this guy's handwriting is really beautiful, just like this Level, nine out of ten papers for the college entrance examination will give you full marks.

Of course, this has nothing to do with him. Starting from the first line, he read down patiently, and his face changed after a few sentences. This... what is written? Little*wen?

Snowflakes fluttered outside the car window, the car was warm and warm, and the wind from the air conditioner was rustling...

Her slender eyebrows, curved eyes, her smile looks like a pair of crescent moons...

That delicate oval face and well-coordinated facial features reveal the gracefulness of an oriental beauty no matter from which angle you look at it. When my palm brushed against her delicate skin, she trembled slightly and kept shrinking back...

I kissed the tip of her nose, she snorted shyly, I leaned close to her ear again, and whispered to her that I would be as gentle as possible...

She suddenly woke up, wanted to resist, wanted to push me away, until I ordered her to let go with an unquestionable tone, just like usual, she subconsciously compromised...


The more Charlotte looked down, the more YD the smile on the corner of her mouth became. She raised her eyebrows and licked her lips from time to time, looking like a hungry ghost who had never eaten swan meat.


It's so well written, so good that he's... well, indescribable.

I have to say that this kid really has the potential to write novels.

At least at this moment, Charlotte had a high regard for Lin Yue. After all, you can make people cry when you sing, but you can't make people cry... right?

"Not bad, really good."

He subconsciously patted his thigh, and as the pain spread, he immediately came back to his senses.

This kid doesn't know what ecstasy soup he poured into Qiu Ya, so she ran to the broadcasting station and rejected him in front of the whole school teachers and students so shamelessly. It's just a dream!

"Tsk tsk tsk, did you see that, this is a small* essay written by Lin Da, it's amazing, it's absolutely amazing."

Charlotte waved the notebook in his hand, as if he was afraid that the students would not know, so he deliberately raised his voice. Even those good students with top grades were attracted by his words, put down the test papers in their hands and looked up.

Zhang Yang licked his face and said, "Brother, show me, show me."

His anxious look made Monte frowned: "Or you guys hate it."

Charlotte was very satisfied with the sensation she had caused, and said in her heart that I want you to grab my goddess. Although I don't know what method you used to force Qiuya to draw a line with me, but this time, with the small *text in hand, you will definitely be notorious. , Lost the popularity of women.

Just when he was triumphant, Qiu Ya turned her head, first she looked bewildered, then puzzled, then surprised, looked at Lin Yue, and then at him, not knowing what kind of plane these two people were doing.

"Qiu Ya, do you want to see it?"

Ignoring Zhang Yang's and Xiao Hei's eager eyes, Charlotte lifted the notebook in Yang's hand, and was about to describe to the goddess how filthy the contents were, when suddenly a flash of light came to her mind.

It seems that the heroine described in the novel is very similar to Qiu Ya.

On New Year's Eve and the heavy snow in the north; Qiu Ya's rejection of him; and Lin Yue's weird smile when he handed him the notebook...

He is not a fool, there is no reason why he doesn't understand.

Lin Yue is such a bad guy, would he kindly write an article for him? was clearly disgusting him, and it was using such vicious and despicable means.

Qiu Ya.

Qiuya... lost her virginity.

The goddess he was determined to catch up with when he came back from time travel, actually got fucked by someone surnamed Lin, and it was when he sang in the Spring Festival Gala, the key is that that bastard even wrote the scene at that time into a novel. Zhang Zhang, how sad and sad he is right now.

"The surname is Lin!"

Charlotte stood up suddenly, with a capitalized anger on her face.

He wanted to hit someone, no, he wanted to kill someone, but reason told him that once he attacked Lin Yue, not only would he not be able to vent his anger, but the final result would be nothing more than shooting himself in the foot.




He picked up the reference books that were messed up on the table and dropped them, blushing with anger.

Classmates, you look at me, I look at you, I don't understand what he is doing at all, just now he was so proud of his horse's hoof, and when he turned his face, his seven orifices smoked and disappeared?

Zhang Yang stood up and wanted to get the notebook that Lin Yue had given to Charlotte. The reason was probably in it, but before reaching out his hand, Charlotte pushed hard and fell backwards.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Charlotte yelled twice, she didn't want her schoolbag, and ran out with her notebook.

"Dongmei, Charlotte...he...what happened to him?" With Dachun's IQ, he couldn't figure out what happened for ten years.

In fact, Ma Dongmei didn't understand why this happened, but she knew that Lin Yue probably had something to do with it.

"I'll go and have a look." After speaking, he took his coat and chased out of the classroom.

Qiu Ya looked at the door for a while, then turned to look at Lin Yue: "What did you write in his notebook just now?"

He leaned over very intimately and whispered a few words in her ear.

Ban Hua's face turned red, and she seemed a little panicked: " could you be like this."

Lin Yue said: "If I don't do this, believe it or not, he will stick to you forever?"

What he said is indeed reasonable, but from the perspective of a girl, it is difficult to accept this kind of behavior no matter what: "But...but..."

"No but." Lin Yue said indifferently: "Unless he wants to turn himself into a complete joke, it is absolutely impossible to tell others what's inside. If he takes a step back, even if he is crazy, he will tell the whole story between us. Relationship, isn't it just what you want, although it will damage your reputation, but in this way, anyone who wants to compete with you will bear the notoriety of "third party meddling". Remember, there are not so many fallen in the sky in this world. The good thing about pie is that you can only get it if you give it up."

Qiu Ya clenched her hands into fists in front of her knees, looking a little nervous and unable to let go.

Lin Yue held her hand, and they were in a stalemate for a moment before she slowly relaxed.

On the other hand, as a sports student, Ma Dongmei's physical strength is not comparable to Charlotte's. He tried to escape, but she held him down.

"Run what?"

"I am willing, can you control it?" Charlotte flicked her arms and looked at her angrily: "Ma Dongmei, do you know how annoying you are?"

"I'm annoying? Charlotte, are you telling the truth?"

"That's right, it's the truth."

He is angry now, when he sees Ma Dongmei, he thinks of the dissatisfaction in his previous life. He originally wanted to chase Banhua to become a star and reach the pinnacle of life after time travel, but the first blood of the person he likes was the first to be beaten, beaten, scolded, scolded, what can he do? manage? He now sees everyone as an enemy who takes his wife away.

"Charlotte, if you don't get along with Lin Yue, why are you taking your anger out on others?"

"What's wrong with me?" Charlotte pointed at Ma Dongmei and said loudly: "Ma Dongmei, let me tell you, I, Charlotte, will never marry you as my wife even if I am a bachelor all my life."


"Don't block me, I still have to practice singing."

He pushed Ma Dongmei away and left.

Coincidentally, "anal prolapse" came out of the toilet and saw some students hanging out below without class, and immediately became furious: "Which class is it? Why are you hanging around without class?"

Charlotte looked over angrily.

"Anal prolapse" took a closer look, it was the big star who had just returned from Beijing with a good reputation, and suddenly withered.

"It's Charlotte? Are you going to practice singing?"


Charlotte ignored him, walked out of the school gate quickly, and went to the street to hail a taxi.

Ma Dongmei stomped her feet hard, and returned to the classroom with a cold face.


After this fight, Charlotte never went back to No. 7 Middle School, and she didn't even bother to get her graduation certificate.

Yuan Hua transferred to another school, and Charlotte left in anger. Since then, no one dared to discharge Qiu Ya, and the days passed day by day. After the mock exam, it was the monthly exam. As far as the class is concerned, it can be said that there is one test in three days and one test in five days. The students are exhausted.

Lin Yue still wrote his manuscripts in a leisurely manner. In this era when there is no concept of a president's essay, "Shanshan Come to Eat" has achieved amazing results once it was released. Readers of romance novels such as "Pearl Gege", "Love to the Depths", and "Golden Years" have tasted the sweetness at once, and they have no resistance to this kind of president's article that looks abusive but is actually very sweet. After all, every Every girl has a Cinderella dream, and there were not many Korean dramas introduced in China in the past 1990s, so Xinhua Bookstores in many cities were out of stock, and they rushed to the top three best-selling books in just two months, and some who smelled Pirates of business opportunities also acted.

The hot sale of "Shanshan Come to Eat" has further enhanced Lin Yue's popularity. After entering the spring, the physical book "First Intimate Contact" is also on the shelves of major bookstores, and the ancient Chinese novel "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" It has been approved and promoted with a printing volume three times that of "Shanshan Come to Eat". It is rumored that Jiangsu Literature and Art Publishing House spent a lot of money to book the publishing rights of his sixth novel. In the words of the editor-in-chief, in this book, The author will try new themes, break through himself, and complete transformation. There is no doubt that it will be a very shocking work.

The editor-in-chief of the publishing house dares to boast so much, which shows how optimistic he is about Lin Yue. Readers are patiently waiting for his sixth novel to come out. However, considering the actual situation, the new book will not be released until the college entrance examination is over at the earliest.

In just one year, from contributing to magazines to publishing physical books to dominating the best-seller list, he completed his career upgrade, and people in the industry commented on Lin Yue as "the young writer with the most commercial value."

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