Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1603 Zheng Juan is Mine

Seeing his serious face, Tu Zhiqiang walked to the other side of the table and sat down, stuffed a cigarette into his mouth, and smoked loudly.

Lin Yue's eyes dimmed: "Brother Qiangzi, didn't Xu Dazuo give me two industrial coupons in the morning? I went to the black market in the afternoon and wondered if I could exchange them for cloth tickets and meat tickets for Chinese New Year. Well, I saw two people, one crippled, and the other with fierce eyes, I thought about it for a long time, and I remembered seeing them once by the big pit behind our factory, and you were talking to them there."

Tu Zhiqiang's face changed when he heard this.

The black market, the lame man, with fierce eyes, yes, these two people are Shui Ziliu and Luo Shibin, and he did meet those two people in the big pit behind the timber factory.

"Bingkun, what do you mean, just tell me."

"Then I'll be straight." Lin Yue said, "If I'm not wrong, these two people are scalpers, right?"

These days, some families have a large population and a small appetite, and the food stamps they receive every month have a surplus, some families do not have enough, and some without household registration do not get food stamps, so what should I do, I can’t live Starve to death. In this situation, residents exchange food stamps to help each other. If there is an exchange, there will be a transaction, and a black market will emerge as the times require. But once you are caught, you will at least have to go in and be locked up for a while.

How could Tu Zhiqiang not understand what the third child of the Zhou family meant? There is no need to hide the matter now.

"You guessed it right, they are."

Lin Yue said, "Brother Qiangzi, they are breaking the law, do you know that?"

"Then you also went to the black market?"

"I just took a look at it on a whim. If you can sell the two industrial coupons, you can sell them. If you can't sell them, you will be fine. Even if you get caught and teach me a lesson, what about them? They want to go in and eat for a living. Prisoner, you just got married, I don't want to see you being arrested by them. "

"Bingkun, I'm very grateful for your kindness, but you'd better leave me alone with them."

At this time, Zheng Juan came in from the outside with a cup in her hand, her steps were slow, her eyes were downcast, her eyes were flickering, and she seemed a little nervous.

"Brother Qiangzi, I still think you should think about your family. After you get married, you will definitely have children in the future. You said that in case something happens to you..."

Tu Zhiqiang remained silent, smoking a cigarette.

He is a man of loyalty. If he said that he would not associate with Shui Ziliu and Luo Shibin because he was afraid of being implicated, he really couldn't do it, but he knew clearly that this little brother was doing it for his own good and he couldn't speak ill of each other, so he could only remain silent.

Zheng Juan held the teacup in both hands and put it in front of Lin Yue.

"Brother Zhou, drink water."


Lin Yue nodded and said "thank you".

Zheng Juan didn't go to the outhouse to cook. She rubbed her hands in front of her, then slowly put her hands in her pockets, and walked to Tu Zhiqiang's side.

"Qiangzi, I think the brothers of the Zhou family are right, you don't talk to me in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, Tu Zhiqiang slapped her across the face.

"Do you have a place to speak here?"

It could be seen that he was embarrassed to vent to Lin Yue, so he poured his anger on Zheng Juan.

This palm hit was sudden and heavy.

Zheng Juan staggered and was about to fall to the ground.

Lin Yue quickly stretched out his hand to support him, frowned and looked at the man sitting on the top of the kang: "Brother are...excessive."

Tu Zhiqiang turned his face away to ignore him.

Lin Yue was still waiting to speak, but Zheng Juan shook her head at him, meaning stop.

"Forget it, you can figure it out for yourself, anyway, I have said everything that needs to be said."

He picked up the gloves angrily, turned around and went out of the house, and walked into the yard.

Tu Zhiqiang didn't move, Zheng Juan chased him out, with the man's handprint on his face: "Brother Zhou, what happened just now... makes you laugh, don't be angry with Qiangzi, he is just such a person, Speaking of loyalty, good friend, he didn't mean anything to you, it's just that I said something I shouldn't have said."

Lin Yue said, "Does he beat you often?"

"No." Zheng Juan said something insincere: "He is just a dog, and I don't know what to say to piss him off. It will be fine after a while."

"Okay, then I'm leaving."

He pushed his bike out of the yard and headed for his house.

Zheng Juan watched him leave, turned around and went into the house to light a fire for cooking.


When Lin Yue saw Tu Zhiqiang again, the other party expressed his apology tactfully, and at the same time invited him to take time to be a guest at home, and asked Zheng Juan to cook for him.

Who will not be annoyed by this matter.

Bringing a wedding gift to the door to say congratulations, and kindly persuading the couple to live a serious life, but in the end they were slapped in the face.

From Lin Yue's point of view, what happened to Zheng Juan was unexpected, not surprising.

The accident is because Tu Zhiqiang is merciless at all, and it is not accidental because after thinking about it carefully, the fact that she was domestically abused is reflected in the play.

My daughter-in-law was raped by a friend, and it was considered restraint to put a knife on a normal person, but not only did not pursue responsibility, but also drank together, and beat the troublemaker to death for his brother .

Such Tu Zhiqiang can treat Zheng Juan well?

That's right, in his eyes, Zheng Juan doesn't have a registered permanent residence, and if she doesn't have a registered permanent residence, she won't be able to get food stamps, cloth tickets, etc., and she won't have a unit to arrange work.

"Hey, Bingkun, are you back?"

He was thinking about something when the bell of the car next to him rang, and a person passed by with a cold wind. He turned his face and saw that it was the postman delivering the letter.

"It's Brother Wang."

"Your brother has a letter. I just delivered it. The old lady is waiting for you to read the letter to her when you get home."

"Hey, thank you."

After sending the postman away, Li Suhua handed over a letter before he even sat down at home: "Kun'er, your brother has a letter, please read it to mom."

Lin Yue took the letter in his hand and looked at it twice: "My brother said that he is very good over there. The sweater you sent was received, and he also said that Hao Dongmei liked the scarf you knitted very much. The red one is festive and warm."

"Oh, as long as she likes it."

"Mom, you only think about my brother and sister, why don't you knit one for me? Sometimes I wonder if I'm your own."

"Your brother and your sister live in other places and have no one to rely on. It's not like you. You walk around under my nose all day. You can't get cold or hungry. What can I knit for you?"

Lin Yue felt that his acting skills were really good, even Zhou Bingkun's own mother couldn't see any difference from usual.

"Anyway, you're partial."

"Okay, it's okay for Mom to be partial." Li Suhua rolled his eyes at him, and took out the prepared letterhead from the back: "Reply to your brother, I tell you to write."

"Why are you in a hurry to write a letter, can't you eat first?"


"See if I got it right, I appointed that it wasn't born between you and dad."

"I said you are fat and you are still panting, can you write?"

"Write, write, write, it's all over."

"You write like this..." Li Suhua began to dictate.

Lin Yue imitated Zhou Bingkun's handwriting and tone when writing the letter. At the end of the letter, he had a whim and added a paragraph on his own initiative.

Li Suhua was illiterate, so naturally he didn't know what material he added to the letter.


Time passed day by day.

Life in this era is more monotonous than boring. There are no computers, mobile phones, tablets, or the Internet. The biggest entertainment is watching movies. I can buy two catties of flour.

Ordinary families, even if they have money and food stamps, they have to exchange them for coarse and fine grains in proportion, so except for holidays, they really can’t afford steamed buns.

For Zheng Juan, today was an exception, because Shui Ziliu and Luo Shibin came, and Tu Zhiqiang asked her to steam half a pot of steamed buns to eat after drinking.

Luo Shibin, Shui Ziliu, and Tu Zhiqiang were eating hotly on the kang, while Zheng Juan was busy cooking in the outer room.

At this moment, Lin Yue entered an alley in the dark.

"Water Ziliu, Luo Shibin, Tu Zhiqiang, Zheng Juan... Heh..."

What he has to do today is not only to stop Luo Shibin from committing violence, but also to give Tu Zhiqiang a drastic drudgery.

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