Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1618 I'm So Upright (Two in One)

"This is a collective land. Once you build it like this, leave it to me... You see, it's only the width of a bicycle, and it's hard for three people to walk."

"Uncle Xiong, it's not that you don't know about my family's situation. My sister just returned to the city. There are four people in this hula, my brother's family is three, my father and my mother, and the two of us. Look at what Yu Hong will do next. Yue is about to give birth, and Xiao Ning, a total of twelve people live in two and a half rooms, you see... how can we live here, it will be cold soon, if we continue to make do, we will die."

"I don't care if your family is dead or not, anyway, it can't be built like this."

"Uncle Xiong, it's unreasonable for you to say that. Look at the hut outside your main house. It was built at the beginning of this year, right? Also, our house is so much recessed than the surrounding residents. They built it for you. Didn't say anything, why didn't you do it when it was my turn?"

"Our house was built early, and yours was built late. Don't make trouble with other people. They built theirs, and it doesn't hinder me. It's just hinder me by doing this."


Hearing the voice from diagonally across, Zheng Juan thought for a moment and said, "It's Chachao and National Day... and Debao?"

Lin Yue nodded: "Go, go and have a look."

After speaking, he hugged Yueyue and walked over.

When the two followed the sound, Uncle Xiong's son, Da Xiong, put on a ragged padded jacket, and walked in front of his father with his hands clasped.

"Father, that's enough, don't talk about it, isn't this Uncle Gong's place here? Uncle Gong, you can see it. Look at the house built by Chaochao's house, all of them built my house."

I was in a hurry to catch up: "What do you mean building your house? I'm not allowed to build a small house when your house is expanded?"

"What's wrong?" Da Xiong waved his hands at the two people behind: "Why are you standing there, I'm digging."

After speaking, he pushed with both hands, and pushed hard the brick wall that Sun Chachao, Xiao Guoqing, and Cao Debao had built in two days.


A third of the half-person-high wall collapsed, and the wooden door collapsed.

Sun Chanchao and Yu Hong became impatient, and they stepped forward to stop them together, and soon developed into a physical conflict. Daxiong was tall, and with a swipe of his hand, he staggered Chaochao's wife. fell to the ground.

In this cold weather, the ground is full of bricks, sand, etc., and she has a big belly, and she is about to have an accident, but at the moment when her buttocks are about to touch the ground, one hand grabs her padded jacket and pulls her away. Lift it up on the ground.

Sun Chanchao saw that his daughter-in-law was fine, and then at the people behind him, he was stunned.

I saw Zhou Bingkun standing behind Yu Hong with Zheng Juan, and the niece Yueyue who had been fostered by his family since she was a child looked at them curiously while holding her aunt's thigh.

"Bingkun? Why are you back?"

When Cao Debao and Xiao Guoqing heard about it, they turned their heads together and were stunned when they saw the scene behind them.

"It's really you, Bingkun."

Count the days, it's not time for winter vacation yet.

"Oh, I'll come back to see mom." Lin Yue agreed, and looked at Da Xiong and his dad with a smile: "I saw such a lively scene as soon as I came back, what's the matter? Xiong's father and son, you are trying to demolish someone else's house." .”

"What's the matter with you, go and cool off."

After Daxiong finished speaking, he continued to push the wall. In his eyes, college students are nothing but farts, but he doesn't care about Gong Wei, let alone Zhou Bingkun.

How could Sun Chanchao let him dig, and was about to go up and tear it, when Lin Yuela grabbed his shoulder and shook his head.

"Kun'er, let go. We built it for two days and planed it for him. Where will Yu Hong and the child live when it's cold?"

Lin Yue said: "Uncle Gong is here, you have to give him some face, otherwise how can he be a policeman."

Sun Chanchao said with a bitter face, "Then my family..."

Lin Yue patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I have a solution." After finishing the matter, he took two steps forward, looked at the big bear who looked like a loafer, and said, "Is it possible to build a house here?"


The big bear didn't lift its head, and kicked a hole in the brick wall with one foot.

"According to what you mean, the land beyond Chaochao's yard is collective land?"

"That's right."

"Okay, got it, push it."

After Lin Yue finished speaking, he stopped talking to him.


Xiao Guoqing and Cao Debao watched the fruits of labor of the three people being destroyed like this, and it would be a lie to say that they were not uncomfortable.

Catch up was dragged by Yu Hong, otherwise he would have gone up to beat people.

"You listen to me, I have a way, not only can you live with Yu Hong in the same room, but also disgust the Xiong family for half your life."


Catch up is deeply skeptical about this. Everyone in the alley knows what the Xiong family and his son are.

"Do not worry."

Lin Yue turned his head to look at the proud Xiong family father and son opposite him. If you want to say these two people, you really deserve the phrase "I'm a rascal and a bastard".

"Okay, let's wash up and go home to rest. I'll treat everyone to a drink when the business of catching up with the family is over."

Cao Debao said: "Why, are you going to stay at home for a while?"

Lin Yue thought for a while and said, "About half a month."

Those few people didn't think much about it, because half a month is not too long, and class should not be missed.


Lin Yue rushed to the house, opened the door and saw that Chun Yan'er's nanny, Aunt Wang, was cracking melon seeds on the dining table in the outer room. Seeing them coming in, she quickly got up.

"Zheng Juan is back? This is... Bingkun, right?"

She came here in spring, and Lin Yue didn't go home during the summer vacation, so he hadn't seen him.

"Yes, you are Chun Yan'er's cousin, Aunt Wang."

"Ah, yes, yes."

Aunt Wang said: "Every time our family Chun Yan'er comes over, she always tells me that you are old and your grades were mediocre when you were young, but after several years of study, you caught up with your brother and sister, and went to Tsinghua University. The old Zhou family... are all talented people."

Zheng Juan smiled a little reluctantly. If she knew that the third son of the Zhou family had been expelled from the school, what would she think?

"Where's my mother? Is she feeling better recently?"

Lin Yue didn't say much to Aunt Wang, opened the door and walked into the back room.

The old lady was still lying unconscious on the kang, no different from a year ago.

Why is he coming back now? Because according to the story line in the TV series, the old lady should have woken up at this time, but the scene before her...

This can only show that the combination of Aunt Wang and Zhou Bingyi is not as good as Zheng Juan and Zhou Bingkun.

He rolled up the old lady's sleeves and trouser legs to have a look, and sat on the kang without saying a word.

At this moment, I heard the sound of a bicycle outside, and the door opened with a "Yeah", and then Zhou Bingyi shouted in surprise: "Yueyue, why are you back?"


The little girl sitting at the dining table in the outer room playing chess pieces replied obediently.


Zheng Juan turned her body back and looked at the person with a smile.

"Where's Bingkun?" Zhou Bingyi just nodded to her, without the warmth he had when facing Yueyue.

"Oh, it's in the back room." Zheng Juan pointed to Lin Yue who was sitting on the kang.

Zhou Bingyi took two steps forward: "Bingkun, come out with me."

Aunt Wang also saw that his face was not looking good, so she didn't dare to speak, she stepped aside obediently, and let Lin Yue go.

The two came outside the house, and Zhou Bingyi led him to the alley diagonally opposite.

"Dad advises you, mom advises you, and I persuade you too, telling you not to provoke Zheng Juan, you insist on marrying her, what's going on now? Are you expelled from the school?"

Lin Yue asked knowingly, "You know everything?"

"Feng Huacheng called a few days ago, saying that you caused heavy losses to the school because of fighting with Tu Zhiqiang, and they fired you."

"Oh, Cai Xiaoguang must have told him."

Zhou Bingyi really wanted to give him two slaps: "Is it important who told him? After finally being admitted to Tsinghua University, he was expelled from others. What will others think when they find out? How will Dad react when he finds out? Most importantly, you How will I go in the future? I should have known..."

"What did you know earlier? If you knew earlier, you wouldn't have given me the chance to go to college, would you?"

After hearing the news from Feng Huacheng, he did have such thoughts, because although the Hao family didn't say anything, he could feel that his mother-in-law was very dissatisfied with her decision to give up going to college, but that was the first time. The thoughts of a few days, if I say it now, I will be angry with my brother.

If this kind of thing happened to him and Zhou Rong, he would be so sad that he couldn't eat, and he couldn't lift his head in shame, but Zhou Bingkun was fine, not only didn't he feel upset, but also calmed down like a normal person.

"You... are unreasonable."

"Brother, the matter has already happened. Is there any point in arguing about right and wrong? You can not have children for Hao Dongmei, and I don't want a diploma for Zheng Juan. The two of us are very different. The eldest brother doesn't talk about the second brother, is it okay?"

Zhou Bingyi had nothing to say, because Zhou Bingkun's words were very harsh, and he was powerless and unreasonable to refute.

He can pay a lot for Hao Dongmei, promotion opportunities, children, and being like a grandson to his parents-in-law, Zhou Bingkun can't pay for Zheng Juan? In the end, he felt from the bottom of his heart that Hao Dongmei was worth it, but Zheng Juan was not.

click ~

At this time, there was a soft sound from the alley.


Zhou Bingyi looked sideways and found no suspicious signs, so he turned his attention back to Lin Yue.

He didn't know that there was a person, a woman, standing under the shed next to the alley.

Qiao Chunyan.

She heard Cao Debao say that Zhou Bingkun was back, so she wanted to come and visit her talented brother before it was dark, but she didn't expect to hear such amazing news before arriving at Zhou's house.


"Then what are you going to do next?"

"Go south for a while."

"Going to the south? What are you going to do in the south?"

"Take a walk, take a look, take a break, and you should be able to come back before the Spring Festival next year."

"Bingkun, how did you become like this, the old you... hey."

"What about me before? Honest? Straightforward? Simple and honest? Or do I not think ahead and have no drive?"

"You can't do this, or... I will find you a job based on my relationship with you. By the way, I seem to have heard from Zhou Rong that you have a good relationship with the director of the tractor factory. The tractor factory is a key enterprise in our city. If there is an establishment, it can be regarded as an iron rice bowl that guarantees income in drought and flood.”

"That was before."


The conversation between Lin Yue and Zhou Bingyi continued. He knew that Qiao Chunyan was eavesdropping under the shed, but he didn't point it out and pretended not to know.

Soon, the topic of the two brothers shifted to Li Suhua.

"Aunt Wang works quite neatly, but she is not careful enough to take care of her mother, and her massage skills are not good enough. I have checked before. If my mother continues like this, the muscles of her arms and calves will atrophy."

"That's why you want Zheng Juan to stay?"

"Can't you?"

"Bingkun, do you dislike Dongmei for not fulfilling her duty as a daughter-in-law, or are you blaming me for not taking good care of my mother?"


This is the truth. How did Zheng Juan take care of Li Suhua in the TV series, feeding water, feeding food, excrement and urine, Zhou Bingkun was imprisoned for half a year, and she took good care of her for several months. bad word about it.

But the truth always hurts the most.

"Bingkun, what are you talking about?"

"Honestly." Lin Yue said: "Did Hao Dongmei help mom with water and food? No, I would like to come over for a stroll during the holidays at most, and leave after having a meal with you. Don't say she doesn't have time, even if she has time, she Can you treat your mother-in-law like your own mother? But Zheng Juan can. And you, you are her son, but you are not careful enough, and you are far behind women in taking care of others. And I suggest that Zheng Juan It is for your own good that Juan takes care of your mother for a while, so that you can move to Hao’s house. If you have been separated for too long, your relationship will be affected. If I am not wrong, your father-in-law and mother-in-law must have discussed this issue with your sister-in-law many times Alright."

Zhou Bingyi found that in the past few years when he left, his younger brother was like a different person. Not only did he learn more, but he also had more ideas, especially with that mouth. The words he said could choke people to death. You can't argue with that.

"You go to the south by yourself, leaving Zheng Juan at home alone?"

"Tu Zhiqiang has gone in, no one will come to harass Zheng Juan, and she is pregnant for more than a month. It is not good for her health to run with me in the south. There is Aunt Wang doing housework here, as well as Chunyan, Yu Hong and others. As a helper, she is responsible for helping mother massage her body, talking and so on, no wind or rain, no tiredness, just calm down and wait for delivery."

Zheng Juan is pregnant?

Zhou Bingyi's complexion changed. Hao Dongmei couldn't bear children, so the responsibility for the Zhou family's succession can only fall on Zhou Bingkun's shoulders. Now that Zheng Juan is pregnant, this is a good thing and a bad thing. Well, Zhou Zhigang didn't know that Zhou Bingkun was expelled from Tsinghua University because of fighting with Tu Zhiqiang. If he knew, the fire would definitely be on Zheng Juan's head, but she is pregnant now.

Headache, too much headache.

Why is his brother so difficult for others? Where did the little brother who used to be steady, reassuring parents and reassuring older brothers and sisters go?

"Is there anything else? I'm leaving."

Lin Yueming knew that Zhou Bingyi was in a mess, but he waited patiently for more than ten seconds before leaving, because he wanted to give Qiao Chunyan time to leave.


Early in the morning two days later, Lin Yue knocked on the door of Sun Chanchao's house.

The Sun family is eating. Those who have jobs eat first, and those who don't have jobs eat later. It is really difficult to see.

In such a comparison, the condition of the old Zhou family is not bad in optical film.

"Bingkun, why are you here? Come in quickly."

Sun Chanchao let him inside, and his elder brother Sun Shengchao also greeted Lin Yue kindly. Yu Hong was lying on the kang, but when he heard his voice, he came out of the room with a big belly.

There are 12 people, two and a half rooms, and there is no place to stay when the guests come.

"No, I won't go in. I'm here to inform you that the four of your sister's family and Xiaoning should pack up and move to Taiping Hutong first. Zheng Juan's original home will stay for a while, and I've already done the work on Chunyan's side. , her two elder sisters temporarily returned to live with her mother's family."

When Catch up heard this, he quickly put the tortilla in his hand back on the table, stopped eating, and ordered his sister and sister to pack up their personal belongings and move to Taiping Hutong.

Twelve minus five.

Two and a half rooms sleep seven people, so not only is it not crowded, but it is quite spacious.

The members of the Sun family didn't even eat, and hurriedly followed Lin Yue's advice, as if they were afraid that he would go back on his word.

At this time, Sun Chanchao found that not only Zhou Bingkun came, but also several people in the yard, pointing at their house and discussing in low voices.

"Bingkun, what are these people outside... doing?"

He was a little guilty, or rather scared.

"Oh, don't be nervous. This is the one I found to build a house for your family. Let me introduce you." Lin Yue directly pulled Sun Chanchao out of the main room, and said to the oldest man among the people behind him : "Uncle Ding, this is Sun Chachao, Chachao, he is Uncle Ding from Wangcun."



After the two greeted each other, Lin Yue continued: "Uncle Ding used to take the neighbors to do some construction work in the ten miles and eight townships around Jichun. This time your family encountered difficulties, so I went to invite Uncle Ding to come. , ready to help your family expand the house."


Sun Chanchao looked at the bricks and sand piled up in the yard, and then at the Xiong's house on the other side of the alley. Call Uncle Gong again."

Lin Yue said: "Who said we want to build in the original location."

"If it's not built at the original location, where should it be built?" Sun Chanchao couldn't understand his behavior.

Lin Yue pointed to the sky, or the roof of the old house.

Sun Xiaoning, who just went to high school, was coming out of the house. He followed his direction and looked with surprise on his youthful face: "The second floor? Brother Bingkun, are you going to build a building for our house?"

Lin Yue nodded: "Young people's brains are alive, better than your brother."

Only then did Sun catch up to his senses. He looked at his old house, and then Xiong's house, and he fully understood.

"Kun'er, is it okay to build a second floor for our house?"

"Don't worry, Uncle Ding is an old mason, he is no less skilled than my dad, he said he can do it."

There is a truth he didn’t say, not to mention that Uncle Ding in Wangcun is an old mason with rich experience in building houses. He himself is a professor of architecture. It is difficult to expand a brick house into a two-story building, right?

"But in the next few days, the seven people left in your family may have to sleep in one and a half rooms, because according to the progress I discussed with Uncle Ding, we need to build one by one, so that you don't have to move the whole family. gone."

"It doesn't matter. We have been able to accommodate twelve people in two and a half rooms for more than a year. It is not a problem for seven people to live in one and a half rooms."

"In that case..." Lin Yue turned his head and said, "Uncle Ding, it's almost winter, so let's start."

"Success, I'll arrange for someone to pull the tools right away."

Uncle Ding agreed and ordered his nephew to do things. Sun Chanchao kept thanking him, said polite words, and asked Yu Hong to share candy with everyone.


five days later.

Da Xiong came out of the house with a dead mother's expression on his face.

"Don't do it, don't do it, Sun Chanchao, who told you to build the second floor, don't you know that it blocks the sunshine of our house?"

Sun Chanchao, who was throwing bricks to Uncle Ding's nephew, looked back. Before he could say anything nice, Lin Yue, who was sifting sand, stuck his shovel into the sand, took out a pocket recorder from his pocket, and pressed the play button.

The magnetic head rotates, and the recording of the last conflict is transmitted inside.

"Sun Chanchao built a second floor on top of his house, but he didn't occupy the collective land. Are you not convinced? You can build it if you don't agree."

The thing in Lin Yue's hand was a rare object, and Da Xiong was stunned when he saw it, but he quickly realized: "It's not good if it blocks the sunlight of my house."

"If you are not convinced, you can go to Uncle Gong."

Gong Wei was here when the two sides had a conflict last time. I know what he said at the time. This time, Sun Chanchao was expanding on his own land, and it was useless to find someone.

"Stop, I'll tell you to stop, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Isn't it reasonable to play tricks?" Lin Yue pulled out a steel bar, stepped on the end with his foot and broke it, and it broke just like that, and when he was done, he walked towards the big bear with the steel bar.

"You... what are you going to do?"

"Bingkun, don't be impulsive."

Uncle Ding was really afraid that he would pull a steel bar, not to mention how he broke it, if he hit it on the head, he would be dead.

Big Bear backed away step by step, stammering, "You...don't come here."


As if he had received an amnesty, the guy hurried back to the door, and was about to open the door to enter the house when he heard a whine behind him.


A black shadow flew in from the side, piercing through the outer wall of the hut.

It was the steel bar, the tail was still buzzing and trembling.

Big Bear's hair was numb, and he was so scared that he almost peed his pants. This thing can poke a hole in the wall. If it hit him half a foot just now, would he still be able to survive? I didn't know it before, but this guy's hand strength is simply outrageous.

He opened the door tremblingly, plunged into the house and dared not come out again.

Lin Yue got rid of this annoying guy, ignored Sun Chanchao's astonished expression, looked at Uncle Ding on the scaffolding and said, "Uncle Ding, how did you think about the matter I told you?"

"Think about it."

Uncle Ding smashed a brick with a trowel: "Do it!"


Sun Chanchao looked at this and that, and was very curious about what the two were talking about: "What are you doing?"

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