Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1621 The Man Who Was Inspector Hua

Summer of 1979.

The sea to the east of HK Putai Island.

The night is dark, the sea breeze is howling, and the waves are rushing.

Accompanied by the monotonous sound of rushing water, a 20-meter-long fishing boat kept sinking and sinking with the waves.

The motor stopped, and the lights on the top of the cab were not turned on. From a distance, it looked like a ghost ship.

The picture remained static for about fifteen minutes. The red light was on in the north, flashing once short and two long times several times. The light on the top of the fishing boat's cab was turned on, giving three short and one long signals in response.

About two minutes later, the sound of a motor came, and a white speedboat quickly approached the fishing boat anchored on the sea, leaving behind a rapidly spreading white patch.

Soon, the speedboat stopped on the starboard side of the fishing boat, and the four of them came to the deck of the fishing boat.

There were already people waiting in front of the cab, and if you count those standing at the stern watching the wind, there were the same four people, the leader was wearing a floral shirt, a pair of sunglasses stuffed in his chest pocket, and his hair was combed back a bit. Brother fan.

Among the four people who got up from the speedboat, the short man in the middle had a crew cut. I don't know if he dyed it on purpose, or he did it with his brain. He has a lot of gray hair, which is very eye-catching.

It can be seen that the two parties are old acquaintances. As soon as they met, the big back and the short man hugged each other affectionately.

"Brother Long has been waiting for a long time."

"No, but brother Xiaobei has gained weight since the last time we met."

"Eat well, you know, there are a group of beautiful girls from the north who want to make up for it, but they have gained a lot of fat, and it will be difficult to lose weight."

"I heard that the north side is doing well."

"Yeah, are you interested in staying in HK for two days? I'll take you over there to have a look, let's take a look."

"I'm going back to Penang after finishing this order, let's talk about it later." Brother Long glanced back and made a gesture. At this time, a younger brother came over with a bag, and he took it in his hand and patted it out: "It's all good stuff."

Brother Xiaobei unzipped the zipper, took out a bag of goods, opened it with a knife, put a little white powder on the tip of his tongue, tasted it, and nodded: "Good stuff."

As soon as the words fell, a person behind Brother Xiaobei stepped forward and sent the suitcase out.


The buckles on both sides are opened, and what appears in front of you are stacks of US dollars.

Brother Long picked up a stack and flipped it with his hands, then threw it back, and snapped the lid of the suitcase: "No problem, deal."

The two sides smiled tacitly, and everything was silent.

At this moment, suddenly heard a strange sound underwater, the fishing boat shook, everyone couldn't stand firmly, and couldn't help shaking.

Brother Long looked towards the stern of the boat and shouted, "What's going on?"

The lookout told him that the cabin seemed to be flooded and sinking.

"You bastard, dare to plot against me?"

After speaking, he backed away quickly, and at the same time took out the pistol attached to his waist.

The fishing boat entered the water and the speedboat was fine. He took it for granted that Brother Xiao Bei did it. After all, it is normal for this kind of business to be betrayed by brothers, let alone partners. God knows if the other party is the one who wants to replace him. conspiracy.

Brother Xiaobei is also a person who has seen the world. Although he doesn't know what's going on, he knows one thing very well. Now is not the time to explain, so he quickly grabs the bag of cargo, grabs the side of the boat and jumps down. He went to his own speedboat, regardless of whether the little brother could keep up, whether he was dead or alive, he lifted and pushed the motor, smashed the fishing boat and fled north.

For a person like him, if the younger brother is gone, he can recruit again, and if the money is gone, he will have nothing.

Brother Long ran to the back of the cab with his suitcase in his arms, ordered the lookout to put down the lifeboat quickly, and shot forward.

bang bang bang~

Bullets flew randomly on the front deck, and one person at the bow fell down in response, and the blood gushing from his chest stained the cables red.

"Are you deaf? Tell you to lower the lifeboat."

The fishing boat had already started to roll, and it was necessary to hold on to something that could be grasped to maintain its balance. However, the younger brother behind him did not move for a long time. Brother Long was in a hurry.

"Are you looking for the left-handed guy just now?"

A stranger's voice sounded from the side.

Brother Long's heart trembled, he couldn't figure out how the other party got on the boat, and how he got close to him, and judging from the meaning of the above sentence, it seemed that the watchman had been killed.

He hurriedly turned his head to look, but before he could turn his gun, a black shadow fell down. He felt his head was stuffy, and he didn't know what was going on next.

Those who were hiding behind the bunker and shooting were completely unaware of what was happening behind them, and even the sound of heavy objects falling into the water was covered by the sound of bullets ejecting from the chamber.

The fishing boat sank little by little.

At the moment when the gunfire stopped, the survivors of the gun battle found that the lifeboat was no longer usable, and their boss fainted at the stern of the boat, because it was tied with a rope, which prevented it from sinking into the water.

Twenty minutes later, when the speedboat of the HK Marine Police surrounded the sinking fishing boat, under the searchlights, Brother Long and his younger brother were wearing life jackets in the icy sea water, their faces pale from the cold.

at the same time.

On a reef less than 10 nautical miles away from the incident, Lin Yue took off his wet clothes and wrung them. He turned his head and glanced at the lights piercing the night sky in the distance.

It’s okay to help the HK police catch drug dealers and get some rewards.

Well, it should be fine.

Anyway, it's not the first time.

I told Zheng Juan that the money to buy the courtyard house was the price difference earned by him acting as a middleman. It was all for the peace of my daughter-in-law. Anyway, with her knowledge, it is difficult to break this lie. The real situation is that the money was cheated by him. Come on, after all, the pricing mechanism hasn't been reformed in 1978, and it's just a trivial matter to move things from HK to the mainland, and there is no chance to be a middleman.

As for HK, in 1978, pornography, gambling and drugs were rampant under the rule of the British Hong Kong government, and gangsters engaged in illegal business were used as cash machines. He didn't have any psychological pressure at all.

"79 years..."

Lin Yue took out a cigarette from the system space, lit it, put it to his mouth and took a puff.

In Jichun City, the Jishantang has officially opened, temporarily managed by Uncle Ding’s niece, and a lot of people are recruited for the engineering team. In order to bring out as many apprentices as possible, Uncle Ding does some work even if he can’t make money. Accept any money.

HK has already found a good partner and set up an investment company, and then it only needs to wait for the establishment of the special zone in a year before it can be fully promoted.

After smoking a cigarette, he threw away the cigarette butt, plunged into the water, and swam towards Putai Island.


3 months later.


In the leftmost room of a building.

Luo Shibin took out two goblets from the cabinet, went to sit on the sofa opposite the water flow, put his arms around a fat young girl and kissed him hard: "Today I have to comfort you, come, France Bordeaux red wine, Brother Shui doesn't drink it for ordinary people."

As he spoke, he poured half a glass of red wine into the goblet.

"Binzi, how's the goods?"

"What do you think?" Luo Shibin looked up at Shui Ziliu and said, "Twenty Sanyo 808s and four boxes of Teresa Teng tapes will enter Hong Kong tomorrow morning."

"Hey, there are so many this time." Shui Ziliu was very happy when he heard this.

"That's right, this order is thanks to Mengmeng." Luo Shibin shook his arms around the girl's shoulders: "She's wild and smart, I like her. I plan to marry her, what do you think?"

Mengmeng looked unhappy, and complained: "That's not what you said at home."

Luo Shibin laughed loudly: "Oh, that's right, I was wrong, she planned to marry me."

Mengmeng changed her expression and looked at him with a slight smile.

"Come on, Brother Shui, drink, for this order, not... for my marriage with Mengmeng, cheers."

The three raised their glasses and touched each other lightly, then raised their heads and drank the wine in the glasses.

Luo Shibin found that the mood of the water flowing by itself was a bit low.

"Brother Shui, what's the matter with you? Look at this unhappy face, do you have any objections to my marriage with Mengmeng?"


Shui Ziliu said: "I found out about Qiangzi, and he went in again. This time he was sentenced to 14 years."

"Ah?" Luo Shibin stared: "I still wanted to bring him in to live a good life together, why did he go in again?"

"They said they went to Beijing to find Zheng Juan, and they got into a fight with Zhou Bingkun. The impact was very bad, and they were sentenced to severe punishment."

"No wonder he never replied to our letter." Luo Shibin hammered the armrest of the sofa severely: "I will make him pay the price for this Zhou Bingkun."

Mengmeng looked at this and looked at that: "Who is Zhou Bingkun?"

Shui Ziliu sighed and did not answer the question.

On the other side, Liuhua Hotel on Huanshi West Road.

Lin Yue came down from the top with a black leather bag, walked forward and stopped for two steps, looked at a stylishly dressed woman sitting on the sofa in the hall and said, "Why don't you go up and find me?"

The woman turned her head when she heard the question coming from behind, and smiled when she saw his face: "When you went up, you saw two Japanese people enter your room, and you must have business to talk about, so you didn't bother you."

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