Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1652 I want you to beg me to go back (Part 2)

Factory Manager Yang was about to speak when the door opened and Lin Yue walked in with a cigarette in his mouth.

"How do you..."

Xu Dazuo said half a word, and the factory director Yang stood up with a smile on his face: "I just mentioned you to the deputy factory director Xu on the front foot, and you came back on the back foot. Come, take a look, do you still know him? …Zhou Bingkun, that’s Zhou Bingkun from the blanking workshop of our factory.”

Can he not recognize him? Just now, he had a face-to-face meeting in the lobby, and chatted a few words eccentrically. He turned his face and came to the box. He came here as the referrer of the boss of HK to inspect the Red Star Wood Processing Factory. It’s embarrassing, too embarrassing up.

"No need to introduce, I just met in the lobby and chatted for a while."

"Have you met? It's a good relationship. Come on, let's have a toast for the reunion." Director Yang said with a smile.

Who knew that Lin Yue walked over and pressed the wine glass in his hand on the table: "There is a saying, thanks to Deputy Director Xu who memorized it for more than ten years, and reminded me just now, otherwise I would have forgotten it."

When Xu Dazuo heard this, the expression on his face was as ugly as it could be.

Director Yang doubted him: "What are you talking about?"

"Did I say before I left the wood processing factory that you would beg me to go back one day?"

"Is there? No?"

Factory Manager Yang was taken aback for a moment before he realized it, and in his heart he scolded Xu Dazuo for that talkative thing, but on the surface his face was still full of vernal equinox, pretending to be stupid and pretending not to know.

"Mr. Li, why don't we go? You came here to invest with good intentions. The deputy director of a factory actually laughed at me for what happened fifteen years ago. If you invest money in such a unit, there will be no good results in all likelihood. How about going to the soy sauce factory I mentioned to you last time?"

"Xiao Zhou, you are right. As a manager, you are really too small. There is no structure. Such a company has no future."

Li Xianrong patted his stomach and stood up, looking at Director Yang with regret: "Director Yang, thank you for your hospitality, but unfortunately, I can't invest the money in Hongxing Wood Processing Factory."

Factory Manager Yang hates that, if he wasn’t in front of outsiders, he would have picked up a glass of wine and splashed Xu Da’s left face in all likelihood. How difficult it is for the factory now, wages have only been paid in half for several months, and retirees are even more so. Only 30%. The old people in their sixties and seventies and the workers in the factory often complained to the trade union and other relevant departments about this matter. As the factory manager, he was under a lot of pressure. Now it is hard to hope for a savior. Just because Xu Dazuo's words against Zhou Bingkun are yellow?

No, they can't just leave like this, his future rests with Boss Li.

"Mr. Li, please stay and listen to my explanation."

Li Xianrong paused: "Director Yang, a good person like Xiao Zhou who cherishes his hometown, does not seek money, does not seek fame and fortune, but only seeks to revitalize the Northeast economy, is treated like this in his hometown. How can you make me, a foreigner, trust you?" It’s fine if you want me to stay and listen to your explanation, but only if you get Xiao Zhou’s approval, so that I can believe that you really want to cooperate with me.”

"Bingkun, you... hurry up and persuade Mr. Li." Factory Director Yang gave Lin Yue a wild wink.

"Okay, then let him beg me, beg me to save the Red Star Timber Processing Factory, and say that he was wrong before, he is stupid, he is stupid, he is blind to gold and jade." Lin Yue pointed to the opposite The black-faced man said.

Xu Dazuo was so angry that he wanted to slap the table, but he looked at Director Yang and swallowed the swear words that rushed down his throat.

"Zhou Bingkun, you ask others to be magnanimous, why are you so fussy about yourself?"

Lin Yue smiled and said, "Because you are the leader and I am the worker."

Xu Da opened his mouth left, wanting to refute but didn't know how to refute.

Factory Manager Yang saw that he was difficult to speak, so he had no choice but to suppress his deputy.

"Deputy Director Xu, apologize, I ask you to apologize!"

"Why? I won't apologize."

"Why? With the jobs of the 200 and 300 workers in our factory, if you can't get money, if this continues, you will pay them wages?"

Xu Dazuo said to him that he was annoyed: "Yang Kai, don't put a big hat on me, you think I don't know the little girl in your heart, because now the province is vigorously promoting the enterprise management contract system, using foreign funds to solve the financial difficulties of enterprises , you have been the director of the factory for so many years, if you can solve the plight of the wood processing factory this time, reduce a big burden for the city, and set a good example for brother companies, then you will have the capital to be transferred to the labor union, so you That's why he tried every means to curry favor with Zhou Bingkun."

Yang Kai didn't expect this guy to be outspoken, so he stripped off his underpants in front of Zhou Bingkun and Li Xianrong.

Yes, that's what he thought.

Xu Dazuo is older than him, so he is doomed to be unable to climb the ladder. I heard that the South is currently carrying out pilot pension reforms. It is only a matter of time before the old industrial bases in the Northeast follow suit. As long as they can survive these few years, the factory will not be able to pay pensions. problem must be resolved. As for him, his goal is to be transferred from the enterprise to work in the labor union, and he will have nothing to do with the enterprise in the future. In contrast, that is the real iron rice bowl.

Xu Dazuo, who is pursuing a higher level of Buddhism, will of course have confrontations and conflicts on whether to compromise with Zhou Bingkun.

"Okay, Xu Dazuo, don't you apologize? After I went back, I held a staff meeting and told them that there was a good opportunity to save the factory, but you ruined it. In the face of personal emotions and collective interests, you chose the former, like People like you are not worthy of being the deputy director of a timber factory. Also, how many nasty things you have done in taking advantage of your position over the years... Yes, if you don't apologize to him, I will not only dismiss you You still want to retire? Do you still want to take care of yourself? Daydreaming!”

Ruthless! Xu Dazuo just stripped his underpants, and he wanted to strip Xu Dazuo's skin and pull Xu Dazuo's tendons.

This is hello to you, hello to everyone, and my old partner who has been with me for more than ten years has torn his face on this matter.

Lin Yue took a puff of cigarette on the left and a small look on the right, watching Li Xianrong from the sidelines, as if watching a play.

"I...I..." Xu Dazuo's face turned pale, he hesitated again and again, and finally chose to compromise.

He didn't want to be like Du Donghai, the vice president of Golden Land Magazine, who was dismissed by the unit when he was about to be promoted or retired. Not only would he lose his money, but he would also lose his face.


"I'm sorry?" Lin Yue looked at him leisurely: "What I want is not an apology."

Yes, what he wanted was not an apology, but a submissive like his grandson.

Xu Dazuo's complexion changed several times, thinking that he already had the gesture of apologizing, so it's nothing to be soft.

"I beg you, please save the lumber mill."

Lin Yue pretended to look at Li Xianrong: "President Li...Look..."

Li Xianrong nodded, returned to the seat just now and sat down, took a sip of water from his teacup, and took another mouthful of Dongbei's signature vegetable pot with meat.

"Director Yang, what are you still doing standing up? Sit down, sit down and talk."

When Yang Kai heard this, he felt a bunch of flowers in his heart, and quickly leaned over: "President Li, think about it, after we reach a cooperation agreement, it will be the relationship between the contractor and the contractor, and you have the final say on the management. The factory manager will not interfere with specific affairs, and the only requirement is to try not to dismiss workers as much as possible. If there are too many workers and it is really unbearable, we can encourage older workers to buy out their seniority and earn a living.”

He also understands that the purpose of privately contracted factories is not for charity, but for profit, and the phenomenon of overstaffing of state-owned enterprises in Northeast China is very serious, and it is unrealistic for contractors to take over all existing employees.

Li Xianrong glanced at Lin Yue, nodded and said, "Okay, I will consider Director Yang's suggestion, and we will discuss this issue in detail later, today... just to confirm the cooperation intention, and taste the delicious Northeast cuisine by the way .”

"Yes, yes, come, drink, drink." Yang Kai took advantage of his long-sleeved and good at dancing, and raised a wine glass to invite Lin Yue and Li Xianrong to drink together.

Over there, it was not right for Xu Da to go left, and it was uncomfortable to stay, so he could only endure the embarrassment and finish the meal.


When Lin Yue brought Li Xianrong and Yang Kai to talk about contracting, Luo Shibin was being interviewed by the Beijing Daily in Beijing. It is a private entrepreneur who started from scratch through legal means.

However, before he could force him to pretend to be a complete set, his subordinates told him a very bad news. There was a problem in the wire drawing factory. Luo Shibin didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly rejected the interview in the afternoon and flew to Shenzhen on the same day's flight to deal with it. this matter.

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