Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1654 No middleman to make the difference

Three hours later.

Satisfied with wine and food, Sun Chanchao swayed forward on his bicycle with a belch, and Xiao Guoqing kicked twice to catch up with him.

"Come back and stay in a hotel instead of home, what does he think?"

"You Biao? How long has old Uncle Zhou been back? It's been more than a month. If Kun'er goes home to live, she will pick up with the old man if she doesn't keep it. The hotel is comfortable and clean, and there are people to help pay for it. Where can I find such a good thing? .”

"It makes sense." Xiao Guoqing took it seriously: "You said that if this deal is negotiated, how much will Boss Li of HK give Kun'er?"

"It's a little money, it's drizzle." Sun Chanchao imitated the southern accent with a mouth full of alcohol.

"People speak Cantonese, what are you doing?"

"Didn't you listen to what Kun'er said, except for the bank loan interest, there is still some left."

"The rest of what he said must be thousands of dollars. After all, he is a former owner of Jishantang. He is more experienced and knowledgeable than us."

Xiao Guoqing remembered what Zhou Bingkun said when we had dinner together at night. After Jishantang was taken back by Golden Land Magazine, he got a new job in the south——now all parts of the country are engaged in economic reforms and the implementation of the contracting system. HK and People in TW are optimistic about the development momentum of the mainland, and they all want to invest here. They are familiar with the situation in Guangzhou, Zhejiang, and Fujian. It is an old industrial base with many large-scale factories. Some people want to revitalize production resources with the least amount of capital investment. As a native of Northeast China, he naturally has the most say in which companies are worth investing in. Under such conditions, he suddenly turned into a middleman, connecting the near-bankrupt enterprises in the Northeast with the rich, and charging a certain amount of commission after the matter was completed.

Therefore, Yang Kai was worried that he would destroy the cooperation between the wood processing factory and that boss Li, so he could only please him and accommodate him.

Poor Ding Xu took office as section chief for less than a week, and the factory manager slapped his ass before he got hot.

Sun Chanchao said: "If we want to talk about this, we can do it."

"You can pull it, drink some wine and see if you can, Kun'er can speak Cantonese, can you?"

Sun Chanchao was speechless.


Lin Yue stayed in Jichun City for a few days. While Zhou Zhigang was not at home, he met with Li Suhua, and then went to the north to visit Guangming. By chance, Beituo Temple was caught in a fire and the building was seriously damaged. Originally, he wanted to use this incident to bring light He went to the south, but who knew that this brother-in-law was quite stubborn, he didn't want to go to the southern monastery to become a monk, and he didn't want to save his hair and return to vulgarity, even if it was Zheng Juan's intention.

Lin Yue had no choice but to donate a sum of money, and arranged for Uncle Ding to send people to Beituo Temple to help repair the house, and then returned to Shenzhen by taking the train going south.

He didn't see Zhou Zhigang because he had nothing to say. When the two of them met, they would definitely shut down Jishantang, and Zhou Rong believed that Yueyue was spoiled by him. Stimulated by Cong's words, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died in the end. But after careful consideration, this matter probably has something to do with Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong's divorce.

Although he is not Zhou Bingkun, he is willing to work hard and scold this cheap father, but it is too much to be angry to death, so it is better to meet less or not, so that the old man can live for a few more years, or under the guidance of the power of the world It has nothing to do with him to follow the old path of plot, and to have a cerebral hemorrhage caused by his daughter's divorce.

In 1988, Zhou Rong and Feng Huacheng had returned to Jichun for more than two years, and she chose to stay in the school to teach after completing her Ph. , but the parties were not happy at all.

Of course, it wasn't because the school didn't give her the reward she deserved -- the associate professor could be allocated two bedrooms and one living room, but now she and Feng Huacheng still live in one bedroom and one living room. She was unhappy because she learned about Zhou Bingkun's return to Jichun from Li Suhua.

The younger brother stayed in Jichun for three days, went home to see his mother, and went to see his brother-in-law at Beituo Temple. It was understandable that he didn't meet his elder brother face-to-face, because Zhou Bingyi was transferred to Jiangliao Tire Factory as the factory director, and he was not in the city. Her sister is in Jichun University, and she will go home once a week. What does it mean if he doesn't come to see her? From 1984 to 1988, four years in a blink of an eye, still remembering them for the unpleasantness that happened at that time?

"You said... Shall I take a leave of absence to go to Guangzhou?"

Feng Huacheng closed the book, looked at Zhou Rong who walked to the head of the bed and sat down, and said, "What are you doing in Guangzhou? Bring Yueyue back?"

"I always feel that it is not good for her to follow Bingkun. Let alone the signs of money worship three or four years ago, the living environment in the south... Anyway, it is too chaotic. I am afraid that she will not be able to stand the temptation and go astray."

"You forgot what happened when you called her half a year ago, and you just hung up on the excuse that you didn't finish your homework." Feng Huacheng felt that her thoughts were too simple, and the current situation was not what she wanted You can take your daughter back. Let’s not talk about the quality of the living conditions, but the climate difference between the south and the north. After adapting to the climate there, it will be a kind of torture to come to the Northeast: "Also, our family The whole land is so big, where will Yueyue live when she comes back?"

Zhou Rong opened her mouth and found that she was powerless to refute.

"Anyway, I don't think it's an option to go on like this. Yueyue is obviously our child, and now she is almost the daughter of Bingkun and Zheng Juan."

"If there is no way, what can you do?"

Feng Huacheng straightened up, put his hands flat on his chest, looked at her side face and said, "I thought that if I returned to Jichun, I would be regarded as a person anyway, but it turned out that they were all liars, no, in the Northeast dialect this is called cheating, The treatment and salary are good at the beginning, but it will not be the case when people come to Jichun."

"I still feel that I have to go to the south, otherwise I don't feel relieved."

"Okay, you can go if you want."

Zhou Rong heard that he agreed so simply, but she was a little undecided: "Aren't you going with me?"

Feng Huacheng said: "Is it useful for me to go? Your brother didn't want to see me as brother-in-law in the first place."

Zhou Rong was speechless.


a month later.


In the office of the vice president of Shencheng Group, nine-year-old Cong Cong was flying around the room with a Hasbro brand Starscream Transformers toy. Zheng Juan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the sprawling buildings with scattered heights. silent.

She came to Shenzhen in the winter of 1983. At that time, there were not so many high-rise buildings. She did not expect that after more than four years, those low and dilapidated houses and shacks had disappeared, and were covered by buildings that had been built or were under construction.


Accompanied by the sound of the door opening, Feng Yueyue walked in from the outside: "Does it look good?"

Zheng Juan didn't know what she was talking about at first, but when she took a closer look, she realized that her lips were painted red, her eyebrows were painted, and she even put some powder on her face.

"Who made this for you?"

"Secretary sister, just now I saw her touch up her makeup in the bathroom, so I begged her to do it for me too."


Zheng Juan was a little speechless, but thinking about Yueyue's age, she had also reached the age when Ai Mei could dress up well: "Yueyue, your mother called home and said that she would come to see you during the summer vacation, why did you reject her?"

"No reason." She walked to the sofa in the reception area and sat down, picked up the Thunderbolt Transformers toy that was partnered with Starscream and looked at it again and again: "Uncle went to the United States this time to get orders for this toy factory Huh? What's the fun in this, it's boring, okay?"

One sentence angered Zhou Congcong, and he snatched the toy from her hand: "Give it back to me."

"Cut~ Children only play this."

She ran to Zheng Juan, hugged her waist and said, "Auntie, when will Uncle come back? We've been waiting for almost two hours."

"Today is the opening day of the sales office of Dongxin Garden. Your uncle must finish dealing with the affairs there before returning. Don't worry, just wait."

"But it's too boring here." After speaking, he looked back at his cousin, who was six or seven years younger than him, and said with emotion: "Children are so kind, giving them a toy is enough."

Zhou Congcong realized that she was talking about himself, and raised his head to make a face at her.

Zheng Juan couldn't laugh or cry about this, this girl is 16 years old, she just started junior high school this year, she looks like a mature little adult who likes to dress up, who cares about this? Zhou Rong?

When she was made dumbfounded by her niece who was a little ghost here, the opening ceremony of the sales office of Dongxin Garden was being held. Accompanied by the department manager, he went to the sales office next to the wall. After walking through the red carpet and entering the lobby, he was shocked by the scene before him.

Or rather, he miscalculated...

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