Roaming in the world of film and television

Chapter 1664 Does it feel good to be kicked out

"Wu Qian, what are you still doing? Go and have a look." Xiao Guoqing patted his wife.

Only then did the woman with curly wool come to her senses, and hurriedly dragged Yu Hong out, Chun Yan'er was stabbed, of course the men were too embarrassed to fight, this kind of thing can only be done by women.

You said Cao Debao is really embarrassing, the point is that the embarrassment was thrown at Ma Shouchang's house.

"Old Qu, what are you still doing in a daze, you should go out and stop him."

As soon as the old man reminded her, Qu Xiuzhen came to her senses, this is not an optical film, Cao Debao and Qiao Chunyan ran to the yard to fight, what do other people think about this Chinese New Year? Maybe it will alarm the security guards on duty outside, and the matter will not end well.

"This Cao Debao is really a jerk." She hurried outside while talking.

"Scarf, scarf, it's cold outside."

Ma Shouchang didn't realize it until he went out, but the old lady didn't hear it.

"Then I... I'll go first." Wu Yuzhao saw the situation like this, and thought that it would be better to get away with it. As for what kind of virtue Cao Debao was beaten by Qiao Chunyan and how the incident ended, it was Zhou Bingkun and Qu Xiuzhen. thing.

"I'll see you off." Ma Shouchang stood up and saw him off.

"no, I'm fine."

"Let me send you off, and get her a scarf by the way. This cold is just right. If you catch a cold in the wind again, wait until you go to the hospital." Ma Shouchang told Lu Chuan and others to sit down for a while, and he went to see the guests out , and then left with Wu Yuzhao.

Sun Chanchao and Tang Xiangyang saw that Ma Shouchang and Qu Xiuzhen had gone out, regardless of whether they were watching the fun or worried about Qiao Chunyan and Cao Debao, they also left the small foreign building one after the other, following the sound to catch up.

Lu Chuan didn't move, looked at Lin Yue and said, "Bingkun, what you it too much?"

He is not a fool, and he can see that Zhou Bingkun did this deliberately to deceive Cao Debao. Qiao Chunyan complained a lot like a complaining woman, and asked him that he came from Beijing, so he must know a lot of inside information. The person who is so lucky to get a little profit, now knowing about her husband's cheating in front of so many people, feeling sad, ashamed and wronged, with all kinds of emotions coming up together, how can she stay calm? It was already very restrained not to run into the kitchen and take a knife to hack the heartbroken man.

"Is it too much?"

"Not too much?"

Lin Yue smiled coldly: "If you eat soft rice, you must have the professional ethics of eating soft rice. You should have a lot of experience in this matter."

These words made Xiao Guoqing dizzy.

Lu Chuan pushed the glasses frame with his hands to cover up the panic in his heart.

"No, Kun'er, what do you mean by that? Why can't I understand?"

The wise man judged his words and saw Lu Chuan's expression, so he decided not to continue to ask questions. Xiao Guoqing was not smart, at least he couldn't reach the passing line in terms of emotional intelligence.

"Let's put it this way, there is a limit to how Lu Chuan's situation is better than my elder brother's."

This time Xiao Guoqing understands, because people in the optical film often gossip about Zhou Bingyi. Back, in order to avoid the broken house crushed by the heavy snow, even if you can’t afford the commercial house that just appeared, let’s renovate the house assembly at home. Just those two earthen houses, with his monthly income of one or two hundred yuan, only It takes half a year to save enough money for refurbishment, but there is no refurbishment or stamping. Where did all his money go? As far as the third child is concerned, the third child may be rich, but Zhou Zhigang will 100% not want the stinky money from the third child, and he might even throw the money away to avoid being chased by the bank.

Lu Chuan heard Qiao Chunyan talk about Zhou Bingyi's situation. Thinking about it carefully, the two people's situation is quite similar. Although he did not live in the home of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, the woman's family conditions are much better than his, and her career also relies on The relationship between the father-in-law has been going smoothly without encountering obstacles.

"Okay, Cao Debao was wrong about this matter, but can't you tell Qiao Chunyan in private? You must see the two of them fight to be happy?"

"In this regard, I have always been a bright person and never do secret things. If I feel uncomfortable, I will say it to my face, and I seldom gossip behind my back."

Lin Yue glanced at Xiao Guoqing, seeing him shrinking his head, remembering what Cao Debao said at the Six Gentlemen's gathering a few years ago, the first time he listened to Cao Debao's portrait of a resentful woman, and the second time he would help Zhou Bingkun to defend himself, Listening to it for the third time, listening to it for the fourth time... Anyway, after listening to it a lot, I did have some resentment towards Zhou Bingkun.

Lu Chuan still wanted to talk, but Lin Yue didn't give him a chance: "Do you know why old lady Qu didn't even reprimand me for doing this? There are some things, it's not my own experience, if you don't point fingers and persuade others to be magnanimous, you will be struck by lightning of."


"Kun'er, how can you say that about Lu Chuan, he finally came back from Beijing to attend our party."

"Are you trying to say that he is better than me?"

"That's right! Lu Chuan is better than you. At least Lu Chuan has not forgotten that he is from the Northeast. Whenever he has time, he will come to Jichun to see these old friends, and then look at you. What is it like now? You are messing with those Hong Kong businessmen." After a long time, have you forgotten your roots? Have you looked down on us poor buddies?"

Well, this is Xiao Guoqing.

Lin Yue couldn't laugh or cry. In the TV series, after Xiao Guoqing returned the house to Zhou Bingkun, he returned to his own home. Wu Qian was very reluctant to sleep on the kang with her father-in-law. One day, she closed the door of the outer room. Frozen to death at night at ten degrees, Lu Chuan came back during the Spring Festival to talk about the "Pain Theory" which stimulated several people who were passively unemployed because of the bankruptcy of the company. There is a house to live here, father is not dead, he is still working, and even became a small official, because Lu Chuan said a few words that seemed to be good for everyone, the two of them stood aside.

This man, it really is the ass that decides the head.

"Did I forget my roots? I look down on you?" Lin Yue curled his lips: "You live in my house now, not Lu Chuan's house."

Xiao Guoqing softened all of a sudden.

"I...I...give you money...for the rent...that's all right."

"Why did you quarrel with him too?"

Qu Xiuzhen came in from the outside, holding the scarf that Ma Shouchang had given her in her hand.

Lin Yue lifted his butt: "Old lady, I've done everything you asked me to do, so I'm leaving."

After saying this, he stood up and left without even giving her a chance to persuade her to fight.

Qu Xiuzhen knows better than anyone what Zhou Bingkun has done. She helped to build a house for Chao Chao’s family, arranged for Xiao Guoqing to live, kept their jobs, and arranged for Wu Qian and Yu Hong to work in the Longyue Hotel. Helping the soy sauce factory find a way out, and discussing cooperation with the auto parts factory to develop the automobile business to stimulate Jichun's economy. Among all the people she knows, no one can say that he has forgotten his origin.

In her opinion, it was all caused by Cao Debao's resentful mouth and jealousy.

Lin Yue left, while Sun Chachao and Tang Xiangyang walked into the small building, but before the two asked why, Qu Xiuzhen gave the order to evict the guests.

"It's been freezing outside for a while, and I feel a little uncomfortable. You go, let me rest for a while."

Lu Chuan and Xiao Guoqing looked at each other, somewhat embarrassed.

Sun Chanchao quickly winked at the two of them, and pulled Tang Xiangyang away.

Lin Yue doesn't need to guess what will happen after he leaves. In the TV series, after Zhou Bingkun was imprisoned, Cao Debao and his group went to Ma Shouchang's house for the Chinese New Year. , it can be seen that Zhou Bingkun is the one who forgets the year with her, and the others are basically running with her.

Now that Xiao Guoqing and Lu Chuan are arguing with him because of Cao Debao, how can Qu Xiuzhen, who knows the truth, give them a good look? Telling them to go is a pretty euphemistic way of saying they're not feeling well.

He took another two steps forward, and saw Qiao Chunyan sitting by the flower pond planted with holly trees wiping tears, Wu Qian and Yu Hong coaxing her, Cao Debao disappeared, I don't know if he was yelling at Ma Shouchang, I was still afraid of being beaten and ran out of the compound.

Because he didn't want to meet the three women, he turned to the side, intending to take a detour, but who knew that not far away, someone called his name behind him, and when he looked back, it was Zhou Bingyi's mother-in-law, Jin Yueji.

"You looking for me?"

"Yes, I want to talk to you, let's talk at home."

This is really a rare thing. In the TV series, Zhou Bingkun came here at least once a year from the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1978 to his imprisonment in 1993. However, including Zhou Bingyi, he never said that his younger brother would come to Hao’s house to recognize the door and sit down for a while. Sit down, have a cup of tea and chat for a while, it's not an exaggeration to say that you are a stranger, but now, you actually invite him to talk at home.


He was very curious about what Jin Yueji would say to him, so he immediately agreed, followed her and walked forward, into a two-story building not far from Ma Shouchang's house.

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